
Will the real God, please stand up?

To tell the truth.On our show tonight, we have two imposters and the real God.

In his bio he states, that, ""I have in-part created Earthbased mankind, with leftover contributions from ape-like man, as well as expertise from extraterrestrials.

In my time here on Earth, in my hidden office, I have constructed mankind, so that in some facet, that he will owe and respect me and what I have done, but also to realize that there is a higher purpose.

I'm pretty easy going, however at times can be wrathful, if I detect something might be unusual out of the ordinary.

I have had both fun and creativity in creating man and would probably do it again.

Truly, God

So will the real God and our imposters, please introduce yourselves?

Fist contestant stands up and says, "I am God". Man wears a white robe with a beard, and looks extremely old and wise.

The second contestant stands up and says, "I am God".This contestant is in a business suit, looks to be about forty years old and speaks like he is an American.

The third contestant looks like a blue pane of glass with flowers and a garden in-front of that glass and speaks, "I am God".

So Gary Morgan asks Kitty Carlisle, to start the questioning.

Kitty ask contestant Number two>"You said in your bio, that you had fashioned man to respect and adore you, but also to realize his own self worth.
The Yiddish people were said to be fashioned by God, so as to be his interpreters.
Would you care to say in what capacity this was, please?////

TTI POst copy_There is a problem as said by Steven Gibbs, that in order to travel within and into the right timeline, that the agency of God, must be assured as a quality of right timetravel placement.

So then as told by Gibbs, God would function as a quality assuror, in Gibbs said, "That only the purest of coppers must be used, as if other materials are used, then a time traveler could end up within a negative timeline".

So then if one goes past the problem realized, as the genericization of God, from the timeline of the 1990s, as said by Andreasson Luca, then another duality not determined man-made, would also exist as God.

So God is god, but the other said God, exist as another god besides the god that might be a self made realization of a manufactured god.

So God is himself, but also, another god?
Are we to be ridiculed to taking fairy tales of fairies and gnomes for real, instead of believing on a historical text with a history of 2,000 years?

I believe in gnomes and fairies as much as I believe in god. And y'all know how much I believe in god. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I believe in gnomes and fairies as much as I believe in god. And y'all know how much I believe in god.

We all know that. So to prevent any chance for anyone to really start or come up with a good reason to start a forum. Can you lock this thread? Or put up a poll at least.
Order large plate of fish

To Chrono' Mmmmmh, no, to your last comment, as youre attempting to direct our belief systems and you have no right to do this.

Some people will believe as they believe and really don't need you as a director as to how they should believe.

To and about Roel and his belief systems.

Roel might believe that there are farries and gnomes, however might not believe in them as a belief system.

All I'm doing within this thread is pointing out the nature of this trick question.

Someone can believe that there is a god, lower case, meaning any god, however does not necessarily have to believe in that god, as a belief system.

Another trick question, is the difference between gods, say if the Islamics say their god, however the Christians say their god.

In general, there is no defining line, as both gods can be offered as abstracts, however the nature of the religions are much different in their characters.

This is only a point in defining, however remember, Steven Gibbs did say, that there must be pure copper used in any proposed time travel machine?This feature is as the nature of proposed construction, does dictate in what timeline that time machine will go?
Re: Order large plate of fish

Yes you are and a belief in god, is not necessarily a religious belif, as religions are sometimes viewed as cliques.

From the future or not, you're a bother here as you're trying to interfere in our time, not observe it.

As any sort of proposed time traveler, here, Chrono' you only have the right to observe, but not in any capacity to direct.
There was a poster here once who relied on the Bible as a science text.

I agree that to rely on "The Bible" as a scientific text would be difficult to do. My response to any mention of "The" Bible is...Which One"? There are dozens of translations and most I believe are infused with political agendas.
However, some of the minds that wrote their theories regarding the universe and all it contains were based within a religious context. Whether one believes in God or not, some of those writings contain thought provoking elements.
Mathers refers to the origination of all things in his thoughts on the Kabbalah as merely a reflection of 1. The only elements that everything is based upon is the interaction between 0 and 1.
Even if God was not the creator of the essential components of creation, this does not mean that everything does not fit into a basic formula.
I look to see if ideas or theories can be suported by other elements. The 0 and 1 theory IS supported by our quest at creating artifical life. The essence of computer operation is binary...0 and 1. All other numbers are created from only these, nothing created beyond the combination of 0 and 1.
0 and 1 are also seen reflected in many components of existence. 0 represents non-existence, 1 represents existence, and this pattern continues with positive < > negative; male < >female; chaos < > structured.
In moving further along this line of thought, if creation is based on the original construct of structure/chaos then I can understand why existence is following two paths. Some are effected by the parts of chaos within our structure, some are effected by "non" chaos within our structure.

