Looking for John Titor

Predicting an earthquake ?somewhere" in California on any day is actually easier than predicting that the sun will rise tomorrow. It's better than shooting fish in a rain barrel.http://www.data.scec.org/recent/req2/index.htmlThe map is dynamic (it is updated hourly). Whenever you happen to click on the link you'll see a typical week of data. There will be 100-200 earthquakes shown on the map of California for the past 7 days.
Animals don't lie.

God Code Matrix 188 predicts a greater than 6 magnitude quake to hit on the 14th April, 19th & 20th (+ or - 1 day for the 20th). Central America, (guatemala/el-salvador region) is predicted as being hit.

Mr. Thomas, if Jon Titor (or John as you spell the name)
Trevor,It's not a matter of how you, John Thomas or anyone else here spells "John" Titor. That's how TimeTravel_0 chose to spell it when he registered on the Post-2-Post forum. It's also how he signed his posts on P2P. He was never known as John Titor on this site until after he registered on P2P on 27-JAN-2001, a few days short of 3 months after he first appeared here and a few days short of 4 months after he first appeared on the IRC with Yariesa. Regardless of the spelling he said that John Titor was not his actual name. He said that made up the name in order to register on P2P because Art Bell's forum required a first name, a last name and a paid email service email address (no gmail.com, hotmail.com thus [email protected]).

Trevor' date='It's not a matter of how you, John Thomas or anyone else here spells "John" Titor. That's how TimeTravel_0 chose to spell it when he registered on the Post-2-Post forum. It's also how he signed his posts on P2P. He was never known as John Titor on this site until after he registered on P2P on 27-JAN-2001, a few days short of 3 months after he first appeared here and a few days short of 4 months after he first appeared on the IRC with Yariesa. Regardless of the spelling he said that John Titor was not his actual name. He said that made up the name in order to register on P2P because Art Bell's forum required a first name, a last name and a paid email service email address (no gmail.com, hotmail.com thus [email protected]).
Haber says John will be back in 14 or 2015. Your comment?
If John chose to make a "pit stop" to 2000 - 2001 after recovering the IBM 5100, perhaps it was to observe whether or not Y2K was, indeed, a disaster for us... If another visit is possible later this year or the next, I'm curious. What does he want to know?

It doesn't matter what you want to call it. The Dollar, The Pound, The Euro, The Durham, Dinar, Yen, Franc... Oil, precious metals, etc. It's all currency. When people learn of the places I've been, the things I've seen & done, how I made a living... If it was for God & Country or for nothing more than the Almighty Dollar, my answer to most of their questions is almost always "Follow the money". If the John Titor story is all hog-wash, who's making the money? If any part of it is true, who's making the money?

"Belief" without evidence. "Believe" without proof. That all sounds like "faith" to me. People of faith, in my experience, require no proof. For people without faith, no proof is enough. I wonder if John Titor was a man of "faith".

"Belief" without evidence. "Believe" without proof. That all sounds like "faith" to me. People of faith, in my experience, require no proof. For people without faith, no proof is enough. I wonder if John Titor was a man of "faith".
Vodkafan... Follow the money! Heeheeheeheehee! I don't know what to tell you, nor anyone else, about time travel. I don't know enough about it. I could only share what I feel and what I believe. Were time travel possible, I believe it would be one of the worst ideas in the history of bad ideas. Too much opportunity for confusion. Just because you CAN do something doesn't necessarily mean you SHOULD. I find the John Titor story fascinating, and if nothing else, entertaining. I try hard, despite it's allure, not to be drawn too deeply into it. But if there's any truth to the Titor story, I feel conflicted, terrified and a little sad when I think about what it might be like to be him.

Hello again
Howdy! Hey you made lots of claims about things that didn't happen..like the breaking up of civilization in the US, civil war, no more Olympics..big things we should have noticed..also you didn't say anything about a lot of big things that did happen, like the attack on the WTC 2001 , earthquakes, tsunamis and stuff.. how do you explain this?Also please tell us why you would compromise your mission by posting on forums? What is your reasoning behind that?
I would like to know about your training to be a time traveller? What is the power source of the time travel machine you posted pictures of? Where are the black holes created that are inside it, how do they get them inside it and how are they safely contained in so small a space? (The diagrams seem to show electromagnetic windings but there is no power source)

No, my sources said that the US market will not crash by the fiscal cliff because China is lending money to America in order to push Chinese Yuen down, for a more competitive cost of Chinese products in the world market.This financial relationship will stablise the global stock market for a while.For more information about the US bonds
How Much U.S. Debt Does China Own?

Barrett is a liar. Do not trust him. Let's wait and see the result.

I will return to this thread to prove what I said in this post is correct at the end of April 2014, after the next quarter begins.

Those of you who read the Time Travel Claims forum would know that I do not provide any false claim to date.
As in May 2014, US dollar did not crash. The End.
Hello again
Timetravel_00 you liar! Where is the U.S. civil war and nuke WW3?Do you know how many of your Titor fans store up food and goods, and waiting to embrace the chaos you mentioned back in 2005?
Do you know how many precious hours of countless people had spent in reading and debunk your hoax story, or be led astray by your lies?

What do you tried to achieve? Personal fame and monetary gain on the Internet.

Selfishness, government technology leaking and deceitfulness are not the characters of a true personal to be elected for any military/government time travel programs. True time travellers need to be someone with exemplary characters, and be responsible for all consequences in every action.

Shame on you Titor!

In my opinion, John Titor is not a real person. He was created by a group of people in order to fulfil a social media platform experiment, very much in the same vein as the more recent Kony experiment.

"Belief" without evidence. "Believe" without proof. That all sounds like "faith" to me. People of faith, in my experience, require no proof. For people without faith, no proof is enough. I wonder if John Titor was a man of "faith".
If you read Conviction of a Time Traveler, you will discover 282 pages of evidence.