On not really being able to know what is going on in the future


Temporal Navigator
I had tripped on this happenstance of not knowing what is going on in the future.

One cannot know this even if they travel in time a lot, because what may occur with the structure of matter or space time into the future, is that only part of space time is able to be constructed.This is an estimated one half to one third spacetime raceways into the future.

So say if there were a catastrophe and the world as we knew it, in the future tense were to be destroyed, only the half traveling ducts, or pathways to the future would be functioning, in an echoed resonant value.

So this value clarified as a situation, is what values that we send forwards in time to the future would be captured., however the timeline itself would register a solution made as a copy back to our time excluding the fact that everything would be destroyed.

Why this occurs as a possibility is not real clearly understood as of yet.What may be occurring is that nature herself must propose a competency, (a false picture that everything is alright), so that at least some of the contract of nature as being perceived as being a sound entity, is maintained.

*An example of this in a simple illustration is that say a hand hold a ball.However at the wrist a plastic medicine glass of quick growing liquid that generates a quick growing crystal lattice, or pattern over the entire shape of the hand and the ball that person is holding.

Okay, now take a sharp knife and cut the upper half of the ball completely off and this is with the crystal tendrils that have grown on top of this ball.The hand is okay, still there, however the top of the ball and crystal is completely gone and only half of this balls circumference is left.

Now understand the signals in vibration that travel up through the crystal pathways to only half that distance, to where there once was substance is no longer there.but know now what does occur at the end of those crystal telling nodes, half way up that ball, is that nature herself will imposed a perceived symmetry sent back to the past.

This is so as her job primarily duty held in character; is to tell of a condition to where everything would be perceived as being alright., even though it is not.This is a, (law of imposed uniformity) and primarily why one cannot predict the future, even though they think that they either know or can construct the future.

Thank you

I read this three times and I really don't understand.

What I am getting out of it is almost like you are saying that each visit through time changes what occurs. That it will change in each instance.

Please clarify.

Yes to Kimberlyd, exactly as you suppose, outcomes in the future are and can be variable.This is why to a measure, you cannot rule by time travel.

There are two realizations in time travel.These are the corridor and or the re-phasing into that new time destination, but as a result of a projection.

The first description in a way acts in a wormhole like fashion, as this is one of the tools that the universe uses to equalize energy and matter.

If you look at those corridors as structures, as you would view a collection of vines on a grape trellis, then you start to discern some description to space and time.

If you cut or time back the vines because they are starting to climb up on your roof. The action of the vines does not stop, however another apparatus cuts in which simply tells the condition of the vines, to keep growing.

Now going back to the model we used of the crystal lattice growing around the hand holding the ball and the top part being cut away., nature tells those crystal pathways, to act normally as they should.

This is the tricky part here, as what paints the consistency of the future, is the person in the relative past assumption that a future is still there.This is a funny set of circumstances, as the time conduits traveling directly into the future may not be complete.But know since they themselves are a functioning tool, part of the continuum, must relay the fact to the person who perceives the future, that it must be complete, it is.

Another example is that Johnny has met a new girlfriend.Let's say her name is Sue.She is a very popular girl in the town that she had come from.In fact she's so popular that you can easily find her name on many public bathroom walls.This is for a good time.

Now Johnny takes Sue home as he really likes her, is thinking about making their relationship permanent. The family however, has no idea of her past.For the short time that she is in Johnny's parent's house, everyone wants to make things right, so they all see Sue through a new set of eyes.

No realities set in here. Maybe we'll let it that way? Know what they think they all should see, they're seeing.Do you understand now?

So... " There are two realizations"of "time travel.... the corridor and or the re-phasing into ... new time destination....The first ... acts in a wormhole like fashion"

What is the second?

What is this crystal model, that you are cutting? Why it has to do something with time travel?

So... " There are two realizations"of "time travel.... the corridor and or the re-phasing into ... new time destination....The first ... acts in a wormhole like fashion"What is the second?What is this crystal model, that you are cutting? Why it has to do something with time travel?
A corridor comes from in parody from the said Philadelphia experiment.The telling of this past happenstance showed that the entire metal ship, was said to be traveling in a corridor.So this grand concept of time travel can ber scailed down to uising smaller conduits.This is one.
Re-phasing matter by flavoring it with from control device photons, point to point within a prescribed target area, is two.This is a popular concept as of now with the time travel series Twelve Monkeys.

Actually a simpler method was shown to work, by using a section of antenna, coupled with the transformer unit of a stereo.This was reported to have made a paperclip go zero, or report to an alternate space or dimension.

This principle is what the flux capacitor is built on.The term flux capacitor predates the movie using the very same term, in Back To The Future.

Second answer.The crystal model is just a mathematical example substitution for time and or wormhole tunnels in space, as crystal itself is correspondent to vibrational frequencies.This example was made just for illustration purposes.

"Actually a simpler method was shown to work, by using a section of antenna, coupled with the transformer unit of a stereo.This was reported to have made a paperclip go zero, or report to an alternate space or dimension.

This principle is what the flux capacitor is built on.The term flux capacitor predates the movie using the very same term, in Back To The Future."

I haven't heard that. Where did you read about that?

seivtcho asked

I haven't heard that. Where did you read about that?
The article that follows within the link provided.They can sometimes do this, but I think that the ability to do this may be conditions involved along with timing that the experiment is performed correctly.((very strict warning to time travler expirmenters on this use of flux cap technolgies)), Point of departure from an enlarged version of the flux capacitor, is an overloading of the time space scalier quotient over and object to send.To modern knowledge, there is no known method of being able to regulate either the power, or to successfully exit your sending point time and space configuration, or to maintain a hold on your intened target.This posting board nor publisher within this thread does not claim any responsibility for the experimenter's actions.The proposed use of the flux capacitor method of time travel and be forwarned, is the trickiest of them all.We hereby proclaim that any discussion on our part concerning this device, is therefore safely disclaimed.

There must be an attached time destination regulation device to the traveler and this involved very elaborate planning as well as execution in the building of this hand held, or on body held prosthetic device.Yes, considerably complex as well as tricky

Attest and thank you, Pinterest

