Ark of the Covenant


Quantum Scribe
Oh, yea, here we go, watch the world go now - perhaps?

Ark Of The Covenant

The patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia says he will announce to the world Friday the unveiling of the Ark of the Covenant, perhaps the world's most prized archaeological and spiritual artifact, which he says has been hidden away in a church in his country for millennia, according to the Italian news agency Adnkronos.

Posted: June 24, 2009
9:35 pm Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily


'Ark of the Covenant' about to be unveiled?
Ethiopian patriarch tells pope he will show artifact to world

They are making it known here ? (look at a picture of the inside of this Hotel)

Well, as always - usually - I am cynical about any of this News.
History - time travel - religion

An expansion of already a religious war to some people on this planet?

More yet to come. Get your daily dose while Congress may be passing HR 2574 or something like that - carbon tax legislation - pay more, get less.

Still cynical about a great many things perhaps, but then.....................................

Any insight?
(what does it all mean?)

I just bring any of this News up for amusement, although there may be little of that in any discussion of any of this type of time travelling.
Should I be playing John Williams' theme music from the Indiana Jones movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark" or something similiar? (oh, I did it again - I am leaving.)

The Ark of the Covenant was not unveiled.

But now the electricity and gas goes off. Goodbye.

What was that?

not exactly...

It seems that Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark wasn’t as fictional of a movie as we once thought. World Net Daily, a fundamentalist Christian “news” site is claiming that the object of the Spielberg/Lucas film, The Ark of the Covenant, has been found.

According to their sources, the magic box which held the original Ten Commandment stone tablets and burnt of the Nazis in the first Indian Jones film has been hiding in a Church in Ethiopia was nearly 3000 years. They claim that a special guardian is trained to watch over the Ark until he dies and is replaced with a new guardian (just like in the third Indiana Jones film dealing with the Holy Grail).

So while the Ark of the Covenant has been hidden for over 3000 years, for some reason the Ark’s Guardian has revealed its existence to the world today. Why now? Because as Indiana Jones put it at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark, “It belongs in a museum.” That’s right, the super holy man in charge, Abuna Pauolos who is the head of the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia, believes that the Ark should be shared with the masses after 3000 years of hiding to be on display as a tourist attraction in… where else, Ethiopia. He is currently meeting with Pope Palpatine to discuss the Ark and its contents.

Yup, the story gets better. There are contents. While it is unclear whether the “original” stone tablets of the Ten Commandments actually carved by the hand of God himself are still in the Ark, the Ark is said to contain Manna. Manna is the magic food which sustained the Jews for 40 days and 40 nights as they were alleged to have wondered the desert with the Ark. So far respected archeologists have found no evidence that there ever was an exodus from Egypt to the “Promised Land.” Biblical Archaeologist Hector Avalos is skeptical of the exodus stating that, “one to two million people are going to leave an awful lot of garbage.” Some of the things which they might have left behind are pots, pans, shelters, excrement, etc. The fact is that none of those things have even been found and people have certainly spent a great deal of money searching for such evidence.
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While it is doubtful that the Ark of the Covenant will burn people’s faces off, there is some debate about what the Ark’s re-emergence might mean. Some Christians believe that the Ark is in Heaven because of a passage in the Book of Revelations. So the Ark’s re-emergence might call into question the validity of that book which has become the cornerstone of many End of Days ministries. Many Muslims believe that the Ark can only be found shortly before the End of Days. [/COLOR]
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Time to look through the telescope.

Don't you know what the House of Representatives just passed?

I am not sure of the number but I think it is HR 2574 called by some the biggest tax increase in the history of this Country and to me just plain stupid and anti-social concerning older retired people and others like me.

Not only will you be paying more for gas and electricity, it probably will be so much that in a few years, many people won't be able to even pay the bill. (and I will have a bicycle also.)

Time to look through the telescope.

It's free (well, as long as you have a telescope - and eyepieces sure have gone way too high - use to have a couple of wide-field Naglers' but I guess that will be over - just some cheaper regular 65 apparent degree field eyepieces if I find any that don't cost as much as the others and work in the telescope with a good view. There has always been Orion store, but then there is Baader eyepieces except a person only needs about three if nothing else. I have a low-power kind of wide-field eyepiece but was thinking of getting a couple of wide-field eyepieces. But down in size also and cheaper on the eyepieces.)

Don't know yet.

This is a monster telescope and weighs about as much as my ten inch reflector with my rotating bearings on the tube to spin the eyepiece where it is convenient to look through. There are cheaper telescopes called Dobsonians also but...............inconvenient for looking through after awhile.

