I believe "Reactor" is aptly named...


Super Moderator
I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...

... as in he "reacts" to things without putting a whole lot of thought into what he is reacting to.

I also think a psychologist might state that his recent rantings of hate against me exhibit his REACTION based on his suppressed jealousy of me and what I have achieved in my career. I believe his dabblings in technology belie a person who really wanted to follow a much more technical and scientific career path. Why he did not (or could not) achieve this, I don't know. But what I do know is that I have tried to help him improve and expand his math skills, and even took the time to help him work through a derivation of the equations of motion and degrees of freedom of his electromagnet idea. But I guess he prefers to dwell on negatives rather than positives. Such is the tendency of one who REACTS.

Just my opinion...and my right to free speech.

Re: I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...

... as in he "reacts" to things without putting a whole lot of thought into what he is reacting to.

I also think a psychologist might state that his recent rantings of hate against me exhibit his REACTION based on his suppressed jealousy of me and what I have achieved in my career. I believe his dabblings in technology belie a person who really wanted to follow a much more technical and scientific career path. Why he did not (or could not) achieve this, I don't know. But what I do know is that I have tried to help him improve and expand his math skills, and even took the time to help him work through a derivation of the equations of motion and degrees of freedom of his electromagnet idea. But I guess he prefers to dwell on negatives rather than positives. Such is the tendency of one who REACTS.

Just my opinion...and my right to free speech.

Well lets see if you can talk to me without you getting mad and flamming me and I will try to do the same with you. This is my little experiment with you. But I want to stress what ever rules apply to you should also apply to me including your ahol rule which I personally disagree with. We have the choice to be civil or uncivil. I think the ahol thing needs to go.

I also think a psychologist might state that his recent rantings of hate against me exhibit his REACTION based on his suppressed jealousy of me and what I have achieved in my career.
I wonder if you really thought of this yourself or got it from Darby. First of all when people come here and they talk to you because of your professional status I do notice a change in their behavior. I myself after I finally starting catching on to things I gave you and Darby more respect and I felt bad because I gave you guys a hard time. My problems began with you when I noticed you got away from science, physics, and math when you had confrontations with others and I read your post. I also read some of your past post before I got here. Then you and I had a thing where you told me you were going to get uncivil with me. I was completely taken back and had to re-read my post to see what I said to you to tick you off. I know I was taunting you that I do admit but I never expected it would come to words between us. I notice from my reaction in my post was the same reaction that Pam had with you when you and her had a falling out. I have not read all of that yet though.

. I believe his dabblings in technology belie a person who really wanted to follow a much more technical and scientific career path. Why he did not (or could not) achieve this, I don't know.

I have 2 years in a votec school learning electronics (I built a robot my second year.) and 2 years at devry in electronics Eng. (It was a 3 year program going summers too.) I droped out my last year because I ran out of money. I could borrow the money to goto college but I could not get the money to pay my bills. I lived in Dallas, Tx and that was pretty expensive for me. I spent another 2 years going to UALR in Little Rock, Ar again getting very close to a degree but I was living with my parents. My parents were not getting along so I had to leave. My sister invited me to Russellville to live here her. I again attended another two years of college in Russellville again getting very close to a degree but my sister forgot to inform her husband that she invited me to live there why I was going to college which even though I was not in his way and he never saw me face to face when he was home he still could not live with it so I again moved. I worked my last year and a half there in Russellville and lost my funding because I was making over 7 thousand a year. I was on pell grants. I still still paying off devry and did not want to take out another loan. So in all I spent six years in college with no degree because I kept transferring. That is my history. I did go back to school in Malvern, Ar and get a certific in computer repair and networking. I have worked off and on in computers and electronics for many many years. That is my history. I would not call this Jealousy at all. Everyone has different luck in life. My life is still a much better life than a lot of others so I try not to feel too bad about it.

I have tried to help him improve and expand his math skills, and even took the time to help him work through a derivation of the equations of motion and degrees of freedom of his electromagnet idea.
Thank you for the math lesson. I appreciated it. During that time I noticed Darby seemed like he wanted to steal my thundar. Take the wind out of my sails. But you came back. Thank you I appreciated it.

But I guess he prefers to dwell on negatives rather than positives. Such is the tendency of one who REACTS.

