Death is NOT the end!


Temporal Novice

I have been asked time and time again, do we live after death and if so what happens to us?

Now this is a question that enters the mind of every living soul some time or another. There is not one who has not asked himself or herself this question or has not made some enquiry in regard to it.

All religions have been based on the assumption that there is an after-life but few can give a satisfactory answer to it. Most people pray for forgiveness of their sins with the view that they may still live after death. Many people fear the event, others wish it was upon them so that they could get out of their misery here. Some wish others were dead so as to get rid of them. Yet few understand the true meaning of the event that must eventually come to all.

Death is not the end by any means but the true beginning of the Spiritual Life. It was Jesus who knew it so well. His reappearance after the passing on the Cross was to assure mankind that Life is eternal. "I am" before Abraham.

Now this is a tremendous subject especially when there is so much to understand about it and what I intend to do is to ask for further information and will give you what I receive.

As far as I myself am concerned I know that there is no death, because I have experienced that time and space merge into one another at the exact moment called "death;" and Life, the only Reality, knows neither time nor space, being eternal and ever-present. This experience came to me during the first, World War and then again in the Himalayas with the Masters. I have already told you of these experiences and will not take up the time in repeating them in this chapter, but will confine myself to what I receive in answer to my question for more enlightenment on the subject.


The question you ask is perhaps the most important of all the questions you have asked, for the simple reason that it not only pertains to every living soul on the earth, but it also affects those who have passed through the portals called "the first death," - the living of the physical body.

Death is by no means the end, in fact it is the beginning of your real experiences, although your real spiritual experiences do not take place till after what is known as the second death, which will be explained later.

You have experiences through the physical senses by means of the physical body, so you have experiences through similar senses, although more refined and expansive in nature, in your astral body, and so on; you will experience this expansion and glory, each state being greater than the one before it. The you which is you, will still be the same "you," becoming aware of these experiences, similar to how you became aware of the experiences you had on earth; there is no comparison as to the experiences, although the modus operandi is the same. I hope you are able to grasp what I say.

You can not compare your earthly experiences with Spiritual experiences, although you may catch a glimpse of what they mean, but if you can separate yourself from all your experiences on earth and learn to discern them you will observe that they are external to the self that is examining them. This becomes more evident after the passing called death. You are then able to observe all your experiences with impartiality. Those necessary you keep, while the others you dissolve away. If you could do that while living on the earth plane all would be possible to you, but most do not see this clearly until you leave the earth plane.

I have already told you that interpenetrating your physical body you have the finer substances out of which the neucloid of Life builds up the body you will use in the inner states.

The first or immediate body is the psychic body which exists within the physical body, survives physical death, and brings you into relation with the inner earth plane which pertains to the world soul. This is not really a Spiritual state of living but a stage which you have to pass through where there is a further reconstitution, reorganization, and reformation which enables you to deal with all your earthly experiences as I have already, mentioned. This enables you to leave that state and pass in time into the true Spiritual world.

If I can make it more plain to you by saying that the ascending circuit corresponds with the gestation in the descending circuit into the physical plane - the descending in the involution or involving of your eternal existence in the various grades of substance including matter; and the ascending is the evolution or unfolding of your eternal existence out of the various grades of substance including matter.

This psychic form is not truly a Spiritual form but is built up out of the world soul in which you are living while in the physical body. It is in this body that all desires remain after leaving the physical. It is pliable and retains all earthly experiences; these must be dealt with by yourself. The crude is dissolved away in a similar way that you dissolve your crude experiences while on earth, through discernment. If you cling to these experiences while on earth through fear, emotion or reaction, they frustrate your true experiences.

The saying that I can best give you to relieve you is, "Thy sins are forgiven thee, arise and walk." The dross must be left behind; the only use these experiences can be to you is that by them you learn to unfold the Real, which is Love and Wisdom and Healing.

