Pope calls for New World Order ?


Super Moderator
" The Vatican called Monday for radical reform of the world's financial systems, including the creation of a global political authority to manage the economy. " ~ Fox News

Pope Calls for New World Economic Order - Fox News Article

Say what ? Hmm.

Although the writer of the article probably intentionally used New World Order in the headlines to attract readers, still is interesting timing on the Pope's part to mention anything even close to such an idea.

Wonder who the Pope 'really' has in mind for doing just that ?
Wonder who the Pope 'really' has in mind for doing just that ?

Oh - maybe the Vatican Bank itself. The Vatican Bank has been involved in several major scandals over the past 30 years the latest being last year. Murders, suicides, money laundering, embezzlement...

Maybe the Pope needs to get his house in order first before he takes a whack at world banking issues.
Oh - maybe the Vatican Bank itself. The Vatican Bank has been involved in several major scandals over the past 30 years the latest being last year. Murders, suicides, money laundering, embezzlement...

Maybe the Pope needs to get his house in order first before he takes a whack at world banking issues.

Perhaps the Pope made this speech at this time as a response to the events of numerous countries establishing Sharia Law in a seemingly more consolidated manner ?

In other words, the Vatican is getting a tad nervous relative to a shift with the balance of power and authority?

Seems to be irresponsbile for the Pope to make such a speech considering that there are quite a few people already screaming (or hiding in underground bunkers) about the New World Order and their supposed agenda.

Come on. You're better than that. The Pope's timing coincides with the "Occupy Dis-or-Dat City, Comrades" demonstarions against the banks. It has nothing to do with The Brotherhood.
Come on. You're better than that. The Pope's timing coincides with the "Occupy Dis-or-Dat City, Comrades" demonstrations against the banks. It has nothing to do with The Brotherhood.

Darby, in Sept. 2006 during a speech in Germany, Pope Benedict XVI quoted words expressed by a Byzantine emperor, Manuel II Paleologus six centuries ago :

"Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

That comment brought a demand from The Brotherhood for an apology from Benedict, which Benedict never did do. Not to mention that the comment also resulted in several disturbing consequences, as well.

What was presented in the first post of this thread was merely a very small portion based on a document prepared and released by Pope Benedict XVI in 2009.

The document, " Truth in Charity " took two years to prepare.

The remarks of Benedict as quoted in the Fox News article, are not new.

I agree that he pinned his comments to financial situations, however, the idea that Benedict only had a new global financial order in mind as he wrote 'Charity in Truth' seems a bit naive.

"Charity in Truth" is a declaration of intent relative to several issues, not just the "Occupy Dis-or-Dat City, Comrades" demonstrations against the banks.

Quotes from "Charity in Truth " :

" Charity is at the heart of the Church's social doctrine. Every responsibility and every commitment spelt out by that doctrine is derived from charity which, according to the teaching of Jesus, is the synthesis of the entire Law..."

"I am aware of the ways in which charity has been and continues to be misconstrued and emptied of meaning, with the consequent risk of being misinterpreted, detached from ethical living and, in any event, undervalued. In the social, juridical, cultural, political and economic fields — the contexts, in other words, that are most exposed to this danger — it is easily dismissed as irrelevant for interpreting and giving direction to moral responsibility. "

“Caritas in veritate” is the principle around which the Church's social doctrine turns, a principle that takes on practical form in the criteria that govern moral action. I would like to consider two of these in particular, of special relevance to the commitment to development in an increasingly globalized society: justice and the common good."

" Like all commitment to justice, it has a place within the testimony of divine charity that paves the way for eternity through temporal action. Man's earthly activity, when inspired and sustained by charity, contributes to the building of the universal city of God, which is the goal of the history of the human family. In an increasingly globalized society, the common good and the effort to obtain it cannot fail to assume the dimensions of the whole human family, that is to say, the community of peoples and nations, in such a way as to shape the earthly city in unity and peace, rendering it to some degree an anticipation and a prefiguration of the undivided city of God. "

" Paul VI clearly understood that the social question had become worldwide and he grasped the interconnection between the impetus towards the unification of humanity and the Christian ideal of a single family of peoples in solidarity and fraternity. "

In reading the document, "Charity in Truth" reminds me of another document authored by St. Bernard of Clairvaux within which is written:

"Every time you who live in the ways of worldly chivalry gather to fight among yourselves, you need fear killing your adversary in body and yourself in soul; even more, you need fear finding yourself killed by him, both in body as well as soul. The heart's disposition, not the fortunes of war, determine defeat or victory for the Christian. If the reason for fighting is good, the outcome of the fight cannot be bad, in the same way that any end cannot seem good when good cause and righteous intention do not precede it. If you get yourself killed while trying to kill someone else, you will die a murderer. But if you prevail and in trying to win or do well you have occasion to kill a man, you will live a murderer. Being a murderer benefits no one, the dead, the living, the victor or the vanquished.


Christ's knights can fight their Lord's fight in safety, fearless of sin in slaughter of their adversaries and fearless of danger at their own deaths, since death suffered or dealt out on Christ's behalf holds no crime and merits great glory. "


Is the "Charity in Truth" the same as the " De Laude Novae Militiae " ?

I believe it is, and the adversaries as per St. Bernard then; are the same adversaries as per Pope Benedict XVI, today.

Yeah, he may have used the "Occupy Dis-or-Dat City" as an opportunity to dribble out a few quotes here and there, but obviously a new world "economic" order the isn't the only "new world order" that Pope Benedict is advocating.

Source of quotes:

Charity In Truth of the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI


Bernard of Clairvaux - In Praise of the New Knighthood