I do sometimes have a tendency for the negatives but there is more to this for why I am reacting to you as you said. And this is where I need to come in with you and explain more about me and why I "REACTS." Please stay tuned. I have to be at work very early in the morning and it is way past my bed time. It may be this weekend before I get it up. I will explain it and try to do it nicely. I don,t know how you will take it and from what others told me it probably won,t do any good. But, I will try to be nice. I was thinking about putting up a few poles and getting the others reactions here and I may do that after you and I talk if we can talk. Good night Mr. Rainman.
Re: I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...


Well lets see if you can talk to me without you getting mad and flamming me and I will try to do the same with you. This is my little experiment with you. But I want to stress what ever rules apply to you should also apply to me including your ahol rule which I personally disagree with. We have the choice to be civil or uncivil. I think the ahol thing needs to go.

I tend to match the rhetoric of the people with whom I converse. And there is always a reason for how I choose to respond. You or others may not be aware of that reason, but I do not respond without thinking about what I am doing/saying. IOW, there is always a plan behind my apparant madness or aholery. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

My problems began with you when I noticed you got away from science, physics, and math when you had confrontations with others and I read your post. I also read some of your past post before I got here. Then you and I had a thing where you told me you were going to get uncivil with me. I was completely taken back and had to re-read my post to see what I said to you to tick you off. I know I was taunting you that I do admit but I never expected it would come to words between us.

The thing is, I let you know. I told you I was going to get uncivil with you. Yes, you were taunting and I do not take that personally. But you were also being hypocritical with your whole "emotional excuse". Look, we all get emotional sometimes. But using that as a cop-out to not respond to people's honest questions is....well, a cop out. So the reason behind why I changed my tone (then and at other times since then) was to begin to mirror your own emotional responses. Can you understand that? It is disingenuous for you to brand something as "emotional" just because you don't want to answer a point, or don't know how to answer it.

I notice from my reaction in my post was the same reaction that Pam had with you when you and her had a falling out. I have not read all of that yet though.

First off: apples and oranges. I have a GREAT deal more respect for you than I do for Pamela. Her "modus operandi" is always to lead-on hoaxers... ask them leading questions, all softball, and never any hardball questions. On more than one occasion I have seen you request evidence of a claimant and point out where the "evidence" they claim to present is shoddy or counter to the goals of true evidence. This is but one thing I appreciate about you. The other is you willingness to work experimentally with your programming (much the same way I respect Einstein's willingness to work in his lab). But just because I respect you in those areas does not mean I will not press you on others.

I have 2 years in a votec school learning electronics (I built a robot my second year.) and 2 years at devry in electronics Eng. (It was a 3 year program going summers too.) I droped out my last year because I ran out of money. (snip) That is my history. I would not call this Jealousy at all.

This is wonderful, and I commend you for all the schooling you HAVE completed. You DO have some great foundations in science. And much how I feel about ruthless, I am trying to open your eyes to some of the areas of science and math that I can tell you have not been exposed to...or perpahs had cursory lessons in, but because you never applied it perhaps you have "lost" some of it. But this (your education) is not why I supposed your fits with me might be borne out of jealousy. It is your actual WORK in "time travel" that tells me you wanted to go farther, and perhaps be "in the thick" of advances and development in science.

You have to admit, wanting to "create a computer program that time travels" is not like building up your own PC or integrating home automation electronics, or other common applications of tech. You are going "big". And again, that is good. I applaud you for it. So sometimes I sense resentment when I continue to harp on you about something very scientific. Something you are ignoring, or some aspect of science that you cite as "proving your method works" but not wishing to dig deep into the reference you cite, to see if it REALLY is supporting your work, or if your citation of it is cursory, at best. And again...when you ratchet-up the rhetoric, I am only too happy to match you.

Thank you for the math lesson. I appreciated it. During that time I noticed Darby seemed like he wanted to steal my thundar. Take the wind out of my sails. But you came back. Thank you I appreciated it.

Let me assure you that, just as I KNOW you are misinterpreting me, you are also misinterpreting this about Darby. Now granted, I KNOW I am "more of a handful" to deal with than Darby. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif That is because of the techniques I use to communicate, and cajole when it comes to pressing people on the science of their claims or what they are doing. But Darby can and will be your "best friend" and he can offer scientific advice (and yes, correction, as he also has a history of teaching) that is not in my zone of knowledge.

