I am John Tooker

Gotta love spirals!
In nature we can see everything we need! the answers all all there already! Everything we create is from nature like an ants nest or a beehive! The laws of pyshics are everywhere! so why sould they be different across the universe? If the tools are there, then why are we not using them? We know about golden ratios and Klein bottles already! Why would aliens and there knowledge be any different? Every major discovery has been made from seeing what is in plain sight! Interstellar communication is within reach.
Klein Bagel lol. I don't know that much about the Klein Bottle. It is an admissible solution of something, but I don't know what.

Klein Bottle is a 2-dimensional manifold which can only exist in 4-dimensions.

String theories strive to get rid of infinities and singularities (such as the aforementioned infinite curvature, or the infinities in the Feynman diagrams). They postulate the existence of matter-forming, minuscule, open or closed, strings with a given - and finite - length. The vibrations of these entities yields both the four elementary forces and four corresponding particles. in other words, particles are excitatory modes of these strings, which otherwise only float in spacetime. The string tension being related to its length, strings need to have a Planck length to be able to account for quantum gravity. One of these states of excitation is a particle with zero mass and 2 spin units - known in Quantum Theory of Gravity (QTG) as "graviton". Moreover, strings tend to curl (though, counterintuitively, they are wrapped around space rather than in it - very much like the topological chimeras the Mobius strip, or the Klein bottle). Mathematics dictate an 11-dimensional universe. Four of its dimensions have "opened" and become accessible to us. The other 7 remain curled up in a "Calabi-Yau space" in which strings vibrate. In later version of string theory (like the M-Theory), there is a 7-dimensional, curled up Calabi-Yau space wrapped on every 4-dimensional point in our universe. But Calabi-Yau spaces are not fixed entities. New ones can be created every time space is "torn" and "repairs" itself in a different curvature. Lastly, strings merge when they interact, which is very useful mathematically-speaking. Technically speaking, one of 2 interacting strings "opens up" in an intermediate phase - and then closes up again.

Source: Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics and String Theories - Part 2
I'm against Occupy but the other stuff is interesting. Occupy never treated me like a human being and kept telling me to go away even though I did nothing.