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You've got to be kidding. How much of your hard-earned $ are you willing to wager on that scenario? Because I will go "all in" that Russia is not stupid enough to throw any nukes at anybody. You have to understand Putin and the state of the Russian armed forces. He clearly does not want a fighting war, and he is clearly showing himself to be a much more studious tactician than Obama and his clowns in that regard. Did you see what he did in Syria? Putin, of all people, came out looking like the adult, and the peacemaker. Meanwhile, all Obama did was reinforce to our allies that he is all talk and no go. And that has pissed off BOTH the Saudis AND Israel at the same time. Now think about THAT for a second! :) As I always suggest, one needs to keep their eyes on the things going on around the world that are NOT being hype-reported by the media. Putin is doing something overt in Ukraine and Obama is playing into his hands because he does not want the media reporting on what he is doing with his other hand. Have you been keeping your eye on Venezuela? If not, you should for two reasons: (1) The socialist model is in SERIOUS trouble there (it always has failed whenever it has been tried, just a matter of time), and (2) There is a LOT of oil there. 'Nuff said.RMT
Yes, just kidding involving mobilisation of 10000 troops doing nuclear strike drills and exercises...Ukraine crisis: Russia carries out massive nuclear war exercise involving 10,000 troops - Europe - World - The Independent

All right Einstein, so anyone can just predict the weather like that, huh? So, you're next. Predict us a killer earthquake. You gotta get it within say 2 weeks of it actual happening, Using all your statistical data and your scientific mind you should have no problem.

All right Einstein, so anyone can just predict the weather like that, huh? So, you're next. Predict us a killer earthquake. You gotta get it within say 2 weeks of it actual happening, Using all your statistical data and your scientific mind you should have no problem.
Well, no killer earthquakes on the horizon for the next two weeks in California. But I predict there will be an earthquake in California within the next two weeks. That gives me till April 16 for my prediction to come true.
MyloIt was a generalized prediction. Even you could do it. Using statistical data.The location was a miss. The epicenter of the quake occurred offshore in the ocean.
Given the time span evident, roughly 22,000 earthquakes occurred across the earth.

It's just like predicting lightning strikes. They will happen statistically. But when and where?
I respectfully disagree sir. If it would be so easy for myself to predict a quake with so called data, then why are experts in that field not doing so? Only one person I came across called an earthquake in Chile, within the time frame of a few days. Also this person got the location correct . The earthquake affected Chile, people did not die in Honduras but in Chile.The person said the quake would cause Tsunami, so obviously earthquake did not occur inland, but on ocean floor.
Remember the person said it would occur at about a depth of 20km; they were spot on.

Please provide a similar prediction by the experts.

Of course, if you're right, It'll be hell for ya. People be hitting you up for lotto numbers. We can all say we knew him when he was nobody. I get first autograph. I started this.

Or I could just introduce you to the statistical data and the geographical hotspots where earthquakes are likely to occur. Then you could go play soothsayer on your own.

MyloIt was a generalized prediction. Even you could do it. Using statistical data.The location was a miss. The epicenter of the quake occurred offshore in the ocean.
Given the time span evident, roughly 22,000 earthquakes occurred across the earth.

It's just like predicting lightning strikes. They will happen statistically. But when and where?
You're wrong, Einstein. The kid was right on the money. And if you read the comments, most are wondering just why this kid was so accurate. One commenter lied and said he posted his prediction after the news story broke.
I just looked it up. There have been 56 earthquakes in California in the last 7 days around 2.4-2,9. I guess everyone has to superglue their nick-knacks over there. So Einstein, it has to be at least a 5 pointer. Do you feel you can give us a city too?

Well, no killer earthquakes on the horizon for the next two weeks in California. But I predict there will be an earthquake in California within the next two weeks. That gives me till April 16 for my prediction to come true.
Aww come on Einstein. You provide a general location, and that is it? At least the GLP Chile person predicted:1) that an offshore earthquake would occur that would affect Chile (correct)
2) It would have a depth of about 20km (correct according to USGS)

3) An issue concerning a Tsunami would occur (correct)

4) The quake would have a greater magnitude than 8 (correct)

Your prediction is kinda lame in comparison, don't you think?

Okay about your prediction. The Chile person on GLP says that a big earthquake in California will be very sudden. He/she says it may occur without the pattern of "fore shocks"/activity (which is usual for CA). He/she says it will also be a very shallow quake.

Anyway, the point I am making is that you do not have to be an alleged "time-traveller" to make these predictions. The Chile person on GLP claims to use a method of observing energy release patterns, such as sunspot activity, volcanoes etc to make the predictions.

Lets take a look at some more facts:

Chile area: 756,096 km²

California area: 423,970 km²

It does appear I did choose a smaller area for my prediction. As I recall the poster predicting an earthquake in Chile didn't mention the magnitude of the earthquake. Of course that can change with the edit function. And 20km does appear to be an average depth for earthquakes in that area. Which by the way are very numerous. And considering that earthquakes in that area also regularly occur offshore, a Tsunami would be a natural occurrence too.

Here is a link to current earthquake activity in the Chile area:

Chile realtime earthquakes list – Lista sismos Chile

As you may surmise from the data, earthquake activity in the Chile area appears to be quite common. Kind of like predicting sunshine. Which I would agree does seem kind of lame.

As I recall the poster predicting an earthquake in Chile didn't mention the magnitude of the earthquake. Of course that can change with the edit function.
This tells me that you never "read" the link I posted (the link that contained the Chile prediction on GLP).
Listen, if you guys are going to make stuff up just to argue, then I'm not going to participate in this discussion anymore.

Predicting an earthquake ?somewhere" in California on any day is actually easier than predicting that the sun will rise tomorrow. It's better than shooting fish in a rain barrel.


The map is dynamic (it is updated hourly). Whenever you happen to click on the link you'll see a typical week of data. There will be 100-200 earthquakes shown on the map of California for the past 7 days.

Thanks for the link Mylo. Someone claiming to be IQ EQ says a Wyoming earthquake linked to Yellowstone will trigger.
The person posting about the Wyoming prediction is a different person to the one that made Chile prediction. They maybe using the same IQ EQ profile name, but they are 2 different people. The language, vocabulary, grammar and whole syntax of the Wyoming poster is different than the Chile poster. Trust me, they are 2 different people. I think it is a ploy by the Wyoming imposter to discredit the Chile poster. Anyway, I digress from the subject at hand.