Time Travel Paradoxes - Original Reposted


Epochal Historian
Let's try this again. Here's a copy of Paul Curran's thread "Time Travel Paradoxes", the thread that Titor first posted on.

As you read the thread you'll occassionally come across this:

"Posts: 985 | From: U.S.A | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 15

posted December 25, 2002 16:11"

That notation has nothing to do with the original thread. It's the date stamp from Anomalies.net. We posted the same copy on the Anomalies.net forum in 2002. I made this thread from from the thread. A few of the date stamps got into my copy & poste.
Time-travel Paradoxes!

Author Topic: Time-travel Paradoxes!
Member posted 23 October 2000 05:14
If you went back in time and visited your granny during her ninth birthday don’t kill her! Because if you put a gun to her head and pull the trigger she could not have given birth to your mum. YOU certainly were never born…
Therefore you could not have killed anyone as you never existed. Now this means your granny couldn’t have been killed by you. She didn’t die nine years old. This permits you to be born.

If you were born could you go back and kill your granny? No, not your real granny. This general idea has been used in Back to the future. Marty nearly stops himself from being born when he prevents his parents from falling in love.

Solving The Problem
1, You simply can’t change history meaning if you go back in time you have no free will(as shown in Twelve Monkeys, Crime Traveler etc. Events will get in your way if you try to kill your granny. YOU CAN’T DO IT.

2, When you so-called change history you’re actually moving up a different branch in time into another universe. The previous universe (where you were born) still exists. When you fire the gun you’re really killing another version of your grandmother.

3, Any actions you make in the so-called past has no affects on the present. It’s a different time-line universe.

The laws true solutions don’t present real time-travel as you go into another world.

We can’t simply use the grandmother paradox to rule out time-travel claiming it causes logical inconsistencies. We need to look at all the possibilities.

How could we build a time machine?
The mathematics of general relativity suggest that under extreme conditions space-time might become so warped it would be possible to travel back in time. There is also the possibility of tunnels in time created by negative mass.

Very long rotating cylinders of matter-proposed by Frank Tipler

Kerr’s spinning blackholes-since most stars spin this becomes worth looking (proposed by Roy Kerr).

Cosmic strings-(as Richard Cott suggested)

Travelling faster than light – would take us back in time(as suggested by solutions to relativity). Wormholes might allow us to outpace light (if you walk through the short cut quicker than light through convential (normal) space.

Tachyons -are sub-atomic particles which always travel faster than light and therefore move back in time constantly. They have not yet been found and remain hypethical.

Contracting Universe- Time might then be running backwards but since everything else also would it’s unsuitable.

Macro-wormholes(Kip Thorne showed how we could use it as a time machine).

time - paradox

Grandfather paradox
Suppose you could go back in time, lets say several decades and found your grandfather when he was two years old. In his house you could grab a knife and stab him to death. He doesn't get the chance to have children with your grandmother. Therefore either your mother or father doesn't get born. Your parents can't give birth to you because one of them don't exist. You could never have been born and don't even exist. But could your grandfather have been killed by someone who doesn't exist? He must have lived through his childhood. This would allow you to exist if this is the case. Seemingly you can go back in time to commit the murder if you are born but then you would never have been born. And so on and so on. This situation is not consistent with itself. It doesn't make sense and can't possibly happen.


1, You simply can't change the past. Time will stop you limiting your freedom while you're in the past from your point of view. This puts the concept of freewill in serious danger especially if you tell people what's going to happen to them in their future. If you believe when you go back in time you are from one possible future from everyone else's point of view they can simply go up any root in time they want.

According to quantum physics Many Worlds theory there are a huge amount of universes where every possibility occurs between them all. In some you're the opposite sex. In some you won the lottery etc.

You might be heading towards the universe you originally came from before you travelled back in time. Everything will happen the way you remember it. But all the people you meet are free to decide what they want to do and enter a different universe. Since it's not possible for you to be there you disappear from their lives. Meeting a time traveller from your future could therefore be very strange.

2, A parallel universe might be created when you seem to change the past. Imagine if time itself was just like a tree. The different branches show different ways events could have happened. Every time we decide to do or not to do something time splits. Even if we are not aware we decided something it have affects. Quantum physics reveals a many worlds theory like this.
Since this parallel universe is not really your past (despite it's first appearance) anything you do there does not affect you. You can prevent a version of yourself from being born because you are not really related to anyone there. They just look very like your family and friends. You are not home! You may be somewhere that looks like the place you live but a different universe in quantum physics is a completely different reality.

3, No matter what you do in what is really a parallel universe you will do back to your previous universe which is not affected by your previous actions. A space-time wormhole could lead you back to your original unaffected universe.

What came out of the wormhole if the ball never went into it?

Another common example of a paradox is a ball that goes through a wormhole connected with a moment in the past. Therefore it comes out of the other space-time wormhole mouth actually before it went in! Then what might happen? If the ball then hits it's younger self out of the way of the mouth then it never goes in. But if the ball never did go in the wormhole then how can it ever come out. The existence of the older version of the ball is destroyed i.e. it never falls back in time. But then this version certainly can't hit the younger version out of the way. So it must go into the wormhole as a collision with it's older self is evidently the only force that could and did stop the ball from entering the wormhole. This of course is unexplainable and is logically inconsistent.

But the situation could happen differently to allow it to become self consistent.

1, What if after the ball comes out of the wormhole at an earlier time it does hit it's previous self but this collision is what makes the ball fall into the mouth in the first place! It hits the other version into the mouth. This would imply that the past or present is affected by the future. In fact in this case the past is dependant on the future.

2, The ball might simply hit it's other self only slightly so the direction of the ball is not altered enough to cause a paradox.

3, The ball might just miss it's younger self.

Nature might protect time and prevent paradoxes. From theories and many stories it's clear that paradoxes cannot happen in the real world.

Other types of paradoxes
In the terminator movies John had something important to tell Sarah. Thank her for her help through the hell. Tell her not to give up or he will never exist.
Who wrote the speech?
John certainly didn't write it. He was told it since he was a kid from Sarah who could remember it. Sarah just recalls what Kyle told her in 1984. Kyle just remembered what John told him to say.
No one wrote it. It exists somehow but not by John, Kyle or Sarah being creative. No one had to write it because it was created by the affect the future on the past had on each other.

If I in 2000 study the history of work done in a private factory and learn about the development of a time machine! Their scientists worked from designs and plans noted in a book (never published)they used. They had no idea how to achieve such technology until they read it.
Then to experiment with temporal(time) paradoxes I am sent back to 1983. The entire building has not even been built as I arrive. Later accidentally I meet one of the scientists and talk to him. When I hear how excited he is I hand him that book which he uses future success. The answers! He is more than willing to read and use the book.

But who came up with the idea of how the time machine is built?
Not any of the scientists as they just followed instructions in that book.
Not me as all I did was hand a scientist a book. Noone actually wrote the book and no one had to work it out.

Is this allowed by physical laws?
Noone really knows...

Paul Curran from Co Derry, Ireland

[This message has been edited by Paul (edited 12 January 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Paul (edited 23 January 2001).]

IP: Logged
unregistered posted 23 October 2000 13:06
There is no grandfather paradox in the multiverse scenario. In a multiverse, your grandfather's multiple histories included many in which he was not murdered and many in which he was murdered.
Those many histories in which he was murdered included some involving different male or female murderers who killed him. It's possible that you were one of those murderers in one of your previous lifetimes or incarnations.

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 24 October 2000 22:37
Paradox can't hold a candle to "twinadox". Thats when you time travel back and MARRY your gradndmother and become your own grandpaw. What if you had a twin brother and the THREE of you all show up one day, wich one is the other you? How do you know that there shouldn't be four of you and somebodys missing? Cheesh man!! I'm going to get some sleep, and try not to read this thread next time...er wait a minute, on the other hand.........the me in a paralell reality may infulence me to change my mind.............
IP: Logged

1.21 Jiga-watts
unregistered posted 25 October 2000 16:05
Let's get away from travelling to the past for a moment. Let's look at what was made popular in Back to the Future pt 2, where Marty sees his son, or his girlfriend sees herself.
It cannot happen! If you left time, you would be considered 'missing', or dead. The truth is, you don't exist from the point in which you lept forward in time. You therefore cannot see yourself, or your son, because you stopped existing at that point in the past where you left.

Is this a proper paradox? Is there any reasoning I am missing that says you can see your future self?

Look forward to responses.

1.21 Jiga-watts

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 25 October 2000 16:32
True. If you leave this time, you will not be here until you return. But, if you are aive in the future as you were alive in the past, then you could visit yourself because you are there. Your present self is different from your past or future self. This definitely applies to the past because you know you lived in the past and if you can go there, then you can visit yourself.
IP: Logged
Member posted 25 October 2000 17:52
I think there is two ways to look at this Jiga Watts. The first one is where you can actually change the past so it effects the future. If you were presumed dead in the future, then you could go back to the time right after you left and nothing would have been changed. However if you leave again, it will just be the same as before.
The second one is where you can't change the past, and you'll only be creating a parallel universe. What used to be your future is now your present, and since what used to be your present is now your past, you can't change the past, so you'll still be presumed dead at when you left off. And so you can still go back in the past and live there as usual, you won't be changing the future.

I think that's how those theories go.

IP: Logged

Member posted 26 October 2000 06:27
It is very interesting what would happen if you left the present and reached the future. In The Time Machine the time travelers asks about himself and people claim he went missing when he left on his journey through time.
It seems like an BTTF2 Marty was taken away in 1985 so his kids and everything couldn't exist in 2015...
But the existance of his kids might just be evidence that they will later return to 1985 to do all those things! This would imply that everything they are going to do have already been decided!
It became clear the the future is NOT set as Doc claimed the future hasn't been written yet. So how could they travel into what does not exist? Even when Marty went to 1955 he must have been from the future from some people's point of view?
The future they travelled to might just have been one possible future! In the quantum many worlds theory there are an infinite amount of futures where every possibility occurs...
Paul Curran

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 26 October 2000 08:16
In response to 1.21 jiga-watts. If you go into the future and see yourself, then by rights you will succeed in whatever you are doing in the future, and make it back to the present. If you don't see yourself, then one could asume that you never made it back to your own time in the present.
IP: Logged

unregistered posted 26 October 2000 13:22
In some probabilities, you traveled to the future and made it back, in others you did not make it back. In some probabilities you are alive in a future time and in others you are not alive. A multiverse contains all possibilities and all combinations of possibilities.
If you can travel to the future, you can meet a future self or not, depending on which probable future you go to.