Not an advertisement endoresement or anything just looking - but China I think makes the mirrors for Celestron nowadays but at least the company is still ran out of California like Meade telescopes but the optics are coming probably from China. Gotta have something to do, and good enough with a couple of filters to block out a certain streetlight nearby.

Not apochromatic I think though that would be better - just looking but good enough but may be too heavy in the end.

One on sale which is a good price considering it is not again - apochromatic - the others Skywatcher telescopes are China telescopes close to these and may be even better but cost a little more with some being apochromatic. Of course a good reflector is better yet, but have to stand up at the telescope or get a small stepladder and sit on top of it or something like that if wanting to sit down.

The Omni refractors on sale with the two of those.

The 120mm or 4.72" one to look at probably vs. the 102mm or 3.9 something inch one.
No digital mount - and I don't necessarily want one either. Good ol' tracking and moving the telescope with a star chart.
Good enough. (The reflector telescopes actually a little small being around a 6" mirror.)


Of course they actually mean each eyepiece is that much, but cheaper still then the others.

And now these from Baader which I may end up getting without getting a telescope since I have one already.;pn=Baader%20Planetarium%2068%20degree%20Modular%20Hyperion%20Eyepieces,%20Set%20of%207%20(3.5mm-24mm)+Baader%20Planetarium+HYP-SET&amp;sc=Telescope%20Accessories&amp;tc=Accessories

But a lot of money to me at $729 for the set of Baader eyepieces.
But still there is University store eyepieces and still cheaper less-field eyepieces.
The wide-field Koenigs eyepieces were always alright and still made I think.

But mainly just looking around and the Baader eyepieces can be bought separately at $120 apiece for each one.

The refractors just looking at, since the Skywatcher telescopes I found listed somewhere on the Internet and now is the parent company (Syntac) for Celestron and usually a little bit made cheaper type of refractor but with a little care still good enough and less then $4000 for a Televue telescope that is still smaller but more corrected and those Nagler Televue Eyepieces.

Good eye relief at 20 mm for those Baader eyepieces and Vixen eyepieces but the Baader win in price with someone who wears eyeglasses and don't necessarily want to take off the eyeglasses when looking through a telescope but with good eyepieces (mainly for astigatism in the eye) it would not be too bad, but then why take off the glasses when it really is not necessary with the way some of these people talk. I think they been dissatified with their telescope or something when they get that critical, afterall it is not the Hubble Telescope or the 8.4 meter Large Binocular Telescope in Arizona with computer controlled mirror segments - just a telescope and for the most part usually one can go to higher powers and get more contrast with a refractor because of the atmosphere where I live down here in the muck of the midlands.
Glug, glug, glug.
A frosty the snowman suit and off I go although the summer stars with the milky way are much more convenient and the refractors still won't keep up with my ten inch mirror but very close with the big ones there and the first refractor the monster 6" should actually be better and more like a 12" reflecting telescope but the focus because the rays of light don't all focus together may leave a blue tinge around what is being looked at with higher powers (or around a planet viewing) because the refractors are not apochromatic (which still only helps with the problems and almost eliminates it - because refractors are that way with the parallel rays of light passing through the lens.)
A reflecting telecope has no such problems and probably also has less of a dew problem also, but bulkier and not as easy to move around in and out of doors, unless the telescope is put in a home-made observatory and made not to rust with the mount or rocks thrown at it or about anything else that people do in this Country being how they are.

With turning off the lights and getting a red-LED-flash light for night vision viewing (doesn't wreck your adjustment of your eyes at night - you can actually see at night in about 20 minutes)
and all that such stuff about astronomy which can be read in books.

etc, etc, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
The great out-of-doors called the sky.
Although that may be total weight listed for the refractors (tripod and mount and telescope although I do not know for sure), because, I know my telescope with the rotating bearing on the tube and the 10"mirror weighs in at 60 pounds of weight and total weight is around 135lbs with the 40lb counterweight (although they have changed things with that regard but still try and cut corners to make them a little less weight because well, no one wants to move them after awhile but that is not all that hard to do and break down the telescope - it only takes me 5 minutes to set up my telescope if I leave the legs on the stand (which now they have changed to a tripod type I don't know if that is sturdier or not and probably not compard to an old telescope type made mount, because a 12-1/2" mirror in itself alone weighs 55lbs just for the mirror.

But the prices - still why amateur astronomers still buy parts and make their own by putting one together or get a Cassagrain like the one Pamela stated she used to view Mars - since those are easier but not as good to see anything through because of the secondary obstruction of the correcting secondary mirror, but more convenient and weigh less.