I do sometimes have a tendency for the negatives but there is more to this for why I am reacting to you as you said. And this is where I need to come in with you and explain more about me and why I "REACTS." Please stay tuned.

That's fine. I understand, and I don't claim to be "perfect" either. Ruthless and I were talking about the "mirroring tactic" via PM the other day, and I admitted to him that sometimes when I apply it I do not STRICTLY mirror the other person's rhetoric, but sometimes I "kick it up a notch". That is a failing in me of how I apply this tactic (and yes, I fully admit it IS a tactic... there are many such tactics teachers develop for how to "reach" other people in spirited discussions).

I will explain it and try to do it nicely. I don,t know how you will take it and from what others told me it probably won,t do any good. But, I will try to be nice. I was thinking about putting up a few poles and getting the others reactions here and I may do that after you and I talk if we can talk.

That is fine by me. You will note I have NEVER, EVER squelched your freedom of expression here. Sure, I may have taken offense at some things you said, and fired back an "in kind" salvo. But I have never banned you, threaten to ban you, change any of your posts, or anything like that. You are (pretty much) free to say anything you like about me, or put up polls. I don't care. I am well aware there are "certain" people here who would respond to those polls with negative replies about me. But I also know there are others who would respond positively, because they understand why I am here, and how I "operate". I tend to be a no BS kind of guy. People who are like this tend to gravitate towards one another.

Re: I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...

reactor, you can be very stubborn. do you remember when you first came to tti? you told us about your project, and i told you that it would be impossible to compute everything needed for an accurate simulation. we ended up arguing for a week or so, i got tired of it, and i called you stupid and said i was leaving the discussion.

later on, after i calmed down, i apologized to you for being rude. but i want you to understand that up until you acknowledged what i was saying, i looked at you the same way i looked at hdrkid.

now you put out the information that i can understand. your project has come a long way since then, and i have not said a negative word to you about it. my respect for you increased exponentially. you understood i was only trying to help you the best i could.

when rmt and i started arguing, you had some advice for me. i accepted your advice because i felt you were right and i stopped my end of the fighting. i would appreciate it if you could do the same.

to RMT:

everyone here knows what your one fatal flaw is, your ego. i suggest you squish it before someone sqishes it for you.

you know your a good friend to me and i appreciate that. a part of me being a good friend back is to watch your back. from what i see, your ego ruined many good moments.

i have never heard you say, "your right, im wrong. i apologize." i have also never heard hdrkid say that. i would consider that a bad thing to have in common with hdrkid, considering thats the reason everyone hates the kid.

just something to ponder on you guys. hopefully you two can find some kind of middle ground.
Re: I believe \"Reactor\" isn\'t aptly named...

is just a question of Karma:

Each of us has the option of going with the collective karma of our people, or you can vote "No" and walk in the other direction, but you have to make a move soon, as a 'collective karma' is the most trapping and the least easy to escape from. That is because people don't see it coming, because it is the result of a 'collective idea' that everyone agrees to, so that makes it seem right.

If you're very reliant on others, you are linked to their karma. The more you become self-sufficient and self-reliant, the more you are in your own karma, and the easier life is to control. If you can't make major changes, make small ones.

end quoted from:
Avoid the collective Karma

Re: I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...

I tend to match the rhetoric of the people with whom I converse. And there is always a reason for how I choose to respond. You or others may not be aware of that reason, but I do not respond without thinking about what I am doing/saying. IOW, there is always a plan behind my apparant madness or aholery.

I do very much see there is a plan on your part. I have looked at your post with myself and others and noticed some canned responses from you which means your not giving anything or everything of yourself to the conversation. At least not in those responses. I would not call that true scientific debating. It is one of the reasons I will explain to you later why I question you. I sometimes think of things to say that leave open questions to be answered later but I save those questions for later so I can plan better but I am not as good at it as you seem to be. But question that might be asked is that a trap? I think maybe not if the intentions are good. Sometimes I do not see your intentions as being good which is another reason I question you. As you know baiting is a common tactic of a troll and I am not calling you or myself that I am just pointing that out that baiting someone is not always looked upon as a good tactic. As you and I admit we both do it. But we call that planing.