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 26 October 2000 13:27
...also, in a multiverse containing all possibilities, you can't change anything because whatever changes you try to make are already there as one of the possibilities.
IP: Logged

1.21 Jiga-Watts
unregistered posted 30 October 2000 09:53
Thank you all for your responses. It's a fascinating discussion, to be sure, and one that seemingly has endless possibilities.
I'm pretty set on the paradox I raised, however. It just doesn't seem possible that you can see your future self.

I'll check in every now and then. Continue in your hypothesizing!

1.21 Jiga-Watts

IP: Logged
unregistered posted 02 November 2000 01:16
Wow! Paul is right on the money. I was just about to give up hope on anyone knowing who Tipler or Kerr was on this worldline.
By the way, #2 is the correct answer and the basics for time travel start at CERN in about a year and end in 2034 with the first "time machine" built by GE. Too bad we can't post pictures or I'de show it to you.

No Problem!!......."Wherever you go, there you are, and I'll be waiting."

SRC="C:\Visioneer Documents\PT5.jpg" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0" cellpadding=3
[This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 19 November 2000).]
IP: Logged

Member posted 02 November 2000 05:48
Guess what? You can put pictures on Doc's board... we would like to see it.
here is the URL: http://pub2.ezboard.com/bmagisystems
Im sure he would be more than happy to post the picture for you. He is the moderator for the montauk section on this web site.
Look forward to seeing your picture!
[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 02 November 2000).]

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 02 November 2000 08:55
Is there a site where I don't need to register personal information to post pictures?
IP: Logged

Member posted 02 November 2000 12:26
Time travel_0-
Iam registered on Doc's site.
you can send it to me and I will post it for you.and if you want you can always set up a new e-mail account and only use it once.
There may be a site where you could post the picture with no info but I personally don't know of any. because of what people would put up with no accountability.
any other info you give will remain confidential . besides your IP address is already logged on this forum when you post. I'll help you out if you want.or you could just e-mail Doc yourself Im sure he would put it up for you without registering.just explain the situation to him. I feel he is very trustworthy. Actually he posted someone elses picture annonymously that claimed he built a time machine. his name was "director". thats it.
[email protected]

IP: Logged

Moderator posted 02 November 2000 14:53
What the Hell's a jiga-watt?


IP: Logged

unregistered posted 02 November 2000 18:27
I'll be happy to send them to you and answer any questions you may have.
IP: Logged

Member posted 02 November 2000 19:09
Time Travel_0- "confirming".
Dymenzionz- HI!!!!! Good to see ya back!


IP: Logged

Member posted 04 November 2000 05:24
your pictures are posted as promised and can be found here:
click on the topic- timelords anonymous
and it is titled: anonymus gravity/time device pictures.



[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 04 November 2000).]

IP: Logged
Member posted 05 November 2000 03:29
Questions for timetravel_0 with permission to post.
by the way can you tell me what it feels like to time travel? when you are
in the process of doing it what does it feel like and what do you see and
hear. you made mention that you had to get use to the fields. Do you see a
bright flash of light?

Interesting first question. The unit has a ramp up time after the
destination coordinates are fed into the computers. An audible alarm and a
small light start a short countdown at which point you should be secured in
a seat. The gravity field generated by the unit overtakes you very quickly.
You feel a tug toward the unit similar to rising quickly in an elevator and
it continues to rise based on the power setting the unit is working under.
At 100% power, the constant pull of gravity can be as high as 2 Gs or more
depending on how close you are to the unit. There are no serious side
effects but I try to avoid eating before a flight.

No bright flash of light is seen. Outside, the vehicle appears to
accelerate as the light is bent around it. We have to wear sunglasses or
close our eyes as this happens due to a short burst of ultraviolet
radiation. Personally I think it looks like your driving under a rainbow.
After that, it appears to fade to black and remains totally black until the
unit is turned off. We are advised to keep the windows closed as a great
deal of heat builds up outside the car. The gravity field also traps a
small air pocket around the car that acts as your only O2 supply unless you
bring compressed air with you. This pocket will only last for a short
period and a carbon sensor tells us when it's too dangerous. The C204 unit
is accurate from 50 to 60 years a jump and travels at about 10 years an hour
at 100% power.

You do hear a slight hum as the unit operates and when the power changes or
the unit turns off. There is a great deal of electrical crackling noise
from static electricity.

Pamela: 1. what are some of your memories of 2036?

Timetravel_0: I remember 2036 very clearly. It is difficult to describe 2036 in detail
without spending a great deal of time explaining why things are so
different. In 2036, I live in central Florida with my family and I'm
currently stationed at an Army base in Tampa. A world war in 2015 killed
nearly three billion people. The people that survived grew closer together.
Life is centered around the family and then the community. I can not
imagine living even a few hundred miles away from my parents. There is no
large industrial complex creating masses of useless food and recreational
items. Food and livestock is grown and sold locally. People spend much more
time reading and talking together face to face. Religion is taken seriously
and everyone can multiple and divide in the heads.

Pamela: 2. can you send me more of the manual?

Timetravel_0: I will considering it but I do not expect they are worth anything to most
people except as a curiosity.

Pamela: 3.what would happen if you would meet yourself on another world line?

Timetravel_0: It has always surprised me why that concept is so hard for people to imagine
and accept. Nothing would happen. The universe would not end and there are
no paradox problems that threaten existence. Temporal space-time is made up
of every possible quantum state. The Everett Wheeler model is correct. I
have met and/or seen myself twice on different world lines. The first was a
training mission and the second is now. I was born in 1998 so the other
"me" is 2 on this world line. There is a saying where I come from....Every
possible thing that can happen or will happen has already happened

Pamela: 4.How is this world line different from your own?

Timetravel_0: For starters....the fact that I'm here makes it different. I've also
noticed little things like news events that happen at different times,
football games won by other teams...things like that. I would guess the
temporal divergence between this world line and my original is about 1 or 2
percent. Of course, the longer I am here, the larger that divergence
becomes from my point of view.

Pamela: 5.Is the vehicle a jeep?

Timetravel_0: No...its a 1967 Chevrolet..

Pamela: 6.Are you having normal dreams right now? any out of body experiences?
drawing you to different times? Do you dream you wake up in other places
and other times?

TimeTravel_0: No strange dreams or other experiences. Everything is pretty much the way I
expected it.

Pamela: 7.are you able to control where you go or is it random?

Timetravel_0: Yes, it can be controlled. However, the distortion unit has operational
limits. Imagine your path through time is through a cone. The farther away
from the center of the cone, the more differences you will see in the world
line. The C204 begins to "break away" at about 60 years. This means the
level of confidence drops rapidly after 60 years of travel and the world
line divergence increases. In other words, if I wanted to go back 2000
years and meet Christ, there is a better than average chance I would end up
on a world line where he was never born. The computer units and gravity
sensors "record" your trip and you are quite easily able to return to your
point of origin. I am aware that research is being done on faster units
with more accurate clocks. I imagine that they will be able to go back
farther with a higher degree of divergence confidence.

Pamela: 8. are you feeling drawn back to your own time or are you stable in this

Timetravel_0: I'm not sure what you mean by stable. If you mean mentally...there are many
things that bother me here but being with my parents right now is important
to me. Physically, the only thing really wrong is the number of colds I

Pamela: 9.Are you able to go back to your own world line?

Timetravel_0: Yes.

Pamela: 10.how are you protecting yourself from radiation? it alters DNA if you

Timetravel_0: I'm not sure what radiation you mean. If you mean from the unit, you can
see it vents X-rays and Gamma radiation out of the rear. As long as you
stay away from that, you should be okay. I keep a radiation detector with
me to check my environment and make sure the unit isn't "leaking".

Pamela: 11.How long would you say that ultraviolet radiation lasts? about 10
and when you are in that light can you see anything around you or does the
light kind of "fill up" everything and that is all you can see at the

Timetravel_0: The light bending only lasts a second. Its like driving under a tunnel and
being in total black.

Pamela: 12.Do your people know where you are right now? Can you communicate with
do you have a biological implant?

Timetravel_0: No. They do not know where I am and I can not communicate with them.
Interesting idea though. From their point of view, I will return almost
exactly at the same moment I left. From their viewpoint, I will only have
aged more than expected.

Pamela: 13. after the flash of light is gone are you then in another time? what
does it look like as the new time unfolds? Is it just there? or does it
slowly come into view? does it fade in and out for a time?

Timetravel_0: While the machine is on. Everything is black. When the machine is turned
off, it is the reverse affect. It appears you are driving out from a
bridge. To tell you the truth, I'm usually sleeping when the unit turns off
but yes...it does appear that the world fades in from black.

Pamela: 14. what happens if the device messes up?
Do you end up in space? if it goes offline and shifts ? does a hole open

Timetravel_0: Good question!!! That one almost never comes up. The hard part of
traveling through time is not the bending of gravity but the plotting of
your course and holding to the basic "position" in your environment. This
is done through a system called VGL (variable gravity lock). Basically, the
unit takes a reading of the local gravity and samples it during the "trip"
in pulses. If the gravity is too far off, the unit stops or reverses itself
to the last sample period where the readings were correct. If there is some
sort of failure, the unit shuts down and drops out to where ever you may be.

Pamela: 15. what affects are caused on the immediate area where the gravity has
been distorted after you leave it and when you arrive? are there permanent
effects left on the land such as electromagnetic disturbances in that

Timetravel_0: Another good question!!! The only real physical trace is a large chunk of
ground missing from the point of origin and a large pile of dirt at the
destination. The gravity field surrounds a small portion of the earth under
you and takes it along for the ride. There is really no way around this.

Please feel free to post these if you wish.

IP: Logged
unregistered posted 05 November 2000 20:08
Pam, did you ask about going forward in time? Do you need an invite from a future traveler? Where did MR. 0 get the '67 chevy?
Bringing chunks of ground along with you as you casually rewrite the history of entire worlds? I guess thats why Docs' Delorian was fitted with levitation equipment, to make a fast get away from angry property owners having to fill and grade every time he time jumps.

TimeLine 2015; STOP THE PRESSES!! 3 Billion Killed!!! Oh the presses are already stopped? Now if he time traveled *before* the planet was pulverized it would be a bit more believable.

Does Mr. 0 work for GE? Maybe he owns some GE stock. Speaking of stocks we could all use a hot tip from the guy that already knows who's going to be the next Cisco, Coke or Microsoft.

Most importantly why would Mr. 0 want to talk the likes of us?