I have only found one manufacturer that was around at the time long ago that I started, but then - whew how the prices have gone up and still - those telescopes also ain't all that great looking at them, and still there are other places that still make some parts but finding them - well that is another thing since I think most were taken over by someone else or changed around since the people are probably dead now.

Anything else to do except be on a computer doing something with it, because my telescope although no used very much lately but will be, still works and is 31 years old this year. Although I admit I changed it around, and still may get a helical focuser, or a low-profile focuser, still not low-profile enough for me - I want that eyepiece right above the telescope tube for using a smaller diagonal mirror because it works so good, it is really a great sight through a telescope.
Well, looking it all up on the Internet is still something to do, although the prices - whew - I guess that is why I looked at an amateur page last night on the Internet that made a low-profile focuser out of tiolet bowl parts from your local hardware store. I know it is strange that some people go to a hardware store and see a focuser for a telescope instead of toilet bowl part. I know, but hey, whatever works and whatever is cheap and that the way that it is.

But still there is the crazier guy in the local astronomy club that bought a 29" mirror and made a Dobsonian or parts or whatever it is - then the trailer to haul it around and all of that.

You see the refractor on sale is good enough and portable enough to use with more ease and still a good view. I looked through one at the Texas Star Party and still remember the view and that was years ago.

Well, a kind of time travelling also since the starlight just from the Andromeda Galaxy which can be seen with the naked eye took 2.2 million years to get here and that is the local neighborhood galaxy we may collide with in about 3 billion years and are getting closer to, perhaps. It is all relative anyway like Einstein.
Although I feel a little guilty if you did not know or read that the telescopes that are cheap and on sale (seemingly a lot off) have a 0.98 inch eyepiece. If they fit a 1 - 1/4 inch eyepiece then fine, but if not, I don't know where they got that size of eyepiece. Use to be 0.965 inch like on some finder scopes, but the standard is 1-1/4 inch or now 2 inch eyepiece. Although I have no idea what a 3 inch diameter focuser is for unless CCD imaging cameras or photography of celestrial object.

Since all the Ark of the Covenant was brought up by the hype again, does that include that person or is it something to do with the poor in Ethiopia or something else?

At least when the electricity and natural gas goes up if the Senate passes this Legislation that got passed by the house, I guess spending more time outdoors will just have to occur for some. It was 105 degree heat index around here for a few days, and no fun at all for some even with air conditioners and such and I am sure not for some older people. Someone mentioned that it costs 0.98 cents for each watt of like for a solar panel, and even adding wind turbines - yes you may install some of that - but really -- it don't work all that well, except perhaps for electric and gas companies that really have the money, but then the birds are about wrecking those power wind turbines fan thingy set up there on tall poles and the clouds are out sometimes, and the batteries still cost for a I think a 7 year battery and the converter which nowadays is all digital like a lot if things - so any emp strike anyway will bring it probably all tumbling down.

That is why just an old type telescope with setting circles (Right Ascension and Declination) and a star chart and a little struggle just may take longer then slam blam there it is type of star gazing, but fast - a human civilization just may not be able to be.

Well, there are still regular type telescopes, but the price is just to me - astounding with some of it, and still there are the cheaper places and the Dobsonian type telescopes amateurs will still make - because a person can still grind their own mirror with pitch and sweat and measurements of light beam to correct it and get it good enough - it ain't like a government project of a major observatory or a radio telescope array to find life through like the SETI Home program now - but if any UFO comes for me, and I jump on the UFO and they don't kick me back off onto the ground and say - human stay put on earth - I guess I will be gone. However, unlike some other people - nope - have not ever seen one. Oh well, dream a little dream.

Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are

Well, back to reality. I wonder if some of those other people are really really really in reality or just really talking about something else but who would know what the real intentions are?

I guess with the Ark of the Covenant, it still remains a mystery that people will pursue no matter what stories comes out. Something like I caught this "big fish" story from a fisherman (fisherperson) tale coming out of them.

Got to have the fish and prove it.
What was that saying...............
May God slap me in the face with a wet fish something...............
and some knowledge.
People talk all forms of time travel even if not mentioning it or thinking about it.
Wonder why that is?
Although I feel a little guilty if you did not know or read that the telescopes that are cheap and on sale (seemingly a lot off) have a 0.98 inch eyepiece. If they fit a 1 - 1/4 inch eyepiece then fine, but if not, I don't know where they got that size of eyepiece. Use to be 0.965 inch like on some finder scopes, but the standard is 1-1/4 inch or now 2 inch eyepiece. Although I have no idea what a 3 inch diameter focuser is for unless CCD imaging cameras or photography of celestrial object.