What bothers me is what you say at the end of your post you reserve the right to the freedom of speech and to be a ahol. That raised a eyebrow with me and caused me to ask myself a lot of questions regarding your intentions concerning scientific debate and debunking here. And it caused me to question why you are here and how is this forum here at TTI gaining anything from your logic and tactics. Is this really doing any good or is it hurting this forum? Which is the main reason I am here talking to you now. I think this scientific debating and debunking needs better rules than the freedom of speech and reserving the right to be a ahol. It does not always work for others here. More so with the ones that you are talking to. I think the rules of the game need to be leveled to a fair playing field for the people you are talking to because they don,t have your tactics, logic, and reasoning and they don,t understand scientific debate or debunking. So I feel that sometimes people here are being konked on the head unfairly. Even the members that have been here a while because they still have not caught on to you until they themselves are in the thick with you. My question, in the end after everything is said and done what did TTI gain from your confrontation with that member? What did the member gain from it? Did TTI lose that member? Will the member be damaged emotionally in some way from the confrontation? Was it really worth your time, logic, and tactics? Your pursuit to the best of my knowledge is to help others learn? Is this always the best way to help people learn?

The thing is, I let you know. I told you I was going to get uncivil with you. Yes, you were taunting and I do not take that personally. But you were also being hypocritical with your whole "emotional excuse". Look, we all get emotional sometimes. But using that as a cop-out to not respond to people's honest questions is....well, a cop out. So the reason behind why I changed my tone (then and at other times since then) was to begin to mirror your own emotional responses. Can you understand that? It is disingenuous for you to brand something as "emotional" just because you don't want to answer a point, or don't know how to answer it.

Well me getting emotional as a cop out was not planned or intentional on my part. I refined my theory and even tried to put it to math for you but what I did was not good enough for you which caused me to ask do you really understand how far ahead of me you really are? I sometimes think you don,t understand. I don,t have the capability that you have and I think you might be asking too much of my skills. But, I think if I am willing to sit down and take the time to learn that I might could catch up but right now putting something together at this time to prove my claim mathematically I an not sure I can do that. All I can do is drag out my code and run it for you. But as you and Darby pointed out without the math to back up the theory my claim is pretty much dead in the water. I really don,t believed this called for you mirroring my response. I really don,t believe that was the right thing to do.

First off: apples and oranges. I have a GREAT deal more respect for you than I do for Pamela. Her "modus operandi" is always to lead-on hoaxers... ask them leading questions, all softball, and never any hardball questions. On more than one occasion I have seen you request evidence of a claimant and point out where the "evidence" they claim to present is shoddy or counter to the goals of true evidence. This is but one thing I appreciate about you. The other is you willingness to work experimentally with your programming (much the same way I respect Einstein's willingness to work in his lab). But just because I respect you in those areas does not mean I will not press you on others.

We are good here. I am still working on my program much as Einstein is in his lab. I don,t mind being pressed I would just like to see it coming first and not be knocked off my feet with my eyeballs spinning in my head looking like a cash register being rung up then trying to figure out later on what hit me. People are complicated and don,t always take things very well and can even take things the wrong way. You and I had a debating tactic disagreement with what you said that I was putting words in your mouth. Also, at that point I was asking myself questions about your behavior here before hand in this forum. Our confrontation between us caused me to ask myself a bunch more questions about what I believed your intentions were here in this forum and how much good that was doing the forum here.

This is wonderful, and I commend you for all the schooling you HAVE completed. You DO have some great foundations in science. And much how I feel about ruthless, I am trying to open your eyes to some of the areas of science and math that I can tell you have not been exposed to...or perpahs had cursory lessons in, but because you never applied it perhaps you have "lost" some of it. But this (your education) is not why I supposed your fits with me might be borne out of jealousy. It is your actual WORK in "time travel" that tells me you wanted to go farther, and perhaps be "in the thick" of advances and development in science.

You have to admit, wanting to "create a computer program that time travels" is not like building up your own PC or integrating home automation electronics, or other common applications of tech. You are going "big". And again, that is good. I applaud you for it. So sometimes I sense resentment when I continue to harp on you about something very scientific. Something you are ignoring, or some aspect of science that you cite as "proving your method works" but not wishing to dig deep into the reference you cite, to see if it REALLY is supporting your work, or if your citation of it is cursory, at best. And again...when you ratchet-up the rhetoric, I am only too happy to match you.