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 06 November 2000 08:59
That's a very interesting experience you are describing!! I have one question for you, and that is in regards to the climactic of the earth in 2034, had the polar ice caps melted, as they are now doing at an accelorated rate in this current time.
Sincerely, Draco

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 06 November 2000 09:04

In response to Shadow:
Perhaps it’s a bit easier to understand why time travelers do not revel themselves.

Yes, you can travel forward in time. No, you do not need an “invite” from the future. I first saw the car in 2036. The idea was to find a vehicle that would not draw too much attention for the time period. Unfortunately, there were not very many suitable vehicles around in 2036 and I sold the car when I arrived in 2000.

You do not rewrite history. I can only affect what happens here just as easily as you can. Why do people in this time period worry so much about time traveler’s destroying their world line when they have no problem doing it themselves every day?

My goal is not to be believed. Most people do not take news of the war very well but I find that everyone believes it’s inevitable. Even in your own history, are not great inventions and discoveries made during a time of war in your effort to kill and main in new and more efficient ways?

No, I do not work for GE or any other company. Are “stock tips” really the first thing you want to know about in the future? As a representative of your time period, do you realize what that says about you? You should probably know that this time is not remembered for its selflessness, charity or ability to work together.

Why would I want to talk to you? Why don’t you believe you have something interesting or worthwhile to say to someone in the future?

Mr. “O”

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 06 November 2000 09:08
To Draco:
No, the ice caps are not melting any faster than they are now. There is also far less smog and industrial waste in 2036.

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 06 November 2000 10:28
Hey TimeTravel_0!!!
So then what you're saying is that our current computer models are wrong about Glacial and Polar Ice Cap melting, even though they are going by our current emmisions rate and projected emmisions of the growth of fossil fuels consumption?? While Global Warming is factually happening and even if we stopped burning fossil fuels today and stopped destroying the rain forests today, the impact that is already altered our planetary climate would not stop today as the ball is already rolling. The toxins in the ozone layer and the earths lessening inability to creat oxygen, due to the catastrophic daily destruction of the rain forests that give us most of our oxygen, would take longer than beyond the year 2036 to repair itself, even with our help. I find it amazing that if you throw a WWIII into the equation, one devistating enough to cause the death of 3 Billion people, would not add to the excelloration of Global Warming and raise the sea level to the point where in 2036 most of Florida will be underwater. Help me understand what reversed this impending climatic catastrophy..

Sincerely, Draco

IP: Logged

Member posted 06 November 2000 14:01
Ok, Mr. 0 . First things: you have to realize that people will be hostile toward you when you make such a big claim. What reason have we to believe you? But, enough thought experiments occur here anyways, so...
I don't think any era in history has been particularly noted for its compassion or selflessness. Why should we be any different?

Ok, so why not give us stock tips? You said you weren't worried about polluting the timeline, right?

As for rewriting history, the normal objection is causality. But, if you use multiple-universe theory, then it's all good. My question is, how do you get back to your proper universe - you said you're very close to your family - how come another jump wouldn't just send you into some third, different universe?

And, finally: what happens if you go back in time to a time when, right where you were standing, there was a giant cement block? Do you just appear inside of it and die? Or do you get pushed away?


IP: Logged
unregistered posted 06 November 2000 16:43
To Draco:
You asked about the North Polar ice pack. I never said the environment wasn't a problem. Doesn't water expand when it freezes? If the polar ice cap melted, wouldn't sea level go down? I don't know if there's enough ice for this to make a difference and I'm not an expert on global warming.

Mr. "0"

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 06 November 2000 17:26
To Janus:
Yes, I realize people become hostile. I don’t expect anyone to believe me and I have nothing to sell. I take no offense by it. Just out of curiosity, if you were a time traveler, what do you think it would take to get people to believe you?

I suppose we could agree that no particular era in history is famous for its development of humanity but just once I would like to hear questions like, “What is family life like in the future? How does society deal with poverty? Is AIDS, abortion and drug use still a problem?”

Why don’t I give you a stock tip? The money you make would dilute the intelligence and forethought that a smart person had in picking the stock all by themselves. If I told you how to get rich, I would be taking money from them and giving it to you.

Getting back to my “proper” universe is tricky but possible. Yes, another jump would take me to a different family.

Cement block…good question. The hard part of traveling to other world lines is just that. There is a system of clocks and gravity sensors that sample the environment before dropping out. Its called VGL, (variable gravity lock). If a cement block were there, the machine would “backtrack” until it sensed relative congruity to the original gravity sample. A great deal of time and effort goes into picking just the right spot since you can not physically move during a displacement.

Mr. “0”

IP: Logged

Member posted 06 November 2000 22:13
posted with permission:

Please keep in mind a couple of points as I answer your questions. First, Iam not a physicist. "Time travel" is only a tool that allowed me to do my
job 1975. Most airline pilots are probably not aerospace engineers.
Second, let me give you an example of the position we are in. Imagine you
live in the year 1900 and a "time traveler" attempts to explain how a jet
engine works. Even though the invention of the airplane is only a decade inthe future, he would have to find some frame of reference to explain the
basics of flight. Then, he would have to outline the mechanics of how the
engine works. As amazing as it would sound, the jet would be invented about thirty years later.

Pamela: 1. can you explain to me in detail the basic physics and mathematics behind how the machine operates? and exactly how it distorts gravity.

Timetravel_0: 1) Time travel is achieved by altering gravity. This concept is already proven by atomic clock experiments. The closer an observer is to a gravity source (high mass), the slower time passes for them. Traveling at high speeds mimics this effect which = the twin paradox of faster than light travel. However, this type of gravity manipulation is not sufficient to alter your world line.

The basic math to alter world lines exists right now. Tipler first
described a working "time machine" through his theory of massive rotating
spheres. I apologize for the web site but it was the only one I could find

Certain types of black holes also exhibit the "time travel" abilities of
Tipler cylinders. Kerr was one of the first to describe the dual event
horizons of a rotating black hole. As with Tipler's cylinders, it was
possible to travel on a "time-like" trip through a Kerr black hole and end
up in a different world line without being squished by the gravity of the

The mass and gravitational field of a microsingularity can then be
manipulated by "injecting" electrons onto its surface. By rotating two
electric microsigularities at high speed, it is possible to create and
modify a local gravity sinusoid that replicates the affects of a Kerr black

For those asking how come a microsingularity doesn't swallow the Earth or
want to know details about the size, stability, mass, temperature and
resulting Hawking radiation from such a thing.. those details I must keep to myself.

Pamela: 2. can you travel to the future as well as the past? my understanding of the machine is the trip is recorded so you can get back to your original time line but what about a future beyond your time line are you able to access it as well?
or does it have to be open by a future chrononaunt?

Timetravel_0: Yes, you can travel into the future and it takes less energy than going into the past.

Pamela: 3.I dont see the computer in the device. is it the hand held device on the side of the larger device? If so what kind of power supply does the
computer work off of is it the battery as well or some type of crystal?

Timetravel_0: The computer system is connected to the unit through an electrical bus.
There are actually three computers linked together that take the same
signals from the gravity sensors and clocks. They use a Borda error
correcting protocol that checks the integrity of the data and trips the VGL

Pamela:4.Is your DNA remaining stable in this world or does it shift? does time traveling affect your body or aura or spirit in any way you know of?

timetravel_o: 4) I am not aware of any physical change to my DNA or "aura". I do however seem to be more susceptible to colds.

Pamela: 5. when you go back to the future will we remember you?

Time travel_0: Yes, you will remember me if you want to. World lines do not change that way and I will only become a insignificant part of your history.

[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 06 November 2000).]

IP: Logged

Member posted 07 November 2000 15:42
mm..General Electric built a time machine for the government?
or are time machines so common in the future that there makes and models are as commonly varied as our age's car models..?

Fast Out

IP: Logged
unregistered posted 07 November 2000 17:18
I would equate the "future" GM distortion units to their current jet engines. The first one worked great but they can always make it better.
The C204 unit uses 4 cesium clocks. The C206 uses 6 cesium clocks but they use an optical system to check the oscillation frequency. This makes the world line divergance confidence much higher.

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 07 November 2000 21:01
Time Traveler-0
If you could bring some material thing back to your time in 2036 what would it be?

Could I travel to a future that was, say 0.5 seconds ahead of now? In the same vien, if you just happened to arrive at "the year 2000" a fraction of a second in my past, or future would I ever know that you just 'landed soonby"? In other words, what makes this time line be 'now' at any given moment versus being any other time. We exist as A point on a time LINE, what is it that defines that point?

As far as how wonderfull your people are in the time after the war I'm very happy for you. Maybe they succeded in wiping out the RIGHT 3billion people. Something that could not be done with the nuclear sledge hammer. Perhaps the enemy released a killer virus that zeros in on only those who carried the Idiot gene?

2036 is not impossibly far off, what is your street adress then? I'll stop in and swap tales from days of old....assuming I live that long.