The psychic form is often referred to as the psychic double and sometimes it is violently precipitated from the physical during the earth life. Those who are precipitated from the physical body suddenly, and are ignorant of these facts, often appear as ghosts because of their intense and urgent earth desires which makes them known as earthbound spirits, but immediately the consciousness becomes aware of itself and the condition in which it is in "out of body state," the ghost disappear. The appearance is made through strong earth desires which tend to modify the psychic body so that the physical senses can become aware of it. Also the projection of this form during earth life is now so well-known as to become an established fact, being recorded so many times by so many people.

The appearance of this psychic double (or ghost) of those who have passed from the earth body is also well-known. In your Bible you read of many incidents of this kind and now, while the world in entering a new cycle, many and many more such incidents will be recorded until such time that it is accepted by all, just as your wireless and television and many other things, which were thought to be impossible.

During your incarnation in the physical body the psychic remains connected to the body by a magnetic Life line. This magnetic Life line can be stretched across the world if necessary by one who has practiced the projection of the astral body.

In the first instance the double can only be projected a short distance, but with practice, however, it lengthens through confidence; fear immediately draws it back into the physical and may never again leave the physical till so-called death.

At the advent of this death, this connection is severed and the psychic body no longer returns to the body. Severe illness or shock may cause the psychic double to leave the physical temporarily, this is often done while the person is in a state of semi-consciousness and many times during sleep. Children often experience the presence of their parents who are anxious about them when separated, because there is a psychic link between all parents and their offspring. This is caused through the link that unites them with Solar Angel who is the parent of the parent.

There is no such a thing as an illegitimate child in the Spirit world; that only pertains to the ignorance of your world; when things are seen in their true light this unnecessary agony and suffering caused to the innocent will disappear.

When "you," the conscious self within the psychic form, enter into relation with the plane of the world soul in which you find yourself, you will react to the condition in that plane; to a great extend you will learn as you did on earth when you were a child, with the exception that conditions are totally different. There is one thing I can assure you, you will never be idle for one moment, you will find so many interesting things to do as you progress, your inner faculties to which you were unable to give full utterance while on earth, will find new avenues of expression. Opportunities will be afforded to you to express yourself fully.

At this psychic stage you know very little of the Spiritual state although you may think you are in the true Spiritual state and may think you are in "heaven," so-called.

Now it is from this plane that most of the communications come through mediums - entities in this psychic plane are often called spirits from the Spirit world, but these entities are selves whose interests still have strong earthly ties and can only deal with things pertaining to the outer earth. That is why so little information can be obtained about the Spiritual realms which, in many cases, causes most people to disbelieve in Spiritualism. The say, "I can tell them more than the can tell me," that is possibly so because of the fact that you may have studied the subject to a greater and higher degree.

The second death is when the entity leaves the psychic plane and enters into the more inner state and when this is completed, the past becomes lost in oblivion and the consciousness of such can only be regained by entering temporary into relation with the earth through a medium in the inner realms, and then through a "medium" on earth. That is why I have told you before that the information obtained about the Solar Angels has been relayed from the inner to the outer and you are in direct communication with this information through this modus operandi.

In regard to evil, as I have told you before: Evil only pertains to the outer world of appearances and does not affect the internal Spirit. It is not transformed into internal states. Experience in the lower degrees of Life makes the entity conscious of such states and when the entity reacts to this atmosphere, he makes it his or her own. You hear a great deal about the evil in your world. You can not eliminate evil by killing off a few people who you think responsible for evil, for all are equally responsible. Those who think themselves good and others evil are often the worst offenders. If more of the eternal, ever-present goodness was realized, the atmosphere in which you live would soon change. That is why you have been instructed to form the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power. When this is fully understood, as will surely dawn upon the minds of people, separation, the cause of all your troubles will pass away. It has been already stated by other Spiritual Beings that a millennium is at hand; that can only come when separation is dissolved away from the minds of people on earth. You have many religions on earth, each claims itself to be the only religion. Anyone outside that particular religion is called a heathen, and infidel and so forth. When all peoples come under the spell of the One Presence a new enlightenment will come and all religions will merge into the one abode of Light and Love.