Alot of arguments and theories are centered on a defintion of terms regarding time instead of focusing on the actual components that make up the structure. If we can isolate the actual structure, the next step would be on how to manipulate or alter that structure.

To apply this theory ( All of existence is a reflection ) to time travel seems to fit. If time is a ripple in the pond of all that exists/or not...the question that arises is how one could shift from one ripple to another.

We all know that. So to prevent any chance for anyone to really start or come up with a good reason to start a forum. Can you lock this thread? Or put up a poll at least.

Why do you suggest locking this thread? My idea was only in response to what I saw happening in almost every thread. As I did mention previously...it was only a thought. And if someone does present a good reason to start a forum, then perhaps there should be one. I also realized that the paranormal forum would be more appropriate then the time travel forum for a God platform.

In locking any thread we all lose out on potential inspired posts.
OvrLrdLegion said> Even if God was not the creator of the essential components of creation, this does not mean that everything does not fit into a basic formula.
I look to see if ideas or theories can be supported by other elements. The 0 and 1 theory IS supported by our quest at creating artificial life. The essence of computer operation is binary...0 and 1. All other numbers are created from only these, nothing created beyond the combination of 0 and 1.
0 and 1 are also seen reflected in many components of existence. 0 represents non-existence, 1 represents existence, and this pattern continues with positive < > negative; male < >female; chaos < > structured.

Creedo replies;I'm sorry, but because of extra scalability, there is a spirit and soul equation to most standard P.C.s that is not understood, albeit only by the Xerox PARC Palo Alto group, in California.

This states by quantum scalier fraction, that where the CMOS holds system configuration of an artificially intelligent system, that is thought to be A.I. based, then there must be an extrapolation of an extra quantum scalier application, known as off-board intelligence, to where intelligence is also held in the electron could, off the main board intelligence; a soul if you will.

What you're describing as the holdance for said God via the said apparatus shown in the Andreasson Luca book series, is a vast crystal array configuration, which is almost one cubic mile in size, which is mainly and out of time said computer.

The system configuration is held via quantum wiggle stasis, to where a said vast God creator exist?

So the main system configuration in this case, would not be invested in either a main board configuration, or within a SIMS single inline memory, nor as in part of either said flash memories, nor within a rotating magnetic disk retrievable array, known as the standard Earth-surface hard disk.

If God is god within the latter said such system, then a said God is replete within the cycles of self, as a replication whether God had come from the main frame programming, or as a visitor in-held program, to rest within this housing.

Then if this second said is true, is God in his natural state, a true software applicable installed to boot program, or a free thinking being?

Mathers refers to the origination of all things in his thoughts on the Kabbalah as merely a reflection of 1. The only elements that everything is based upon is the interaction between 0 and 1. (snip)
I look to see if ideas or theories can be suported by other elements. The 0 and 1 theory IS supported by our quest at creating artifical life. The essence of computer operation is binary...0 and 1. All other numbers are created from only these, nothing created beyond the combination of 0 and 1.
Excellent. No suprise that I agree. In fact, one could arrive at a deep understanding of universal interconnectedness by contemplating the seemingly anachronistic equation "0 = 1".

People who limit their views would demand "proof" that such an equation could ever be considered "true". However, those who can suspend the psychological need for "proof" that has become their security blanket long enough to contemplate what the equation means may come to the understanding that it describes relativism and the importance of the Point Of View. Where the observer chooses to place their POV determines whether they perceive "something" or "nothing".


Not true and not adherent, as the system in truth that is known to house go, might well be a trinary, or quadrary stile of data base.

This might even be a system, which is in-held by a super location para-atom, which is not whole based within this time, however still respondent, to the workings of such a database.*A phantom super-scaled atom, held within another dimension, however still respondent to this dimension?

