Hello, I’m a practising time traveler

I can see when time travelers come to our timeline, and where.

If you wanna find them, i think your best chance is to go there and wait for them, and see if you can see them come in. They're not interested in helping people, so you'd have to take the initiative to put yourself in from of them. I don't think they'll put you in a different timeline just to correct your 2015 accident.

But in your case, i think the best thing you can do is to pray, and secondly, you can quantum jump back to the past and rewrite what happened in this timeline with your mind. Google quantum jump, you'll get it. It will have some effect.

But do you really want to change things? Because there's good in everything bad and bad in everything good. Sometimes, the problem to solve is not how to change the past, but the problem to solve is how to fix the present and future in order to use your time now in the best way. If you changed your mistake, maybe you would rob yourself of the purpose in your life that God has given you. Maybe this purpose is your challenge.

Good luck then.

How would I know there face and names and what would they Time travel in?

I just Googled Quantum jumping and I still don't get it it doesn't change my reality only another me

I now that everything happens for a reason but I myself need to go back it's the only way I can come out a successful individual due to me failing a lot in life I know what I can do and if I can go back I Can fix things your saying even tho there not interested in helping people they'll send me back to January 2015 to fix my mistake? Because that's all I want

If you go back in time, what will you or your other self do? Sit around and be a prisoner because nobody can find out?

What if you successfully prevent the mistake? Wouldn't that mean you never posted here, thus never went back in time, thus allowing the mistake to happen? Doesn't seem like you thought this through. Haven't you ever seen a time travel movie?


I've thought it over countless times yes I have watched many time travel movies I'm not gonna directly communicate with my self I would leave a message and long list of things not to do and to do

They just come through a portal, like stepping out of a TV screen that just appeared in the air a few feet off the ground. They look like they are wearing "star trek" outfits. Grey colored, one piece, like uniforms. One Asian guy, One Western guy, one "mixed" Asian-Western woman. They change clothes quickly and get into a car that is waiting, they have the key. 3 people. Getting into a car in the middle of the night in a car park near the lake at that location. They will probably just stun gun you if you surprise them tho. Your best bet, I think, would be to just trail them in another car and approach them at the right time. Even if they help you, they might not send you back to that time you want. You don't always get what you want exactly, careful what you wish for, like Cosmo suggests.

Quantum jumping is the safest and probably most reliable, even tho the effects are mostly small. Tho if you work at it a lot, the effects will be larger. All these universes / timelines are connected. There is information and memory-flashes that passes between them. It really will change things for you. Not all the information you read is accurate. You can QJ to the past, and alter the situation. Repeat and repeat. Have faith. It is working. Also, to give yourself advice, QJ to your future self that is the successful self you aim for, and see what that person tells you. All of this works better if you can calm your mind. Slow down yourself and focus. All this will become easier the more you do it. Good luck then. :)

I'm sorry but can you give me the precise locations I want to know were exactly I have to go I can't really seem to out in the right latitude and longitude.

I'm putting all my trust in you I guess thanks a lot man I really hope this is legit if it truly is may God Bless your soul I would be soooooo happy knowing I can fix things

Again, though, you've not thought this through.

  1. You go back in time
  2. You leave yourself a note
  3. Your other self never makes whatever mistake it is you're trying to prevent
  4. Your other self has a "better" life
  5. Your present self.... Sits around and hides from the world forever? Seems like you're already doing that now. No need to involve time travel.
  6. Your other self never makes these mistakes, thus never ends up traveling back in time, thus allowing that mistake to happen and the cycle repeats.

It won't work. Time travel isn't real.

I'm quite confused by all this. How did you get this time traveling 'power'? Were you born with it or did you just wake up one day with the power to travel through time?

If you actually Google this location, you will see a google map image (animated) of the near by lake, which you wrote about; however, its an error... If you click on the actual satellite image, you can see there is not an actual lake, its a drainage for the farmers I assume, so maybe it has water during certain times of the year.. but not in Dec 26.

It really looks like the lake is gone forever, looking at the satellite view, there is a big road in the center of the “lake”, I hope they will not flood the only road the little village at the north have…

by the way, it’s quite weird that the coordinates points to a glitch on the map.

and even more strange, the lake drawing is quite…wrong, take a look at this screenshot with both altitudes and water, you can see the lake is over the mountain on the right :o

also, checking on gmaps, there are mountains names on the left, but there isn’t any mountain, very strange place!

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