IP: Logged

Member posted 07 November 2000 21:23

what will the year 2036 be like?
pamela: 1.I will ask you about your environment then and I want to know about the family life and also about your religion. what religion has survived? Do you believe in Jesus Christ or someone else. Do people still pray to God? Do you still have churches?

timetravel_0: Yes I believe in Jesus Christ and we pray to God in churches. There aresome differences you may be interested in. Religion is a major part ofpeoples life in 2036. Pain and change tend to bring people together andcloser to God. However, religion is far more personal than it is now.
There are no huge, centralized religions and people talk openly about theirbeliefs. It might also interest you to know that the day of worship is
Saturday, the day God meant to be the Sabbath and the 10 commandments have
been restored to the "10" that God gave us.

pamela: 2. what kind of jobs do people do and do they still work long hours? whats the majority of job types in the future?

timetravel_0: Life is much more rural in the future but "high" technology is used to communicate and travel. People raise a great deal of their own food and do more "farm" work. Yes, compared to now, we do work long hours. After the war, my father made a living selling oranges up and down the West coast of Florida. My closest friend raises horses and another works for a company
that maintains "wireless" internet nodes.

pamela: 3.what is a typical day like for someone in your time? do you still havethe internet? has it advanced to all virtual reality yet?
what type of diseases are you currently dealing with? are there still advances in science?

timetravel_0: A typical day...hmmm. Life has changed so much over my lifetime that it's hard to pin down a "normal" day. When I was 13, I was a soldier. As a teenager, I helped my dad haul cargo. I went to college when I was 31 and I was recruited to "time travel" shortly after that. Again...I suppose an average day in 2036 is like an average day on the farm.

pamela: 4.Is there still a post office? how do you receive messages from one
another? you said most people talk face to face.

timetravel-0: Yes...there is a post office. The internet is still alive and well in the future. People spend more time talking because life is more centered around the community. I've noticed the same type of effect here when the power goes off. People tend to come out of their homes and actually spend time with their neighbors. There is a lot more personal trust and less paranoia.

pamela: 5.what type of houseing do you live in?

timetravel_0: When I'm with my parents, I live in a community made up of "tree houses" on a large river in Florida. The river floods sometimes and we have access to the Gulf. Most of our neighbors make a living off the sea or in moving cargo by boat.

pamela: 6.what started the war? and who fought in it? who won?what countries were destroyed and what survived?

timetravel_0: Wow...that's a big question. There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005. That conflict flares up and down for 10 years. In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States (which is the "other side" of the civil war from my perspective), China and Europe. The United States counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire)...thus we (in the country) won. The European Union and China were also destroyed. Russia is now our largest trading partner and the Capitol of the US was moved to Omaha Nebraska.

pamela: 7.did you ever discover what aliens were and ufos?

timetravel_0: No new information there. I find that an interesting subject myself. Personally, I think "UFOs" might be time travelers with very sophisticated distortion units. But that might be a bit wacky.

pamela: 8. what type of environmental problems do you know of that exist? do you have pure water to drink? are you mostly vegetarian-seems how most people are going that way today.

timetravel_0: One of the biggest reasons why food production is localized is because the environment is so screwed up with disease and radiation. We are making huge strides in getting it cleaned up. Water is produced on a community level and we do eat meat..that we raise ourselves.

pamela: 9. are they still messing around with genetics? and altering the food and animals?

timetravel_0: Yes...genetic engineering is used but it's like any other technology. It can be good and bad. One thing we did not do was create more hybrid seeds. What are people thinking???

pamela:10.what do you believe about life after death?

timetravel_0: I am a Christian Agnostic. I do not believe faith alone is enough to get us back to God. I'm not sure what happens when we die but I'm pretty sure it's not a walk in the park.

pamela: 11. do you have an advances in spacetravel or exploration?
timetravel_0: No. We are working on it.

pamela: 12. what new inventions do we have to look forward to?
timetravel_0: Hmmm....I hesitate to answer but I'll give a bit. Hydrogen fuel cells and more efficient solar cells are big deals. Computer technology and software gets MUCH better.

pamela: 13. what brings you the greatest joy on Earth? what are some things you and others do for entertainment and fun?

timetravel_0: I like this question. My greatest joy is sailing. For fun, I enjoy swimming, playing cards, reading, playing games on the net and talking with people who live in other countries. As a community, we celebrate much more and have bon fires and dances. My hobby is sorting through old magazines and videos of life before the war.

pamela: 14. what are your schools and universities like?

timetravel_0: After the war, early new communities gathered around the current Universities. That's where the libraries were. I went to school at Fort UF which is now called the University of Florida. Not too much is different except the military is large part of people's life and we spend a great deal of time in the fields and farms at the "University" or Fort.

pamela: 15. what are some of your fondest memories growing up? what kind of
cameras do you have now to take pictures of the family? did they ever invent a hologram camera?

timetravel_0: Most of my memories growing up are not fond. Life was very hard. Simple things make me happy like hugging my mother and father. Yes, we have cameras. More digital. Film is used like painting is today. No hologram camera though.

pamela: 16. do you still have telephones? what is your major source of energy that you use? solar power? electricity? have you discovered new energies.

timetravel_0: Yes we have phones but the service is through the web. Most power generation is localized. It amazes me how much power is wasted now. Yes, solar is big. There is thought that a singularity generator could also be used but most people are against it.

pamela: 17. how do you take care of your elderly? and your poor and your orphans? and the ones who cannot work?

timetravel_0: The elderly are highly revered and looked after on a community level. So are orphans. There is always something people can do now matter what. The idea of avoiding work is looked down on. Everyone pulls together to keep the COMMUNITY strong.

pamela: 18. what is the dress style of the time what do you wear on your bodies as a style?

timetravel_0: Hats are more common in the future and flashy colors are less common. Dress is much more functional and we "dress up" when ever we get a chance. I have noticed that no one in this time dresses for occasions even when they have the clothes. Why do people wear shorts to church?

pamela: 19. do people wear their hair differently than we do?every generation has a different style what is the style of your time? what is popular for kids to wear? for adults to wear?

timetravel-0: We do not spend nearly the amount of time on our hair as people do now. Women like to wear their hair longer and men have it much shorter. Both sexes shave it all off when they're in active military service.

pamela: 20. are surgeries mostly performed by lasars? or were there new
technologies developed?

timetravel_o: Far less medical treatment in the future even though its more advanced. People die when they now its time to die. No lasers. Genetic medicine and cloning organs are the obvious new techs in the future.

pamela: 21. do you still have the current form of government, presidents and vice presidents like we do?

timetravel_0: No. The Constitution was changed after the war. We have 5 presidents that are voted in and out on different term periods. The vice president is the president of the senate and they are voted separately.

pamela: 22. how do you get from one place to another with not many cars around.do you teleport from one place to another?

timetravel_0: We have cars...just not a whole bunch of them. There is public transportation from city to city.

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 07 November 2000 22:18

If I could bring some material thing back to your time from 2036...it would be a copy of the new US Constitution.
Yes, you could travel to a future that was 0.5 seconds ahead of now but not with my machine. The C204 uses the second as the basic unit of measure. The C206 may be capable of .05 sec.

(In the same vien, if you just happened to arrive at "the year 2000" a fraction of a second in my past, or future would I ever know that you just 'landed soonby"?)

No "you" would not. But the "you" on that world line would.

(In other words, what makes this time line be 'now' at any given moment versus being any other time. We exist as A point on a time LINE, what is it that defines that point?)

It is believed there are some sort of measurable quantum differences in world lines. I am not an expert on that so I can offer little information.

(As far as how wonderfull your people are in the time after the war I'm very happy for you. Maybe they succeded in wiping out the RIGHT 3billion people.)

Yes, we did.

(2036 is not impossibly far off, what is your street adress then? I'll stop in and swap tales from days of old....assuming I live that long.)

You would be welcome in my home.

IP: Logged

Member posted 08 November 2000 11:47
1.Without going into detail what you are here specifically for can you please explain what the primary purpose of time travel is in the future?
2.Why it is used and how often to your knowledge it is used.?

3.Are there specific time periods time .travelers go to most?

4.you stated there were several time machines available are they all active at this time to your knowledge?

5.What kind of car are you going to go back in since you sold the Chevy?

6.Are you able to take people with you in the same car back to your time or another time?

IP: Logged
unregistered posted 08 November 2000 22:27
(1.Without going into detail what you are here specifically for can you please explain what the primary purpose of time travel is in the future?)
In 2036, a great deal of effort is going into "repairing" our environment. I was sent to 1975 to get a computer system and take it back to 2036. Time travel is not a secret in 2036 and I expect it will become more common.

(2.Why it is used and how often to your knowledge it is used.?)

Right now, its used to get information or "items" that would be helpful in getting a post WWIII world back to a normal condition. There are 7 other time travelers in my unit.

(3.Are there specific time periods time .travelers go to most?)

Right now, most of our practical missions are from 1960 to 1980. There is a great deal of research into later and future periods but the farther you go, the lower the divergence confidence of the world line.

(4.you stated there were several time machines available are they all active at this time to your knowledge?)


(5.What kind of car are you going to go back in since you sold the Chevy?)

It's a 1987 4WD. The vehicle needs a strong suspension system to handle the weight of the distortion unit.

(6.Are you able to take people with you in the same car back to your time or another time?)


IP: Logged

unregistered posted 09 November 2000 12:41
Timetravel_0, I have a couple of tech questions. If you change "vehical" do you have to re-calibrate the unit? (Does mass effect the field strength or power level needed to travel?) What kind of coils are used to contain, and maintain the singularity? (tri-coil, or quadrature coil, etc.) Can your unit also dimensionally travel? (can it move laterally in time as well as forward/reverse)
IP: Logged

unregistered posted 09 November 2000 09:35
To TimeTravel_0
Have you seen the movies 'Terminator' and 'Terminater 2'? We have a lot of good movies in this time but it is hard to pick them out from the huge piles of "trash movies".

Movies are contemporary liturature.

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 09 November 2000 11:01
If your conveyence is accurate to one second then you must have a reason for picking the particular second or at least particular day or week, you did.

Let me guess, you are here NOW to look at the unusual hung election we have going on. Or maybe this is the trigger event in the comming world wide econmic meltdown? Some other piviot point in history? Fess up. Why now?

IP: Logged

Member posted 11 November 2000 12:34
if you journeyed here from 2036(i think) to get a computer system,why is it you are posting on a time travel message board information as to how you arrived here?
a VW Bus would make a fine time machine

Fast Out

Got light? Make matter.

[email protected]

Posts: 985 | From: U.S.A | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 15

posted December 25, 2002 16:02
Time-travel Paradoxes! (Page 2)

Author Topic: Time-travel Paradoxes!
Member posted 11 November 2000 12:41
to TT0:
"--The C204 unit
is accurate from 50 to 60 years a jump and travels at about 10 years an hour
at 100% power.
--" 10 years an hour?
from 2036 wouldnt that take three+ hours??
how could you survive with merly the pocket of air you caught in your vehicle's field??

Fast Out

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 11 November 2000 18:46
To Curious:
(If you change "vehical" do you have to re-calibrate the unit?)

Yes. But its a function of the VGL system. A gravity baseline is taken and rechecked every thime the unit is used. A new vehicle would alter the gravity signature.

(What kind of coils are used to contain, and maintain the singularity?)

I am not a phycist so I can not answer that to your level of sophistication. The singularities are held in an enclosed magnetic field.

(Can your unit also dimensionally travel?)

No. However, the longer the unit is on past a safe divergance confidence, the "stranger" the world line becomes. The unit I have is safe to about 1% for every sixty years at max power.

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 11 November 2000 18:56
TO Shadow:
(Have you seen the movies 'Terminator' and 'Terminater 2'?)

Yes. I've seen those movies. Very entertaining.

(If your conveyence is accurate to one second then you must have a reason for picking the particular second or at least particular day or week, you did.)

My goal was to reach a certain date and time which is converted into seconds for the computer to make its calculations. I do not pick the second. Its more important to have a low divergance confidence number.