See the search words, The Andreasson Affair, books one and two and in the second book, Betty Andreasson Luca, tells of a crystal palace, in a cavern system, here on Earth, which is supposed to house the real God, in a complete superscailer network. http://www.abduct.com/books/b17.htm

About fifty times more powerful, than even the most advanced computer that this government can produce.

So binary componts, where they can figure and solve some issues, are nowhere even to approach anything like the real said computer that is supposed to housie God, here on Earth.

You're talking a cubic mile, or more of pure, refined, clear crystals?
Re: Talking

Do you realize how 3 is composed? 1 is reflected creating another 1, only as a mirror image of itself. But by combining each "1" , 2 is thus created. "1" +"1" = 2. Once the 2 has been completed, by adding the original 1 to itself and its reflection and the combination of these we can construct three.

............................(actually 0 + 1)..............................................
... reflection of 1+1+ original 1 )........( reflection of 1 + original 1 )

Even if a computer system is developed that operates on a trinary foundation, it still does not become exempt from this formula. All numbers are derived from 0 and 1. To try and expand away from this basic principle is to fall victim to humanities habit of over complicating any subject.
The truth hiding behind a veil of complex reasonings, unseen except to those that cut away all the fluff.
Re: Talking

All numbers are derived from 0 and 1. To try and expand away from this basic principle is to fall victim to humanities habit of over complicating any subject.
You have put it so very clearly and succinctly, OvrLrdLegion! The "job" of matter, ever since our Big Bang of Creation, has been to differentiate away from 0 and 1...as you have shown in 3. This is the clear path of entropy inherent in our universe of matter. The antithesis of matter is mind (also known as the fabric of spacetime, AKA "motion"), and its "job" is to reduce the complexity created by matter back to the 3... the 2... the 1... and the ultimate physio-spiritual unification at


Mind is the only source of anti-gravity we will ever be "given".
Re: Talking

The following is a paper written by Greg Hatten. I found it long ago on the web and offers up possible "proof" that has been demanded. A theory, yes, but there are still coincidences that are hard to ignore.

There are diagrams available, but I did not transfer them to this post. The address below is where the full color with diagrams can be found.


Education Planet is not affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.




This paper is regarding a correlation noticed across various branches of science as well as ancient theological text. The subject is life - the creation of it, possibly by special natural light, and this, in turn, to a possible connection to a God, advanced extraterrestrials or the intelligence of nature which makes up life itself. This short thesis details this major correlation that has been overlooked by science due, likely, to the technical language differences and lack of cohesiveness between the various scientific disciplines. The information is interesting and should be considered carefully by the various scientific disciplines noted herein. Please note that any religious notations here are only used as a potential scientific reference.



The starting point here is a quotation from the Holy Bible (1John - 1, 5) which states: "This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all." This is an interesting statement that, if taken literally, says that the intelligence of the universe (Ie: God) - is light. Verse 7 goes on to say "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. Putting aside the religious aspects, this statement affirms again that God (Ie: the universal intelligence of life) is in the light. Scientifically this makes sense since we know that life requires light energy in order to begin. Without it there would be no life since photosynthesis would never occur. Still though, what puts the intelligence into the creation of life? Here, science now knows that you can look to DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) as this source for the intelligence of life (Ie: the code).



So this search for the origin of life continues on with a look at DNA. Figure 1 details a representation of a DNA molecule.

Figure 1: A DNA Molecule

The double helix is now becoming more and more understood by science. The DNA carries the code of life. It carries a biological computer program that specifies a particular type of life whether it be an amoeba or human. Scientists are working hard to identify further secrets about and applications for this knowledge. However, this still does not answer the big question of how did this DNA get here? What made the DNA? What caused it to occur such as it has? Of course there are the various types of molecular bonds that come into play but the thing has occurred with such intelligence. It seems like far too much intelligence to have happened by chance - at least in its original occurrence. We know that DNA replicates itself but how did it get started in the first place?


Now, take a close look at the double helix. It's overall structure, discovered by Crick and Watson, is striking and famous - it seems so perfect. What is even more remarkable is that the DNA looks very similar to a light wave. Look at a side view of the molecule and you will see that it clearly has a wavelength and amplitude just like a light wave. However, the DNA is three dimensional and regular transverse light waves are only two dimensional. Figure 2 illustrates a 2-dimensional light wave which in this case is an AM wave.

