The Mystery Spot

Einstein is nothing but the resident provocateur, which is why I am done playing this installment of his game. He isn't going to change and I really doubt he is actually as stupid as he plays but, if he is... then there is proof, "You can't fix stupid". I just hate to see others mislead by him while he plays his games here. There are many gullible and unsuspecting people in the world.

PaulaJedi, in her first post in this thread, said it was an optical illusion.

Cool' date=' but it has to do with optical illusions and tricking the brain. :) Trying to figure out the ball, though.[/quote'] After 4 more posts by Einstein, filled with his usual spurious information, she began having doubts.

The part that blows my mind is the ball traveling upward. How could it be an illusion (which I thought it was at first) if she proved the "uphill" portion was indeed higher by having people stand on it?Has anyone studied the area? What is underneath all that stuff?
That was during April of this year.In June, Einstein reanimated this thread by challenging me to prove him wrong. Since I already had, I saw little need to continue and simply pointed to the absolute facts that show it to be an optical illusion. Why reinvent the wheel to try to prove "it's round". Einstein continued to spout his illogical nonsense behind his claim and, by this time, he had PaulaJedi fully on board his bandwagon and together they chose to take a stand against me. I can't be sure if he got her to believe his impossible notions or if she was just still angry at me from an earlier disagreement but, I chose to respond with at least "some form" of physical proof and pointing out the inconsistencies in the things they have both said at other times. I added parallel lines to a screen shot of the video he posted. Of course that was still not enough, he said I hadn't shown that the background was aiding in the illusion so, I removed the background. The exaggerated height difference is no longer apparent in the picture with the background removed... at least to me. The only slight difference can be seen as the affect of the thickness of the plank they are standing on.
As a result of my engaging in this farce with Einstein, Nicolas has an issue with my approach and Henry Stone thinks I am a third grade name caller that needs to show improvement in my debunking skills.

I guess I missed the name calling. I haven't "called" Einstein a "name". I may have alluded to certain traits he aspires to or presents presently but, not directly called him anything... yet. Besides, Henry Stone, I thought you were a teacher. Certainly you know to "call someone a name", "it" has to be a noun. I've only used adjectives.

As far as debunking, again, I don't claim to be debunking these issues...just offering another insight/approach to determining what's true. If someone is willing to PAY me a couple hundred thousand dollars like the "Myth Busters" receive for it... I'll bust the hell out of Einstein's absurd claims. As it stands now, he is not worth that much effort. Editing a picture was more than enough. I don't care if he ever understands it is not possible to actually physically change size by several inches in a few seconds by moving a few feet... or not. BUT, what I have put down here may some day or even now, help someone, who may be inclined to believe Einstein's ignorant claims, realize he is wrong.

If I sometimes seem blunt in my dealing with some people, I usually start out amicable enough but, I have a low tolerance for continued willful ignorance while flippantly dismissing valid evidence.

One more link to demonstrate how background affects perception... it should be enough for those with reasonable perspicacity. (That one's for you Einstein) Notice in the original video, whoever is on the "smaller sized", (lower) area of the house in the background, looks larger. That illusion, the Ponzo illusion, is demonstrated in the following link.

It's been fun but, I am finished with this Einsteinian frivolity. I await the next.

I put the namecallers on ignore, so I don't see half of the conversation, but it really does help! :)

The evidence from the mystery spot is flimsy, and as stated before,
That's why Einstein was suggesting that someone go take measurements and get some real evidence, either for or against. :)
For some reason the forum isn't sending me e-mails when threads I follow are replied to... Do you have something to do with this @Cosmo1598825723 ? :D

I'm not sure what approach you refer to. What approach do you feel I should take?
Oh nevermind that. The point is that I'm as baffled as you are with credulity here on the forum on the phenomenon described in the original thread (maybe the joke is on us? I mean, this is a time travel forum). I have done some research on it and have a pretty good idea on how to reproduce it (in a much smaller scale of course. I can't build a crooked cottage just for this;)) and show how the illusion works. I just haven't had the time :( I'll do it eventually.


Apparently Gpa has lost all his credibility. He wasn't very successful in covering up the existing facts about the Mystery Spot. No proof!

But you could probably simplify your approach by using a couple of crooked lines in your background to confuse us about what is true horizontal. Gpa put forth the theory that this is suppose to confuse your mind into believing this generates an optical illusion to confuse your mind about the true height of objects in the foreground. The only problem with this approach is that no perceivable height change can be captured by a camera. Thus disproving the theory.