On digging deeper into my work I'm not sure how much more you can go. I have tried to explain how my code works as best I can. Most don,t seem very interested in it. As for pressing me for something to back it up when I came here I thought it was only my invention but as Darby later informed me the theory has come up before and I was just borrowing it. On the proving it part where how and why. Simply running the program does not prove much because there is nothing to back the theory up or I don,t have a way to mathematically back the theory up as of yet. On the ignoring part I usually spend my time programing or researching how to make my program better. I,m not trying to ignore I just don,t know where to go for right now.

If I seem to be having fits then I need to look at that and see if that is how I am coming across. If it is then I need to work on that. I would not call it jealousy. Maybe I am trying too hard but no I don,t think that is jealousy. You are a presence here at TTI. You are in the forums talking to people and mixing it up with people. My fits or fit as it where was with whether or not this mixing it up with others as you do and the way you do it is the best thing for this forum. And that should not be my decision along or one for myself to make only. As I said in my first post here we can run an appropriate poll and let the people here have their say about that and lets see if it is just me reacting as you claimed at the beginning of this thread or if there is a perceived problem with the way the scientific debunking is being done around here. If there is then a open discussion on that maybe and or a poll.

Let me assure you that, just as I KNOW you are misinterpreting me, you are also misinterpreting this about Darby. Now granted, I KNOW I am "more of a handful" to deal with than Darby. That is because of the techniques I use to communicate, and cajole when it comes to pressing people on the science of their claims or what they are doing. But Darby can and will be your "best friend" and he can offer scientific advice (and yes, correction, as he also has a history of teaching) that is not in my zone of knowledge

Darby is good at correcting. I sometimes don,t like what he says but for me that is where it usually ends. He only has to speak once and if I say anything it does not go very far. He can be helpful I agree with you.

That's fine. I understand, and I don't claim to be "perfect" either. Ruthless and I were talking about the "mirroring tactic" via PM the other day, and I admitted to him that sometimes when I apply it I do not STRICTLY mirror the other person's rhetoric, but sometimes I "kick it up a notch". That is a failing in me of how I apply this tactic (and yes, I fully admit it IS a tactic... there are many such tactics teachers develop for how to "reach" other people in spirited discussions).

Well for one that has being the subject of the mirroring tactic I will say I don't appreciate it or like it much. You could of punched me in the middle of my face and it would of being just as effective as your mirroring tactic.

That is fine by me. You will note I have NEVER, EVER squelched your freedom of expression here. Sure, I may have taken offense at some things you said, and fired back an "in kind" salvo. But I have never banned you, threaten to ban you, change any of your posts, or anything like that. You are (pretty much) free to say anything you like about me, or put up polls. I don't care. I am well aware there are "certain" people here who would respond to those polls with negative replies about me. But I also know there are others who would respond positively, because they understand why I am here, and how I "operate". I tend to be a no BS kind of guy. People who are like this tend to gravitate towards one another.

Well RMT my point in meeting you here was to do it nicely and fairly with out arguing or fighting with you. To talk with you nicely and in a civil manner. Any polls put up should be agreed to first and not done with bad intentions to hurt you or myself. Maybe a pole questing whether or not we can do a better job here with debunking. Something to sum up if there is a better way to do this. As you said you have a no B.S. policy but sometimes ones persons B.S. might be of interest to another person and I believe that is where the conflict here starts.

I was thinking about saying something more about a correct way to debate science but I said a good deal already. My point was that First A actual debate is agreed on first by both parties and not assume by one party. Second there are equal rules and both parties know them before hand and those rules apply to both parties fairly and evenly. Third when either one of the parties fails to take the others reasons and fails to fine fault with those reasons then that person lost the debate. The other way is to recreate that persons work and publish the results.