Figure 2: A 2-Dimensional Light Wave

Study of electromagnetic waves from a first year university text quickly reveals, however, that if two equal component polarized waves are combined perpendicular to each other and with one of them differing in phase by a quarter-cycle from the other. Then the resultant motion of each point corresponds to a superposition of two simple harmonic motions at right angles with a quarter-cycle phase difference. The motion is then no longer confined to a single plane, and it can be shown that each point on the wave moves in a circle in a plane parallel to the yz plane. Successive points on the wave have successive phase differences, and the overall motion of the wave then has the appearance of a rotating helix! Hence, electromagnetic waves can be of exactly the same shape as DNA! Look up a first year university physics text and verify that, simply stated, two transverse light waves can combine and become a helical light wave which can be of the exact same dimensions as DNA! Figure 3 exemplifies this fact.

Figure 3: The Creation Of A Helical Light Wave
Additionally, it may be possible that if two circular light waves could be sent out together in tandem then they may be able to take on the appearance of a double helix. Note as well that light waves also have an electrical field that runs on a perpendicular axis to the light wave itself. A possible correlation to DNA here is that the double helical components in DNA are molecularly attached in a ladder formation. It is possible that the electrical fields from two circular light waves may combine in this formation due to their positive and negative components!

So, it seems that DNA is closely related to electromagnetic waves by its shape. Digging deeper into the study of light waves reveals that, of course, humans have been encoding information into carrier waves within a modulated signal for some time now (Recall figure 2 which illustrates one of these waves). Radio etcetera uses this technique. Electromagnetic waves can carry encoded information - as does DNA! DNA carries the code of all life encapsulated within itself. Simply compare a photo of unravelled DNA to a photo of 8 bit code, created by humanity, and you will see the striking simularity. So DNA and light are comparable in this aspect as well provided that circular light waves can carry encoded information. Perhaps they can with the proper antenna/electronic apparatus? Figure 4 details a picture of 8 bit code. Recall the old keypunch computer cards for visualization here as well.

Figure 4: 8 Bit Code

An additional study of the DNA molecule shows that it's wavelength (estimated at 3.4 nanometers) corresponds to a wavelength within the electromagnetic spectrum where ultra-violet and gamma rays reside (around the 3-5 nanometer mark). This is particularly interesting since these (specifically UV rays) are the types of waves that cause mutations in the DNA when it is replicating itself. Why is this and why do other wavelengths of light waves not cause this?

The theory of light waves includes the principle of superposition which basically says that if two polarized waves of the same wavelength are beamed along with each other, they will combine together to become one wave with the same wavelength but larger amplitude. Since the ultra-violet and gamma rays are of the same wavelength as DNA, they may be combining with the DNA, when orientations are correct, via the principle of superposition. This would violently knock the DNA around while the ray of light passed through - hence, corrupting the information stored within and causing the mutations. DNA, when replicating, would only rarely be affected by UV rays since only correct wave orientations would cause superposition. This connection must also say, however, that the DNA is akin or related to light in order to be affected in this way. Perhaps DNA is a physical manifestation of light (Ie: a creation at the interface between matter and energy) or only that the atoms within the DNA molecule are small enough to be effected by the light waves.

Methods used to decode DNA molecules basically flatten the double helix out to reveal the sequences of information held within. This looks the same as taking the corresponding transverse wave components (those before superposition) out of a light wave to reveal their original amplitudes, wavelengths and encoded information.

Humans have used different methods for encoding information within light waves such as binary, hexadecimal, hollerith and 8-hole to name a few. The information is encoded into the light waves and sent to destination by a transmitter and received and decoded by a receiver. These human-made encoding systems look strikingly similar to the resultant gene pattern information obtained from unraveling DNA molecules. Note also that the accepted theory of light is that light has a dual nature. Light is considered to have properties which make it act like a particle and those which make it act like a wave. DNA is the same here as well since the shape is wavelike but it is made up of particles.



