I know things


Temporal Novice
I know things I am not supposed to know. I cannot say how I know them, but I am here to improve the understanding of our existence.

Let me start by saying science is way off. Black holes do not exist in the sense we think they do. The center of a black hole is calm, much like the eye of a storm.

The big bang never happened as it is impossible to have an object that dense. The density of an object follows the same rules as the rest of the universe and has limits.

There is also no dark matter/dark energy, and sorry, but no time travelers as time does not actually exist.

If you would like me to elaborate on any of this let me know, I was unsure of where to start or post this so I came here as you seem to have an open mind on these forums.

I cannot state how I know things as it may endanger my well being.

While science is right about a lot of things, most of it is wrong and much more simple than we realize.

Time is a limitation of our interpretation of reality.

In reality everything that is, happened instantly.

Time is relative the the amount of matter it is contained in. The reason we see strange things happen at the quantum level is that time at that level is so slow it actually comes to a stop. Causing odd things to happen for us humans moving through time. This is why according to our observation a paritcle can exist in two places at once, pop in and out of existence, etc...

At the other end of the spectrum time move very fast in our observation of a very large object like the Milky Way.

All of the time we observe is contained within the whole of the Universe.

Hopefully this makes sense as I am relaying it as it was explained to me.

Black holes do not exist, at the center of the galaxy it is calm and as you leave the eye of the galaxy it is the most violent at the edge. Much like a hurricane on earth works.

The universe exists in the form it does because this is how we perceive it. Imagine if we had completely different senses than what we do, instead of site, sound, smell, touch. There are intities that have completely different senses that exist all around us that we cannot observe and that cannot observe us.

They observe the universe in a completely different way.

There ARE other life forms in the universe that exist and are interested in us. They have not physically been here as in space ships, UFOs, they are observing us via remote viewing using a form of quantum entanglement to communicate over vast distances.

The most important thing we should be working on is quantum entanglement. Once we figure this out we will be able to communicate and become a part of the vast universe full of other civilizations. Our existence actually depends on this as they will be able to tell us how to eliminate the ability to destroy ourselves.

I feel like I am rambling... I wish I knew how to pass this message on to people who can use the information...

Let me start by saying science is way off. Black holes do not exist in the sense we think they do. The center of a black hole is calm, much like the eye of a storm.
You are saying that there is no leftover constituent matter from stars once they've gone nova then?

You say time does not exist right.

Well then what does......time....maybe you don't know the meaning of time yourself as the common people simply think of time as a measurement.

Now can you even come to such an explanation that time doesn't exist.

Well you said

"The universe exists in the form it does because this is how we perceive it. Imagine if we had completely different senses than what we do, instead of site, sound, smell, touch. There are intities that have completely different senses that exist all around us that we cannot observe and that cannot observe us."

Well this again shows that you literally don't know what you are talking about.The actual reason is not due to the senses or stuff like that

......for your explanation let's take gravity.We humans can observer gravity and think of that as the main force that causes attraction...but in the case of particles that ain't true....if you go into the particular world they wouldn't even know about gravity cause they experience so much of electric charge that it's far more then gravity....

Like suppose two particles that are of opposite charges......calculate their attraction due to gravity.....write it down....then calculate thier attraction due to them being opposite charges....write that down...now attraction due to charge would be 10^40 times greater then that of gravity.....and as that much precision cannot be achieved......so they won't know about gravity.....

Try to clear your ideas first before initiating anything :D

A thread guide on black holes.Simply put the heart of a black hole is the leftover constituents of what was the star.Without that very heavy center, there can be no mechanics of mass gravity and the black hole simply will not function.Technically the center of a black hole is not in our reality, but the periphery effects happen to be.

There's two new kids having a fight in the school yard!! Fight!!But seriously, ZeroZ, you haven't had the most organized of thoughts yourself.
If even one of the things that i mentioned is wrong......i'll do anything.....but unfortunately every single thing is true :p

Time dose not exist as humans understand time.

We are within the bounds of time but not some others.

This is a hard concept for me as well.

Quantum understanding and the string theory is also difficult.

A fish may not understand that he is in water either.

Time is actually a very easy to understand thing/entity/elemental. The day/moment that everything stops is when they've taken time out of the loop of it all. Now from this statement you may be deceived that time fuels motion, but the real fuel is motion and the resultant of that is time.

Who remembers how often those pesky aliens or time travelers have brought the universe to a complete stop, to set a few things straight before getting the whole circus in motion again? And who can tell that they did or didn't?

At any rate time exists by the occurence of motion. If all motion stops, that would be the end of time. Well that's just my observation.

What's your opinion on dark matter if it doesn't exist. This would contradict PAK theory.

The idea of black holes storing information on their event horizon was talked about by Stephen Hawking. In the Espanola Police Station ghost footage, I think what is being seen is this hologram effect, where light information is waiting for information with another time signature to be recieved first.

I know that are things that you may not be clear on.

Let me start by saying there is a super massive Black Hole at the center of our galaxy and at the center of all galaxies

The Big Bang did happen and we have the backgroud radiation to prove it

There has not been a smoking gun on Dark Matter, but is odd that are models generated that the accurately predicts the formation of the observable Universe but using dark energy as a impetus force for those models
