Theory of time travel navigation

Christopher L Martin

Temporal Novice
I’ve thought about the me travel many times over the years and have discussed this with friends and one of the Questions that comes up is if you move from a spot and travel through time and space while the planet is revolving and orbiting the sun. How do you end up where you want to go instead of being in the same spot floating in space in a different time?
I would expect it to require the assistance of AI at the very least. If you subscribe to the notion of parallel worlds, with some worlds being out of temporal sync (for example: Universe A = 2021, Universe A.1 = 2024), then there’s no issues if you’re just moving between Earths at different points in time relative to your own.
You’re assuming time travel is an instantaneous jump. That could cause problems.

But if it’s just accelerated time travel, it might be okay.

Also, remember basic principles, like conservation of momentum. Even if the Earth is moving in a helical path, the axis of rotation of that helix surely remains constant over short time scales. And jumping in time will probably include integrated momentum along that path. Just be sure to jump in year increments. ?

To remonstrate, the issue would not present a problem if the start and end point of the journey was not on a fast moving object, such as the good Earth.
As far as calculating where the Earth was or is going to be relative to when you depart is fairly easy with today’s computers to map out the solar system and simulate the trajectories of all moving objects we can see.