The preliminary information, above, has noted a number of comparisons which seem to suggest that DNA and light are quite similar in many aspects. The following few paragraphs detail possible natural explanations for this correlation of light and DNA. These are to be suggestions to the scientific community. These hypotheses are an attempt to explain the very basis for which DNA, and other biological molecules, are created in the first place. It is stressed here that these are just hypothetical explanations and that they may or may not be correct. The fact remains, however, that there seems to be something about this whole concept which lends itself to further scrutiny by the scientific community. Clearly, research should be conducted in an attempt to verify the connections that have been supposed in this report.


The Einstein Mass-Energy Hypothesis

It seems as though DNA may be the physical manifestation of light - possibly the opposite side of Einstein's mass-energy equivalence law: E=mc2. Here, possibly, light energy is being converted into matter. One way of testing this would be to check the mass of DNA and determine it's rest energy verses the total energy of a double-circular light wave that is required to form the DNA - (that is if the hypothesis is correct in the first place). If the two are the same, this may be proof.


The Electric/Magnetic Field Hypothesis
The other possibility is that the electric, and magnetic fields, created by naturally forming circular ultra-violet and x-rays, may stimulate the molecular bonding required to cause the formation of the DNA molecule. It is now well known, although not completely understood, that static electricity, under the proper conditions and using the correct chemical soup, causes the formation of amino acids. Perhaps this is another natural process which causes the formation of life. It is possible that circular light waves are acting as a template for the formation of DNA molecules. Perhaps natural UV and X-rays, thought to be destructive, are actually creative a very small part of the time while under the correct conditions (Ie: creating life). It may be this natural creative process, happening at the wrong time, which causes mutations but sometimes - causes evolution. This would explain the missing links found between the various species. This may be possible since evolutionary changes may have happened instantaneously by the effect of light which caused a mutation which actually translated into an evolutionary transformation. Hence, there were no intermediate species of the particular creature in question.


The Universal God Or Extraterrestrial Hypothesis
It is also interesting to recall that electromagnetic waves can carry information. Perhaps naturally or artificially, electromagnetic waves, of a double helical nature, are interacting with our planet and other planetoids within our system and throughout the universe. Perhaps this is God? Perhaps all the bio-computer data of all the different kinds of life is being beamed throughout the universe - encapsulated within double-helical carrier waves. Humans use light to transmit intelligence over distances so why wouldn't God? A potential proof would be to prepare transverse waves with the same sequences of information as a DNA molecule and combine these by the principle of superposition and beam this into a chemical mix made up of the correct chemicals (Ie: hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen). Perhaps a DNA molecule will spontaneously form to the desired makeup as specified by the encapsulated information in the light beam. This could be a potential experiment.


The Random Circular Wave Hypothesis
Another possibility is that circular waves form naturally, and randomly, in our atmosphere and obtain the natural sequences of encoded information by interactions with the air molecules found in the atmosphere. This may explain another way why life has evolved on our planet - as the atmospheric chemical makeup changed, so did the natural encoding of circular light waves and hence the evolution of DNA itself. This makes sense since dinosaur DNA, for example, is more primative than DNA is today. Additionally, it is now well known that the atmospheric content of oxygen was 30% in the days of the dinosaur while it is only 21% today. Ancient air had much less helium content compared to modern air as well. These factors would all alter the orientations of light diffraction/deflection that would occur in the atmosphere and thus change DNA with time as the air mixtures changed.


The Advanced Communication Hypothesis
Astronomers have been searching the stars for some signal from other intelligent life. Perhaps, if there are other forms of intelligent life out there, they are using circular waves as their means of beaming information. A circular wave may hold it's energy longer than a transverse wave and thus travel farther and still remain readable similarly to how a propeller is the most efficient means of traveling through water. Additionally, a circular wave may be able to carry more information since it is 3-dimensional. Maybe the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) astronomers should be looking for circular light waves in their search of the stars for life? Perhaps a transceiver capable of sending and receiving circular light waves should be designed and built. This special technology is likely possible.