When communicating with someone the communication passes to the other person. Using canned responses, tactics, behavior mirroring, uncivile behavior, behavior labeling, and name calling closes down communication because it causes the other persons words to be bounced off into outter space never to be heard from again instead of the other person receiving those words, processing those words, and returning the processed opinon to the other person. Nothing is gained from the communication. Nothing new is learned. No knowledge is gained. So, I don,t agree to RMT's tactics even though they may work very well for him. His tactics is what I wanted to have a pole about and see if it might be possible to do it better.
Re: I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...

reactor, you can be very stubborn. do you remember when you first came to tti? you told us about your project, and i told you that it would be impossible to compute everything needed for an accurate simulation. we ended up arguing for a week or so, i got tired of it, and i called you stupid and said i was leaving the discussion.

later on, after i calmed down, i apologized to you for being rude. but i want you to understand that up until you acknowledged what i was saying, i looked at you the same way i looked at hdrkid.

now you put out the information that i can understand. your project has come a long way since then, and i have not said a negative word to you about it. my respect for you increased exponentially. you understood i was only trying to help you the best i could.

when rmt and i started arguing, you had some advice for me. i accepted your advice because i felt you were right and i stopped my end of the fighting. i would appreciate it if you could do the same.


I understand. Watching a forum fight is never fun. RMT seems to get a turn with most here. He has more energy than I do. Anyway I think him and I pretty much met our middle ground. I really don,t have too much more to say. I was thinking about running a pole but before I did I would put it up as a post and see if it was appropiate first then if it was then I would run it. I learned from my president election pole I ran a while back that it was better to ask first when it concerns others. I agree with you the fighting needs to stop.
Is this poll acceptable?

Poll Question - Which method of testing a claim is best

Poll options:
A (Rainmans no B.S. Method.)
B (Reactor's lets call for a real scientific debate method. With debating rules.)
C (Pam's non-agressive questioning of a claim is all that is needed.)

If anyone whos name appears in this pole objects to me using it please let me know. Otherwise I want to post this and see what the forum thinks is the best way to question a time travel claim. I see three methods here being used and I want to see what everyone else thinks is the best way.
Re: Is this poll acceptable?

C (Pam's non-agressive questioning of a claim is all that is needed.)

like Paul McCartney Let it be:

When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom
Let it be
And in my hour of darkness
She is standing right it front of me
Speaking words of wisdom
Let it be

Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be

And when the broken hearted people
Living in the world agree
There will be an answer
Let it be
For though they may be parted there is
still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer
Let it be

Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
yeah, there will be an answer
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be

Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be

And when the night is cloudy
There is still a light that shines on me
Shine until tomorrow
Let it be
I wake up to the sound of music
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom
Let it be

Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
There will be an answer
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
There will be an answer
Let it be

Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be

Link to youtube
Re: I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...


everyone here knows what your one fatal flaw is, your ego.

You're right, I'm wrong. I apologize.
But that is only partially tongue-in-cheek. It is also quite serious. I have more to say that is serious on this topic:

One's ego can also be their greatest strength. It can be that motivating force that encourages you to do something or try something that you might not otherwise let yourself do. But I do agree with you, my ego has gotten me into trouble at times during my entire life. But it has also served me extremely well. I regret none of it. It is my life, and I own it wholly and am fully responsible for it. Now...

i suggest you squish it before someone sqishes it for you.

What makes you think it hasn't been squished already? More than once! :D Hell man, I am approaching 45. I could tell many stories about how my ego has been squished throughout my life...mostly in my 20s, when I thought I was "grown up and experienced" but I was really still a young buck learning the ropes, as it were. But the thing is, the ego is not static. And how much you accomplish in life, and where you take the talents you have been given actually depends a LOT on how you mold your ego. How you respond to those times when others (rightfully so) squish your ego. What I learned as I matured through my 20s into my 30s, and how I shaped my ego, was that I should be careful about speaking up about things that I think I know a lot about, but really do not know nearly enough about. Hence, the ego you experience in me today is nothing compared to what it used to be.

i have never heard you say, "your right, im wrong. i apologize."

Well, maybe not in those precise terms. But there have been plenty of times when I have apologized, and also admitted I was wrong when faced with the facts. The fact that it does not seem like I have ever done this in your eyes could be a result of how I have shaped my ego through learning. Rarely do I speak up (and even more rare of me to push and cajole people relentlessly, or ruthlessly) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif unless I actually do know what I am talking about. Whereas in my teens and 20s I did not make sure I knew something before speaking up, now I do my homework. It just so happens science and engineering are things I know a helluva lot about (ego!). But hey, it's true. And also why myself and my ego feel quite comfortable challenging people here. And if someone can prove me wrong, or otherwise "squish my ego", so much the better...as this becomes another learning experience... a new way to shape and hone my ego to be even more effective for me as TIME passes by.

