The LPTM780


Chrono Cadet
I don't know why , but this seems right to me. 
We already know that - 

We can Time Travel using light 

So like the Hellical Engine, why can't we make a person push with the radiation pressure , reaching the maximum light speed over a certain distance. 

For Example : 

Light speed- 299,792,458

Lets say there is a circular path of - 2km( 2000m) 

So if we accelerate a person with the speed of light over the distance we can calculate the time we can go into future because we know that : 


So Time=Distance/Speed

= 2000/299,792,458

= 0.00000667128

ahead in future 

Am I right ?? 

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Well, what if we covered it with a element which can withstand the pressure of light ?? and reflect it too or absorbs it and react with the machine to create a maximum speed

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