(Let me guess, you are here NOW to look at the unusual hung election we have going on. Or maybe this is the trigger event in the comming world wide econmic meltdown? Some other piviot point in history? Fess up. Why now?)

I would use the word "elections" a bit cautiously. Perhaps its easier now to see a civil war in your future?

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 11 November 2000 19:07
To Fast:
(if you journeyed here from 2036(i think) to get a computer system,why is it you are posting on a time travel message board information as to how you arrived here?

Why would it be treason?

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 11 November 2000 19:11
To Fast Out:
(10 years an hour? from 2036 wouldnt that take three+ hours?? how could you survive with merly the pocket of air you caught in your vehicle's field??)

Yes...that's about right but my initial trip was to 1975, not 2000. I guess its a question of how many technical details you really want or you feel I'm making up. We do take addtional 02 and the air pocket is a bit larger than you might think.

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unregistered posted 11 November 2000 20:09
Timetravel_O I am surprised they went with the VGL system over the "time lock" system. It must be more accurate as far as timeline devergance. No direct lateral travel huh? That means some places are not easily accessable.(there is a safe place to hide, LOL) One last question, Can anybody operate the 204 unit? Or is it safe guarded by a "key of some kind? Thanks for answering. Yes, you would be welcome at my home.

IP: Logged

Member posted 11 November 2000 20:28
the chinese were said to threaten death by torture to those who gave away the secret of silk making...why not time travel also?

i now understand the oxygen part,thought i found a slip in your trip(to coin a phrase) to our(or 1975...) time...

why is it you traveled to 1975 anyway??

Fast Out

IP: Logged

Searcher of Truth
unregistered posted 12 November 2000 13:22
Time travel_0,
I followed the link to your pictures and if time travel is not a secret in your "time" then why do the top of your pictures say "restricted file"??
Have you considered the possible adverse consequences the person might face that you had post them for you since you remain covert? or don't you care since it is not your world line. what about the people that read the information and attempt to build one? what if they get injured in the process because they are not knowledgeable enough to handle the forces they are playing with at this "time".
what is your true purpose for posting assumingly "restricted" government documents on a public bulletin board where everyone can see it?
Did your Unit Commander authorize such a thing or is it something you decided to do completely on your own?
Have you considered your actions and probable outcome carefully?

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 12 November 2000 14:06
To Seeker of Truth. The chances of one of us building a C204 are slim to none. (and Slim's dead) Who's to say that someone that will read this board, will be the one to actually invent the means for the C204 (or other units) to be operational? The divergance factor is so low, everbody will forget about this in a short time. I wouldn't worry about it When Timetravel_0 goes back, this will be nothing but a memory...
IP: Logged

unregistered posted 12 November 2000 16:41
(Have you considered the possible adverse consequences the person might face that you had post them for you since you remain covert? or don't you care since it is not your world line. what about the people that read the information and attempt to build one? what if they get injured in the process because they are not knowledgeable enough to handle the forces they are playing with at this "time".)
Yes, I have considered it but it is very easy to remain hidden behind a veil of disbelief. The people who understand what they are seeing are not aggressive. Everyone else just finds them entertaining. The obvious first answer is that the only world line of consequence is my own and I don’t care what happens here. That however, is not the case. I have shown these documents in order that people might consider the possibility. I do not expect people to believe them.

(what is your true purpose for posting assumingly "restricted" government documents on a public bulletin board where everyone can see it?)

The restricted nature of the documents I posted refers to the departmentalized nature of the technical information. The manual is supposed to remain with the unit. The current F-16 fighter jet probably has an operations manual. All the information in it is not secret but no one wants it to “walk” away from the plane.

(Did your Unit Commander authorize such a thing or is it something you decided to do completely on your own?)

I am here for personal reasons. For a few months now, I have bee trying to alert anyone that would listen to the possibility of a civil war in the United States in 2005. Does that seem more likely now? Actually it’s quite amazing to see what’s happening. I have been trying to get people to pay attention for the last few months but to see it unfold is very interesting. Before I leave, I’ll try and post my report.

I am curious… will anyone be upset if Florida’s votes are not counted in the Electoral College because of the current “confusion”?

(Have you considered your actions and probable outcome carefully?)


IP: Logged

unregistered posted 12 November 2000 17:22
Timetravel_0, People have been "warned" of the upcoming events (or high probability of) for sometime. The date seems to move up and down the timeline a little, but the out come seems to be the same. Some of the "new age crackpots(?)" have already said this. A few have even given an estimate of when (some have been close to the year you stated). From what I understand, it is coinciding with a natural disaster (or cosmic event). I hope not be around then. Have a safe trip. Good luck.
Pardon my intrusion on your post, I thought it would be more suitable to include the following information here, as it is synonymous with your post, and placing it at the end of this thread where the conversation has taken a different direction altogether would not be in sync with the current flow of thought.
Flood forthcoming

Monday, November 27 2000 @ 03:26 AM EST
Contributed by: Porfiry
Global warming could be on the verge of triggering a rise in sea levels that would flood huge swathes of the Earth's most densely populated regions, says an unpublished report from the world's top climate scientists. Caused in large part by the melting of Greenland's ice sheet, this process would take a thousand years or more but would be "irreversible" once under way.

The report, due to be published next May by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), is being read by the world's governments. The final draft seen by New Scientist suggests that dozens of the countries meeting this week to agree on global warming limits through the Kyoto Protocol may face being wiped off the world map.

Four years ago, the IPCC forecast that sea levels could rise by half a metre in this century and by a maximum of between 1.5 and 3 metres over the coming 500 years. The new assessment suggests an eventual rise of 7 to 13 metres is more likely. This is enough to drown immense areas of land and many major cities. These rises will occur even if governments succeed in halting global warming within the next few decades, the report says.

Two factors are causing the rise: the slow spread of heat to the ocean depths and the destabilising of major ice sheets. It will take about a thousand years for warming in the atmosphere to reach the bottom of the oceans. The resulting thermal expansion "would continue to raise sea levels for many centuries after stabilisation of greenhouse gas concentrations". Even if global warming is halted within a century, thermal expansion will eventually raise the oceans by between 0.5 and 4 metres.

Even more alarming is the fate of the ice that covers Greenland. Among all of the world's ice sheets, this is now thought to be "the most vulnerable to climatic warming". It contains enough snow and ice to raise sea levels by about 7 metres if it melts. And this looks increasingly likely to happen.

Models show that after any warming above 2.7 °C, "the Greenland ice sheet eventually disappears". Nearly all predictions show Greenland warming more than this, says the report, and the faster the warming, the faster the melting. An extra 5.5 °C would cause sea levels to rise by 3 metres over a thousand years. An 8 °C warming would cause a 6-metre rise in sea levels in the same time.

The report's authors are not allowed to discuss their findings until publication. But Jonathan Gregory of Britain's Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research in Bracknell, who co-authored the chapter on sea level, told New Scientist recently that once under way, the disintegration of the Greenland ice sheet would be "irreversible this side of a new ice age".

The fate of the West Antarctic ice sheet, which is perched on submerged islands, remains controversial, says the report. If it melted, it would raise sea levels by a further 6 metres. Some experts quoted in the report predict that the sheet could entirely disappear within 700 years. Others, supported by the authors, expect that the sheet will contribute "no more than 3 metres" to sea level in that time.

If sea levels were 10 metres higher than today by the year 3000, it would cause the inundation of a total area larger than the US, with a population of more than a billion people and most of the world's most fertile farmland.

Fred Pearce

From New Scientist magazine, 25 November 2000.

[This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 27 November 2000).]

IP: Logged
Member posted 12 November 2000 17:44
is there some reason you are not responding to any of my e-mails lately?
I have deleted all of your e-mails from my computer to protect you.noone will ever know your e-mail address. that is my promise to you.
if your not going to reply to me can you just answer me one question....was that you I seen? or you can e-mail me if you still can.
IP: Logged

Member posted 12 November 2000 20:53

your friend,

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 13 November 2000 23:04
Contrary to popular belief, and certain speculations here, the plain simple fact is, ther ARE no paradoxes. There never have been and there never will be. The term itself is an oxymoron and an invention of the intellect of the human mind, in search of creative thought and outright fantasy. The Universe exists without either the need for, or possibility of them.
Once one comes to this simple realization, one can then put the concept of "Time Travel" in IT'S proper perspective. Namely, that as is usually thought of, it doesn't exist. Never has, never will. For the simple reason that our invented concept of time itself is fundamentally flawed. Time is not an entity. It is a unit of measurement invented by man, to define the interval between cause and effect. Like Meter. Or Yard. Or Foot. Or pound. Can we "Meter" travel? or "Foot" travel? Or perhaps "Acre" travel? Gets silly doesn't it. Why does anyone think you can actually "Time" travel?

Interesting that the so called "Twins Paradox" was not discussed in depth here, but then it's really not a paradox at all. It is only beleived to BE one by people who do not understand the simple laws of physics and the Theory of relativity.

If anyone is interested, I can show you how it CANNOT be a paradox. Unless you already know. In which case you wouldn't be here speculating on the "how" of something that doesn't exist in the first place.

It isn't that Time Travel is not possible, it's that there is NO SUCH THING in the first place. Never has been. Never will be. Like the Gods of MT. Olympus. Or the Fire Breathing Dragons of old. And Pegasus. Or the Earth as the Center of the Universe. It's mythology. Based on INNOCENT ignorance. It's a skewed concept created by a lack of understanding of the fundamental Theories of relativity (General and Special), in the first place.

And it doesn't require "Multiple" Universes to solve. If there are multiple universes, than there MUST be an INFINITE number of them. In which case, all things that have ever happened, will happen, are happening Now. If THAT'S the case, what makes anyone think they have anything resembling free will at all?

Alas, I'm afrid even THIS attempt to resolve the so called "paradoxes" of Time Travel is also a pursuit in search of what is a non-existant problem in the first place. Another lapse into inventing a new mythology.

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 13 November 2000 23:24
Checked out the picture and documents (Pamala?) posted. Your '67 Chev looks remarkably new.......hmmmm

If the manual is leggit and thats a real working time machine in your front seat, the OBVIOUS conclusion, if not the correct conclusion, is that you are either in the employ of the US Army or you stole the friggen thing. I hardly think you picked it up for 20 bucks at the surplus store.

Looks like you've got a little baby field model there, the owners of which would surely have bigger and badder ones to come and collect it with. But you would know all about that. What you might not know is that the people who actually run things around now, will snatch you right out of your shoes at the first possible instant they get wind of you and your ah....... thing.