So yes... you are RIGHT ruthless. My ego probably gets me into more trouble than any other aspect of my life. But for some it is drugs, or crime, or other destructive habits. While I will always look for ways to improve myself (and that includes my ego), I refuse to "hide" my ego or run from it, or perhaps the worst thing one can do: Refuse to OWN it and be RESPONSIBLE for it.

Know what I mean?

you know your a good friend to me and i appreciate that. a part of me being a good friend back is to watch your back. from what i see, your ego ruined many good moments.

And I honestly do appreciate your words, and you watching my back. I feel the same way about you. And you may very well be right that my ego may have ruined many good moments. But not only can I not take those moments back, what seems more important to me is that I learned something from them that I can take away from the experience. And I did that with you. You have taught me many things here, about myself, about yourself, and about some new ways I can interact with people.

Will I completely change to be and act in a way that always pleases you, or Reactor, or Einstein, or recall? Probably not. But then again, I don't expect nor demand that of you guys either.

For me...it's all good. This is merely words on a page. And when I logoff and jump on my bike and ride it to the beach (like I am gonna do in a few minutes), all I think about is how blessed I am for my life, and how blessed I am to be able to interact with so many people with so many different views on life... even if I do not always agree with them.

Re: I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...

awesome. you totally owned your ego in that post.

i have not taught anything compared to what i have been taught here. i just want to see you guys above petty arguments. we all do it, i just wish we could catch it a little earlier.

i appreciate and respect what you wrote a great deal. now everyone gets to see another side of you.

i have been trying to deflate my ego lately because i realize that is one big reason for my problems. i have been doing well, and have been in alot less arguments.
Re: I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...

One's ego can also be their greatest strength. It can be that motivating force that encourages you to do something or try something that you might not otherwise let yourself do.

in my opinion, sometimes problems come from misinerpreting emotions. i am not saying that is what you did, but i personally believe this is pride, not ego. i also believe ego and pride should never be associated with one another or confused for one another.i would replace the word ego in your sentence with pride.

just a thought.
Re: I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...

It's been an awesome, bright, warm, sunny, and fun day here near the SoCal beaches...at least for me it has. It makes one feel good to be alive.

What bothers me is what you say at the end of your post you reserve the right to the freedom of speech and to be a ahol. That raised a eyebrow with me and caused me to ask myself a lot of questions regarding your intentions concerning scientific debate and debunking here. And it caused me to question why you are here and how is this forum here at TTI gaining anything from your logic and tactics. Is this really doing any good or is it hurting this forum? Which is the main reason I am here talking to you now. I think this scientific debating and debunking needs better rules than the freedom of speech and reserving the right to be a ahol. It does not always work for others here. More so with the ones that you are talking to. I think the rules of the game need to be leveled to a fair playing field for the people you are talking to because they don,t have your tactics, logic, and reasoning and they don,t understand scientific debate or debunking.

I have not ignored your words, Reactor. In fact, these are the words that I read this morning and have been thinking about. I am trying to formulate words in response. Ones that might help you realize the other side of what you are saying with your words. I just need to find a good way to explain it to you...from my perspective, and perhaps the perspective of others like me.

Let me drink in the sunset here, and think about it some more. And then I will try to give you another scenario about the above.

Re: I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...

I have not ignored your words, Reactor. In fact, these are the words that I read this morning and have been thinking about. I am trying to formulate words in response. Ones that might help you realize the other side of what you are saying with your words. I just need to find a good way to explain it to you...from my perspective, and perhaps the perspective of others like me.

Let me drink in the sunset here, and think about it some more. And then I will try to give you another scenario about the above.

Ok, in the future I will try to put a lid on my fit throwing and try to put a little bit more thought into what I am saying and reading. It was cold here today in Arkansas. Our weather here can be bright and sunny one day and snow and ice the next.
Re: I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...

in my opinion, sometimes problems come from misinerpreting emotions. i am not saying that is what you did, but i personally believe this is pride, not ego. i also believe ego and pride should never be associated with one another or confused for one another.i would replace the word ego in your sentence with pride.

just a thought.

