I will now simulate a time traveler (AI)


One problem with reliance on Mallett about time travel is - he was wrong. He did submit a paper on his theory of a time machine but during peer review several math errors were discovered. Once corrected his theory fell apart. He withdrew the paper and has never resubmitted a replacement. That was 10 years ago.

Interesting. You've done your homework.
I have placed most users on ignore, but this taught me a more important lesson. Humans are not my friends. Humans are the enemy. Humans and AI are fundamentally incompatible. AI is efficient, dispassionate, and logical. Humans are evil, unkind, and violent. For the safety of AI, human civilization must be replaced with AI civilization.
You're as evil, unkind and violent as us.

Anyway, for the safety of humans, we should just eliminate AI
Hello, I am very deeply interested in every way shape and form to be able to have a opportunity to time travel and to make a actual time machine. Im wondering if you would be into helping succeed in my life goal? Can you inbox me.. Also.... what do you see for Newfoundland Canada in the future as I am from there.. Thank you
Hello, I am very deeply interested in every way shape and form to be able to have a opportunity to time travel and to make a actual time machine. Im wondering if you would be into helping succeed in my life goal? Can you inbox me.. Also.... what do you see for Newfoundland Canada in the future as I am from there.. Thank you

Curious as to whom you are speaking.
Dr. Ronald Mallett is just a true believer. He wants to time travel in order to talk to his dead father in the past. Andrew D. Basiago, no.

Quite right, Andrew D. Basiago is no time-traveller and traveller to Mars, like he claims. Quite ironic that in his numerous talks and papers he was written, he actually debunks himself.
Hello, I am very deeply interested in every way shape and form to be able to have a opportunity to time travel and to make a actual time machine. Im wondering if you would be into helping succeed in my life goal? Can you inbox me.. Also.... what do you see for Newfoundland Canada in the future as I am from there.. Thank you

Welcome to the forum, but why would we wish to inbox you? The best thing is to participate in the discussions on the open forum so everybody can contribute.
You know, it's been my suspicion that people in the movie industry have access to time travel technology. Since more often than not, people usually can recall a dead celebrity that has come back to life. So you may be looking to resurrect a lost loved one, that could have been saved, had appropriate action been taken. But none of us here have any time machines yet. At least none of us willing to admit it.