The one thing that you are REALLY REALLY NOT supposed to do is show up with something that might be percieved to be "dangerous". You had better hide real good or get lost, one.

Been nice 'talking' to ya. Why not just spill the *entire* pan of beans before you split? Anything to piss off the rich folks, I say.

IP: Logged

Member posted 14 November 2000 15:25
I hope 'Mr. 0' is still there...
I'd like to believe you. What I need is one more prediction - you've predicted an American civil war in 2005; in order to fully believe you, I need one more unambiguous prediction like that. Something like, maybe, who will win the 100m in Salt Lake City. Really, anything like that, if I see two predictions like that come true you will have my unwavering belief. I'm a rationalist but not an idiot - the problem with most people who claim to time travel is that they have no evidence to back it up. What I ask for would be enough evidence for me, and probably most people.

[This message has been edited by Janus (edited 14 November 2000).]

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unregistered posted 15 November 2000 13:56
Mr. DaViper,
A broken clock tells the right time twice a day.

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unregistered posted 15 November 2000 14:12
To: Shadow
If this shows up twice, I apologize.

(Your '67 Chev looks remarkably new.......hmmmm)

Thanks. I sold it when I arrived here. It attracted a great deal of attention. Perhaps that's why it was still around in 2036.

(...you are either in the employ of the US Army...)

More or less correct.

(Looks like you've got a little baby field model there, the owners of which would surely have bigger and badder ones to come and collect it with.)

Why would they come looking for me? I'm expected back but I will only have been gone a few seconds from their point of view.

(What you might not know is that the people who actually run things around now, will snatch you right out of your shoes at the first possible instant they get wind of you and your ah....... thing.)

Stupidity and greed are fairly predictable for a period of time.

(The one thing that you are REALLY REALLY NOT supposed to do is show up with something that might be percieved to be "dangerous".)

Have you considered that your society might be better off if half of you were dead?

(Why not just spill the *entire* pan of beans before you split? Anything to piss off the rich folks, I say.)

I'm thinking about it. I'm waiting for my family to buy up all the good stuff cheap first...(joke).

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unregistered posted 15 November 2000 14:20
To Janus:
(I'd like to believe you. What I need is one more prediction - you've predicted an American civil war in 2005; in order to fully believe you, I need one more unambiguous prediction like that.)

I appreciate the position you are in but you must realize that I am not affected in the least if you believe me or not.

(Something like, maybe, who will win the 100m in Salt Lake City.)

Off the top of your head, can you tell me if it rained in Atlanta this time last year? Do you think time travelers carry a sports reffrence with them?

(Really, anything like that, if I see two predictions like that come true you will have my unwavering belief.)

It is a mistake to give anyone your unwavering belief...but you will find that out yourself in 2005.

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 15 November 2000 14:33
To: Curious
(One last question, Can anybody operate the 204 unit? Or is it safe guarded by a "key of some kind? Thanks for answering. Yes, you would be welcome at my home.)

The unit has two security systems to protect it from "most" people. One, it has a code that must be entered correctly. Second, and probably more effective now, the unit can not be used by anyone who can't add and subtract.

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 15 November 2000 14:41
To Fast:
(i now understand the oxygen part,thought i found a slip in your trip(to coin a phrase) to our(or 1975...) time... why is it you traveled to 1975 anyway??)

The first "leg" of my trip was from 2036 to 1975. After two VGL checks, the divergance was estimated at about 2.5% (from my 2036). I was "sent" to get an IBM computer system called the 5100. It was one the first portable computers made and it has the ability to read the older IBM programming langages in addition to APL and Basic. We need they system to "debug" various lagacy computer programs in 2036. UNIX has a problem in 2038.

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 15 November 2000 20:29
For totally selfish reasons I would like to know how one would communicate across time periods? Think of the grief one could save themselves by simply by calling yourself at 6AM from 6PM and getting the lowdown on the days pitfalls.
It is tough for me to visualize how, from our perspective, the future is frozen solid such that you could knock around here for a week or two and yet scarcely a blink of an eye has passed in 2036.

If you want to get peoples attention, it seemes to me that a pocket full of real US currency and coins dated 2001 and up would cause a stir. It could be used as a standard test to see who is braindead and who can add 2+2.

You speak of 1 & 2 % "divergence" as being unimportant. I don't get it. Like for example if OUR IBM5100 is 1% different than the code you have to run on it, it ain't gonna work right. One percent in the FL vote count would be important. If I could see only 99% of the cars on the road it would be important to me. So, what exactly is X% divergent, and why is it not a major problem?

Janus is a Scientist. Don't mess with him!

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 15 November 2000 21:39
Oh, sorry Janus, forget I said that. I must have gotten your post mixed up with somebody eleses.
To TimeTravler_0
The trouble with having the "half the population dead" is that before the fact, one cannot tell to which half ones' self belongs. The politics of who gets thrown out of the lifeboat and who gets to stay is not topic for polite conversation. So lets ask the question in the affirmative. " What does one have to do in order to stay on the lifeboat?"

I don't immagine you have much a fondness for the CJD (mad cow) prion. Any advise on how to defeat or avoid this plauge?

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mokrie dela
Member posted 16 November 2000 12:35
_0 ---Just popped in for a minute. If your on the level could you be so kind as to drop me off in 1880. No, I'm not kidding. If you pick up hitch hikers I'd really like a ride. Also, I've missed you Pamela and Time and the ever evasive Doc.
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Member posted 16 November 2000 12:43
I missed you to. I was wondering what world you fell into ( heheheh.)
hey now...only so many of us can fit into the 4x4! I asked first! I get the front seat!!!! heheh.
Doc if you are out there somewhere you need to respond! we are worried about you. alot of people have written you and you have not responded. your friends care about you!

IP: Logged
unregistered posted 16 November 2000 16:42
There is only ever one "time period" to communicate in. This one. The "now".

In the classic so called "twins paradox", the two are always in the same time line.

Visualize the traveling twin doing this travel always in sight of Earth. Orbiting the Sun at near the spped of light. He is always visible from Earth via telescope and radio. Although there will be some doppler shifting in his image and radio signals, communication is nevertheless still possible. Just difficult. He is traveling for what seems to be his Earth bound twin's span of 50 years. During his voyage, he ALSO counts the Earth rotating around the Sun 50 times! Yup. That's the way it works. Yet when he finally lands back on Earth, he has aged only 5 years! Relativity has slowed his BIOLOGICAL clock, relative to his twin. Not time itself. Just like it slows the atomic clock on the moving jet plane, relative to the one left on the ground. Gravity has little or nothing to do with it. It is the difference in RELATIVE velocity that produces what gets measured as time dilation. The same is tru for the twins. Actually, neither twin left the other's time line. Both were always in the same one. Both counted 50 revolutions of the Earth around the Sun, but the travelers biological CLOCK ran slower. That's all.

There is no paradox. And communiction across "time periods" is only ever communication across the same time period.

Where I am now, it's 11:30 AM. But in Japan, it's 4:30 TOMMORROW MORNING. But me and the Japanese are still in the same time line, time period (in the greater sense), and can communicate with each other just fine.

The past has gone by. The future hasn't happened yet. And all the near light speed travel or power sources that alter matter can't change that. It's a rather fundamental law of the universe.

Even Einstein only ever said time running backwards during faster than light travel, MIGHT be possible. He NEVER said for sure that it was true or for certain WOULD occur. And even withdrew further and further from this original position as he got older.

In the pure scientific sense, we need to always be vigilant as to the difference in what constitutes hypothesis, and what constitutes theory.

Good science always tries to DISPROVE hypothesis. Not prove it. Failure to DIS-prove it is what then results in what becomes evolving theory. And still only theory at that.


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Member posted 16 November 2000 23:33
DaViper....biological clock ran slower?
Can you explain this concept further?


[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 17 November 2000).]

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unregistered posted 17 November 2000 09:34

It is thought that being close to a gravitational field has a biological effect on all matter including cells. The effect is to slow the movement of electrons in the orbits of their nucleus which thus slows the mechanical and bilological functions of the observer close to the gravity.
Thus the passing of time is a local phenomenon depending on how close you are to a gravitational source.

This is one example of a theory involving "time shells" progressing in size and intensity around a gravitational point from all matter. The more massive the object, the larger and more influencial the time shells around it (like an onion). Another offshoot of this theory is that kinetic energy is actually the conversion of stored energy in the atom as it passes through time shells in a gravitational field.

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Member posted 17 November 2000 12:01
Time travel_0-
Would this serve a purpose to put cloned or donated organs in a feild to keep it as fresh and unaged as possible until ready to transplant into the new recepient patient?
In response to your last e-mail...
you never know what my future will hold.
maybe I'll be visiting YOU. (maybe in one of those advanced distortion units.)

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 17 November 2000 19:12
To daViper
Here's the way I see it if I want to "foot travel or acre travel" or even frothing at the mouth mad dog banana split travel then I will just get on with it. I don't need you to tell me I can't. Heck if I want to pretend that I'm Superman and fly around the sun 50 times to save Lois Lane........oh excuse me THAT ONE was YOUR idea.

We got a guy on here whom I believe to be an actual time traveler, somebody that knows about gravic shells. artificial singularities, computers and the history of the next 36 years. Somebody who has "been there done that" and I don't really want to hear you spouting off about what you learned in 6th grade science class. I took the same class 35 years ago. Here is a news flash for you; Einstien was out of date 60 years ago.

You say there is no possibility of any time paradox ever occuring. How in heck would you know? Even if you are right on this one, its a lucky guess on your part. You don't know. I don't think you could think your way out of a paper bag.

You said that it is "tommorrow in Japan". Does that mean that it is yesterday in Spain? Good grief, get a grip. If you would think a little more yourself, maybe you would be less inclined to tell everybody else how to do it.

I do advise however, that you could stick around and learn something.

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Member posted 17 November 2000 21:11
I have to hand it to you that was funny!bananna split travel...hehheh
your a good person I can tell.
I personally cannot understand why someone posts on a timetravel web site that doesnot beleive time travel is or ever will be possible. but Im glad they do because I do learn things from them.
I think it a little humerous..... although it would be foolish to beleive everyone that says they are a time travler that shows up on here, and we have actually disproved several fake attempts. I beleive if a real time traveler actually showed up... nobody would even beleive them. there is only a couple of people on here who even asked this guy questions. even though this web site gets an average hit of about 98 people in a 12 hour period.
how could you ever come to the knowledge of the truth if you dont ask questions?
my question is....do we really beleive time travel is possible or do we have to be one who experiences a little of it first before we will even consider it?
Is time travel ever going to be a possibility in our future? if the answer is yes but not for thousands of years...well if they travel back to our time then it now becomes a possibility in our time as well.