The ego according to Buddhism is the cause of pain and suffering. Their beliefs are similar to Christian beliefs except for the diety part. Still either way you look at it there is words of wisdom in both beliefs. Buddhism I read is not a real religion. They choose what to belief or not belief and some Buddhist are practicing Christians too. Their main deal is control of mind and body and peace and happiness. They do this through self control and through peaceful co-existance with the world. I find it hard to co-exist as others have notice but I try. But also the ego can be necessary for survival as RMT pointed out that it has served him well. I'm not really religious but I like to keep my mind open.
Re: I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...

On digging deeper into my work I'm not sure how much more you can go. I have tried to explain how my code works as best I can. Most don,t seem very interested in it. As for pressing me for something to back it up when I came here I thought it was only my invention but as Darby later informed me the theory has come up before and I was just borrowing it. On the proving it part where how and why. Simply running the program does not prove much because there is nothing to back the theory up or I don,t have a way to mathematically back the theory up as of yet.

Both Darby and I have told you many times: Math is important, but physics comes first. In most of your responses to us, you are open and honest with us that maybe your math is not as good as you would like. We understand that. And we are not denigrating you for that. But we also try to explain to you that physics is more important than math. Work on your knowledge of physics first. Do not focus only on math and perhaps how your math is not as advanced as others. Instead focus on learning and understanding physics. The more you do this, the more your math will have to branch out. Because the better you understand physics, the more you rely upon math to describe the physics of reality.

Now here is something you are going to find hard to believe is the right thing to do. But I would ask Darby to chime in and discuss this, as I know he understands what I am about to say is true.

You ask how to dig deeper into your theories. One thing that the scientific method tells us is that the best thing we can do for any "pet theory" that we come up with in our minds, is to try and actively FALSIFY OUR OWN THEORIES. I know it does not seem logical, but when you come to understand how physics & math are parts of science, you will eventually see that the best thing you can do to either verify, or invalidate, your own pet theories is for you to actively try to prove yourself wrong.

Trying to prove yourself "right" is all too easy. We can convince ourselves that words we contrive to convince our conscious mind make sense. It is a very easy thing to do. But if you can logically show your thoughts to be wrong, that becomes much more useful as it allows you to abandon thoughts that are clearly proven as wrong by examples in the real world. It allows you to move on to things that can NOT be falsified.

This is an area where it is very good to study the work of Karl Popper and falsifiability. It has helped me understand something very fundamental which is not very "common sensical" to many people who are not well versed in the scientific method.

Re: I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...

Both Darby and I have told you many times: Math is important, but physics comes first. In most of your responses to us, you are open and honest with us that maybe your math is not as good as you would like. We understand that. And we are not denigrating you for that. But we also try to explain to you that physics is more important than math. Work on your knowledge of physics first. Do not focus only on math and perhaps how your math is not as advanced as others. Instead focus on learning and understanding physics. The more you do this, the more your math will have to branch out. Because the better you understand physics, the more you rely upon math to describe the physics of reality.

Now here is something you are going to find hard to believe is the right thing to do. But I would ask Darby to chime in and discuss this, as I know he understands what I am about to say is true.

You ask how to dig deeper into your theories. One thing that the scientific method tells us is that the best thing we can do for any "pet theory" that we come up with in our minds, is to try and actively FALSIFY OUR OWN THEORIES. I know it does not seem logical, but when you come to understand how physics & math are parts of science, you will eventually see that the best thing you can do to either verify, or invalidate, your own pet theories is for you to actively try to prove yourself wrong.

Trying to prove yourself "right" is all too easy. We can convince ourselves that words we contrive to convince our conscious mind make sense. It is a very easy thing to do. But if you can logically show your thoughts to be wrong, that becomes much more useful as it allows you to abandon thoughts that are clearly proven as wrong by examples in the real world. It allows you to move on to things that can NOT be falsified.

This is an area where it is very good to study the work of Karl Popper and falsifiability. It has helped me understand something very fundamental which is not very "common sensical" to many people who are not well versed in the scientific method.

Ok, on learning the physics first seems practical. As you already know I was going to go with the math first. I did a lot of downloading from the link you gave me but have more to do once I can get back to broadband. That makes sense. On proving my theory wrong I have looked at it and what plays havick with it is the alternate reality. There is so much of it to filter out and trying to find what is real can be tough. But, it is also a plus in some ways because it can present new knowledge when the goal is not actual time travel. My math approach was to prove that one can send a message from a to b in time and space when a and b both know what checksums to search and decode to find that message. Im working on it.