Since all the Ark of the Covenant was brought up by the hype again, does that include that person or is it something to do with the poor in Ethiopia or something else?

At least when the electricity and natural gas goes up if the Senate passes this Legislation that got passed by the house, I guess spending more time outdoors will just have to occur for some. It was 105 degree heat index around here for a few days, and no fun at all for some even with air conditioners and such and I am sure not for some older people. Someone mentioned that it costs 0.98 cents for each watt of like for a solar panel, and even adding wind turbines - yes you may install some of that - but really -- it don't work all that well, except perhaps for electric and gas companies that really have the money, but then the birds are about wrecking those power wind turbines fan thingy set up there on tall poles and the clouds are out sometimes, and the batteries still cost for a I think a 7 year battery and the converter which nowadays is all digital like a lot if things - so any emp strike anyway will bring it probably all tumbling down.

That is why just an old type telescope with setting circles (Right Ascension and Declination) and a star chart and a little struggle just may take longer then slam blam there it is type of star gazing, but fast - a human civilization just may not be able to be.

Well, there are still regular type telescopes, but the price is just to me - astounding with some of it, and still there are the cheaper places and the Dobsonian type telescopes amateurs will still make - because a person can still grind their own mirror with pitch and sweat and measurements of light beam to correct it and get it good enough - it ain't like a government project of a major observatory or a radio telescope array to find life through like the SETI Home program now - but if any UFO comes for me, and I jump on the UFO and they don't kick me back off onto the ground and say - human stay put on earth - I guess I will be gone. However, unlike some other people - nope - have not ever seen one. Oh well, dream a little dream.

Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are

Well, back to reality. I wonder if some of those other people are really really really in reality or just really talking about something else but who would know what the real intentions are?

I guess with the Ark of the Covenant, it still remains a mystery that people will pursue no matter what stories comes out. Something like I caught this "big fish" story from a fisherman (fisherperson) tale coming out of them.

Got to have the fish and prove it.
What was that saying...............
May God slap me in the face with a wet fish something...............
and some knowledge.
People talk all forms of time travel even if not mentioning it or thinking about it.
Wonder why that is?
Telescopes - I like the telescopes that you can hook to your computer and use software to operate it. But in recent years if one has a internet connection there are sights were one can download recent telescope images. A lot of people hunt for metorites that way. I found it funny in Russia they were having problems with the UFO networks because they were exposing there missle test with there telescopes and their camera's. It became a real problem for there military. But, a good telescope is good. For new people they are difficult to operate because of the focus and other issues. Also, lack of knowledge of the sky can hinder someone. Just buying a scope and thinking yeah this is going to be great then good luck. You have to know how to use it and that takes time. Not a lot of time but a little. I still use my scope from time to time but where I live I have a lot of trees and I am in the city so it is not as good for me as I would like it to be.

Reality - that is objective. Some people believe religion is real. Others believe it is false. Some people believe they have to use violence to operate in society. Others can function with simple communication and attitude. Some people in believe in the paranormal others do not though it is becoming more popular than it use to be. Outside of America some people still believe in magic. Some believe in ghost others do not. Some people believe math it science is the way other could care less. There are places in the world where high technology is being tested and used but the mainstream public will never know about it. Way two different points of reality there. And also that does extend to chemical and biological weapons which problem with that is sooner or later as it becomes public knowledge then eventually the knowledge works its way out to the public.
Same with the techno stuff too. I have a collection of technology that use to be the latest and greatest but now it is old school.

Electricty and Shelter - there is a type of house call a earthship. It is great for screwing the utility companies and solar panels work well with them. As do generators, producer gas, exotic energy systems and such. If everyone had one there would be no energy problems. Anyone in farily good health can build one themselves. Before civilation came along everyone built their own shelter and they did not spend the rest of their lives paying for it. Whey can,t we do that now? Yes, attitudes need change on energy and shelters it is causing society too much pain. Our houses look nice and they are great for entertaining and competing with the Jones but the cost is not worth it.

Ark of the Covenant - Just bluntly I don,t care. It is outside of my paradyne.

Time travel - My form of time travel is with a super computer. I upgraded a method called Rsync to reconstruct weak checksums as data files and search those data files for time travel information. Meaning I search those files for information that exist in the past or the future. I had to add a lot of programs and math to this rsync process but now it works good. Data can be sent through time and space and reconstructed back to its orginal format without any internet connection at all.
It works good.