DaViper? why is it you have not attempted to Disprove why the diagrams could not work?
why have you not argued against the use of singularities? or why it could not be possible for him to be here? Is it because you don't understand what it is you are seeing? I want to hear the arguments why nobody beleives this could be a possibility ....dont any of you people have an opinion?
In our current view of things The possibility of it not being true is pretty high for a time traveler to openly expose himself in this manner..but..what if in his world time travel is not a secret?
In relating to a time traveler from a future time may be like relating to an alien from another country,another dimension or even another world. you first have to understand the environment from which they came. depending on how far in the future it would be.. their thinking would not be the same on certain issues because of how they were raised in their environment.
I think it is as he has said though that some people would not beleive it even if the machine was right in front of them.

Just consider for a moment.... what if it was true? what a great opportunity you have all lost.


[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 18 November 2000).]

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unregistered posted 17 November 2000 23:22
My opinion is that there is a high probability that he (Timetravel_0) is as he has represented him self. And to add to that, what makes anybody so sure there hasn't been others? How would you know? Do you think they will show you a time travel visa? It is sometimes amazing how great the human mind is able to except new ideas. The (energy field) diagram in the manual looks very similar to some diagrams that were perported to be from the Philadephia Project.(from an Al Beilek video tape) Just my opinion, I could be wrong...........
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Dr Light
unregistered posted 19 November 2000 06:15
Now then..
If i go back to the year 1960 and give the scientist community there a book on advanced electronics in computers , would it not be that they would READ this book and design say, a pentium 3 chip in 1960 that would forward our technology advances 40 years?

if that is so how would this timeline be like? Would we have far better microproccessors here in 2000?

The materials needed to produce a chip like the P3 for example were availiable (to an extent) in 1960. So it would not be unheard of for me to jump back in time , give a book on microprocessors to IBM and see what they come up with...

A thought...

Did anyone witness the giant computer "boom"
of the late 60's? Computer technology went from basic 286 processors to great big polygon crunchers in the early 90's. In the space a short 10 years microprocessor speeds have doubled every six months...

Technology is advancing at an incredible rate which leads me to think that perhaps we were visited by timetravelers in the 60's or thereof, in order to further the advancement of the human race. How does one explain the massive technology jumps from the moonlanding to our present time?

Seems to quick to go from a 286 to a 1 GHZ...
I think we had help , but thats my opinion.

Insights? Opinions?


Dr Light

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Member posted 19 November 2000 19:35
according to TT0,our technology would not change in the least..you would return you your original dimension and the book would(POSSIBLY) advance some other dimension's technology...

Fast Out

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Dr Light
unregistered posted 20 November 2000 12:14
But if the parallel worlds theory is true , that would make the book in question be relevant to ALL worlds including the one i just came from...
Therefore that would make technology jumps for all of the worlds, not just every dimension besides mine.

Perhaps it would evolve differently for my dimension but there is still the fact that it WOULD evolve because i went back and changed history for every world.

that's my opinion...

IP: Logged
Member posted 20 November 2000 12:20
I still say "Something" of a very peculiar High Strangeness did occur in Roswell in the fourties, and whatever it was, it had something to contribute to our current Time-Line, which altered it indefinately.
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Dr Light
unregistered posted 20 November 2000 12:35
A few words..
i just finished reading the whole two pages and i have come to this conclusion.

Pamela...your a champion...no really...and thank you for the links.

and Mr_0....good luck my friend...see you in 2036.

P. Light

Thanks you

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Dr light
unregistered posted 20 November 2000 05:39
You sold your 67' when you got here?
how do you expect to get back?!
Also, how have you overcome the problem of housing , food , job ,social security number , tax...or perhaps you are not here for that long.

Also how did you get on the net and have access to a scanner to reproduce your work on the net?

So many questions and things to do in this time..yet you have the time to post your C204 manual on the web.

I am not trying to disprove you Mr _0, but the people in power (pamela) urges us to ask relevant questions surrounding your existence in this time. This world is run on the economical side of things and i am just curious to how you happened to blend in to "our" way of living.

The way i see it..is that you MAY be a T.Traveller judging by your grasp on quantumn mechanics and your vivid picture of the future but......

This world is run on the basis of "guilty until proven innocent" Myself..i would like to believe and your diagrams and schematics seem to confirm this. BUT there are skeptics out there who might think your a looney as you have seen.

I myself believe in timetravel and as the theory goes.." if , at any point in history we will be able to T.T , we are being visited by others right now , from the future."

If it makes no matter that you are here telling us about your revolutionary new T.T device...what would happen if we SUPPOSEDLY built a prototype ...as my argument would state about the P3 and the 286..we would fast forward events in time.....36 years or so , with the development of a prototype c204 right NOW , using the skematics you have given us.But as pamela said..."..dont any of you people have an opinion?"

I am not out to shatter your reputation on this forumn.. but i just want simple answers.

Thank you
Dr Light

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unregistered posted 20 November 2000 17:16
To: Dr. Light.
(You sold your 67' when you got here?
how do you expect to get back?!)

The unit is portable between vehicles. It is very heavy and requires a "stiff" suspension. The unit is currently in a 4WD.

(Also, how have you overcome the problem of housing , food , job ,social security number , tax...or perhaps you are not here for that long.)

I am currently living with my parents on this world line. They know exactly who I am and how I got here.

(Also how did you get on the net and have access to a scanner to reproduce your work on the net?)

There are numerous ways to do that. Any local printing shop allows you access to a computer system.

(So many questions and things to do in this time..yet you have the time to post your C204 manual on the web.)

What suggestions do you have?

(This world is run on the economical side of things and i am just curious to how you happened to blend in to "our" way of living.)

You don't think you could blend into 1970? What difficulties would you expect to have that couldn't be overcome?

BUT there are skeptics out there who might think your a looney as you have seen.)

I have nothing to sell nor do I want anyone to believe in me or take some action. What other people think of me does not affect me in the least.

(If it makes no matter that you are here telling us about your revolutionary new T.T device...what would happen if we SUPPOSEDLY built a prototype ...as my argument would state about the P3 and the 286..we would fast forward events in time.....36 years or so , with the development of a prototype c204 right NOW , using the skematics you have given us.But as pamela said..."..dont any of you people have an opinion?")

What you do on your world line is your own business. I can't think of any better way to start a war than for someone to figure out how to make a time machine. Go for it.

(I am not out to shatter your reputation on this forumn.. but i just want simple answers.)

I will be happy to answer "almost" any question you have.

IP: Logged

Member posted 20 November 2000 23:07

urge you to contact me before you leave us! I must make contact with you before you go.

[This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 20 November 2000).]

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Got light? Make matter.

[email protected]

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Member # 15

posted December 25, 2002 16:04
Time-travel Paradoxes! (Page 3)

Author Topic: Time-travel Paradoxes!
Dr Light
unregistered posted 21 November 2000 01:10
So Mr_0
Perhaps you would like to explain to me how your parents fully understand HOW you got here , since you are a T.T, you showed them you c204 and they believed you totally?

I do not know your age so i am assuming that you would be over 40 years old.
How would your parents react to seeing you in 2000 as a 40 year old man? That would surley be enough evidence to show you are a true time traveller...

What exactly does the year 2000 have for you?
If you say the year 2005 is the war where 3 billion people die..you only have 5 years left then you will merely whisk off to 2036 with your IBM 5100 p.c,leaving our timeline in ruins and you would only be away for a few seconds...

What we do on our timeline IS our own buisness ,but we would appreciate it if you do not jeopardize our position here by giving someone the information/skematics to build a time machine that you say would "start a war"

So what your saying is that the development of the C204 is the reason the "war" started?
So why are you trying to put us through your timeline and kill us too? Or are you trying to change history here and hope it will work on the parallel worlds theory and turns out well for you in the end?

As Pamela said you have an obligation to this world line. We may be in infintley spaced world lines but that does not mean you should put us through your problems too.

What if you never showed up and gave us the skemtics? Are you trying to AVOID or START a war of massive consequences?

Your argument is taken entirely out of context when i compare it to my previous argument about the P3 and the 286 processor
"What we do is our buisness" but you are here causing controversy and "hoping?" perhaps someone does create the c204?
So you are willing to sacrafice billions of lives and hope that everything is fine and dandy when you get back.
If events DO change here...they will change for you too.

thats my OPINION.

Remember just answers please..

Thanking you,

Dr P.Light

(p.s pamela ,your opinion please)

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unregistered posted 21 November 2000 10:29
Dr. Light,
There is a thin line between question and accusation. I'm pretty sure TT-O DOES NOT check in here seeking abuse or accusal.

The reason this board is here is to determine the the plausabiliy and possible usability of time travel. If there is no such thing, or even the perception that there is no time travel and no time travelers then we need to unplug this board and for all of us to 'go home'.

The point is not is Mr. TT-O for real but rather is what we THINK we are doing here for real.

As TT-O says how we take care of our own time line IS OUR BUSINESS. Doing so in stark ignorance can lead to problems for those who put a priority on getting through the day alive.

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unregistered posted 21 November 2000 10:41
All of the questions asked by Mr. Light have been answered in one way or another. I believe Pamela has that information if she has not released it already.
You assume I am here to start a war?

Consider this: You are a time traveler who wishes to go back in time to 1941 because your grandparents live close to Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. You realize you can’t stop the war but you may be able to help them prepare for it. Strangely, December 7th comes and goes with no sneak attack. As the war in Europe rages on, Japan fails to join the axis power, there is no war in the Pacific and the United States remains neutral. Then, you watch as Germany begins to develop the atomic bomb… all by themselves.

For a change, I have a question for all of you. I want you to think…think very hard. What major disaster was expected and prepared for in the last year and a half that never happened?

As far as war goes, I have faith you are quite capable of starting one all by yourself. I am hard pressed to accept any criticism on my outlook on that subject. Growing up might have been a vastly different experience for me than it was for most of you. Personal responsibility, determination, honor, friendship and self-reliance are not just words we try to live up to or fantasize about. On my world line, life is not easy. We live in a world recovering from years of war, poison, destruction and hate. All of it, courtesy of the thinking and actions of people that live right now in the same world you do, worrying about which stocks to buy or whether or not a stranger is lying to them on the internet. I believe that hardship and challenge develop character and community. My first experience with war came when I joined a shotgun infantry unit at the age of thirteen. In the 4 years I served as a “rebel”, I watched hundreds of people get shot, burn and bleed to death. I know exactly where I was and every detail of the exact moment the first nuclear warheads began falling on Jacksonville. I know the pain and regret of not acting soon enough to enjoy a relationship as a loved one dies of brain cancer from a war that gained nothing.

