
Temporal Novice

The Infinite Mind is all there is and there is nothing else, there is no "outside" it - all creation must be in it and of it. Therefore all is mind. This is the only logical conclusion we can come to. It is with this foundation that all those who realized it have become great.

Matter is a term given to the opinion which we hold in regard to it. Yet no one has been able to define what matter is. Scientists have proved that matter changes into a substance unknowable. This substance is mind. All is mind substance; therefore your body is mind substance.

This mind substance is changeable and changes according to our beliefs, opinions and fears in regard to disease, death and other external experiences.

The animating power in the Infinite or Universal Mind is Spirit. This Spirit causes all form and changes in that form to take place. It is the ruling factor which brings forth Universes, planets and all forms of life that exist upon them.

This Spirit is consciousness. It is self-conscious, that is, it is more than Consciousness; it has will and direction, and has Intelligence as well. It is the controlling factor in the Infinite Mind and it is the controlling factor in finite mind. It is the only thing that has consciousness, therefore all creations having consciousness must have Infinite Spirit in them. It is the power behind thought. Thought is its means of creation. Its thought carries with it the means of sustaining its creation and this creation is the Intelligence in action.

The Infinite is the whole, the finite is that which is the image and likeness within that whole with the same Spirit functioning in the same mind-substance, with the same creative mode of action. That is why the finite is the image and likeness of the Infinite. To the degree of our understanding in regard to this, so is our power increased, so are we freed from all limitation, sickness and death.

There can be no imperfection in the image and likeness of the Infinite, then, any imperfection must come through our ignorance of this Truth. The more we realize this to be true the less we will react to the external, the less we will believe in sickness and death. The less we will believe in failure and limitation.

The more we can discern our thoughts, emotions, cravings and desires, so we will be able to strike at their roots and destroy them. When we discern our errors, and our belief in them, we will know what is not real; when we discern what is not the truth, we will be better able to understand the real. Then the truth shall set us free. When we rid ourselves of our beliefs and opinions, the real, which is always present, will be established in us. Our beliefs are mostly based upon the opinions of others. Our beliefs, when established in us, become subconscious and active and tend to change the mind substance which includes our body, and which changes according to the dominant ideas we hold in our minds. The change takes place because the substance is changeable.

If your beliefs are created through ignorance, these beliefs reproduce themselves and this is the illusion. This is a self-evident fact that can not be denied.

Our belief in disease produces disease; our belief in the Truth of the one Living Ever-present Perfect God is our freedom. God does not have to be created by us, He is now and He always was, the Omnipresent, Omnipotent Omniscience.

Our belief in dogma and creed and religion, based upon fear and illusion, will produce the evils that our illusions and fears represent, that is why belief in the separate religions by different people has caused more suffering in the world than anything else.

Next comes belief in disease as represented by the medical fraternity. More harm has been done to mankind by these two than all the other evils put together.

It is for the purpose of clearing away the confusion from your minds that I have been sent.

Do not think I am claiming any special privilege, by no means. The Truth I have you all can also have and what I can do, you all can do if you will believe in the truth that I represent. This is the true teaching that the Christ revealed through Jesus and which has remained throughout the centuries as the only true guide to mankind.

I will prove to you that disease is a belief, an error which takes root in the mind and is not a real thing.

The world today believes in disease, believes in its power. Now tell me where does its power come from? As it can not be the product of the Infinite it must be the product of the finite, not understanding its true nature; and through this ignorance the finite creates in the mind substance which it has control of, and the form of its beliefs is produced.

Beliefs can also take hold of the mind and create mass though in the form of oppression, in nations, groups and religions. One of the greatest of these erroneous beliefs was the belief that the Deity was masculine only, with the result that women through the past ages have been oppressed and looked upon as inferior to men and this to a great extend is the ruling thought today, but it is fast coming to an end.

Woman was degraded by the medieval ecclesiastics, in their ignorance, as representing temptation and sin, when a celibate life was mistaken for a saintly life. This belief has hindered our progress for centuries. But the recognition that the Infinite is feminine as well as masculine will run concurrently with the elevation of the status of women which is now occurring everywhere.

The principles of Love, Kindness and Purity, especially represented by women, will consequently permeate human institutions in increasing degree, as facts are bound to prove as we learn more about the human life. We will learn that there is as much female life in the male as there is male in the female, for this Infinite Life or ultimate reality will be shown as we progress in this Cosmic Course to be an Infinite-Self, not solely masculine, that is Father, as has been thought through the ages. It is feminine or Mother also, and in exact proportion to Its masculine expression.

The modern recognition of the immanence ( Webster's Dictionary - inherent; indwelling; denoting that the universe does not transcend consciousness, but is inherent within it) of the Infinite in the finite makes it indisputable that it must be both masculine and feminine. Consciousness represents the masculine and Intelligence and growth the feminine and they are never separate, nor can they be separated. The Father-Mother-God is in all things and there is nowhere where it is not. It is in equal proportions in all things seen and unseen. It is a dual unity, being positive and negative which creates interaction, or propulsion and attraction inherently in all things that have manifested life; and is electro-magnetic in character, consequently positive and negative, which is another illustration of its inherent dual unity and throws an illuminating light on its omnipotence.

If you are really interested in listening to me you must put off all superstition, for this truth belongs to you just as much as it belongs to me. Do not take what I say as mere words and phrases or some kind of hazy eastern philosophy. It is not any of these. It is the way that you can lay your hands on the fullness of Truth so that you can liberate life itself in all its glory of pure reason and pure love. The union of these brings the culmination of the flower which is the blending of wisdom and bliss, enduring vision and enduring happiness. This is not only for the few but for the whole world and you and the rest of humanity are the world.

I know that many will grasp this truth sooner than others, but all must grasp it in the end before we can become one, united in the whole.

Youth and age both have their illusions; the old have their illusions in concealed superstition in which they take refuge, the young mostly have no belief but live in the illusion of concealed indulgence. The old find comfort in their superstition and beliefs which have grown up with them, while the young lead to aimless revolt against such belief and superstitions without any guiding-post or landmark to guide them to the truth.

These lectures, if studied disregarding all previous beliefs and opinions, will open up the way to freedom which all are seeking.

We must free life from all the illusions we have created in regard to it, and allow it to function freely through us. By this we establish the true serenity of thought and the purity of emotion which belongs to the freedom of life. To strike at the root of illusion which makes up our beliefs we must know what the root of the illusion is. We must intensify our desire with regard to the Universal Life and kill out the desire of the separate or personal life. We must not destroy desire but desire truly, and when we do this, we will have attained the kind of desire which does not lead to illusion and bondage but that which leads to freedom. When this is accomplished there is no fear for the conflict of life, but there is joy in its activity. Then there is no illusion or conflict. With this true understanding life becomes a joy that is ever-present in its action through the individual.