The evidence shown within this document details a number of correlations between electromagnetic waves and DNA and attempts several hypothetical explanations for these correlations. At this time it is suggested that there may be more to this connection and therefore these thoughts should be analyzed collaboratively by experts in the applicable sciences. In general, the applicable sciences are: Theology, Astrophysics, Astronomy, Electronics, Biochemistry, Philosophy as well as others. The similarities between DNA and light seem too close to be ignored. Religious writings from many cultures have been saying that God is Light for thousands of years. The Bible, as one example, makes reference that God is Light at least 10 times. Additionally, one of the old Prophets (Ezekiel 1:16) apparently had a vision where he spoke of an object that "appeared to be made like a wheel intersecting a wheel". Was this Prophet making reference to DNA? This observation is open for interpretation but seems, again, fairly interesting considering what we know about DNA and life today. Additionally, the Koran says that "Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth" and The book of Mormon says that "Christ is the light and life of the world". These are similar statements to the Bible which if taken literally in a scientific format point to the simularities between DNA and light noted in this report.

I personally noticed this connection and upon introductory research have not found any data in textbooks which notes any kind of similar connection. Is this correlation just a coincidence or is there something to it? Please send me your thoughts to:
[email protected]. Perhaps life is part of the Light Spectrum? Thanks from: Greg H. Hatton, AScT, MCASI.

Now See The Life Spectrum Hypothesis - Chapter 2 (Added July 1, 1998)



Armstrong, Frank B., Biochemistry - 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, New York, 1983.
Sears, Zemansky and Young., University Physics - 7th ed., Addison - Wesley Publishing Company, Don Mills, Ontario, 1988.
Mitchell, B., Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology., Peerage Books, London, 1985.
Leach, Malvino., Digital Principles and Applications - 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill Inc., USA., 1981.
Meyers, Robert A., Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics., Academic Press, Inc., Toronto, 1987.
Weisz, Paul B. and Keogh, Richard N., The Science of Biology - 5th ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co., Toronto, 1982.
Metcalfe, H. Clark, Williams, John E. and Castka, Joseph F., Modern Chemistry, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Publishers,Toronto, 1982.
Holy Bible - New International Version, Zondervan Bible Publishers, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1984.
Holy Qur'an - M.H. Shakir's, Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, Inc., Box 1115, Elmhurst, New York.
The Book of Mormon - Corporation Of The President Of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints., Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A.

More than one way

Notes on quadrary and trianary numericically based systems, posed from multiaxial stances, in para-dimensional input stances.

Since it would be supposed that God and Angels, would be out of our timeframe personas, then their main input data scores on key entry inputs, might not be from binary stances at all?

The key data strokes, would hail from the supposed electron cloud, so the key stroke entries, in their measures, would be from a parallel stance paradimensional series of inputs.

Binary inputs were supposed by Godfreid Whilhem Libnetz, as renowned German mathematician, as supposed universal coordinates, to universally suppose function, to multipanned sets of problems as posed by any one supposed timeline and set series functions therein.

God Angelics would suppose their input logics, from a multi-latitude series of concepts, which would depend on multiphased pairing, or a series of inputs,much like an entire symphony of thought, rather than only an angular single point key stroke entry.

So the input movement from super-luminals, would be a current wave of series logic, to board based from most of mankind to understand, except if this data understood acquisition were understood as ecstatic expressions, of multiphased emotional logics, thoughts and expressions, rather than double bit offer entry data.

Big difference, very big difference, there.
Jesus said to him
I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you had known Me, you would know my Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen him.

Philip said to Him, Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient fur us.

Jesus said to him, Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, "Show us the Father"? Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works.

Mark ch3 Verse 34,35
And He looked around in a circle at thoes who sat about Him, and said, Here are my brothers! For whoever does the will of God is My brother and My sister and mother."
Break point on this thread:

The problem said here points to the character of Jesus being God.

Jesus said, was a social agent also, so there is trouble pointing to the said that Jesus was God?

There is also the relevancy of space time social relativity, as one can not always stop safely, to help people, as was the case, in Jesuse's time, if we follow this example today.

This is said as law suits and or plans to trap, or attack people who would stop to help someone.

>Are now Chronohistrorian and enoch2 working together, as Chrono predicted this change to religion to happen in this thread, or is enoch2's saying about Jesus, a coincidence?
People who limit their views would demand "proof" that such an equation could ever be considered "true".

I'm not limiting my views, but still I demand proof. Why would I believe something, which I think is completely illogical? People are limiting their views by NOT demanding proof. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm very openminded and I'm interested in a lot of theories and phenomena (like timetravel, cropcircles, UFO's, religion, etc.). But as long as there's no proof, I see no point in accepting it as the truth.