Of course taking pictures at the Mystery Spot does show changes in height. And plenty of those can be found online.

You might want to get your salt shaker ready for any more salty replies by Gpa.

I don't believe these spots are real.

Correct meif inwrong, but a vortex in this instance, and if I'm not mistaken, is a gravitational anomaly or distortion. One would think that it should have a EM field or the like.

If this is the case, I don't believe videos (taken with cell phones) should be taken or at least not as clear as they are!

NicolasApparently Gpa has lost all his credibility. He wasn't very successful in covering up the existing facts about the Mystery Spot. No proof!
I'm afraid I'm lined up with GPA's definition of proof. Sorry.

But you could probably simplify your approach by using a couple of crooked lines in your background to confuse us about what is true horizontal. Gpa put forth the theory that this is suppose to confuse your mind into believing this generates an optical illusion to confuse your mind about the true height of objects in the foreground. The only problem with this approach is that no perceivable height change can be captured by a camera. Thus disproving the theory.
Let me try this: do you agree that if we have a ramp, and we put two people with same heights on each end of the ramp, the person standing on the higher end will always be taller than the person on the lower end? Is this something we both could agree on?

You might want to get your salt shaker ready for any more salty replies by Gpa.
Salt shaker ordered.
Let me try this: do you agree that if we have a ramp, and we put two people with same heights on each end of the ramp, the person standing on the higher end will always be taller than the person on the lower end? Is this something we both could agree on?
I'm afraid not. You can't change a persons height just by walking up a plank.
I'm afraid not. You can't change a persons height just by walking up a plank.
I see. Would you agree that the person standing on the higher end would have to look down, instead of straight ahead, to make eye contact with his friend on the lower side?
Since opinions are being repeated (not a bad thing, btw; summaries are Happy Things): I stand by my opinion of Kill It With Logic. No government/corporate/Illuminati/UN actions to seize the spot means the supernatural properties are fake. But the discussion remains an interesting insight into human behaviour. I still like you guys, don't worry ;)

Since opinions are being repeated (not a bad thing, btw; summaries are Happy Things): I stand by my opinion of Kill It With Logic. No government/corporate/Illuminati/UN actions to seize the spot means the supernatural properties are fake. But the discussion remains an interesting insight into human behaviour. I still like you guys, don't worry ;)
Well there is the fact that everywhere on the internet lists the phenomena as an illusion. Yet no definitive class of illusion is listed for the cause. And there are many others like me that have been there and are totally mystified by the apparent height change that occurs right before your eyes. And the fact that they let you take pictures and use your own levels and plumb bobs to verify that you aren't being fooled with any of the available tricks that illusionists will use.So calling this an illusion without demonstrating how it is being done is what is commonly called disinformation. And we all know who specializes in disinformation now don't we? The way I see it is if the masses believe it is an illusion then the disinformation tactic has worked. Besides it would be virtually impossible to lockup and close down all the gravity hill locations all across the world. Better to just create a lie to cover it up instead.
Now I believe someone said this board is full of CIA agents. GPA might be one of them. If not, he sure seems well versed in CIA debunking tactics.

I did find something on YouTube that illusionists use to fool a camera into recording an apparent height change. It is interesting to watch and and learn how to fake it. Nicolas might like this. It's called an Ames Room Illusion. Now if I could just figure out how to do this without an Ames room...

So calling this an illusion without demonstrating how it is being done is what is commonly called disinformation. And we all know who specializes in disinformation now don't we? The way I see it is if the masses believe it is an illusion then the disinformation tactic has worked. Besides it would be virtually impossible to lockup and close down all the gravity hill locations all across the world. Better to just create a lie to cover it up instead.
I've seen the comparison test with a lady and a man standing with a yard stick in between then to show that it's just not perspective.I think that the gravity crunch can occur without hurting.Has to do with molecular spacing.
I've seen the comparison test with a lady and a man standing with a yard stick in between then to show that it's just not perspective.I think that the gravity crunch can occur without hurting.Has to do with molecular spacing.
Well the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. So maybe the dimensions of length are actually a basic force. Something to consider since the perspective argument fails miserably when you see someone shrink just by walking toward you.
I would like to visit this spot and stand on the end that makes me look taller. I'd be tall for the first time in my life!!!!
I did that with my daughter. It is the weirdest thing I remember from my visit. Both my daughter and I are the same height. It's like when we switched places we could see the height change just face to face. Kind of like you would get if you were standing on a stool and switched places. But the ground was level that we stood on. The level was left in place to verify that fact.