Your work is more important than you can ever imagine for the whole Spiritual World is co-operating with you. Yet we can do nothing unless man himself opens his mind and heart to the ever-present omnipotence and omniscience of Love that surrounds him, and the method you have been directed to adopt is the best way to accomplish this.

Many who are helping in the inner realms have while on earth lived selfish lives, lived for what all the pleasure of the world could give them. When they left the earth Life they continued for a more or less brief period in the plane nearest the earth until the form in which they emerged from the outer earth was dissolved away, and the glory of their new experiences revealed the grandeur of freedom of the ever-present Life and by the experiences they have passed through both in the outer and the inner, after being emancipated and elevated, they are able to become instruments to descend and help in a manner unknown and un-thought of by Church or State as constituted on your earth. They become the saviours of mankind. Thousands, yes, hundreds of thousands are working with you now, influencing for good your earth plane.

More information will be given of this subject later. In our next communication there will be further instruction in regard to the mental states in the order of quiet, calm, peace and Silence and how they are more easily obtained, and will make you more proficient in your work of healing.


Thou great loving and generous Parent, Father-Mother-God, I did not hear nor did I see, but the presence of Thy Eternal Love whispered to me in the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power. My slumbering wisdom and love slowly awakened and I heard the whispers of Thy Eternal Presence becoming ever closer and closer. I felt my brother and sister who had already seed the Light and whisper Its presence to me in that Silence that knows no equal, and as I awakened more and more I knew that I was also the spokesman of Thy Eternal Love, Wisdom and Healing, and now that I am awake my whispers shall never cease.

Awake now, my brother, my sister, work thou with me so that all shall hear the whisper of the "One" Eternal, Ever-Present Love and Wisdom. Let us all go into the one Home, that Sanctuary wherein all are one family praising our Eternal Loving Father-Mother-God Who gave us birth, born in His image and likeness.


Did you not read my posts?? How cam one dispute such things as one does not know or realize. If one does it becomes mere speculation or reation a limitation of the mind.

I enourage you again to open your mind to the knowledge within that which I have posted.

A key as you may call it - read it openly not word for word as your mind interprets it but read what it is really saysing to you.

Love to you

Way you realize all be removing the veil of illusions in front of you.

Yes TIME TRAVEL - I understood yes. I know the subject is as it is.

Open the mind to that which you dont know or understand. It is your choice after all.

Maybe by reading some of the posts you may find seomthing of immense value to you, I hope so for you, I really do Keven.

please STOP forcing all your beliefs on us.

you posted once asking us to read your links and see things ur way, you do not need to keep forcing it upon us with post after post of the same thing over and over again.

thank you.
You just want to believe(you have faith, which is blind) that there is something past death, to make yourself feel okay about death and make yourself think there is something bigger/better than this physical life.
Well at frist I resisted it so much and did not want to believe until I knew it was real. I was as skeptik to it and did not accept at all. And then some time after I realized the truth and saw past mortal understandings of those things which I did nto know. Now I know more of lifes truth and it effects my every moment of living because I know it is.

Death - there is no death. There is transference of the living soul from one level of existence to the next a higher vibration possibly, I dont know I have not been there.

Can you explain the mysteries of life that no one has yet been able to asnwer?? Was Jesus or God a fable and book written merley to comfort us??? If so yes your right, if not then maybe read on to allow it to reveal itself to you.

The words in my postings apart from the first were not my words just words that helped me to see and can help many. I differ that it is religious propaganda as I dont follow a religion or go to church etc. I only know what I know through my own realization.

I do wish you the best in everything. I dont force you to read or beelive in anything nor challenge your own thought as your own realizations are your every right and are your own.

I say to everyone who reads this - you don't have to read it!! You dont have to feel anger or frustration about it, you don't have to follow it, it is your absolute choosing to do so.

Peace to all

Sorry sicko if I have offened you yet again. Would you not stand for that which you beleive and know?? I truely beleive that Time Travel is valid but science will not ever be able to achieve it in the thinking ways of science. MASS/SPACE/TIME it is impossible or very far off into the distant future, if thought remains this way.

I respect your comment however would simply like to say please ignore my posts. If you do not wish to read them simply ignore them and do not read them - It is always your choice.

Each posting had a purpose a different focus on how life is and how the learning could apply to the current set of principles, and of life, and of science and the illusion created by mans mortal thinking.

It may in fact be the way of acheiving time travel if one could only realize it.

Take Care - I wish you the best

This is about TIME-TRAVEL? I do believe "death is not the end"; but the eternity I believe in, is headed by that-guy-whut-wuz-on-a-Cross.

If all of that is true (incluing the "good-angels/bad-angels" thing), then here is an interesting question about time travel: do we need to worry about HITCH-HIKERS sneaking along and screwing up the WORLD? I think we do. Time-travel is all about "extra-dimensional existence"; so someone who exists in FIVESPACE, not perceiveable to us-FOUR-SPACE-critters, could conceivably tag along. So in exactly the way that Biff snuck off in the Delorean and messed up time for Doc and Marty, I think it's a real possibility we could inadvertantly do something similar...

Not all time travel is GOOD. Anyone ever read "Lightning" by Dean Koontz? MUCH better than his silly work, "Sole Survivor". Lightning is NOT the book you read before sleep, unless you want to stay up all night too involved (and uptight from the drama) to put it down...
To worry?? - if what I beleive is true then the only way to find the path reuires a consioucness that is pure and disolved from all of societies teachings. Hence to say if this is also true to be in the state of knowing which is not of man, then it would be false to say there would be bad ot "Hitch Hikers" along the way.

It is my view state of conciousness that allow the inner energy (soul - if we want to label it), to move through the non existant relms of space and time. I hear science calling now saying but there is space and time!!! But is there?? Is that not seomthing which is of percetion and of man thinking and learned world???

I would really like to hear from anyone who has acheived anything remotely in this area of disolvement of mans ways and has been able to become one of inner conciousness and hence been able to acheive that which is seen in mans world as impossible, yet to some known as the truth of life.

To those who challenge the immutable I say this - what is it that is so often recorded when a person dies or is pornounced dead but is sometime after revived (near death or post death experience) where they give testimony to that which they saw or was revealed to them??? That of whilst body remains on table or in fixed position they have moved into another state of conciousness or state of being??? Have they transcended time or transcened conscious state from one form to another???

Peace to all

If your just trying to stand up for your belifs, then what are you doing here? i didn't think we were attacking any ones belifs, atleast not at this moment
Hi Roel:

Says who?

I beg to differ.
Let me try to approach this from a rigorously logical and scientific point of view:

Once you "define" something you also (by exclusion) also define everything else that does not consitute that something.....right? So when I point to the cloudless sky on a bright, sunny day, and I say "that is blue", then I also define all things that are NOT blue. This is a fact of binary logic that cannot be escaped. So now let's apply it to the definition of "physical reality".

In my writings on the 3x3 Matrix of Massive SpaceTime, I put forth the explanation that these 3, integrated elements (Mass, Space, and Time) are what constitute the sum total of all PHYSICAL REALITY. But now, if I define these in this manner, by exclusion I have also defined something else... and that is NON-PHYSICAL reality.

You don't have to believe it...and so far you have maintained this stance. But I am telling you that it is a mathematical, logical fact that it IS there, simply because we all agree that Objects, Space, and Time define our notion of physical reality. We are getting into the realm that Alan Turing pioneered when he defined the "Turing Machine". He showed that an IDEA (concept, algorithm) can be thought of distinctly from the MEDIUM in which that idea is expressed. Thus, the PROCESS by which binary mathematics are executed can be defined independent of the machine that performs them.

Ideas...concepts....processes...algorithms. All of these (and more) are the "stuff" of non-physical reality. And again, while you may not believe it (and I do not want to try to force you to believe it), there IS a part of you (half of you, to be precise) that is NON-PHYSICAL. Some people refer to this collection of your non-physical parts as your "Meme Pool"...with deference to Richard Dawkins who first defined the concept of a Meme as the information equivalent to the Gene.

Are you with me???? Kind Regards,
To those who challenge the immutable I say this

The things you claim to be true are far from immutable. In fact, in my opinion it's utter nonsense.

- what is it that is so often recorded when a person dies or is pornounced dead but is sometime after revived (near death or post death experience) where they give testimony to that which they saw or was revealed to them???

Now, I won't go as far as to claim that the following is "immutable", but as far as I know (and please bare with me, I'm not a chemist or a doctor) a NDE (Near Dead Experiene) is a hallucinative state induced by endorphines.

Kind regards,

Hi Ray,

We've discussed the 3x3 Matrix of Massive SpaceTime. I think it's logical and in a way you've provided us with scientific facts that back your theory. But...

You don't have to believe it...and so far you have maintained this stance.

I'm not trying to maintain a stance. Sure, I have my own believes, but I'm open to new ideas. It's not a matter of believing. I'm confident that there's much more in the universe that we can currently imagine or perceive. The reason I replied to this thread was because of the way Thetazone tries to force what he calls "immutable" upon us. I don't know about you, but I personally don't like it when people claim their believes to be the absolute truth. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Are you with me????

I'm still with you... are you with me as well? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Dawn of the dead making love

In reply to:

- what is it that is so often recorded when a person dies or is pornounced dead but is sometime after revived (near death or post death experience) where they give testimony to that which they saw or was revealed to them???


Little English problem that you've captured Roul; the word (((pornounced))) would mean a dead person caught in the act of making errotic film love, pronounced dead?

I think it should be pronounced?

Thanks /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hi Roel:

The reason I replied to this thread was because of the way Thetazone tries to force what he calls "immutable" upon us.
Yes, I am with you. I do see how folks can get a bit peeved at the way he presents his material. In a similar way, this is often what gets me ticked at Creedo.

Some of the "truths" discussed in the writings that thetazone has shared are aligned with the same sorts of things I am discussing in Massive SpaceTime. I latch-on to those fragments that further refine, or frame, my own thoughts. I leave the "other stuff" that doesn't ring true to me.

Kind Regards,
Some of the "truths" discussed in the writings that thetazone has shared are aligned with the same sorts of things I am discussing in Massive SpaceTime. I latch-on to those fragments that further refine, or frame, my own thoughts. I leave the "other stuff" that doesn't ring true to me.

I think I prefer reading your posts, because they have a better balance between science and spirituality (in lack of a better description). Besides, you're not forcing any of your theories upon us. For me, Thetazone's posts contain 99% BS and 1% useful information and I don't think they're worth my time. Maybe it's because of my graphic background, but I still think less is more

BTW, have you seen the movie "Pi" ?
Re: Dawn of the dead making love

Hi Creedo,

Little English problem that you've captured Roul; the word (((pornounced))) would mean a dead person caught in the act of making errotic film love, pronounced dead?

I think it should be pronounced?

1. I did not type that word. In fact, I did not post the entire message you're quoting.

2. I agree with you that "pornounced" was probably a typo.

3. I think Keven and I are in the race for having our names spelled erroneously. It's ROEL!

4. "errotic", need I say more?

Thanks /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

( :eek:Uppon splitting his pants, the performer noticed that the audiance also noticed.

Did not mean to ruffle feathers of the culturally moral.

Very sorry.