How can you possibly criticize me for any conflict that comes to you? I watch every day what you are doing as a society. While you sit by and watch your Constitution being torn away from you, you willfully eat poisoned food, buy manufactured products no one needs and turn an uncaring eye away from millions of people suffering and dying all around you. Is this the “Universal Law” you subscribe to?

Perhaps I should let you all in on a little secret. No one likes you in the future. This time period is looked at as being full of lazy, self-centered, civicly ignorant sheep. Perhaps you should be less concerned about me and more concerned about that.

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 21 November 2000 13:17
Think, think, think, what major disaster didn't happen last year. No y2k computer meltdown! Are you intimating that your people fiddled with time and saved us from that one? If so how could I complain other than to say that MY y2k preperations in themselves have turned into a MAJOR PERSONAL disaster that continues to this day. Ky-sur-sur-rah, ay?
Reading your posts I get conflicting ideas about what effect our timeline has on yours. Didn't you say that "another you" was here now as a two year old child? Is the 'Everret Many Worlds' interpretation of quantum mechanics it the correct one then? You seem to look at us as represenative of your ACTUAL predicessors. There is something a bit unnerving about that. In fact the main reason why I think you might be genuine is that I have trouble thinking LIKE you do. I would expect this of an encounter with a "Chrono-alien".

It seems to me that there would be some effect from one parallel world to another. Therefore what you do in this time line would have at least INDIRECT consequences in all future lines. The idea of many time lines I can 'get', but infinite ones? Perhaps on the parallel axis they just keep getting more different until they are seen as completly different alien worlds.

Is it possible to communicate between times and parallel worlds without physically going to them? Im getting a little sick of talking to myself...ha ha ..(.I think).

So we are all lazy and selfish around these times. Not exactly a news flash bud. Oh, did I leave out ignorant too? Hey it fits the profile. The word you are looking for however is POWERLESS. That is why we now, in general don't give a flying crap about what goes on. There ain't nothing we can do about it aside getting out teeth kicked in for tyring.

Let me put it this way. The wrong people got all the money......already. The rest of us are mostly concentrating on not starving or freezing to death. What do you want anyway? The disaster you have suffered in your time (and ours to come I suppose) got its start long long before today. We were warned decades ago......yeah now I see your point.

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unregistered posted 21 November 2000 13:37
To: TimeTravel_0
Refer to post above.......forgot to stick your name on it again.

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unregistered posted 21 November 2000 13:47
To: TimeTravel_0
Has the mystery of UFO's been solved by 2036? Crop circles? I figure it is all "paralell worlder" stuff but is anything specific been determined?
The one way questioning going on here is mosty because you already know lots more about us than we can ever know about you.

Let us know when you plan to check out.

IP: Logged
Member posted 21 November 2000 14:41
A.) Russia has "ALWAYS" been considered the first Country, to be suspect of a probable Nuclear Attack against the USA, and I, for one have NEVER relinquished the thought that inevitably, this will happen while I remain alive to witness this unfourtunate trajedy come to fruition.
*Why have they been stockpiling Nuclear arms purchased from their Diplomatic relations with China, and protesting our "Star-Wars" defense systems during this plot?

We never seen it comming?

IP: Logged

unregistered posted 21 November 2000 21:31
There have been a great many questions piling up that I do plan to get to. If anyone sees a question I have answered before, please feel free to repeat the answer.
I do not plan on leaving this world line for a while yet. I very much enjoy spending time with my family.

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unregistered posted 21 November 2000 23:01
To TT_0, How is it, that in the future they can produce and contain an artificial singularity, by complex computer systems, but can't reproduce a basic pc (IBM 5100). Or is it easier to just "borrow" these items from an alternate time line? Or did you use the lack of a computer system as an excuse to vist your family?
IP: Logged

Dr Light
unregistered posted 22 November 2000 12:57
To T.T_0,
So if we are a bunch of sick lazy ignorant stupid etc etc's......what are YOU doing among us?

Do you like our artificial foods? Or is it the meaningless piles of "junk" we churn out year after year? Perhaps it is the choked atmosphere? And we also turn an "uncaring eye" away from the millions suffering too?

Perhaps this time is just like yours......
We still have war , hate and all the above.

Humph. I didnt know that what we think is so technologically advanced and superior ( myself excluded)is looked upon as ,for want of a better word, "Sh*t"

I agree with Shadow.

Can we help but to eat these foods , drink this water? Survival is the key word here.

But another question arises..
Do you think i am accusing you? I meerly went and posted a message about my opinions on the subject.I happen to strongly believe in Time travel and i also believe YOU.They are only QUESTIONS as i have stated Mr_0. I also dont think you are here to start a war, of all things. if it was for my family, i would go though time too.

Or else what would i be doing here?

As soon as anyone here on this forumn starts talking in terms of "not believing you" you get aggravated? I dont wish for that to be.
These are questions , and nothing more. Tell me if i have hit a soft spot. Im not trying to but it might seem that way.

Life here in 2000 is not at all easy for us here too. A handfull of people run this timeline....



Dr. P.Light

(P.S) There are a few questions (not accustaions as you out them) i would like to ask about the workings of the C204 unit before you leave us. I will post them up later.

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unregistered posted 22 November 2000 14:32
What Can we do to help you here in this time line. Who is responcible for the disaster to come? Can you tell us if the world has been unified under one single goverment in your time. To you have the means to calculate interactions over the range of the universe so that to enable which alterations need to be made at which points in the present universe at given times in order recreate an optimal time period for yourself when you return. Remeber this no matter what generation one goes to their is alwas trechory for it is sin in the human race that enables such degradation. What do you think about our time period? Have you tried any of our fast food? What technologies were lost as a result of the war? Who won the war? My favorite junk food is M&M's. What ebergy source did you use for your traveling technique. Did you use acceleration or compression as a stabilizing force. How did you overcome the temperal turbulence caused by the affects of time dialation? Was topology a big part of it? Are you seeking to return to a parallel dimension? In the present. Has anyone actually created a true interdimensional device. Or has only parrellel frames past frames been abtained within the worldline of the negative universe? What do you need to fix your ship? Has your resurfacing in the past resulted in the creation of a parallel entity as a result of the transfer of a phantom point of entity equivalence across the intersimensional barrier resulting in the abstraction of an existant entity out of the fractional entity less then zero. Have you figured a way to counter this energy?
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Member posted 22 November 2000 16:44

11/20/00 - Mon/Tue

Guest: Dr. Eugene Mallove

Dr. Mallove, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of Infinite Energy Magazine will discuss cold fusion and
new energy technology. Dr. Mallove holds a Master of Science Degree and Bachelor of Science Degree
in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from MIT and a Science Doctorate in Environmental
Health Sciences from Harvard University.

Book: Fire from Ice: Searching for the Truth Behind the Cold Fusion Furor

Website: www.infinite-energy.com

(Click on the Windows media icon above, to listen to the pre-recorded broadcast.)
I posted this elswhere, however I wanted to ensure that TT_0 would review this, and post his comments accordingly...
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Member posted 22 November 2000 20:58
Pamela: 1.What exactly would an observer see as they saw you arriving in this
time? and exactly what would they see as you departed? would you just appear
suddenly or slowly? would you look like a heat mirage for awhile? any
light effects? or hazy misty shimmering distortion?
Time travel_0- The observation of time travelers "appearing" suddenly in a world line do not happen very often. There are two cases and two points of view to consider. In the first case, the time machine does not move as it goes from one world line to another and then returns. The people watching on the original world linewould wave good bye and watch as the machine is turned on.
There would be a static discharge and the air would appear to "ripple" as if it were getting denser. Then, it would stop and the machine will have appeared to have gone no where. If the machine doesn't move its position from world line to world line, the observer would not see it disappear at all. In the second case, if the machine is moved, it would disappear from the viewpoint of the observer and return in a different location based on where it was moved and turned on from the destination world line. In that case, the rippling seems to dissolve the machine and it disappears. If that happens while you are watching it leave and you expect it to return, you know it was moved or had a serious malfunction. It is actually quite dangerous to get too close to a distortion unit as it enters or leaves a world line. It vents radiation and has a very strong localized gravity field. Personally, I worry about that a great deal.

Pamela:2.What is the dimension of the field around the car? How many feet out from the car would you say it goes?

Timetravel_0-It can be adjusted to some degree. The CG (center of gravity) is adjustable within about 4 feet and the unit is effective about 10 to 12 feet in either direction from there. The vertical distance is quite a bit shorter and is determined by sensors in the unit.

Pamela:3.approximately in inches how much of the ground is taken with you in one trip?

timetravel_0-Depending on weather or not you are going forward or backward, the footprint of the unit is different. I wouldn't quite say it "scoops" up the ground cleanly. It sort of vibrates it loose and takes it along for the ride. It looks like someone raked the ground an inch or so deep with a small hand hoe or shovel. The negative ergosphere "scoops" up the front and back areas of the field. The positive ergosphere leaves a longer area near the center of mass. Its about a cubic foot of dirt spread out over six square feet or so.

Pamela:4.If they put the device in a house and turned it on what do you think would happen?

Timetravel_0-It might not be as destructive as you think. Depending on how close any object is to the field, it might not do any damage at all except for the floor.

Pamela:5.what would happen to a bird or small animal that ran across the field right when it was producing the field to travel?

Timetravel_0-It would be quickly spread out over the lateral length of the gravity field. Imagine being squished and stretched at the same time. I would imagine anything left after that would be vaporized and generate static electricity.

Pamela:6.how hot would you say the temperature gets on the outside of the car while in operation?

Timetravel_0-Very! hot. Depending on the power setting, 100 to 120 degrees is average.

Pamela:7.is the car in drive mode when the device is activated or is it totally turned off?

Timetravel_0-The car is off and the brake on.

Pamela: 8.has the device been tested on ships and airplanes?

Timetravel_0-Not that I'm aware of. Its important that it remain as still as possible so the gravity sensors can get a good lock. The divergence confidence would be way off if the vehicle was moving.

Pamela:9.do you wear special uniforms when you time travel? what do they look
like and does your group have a timetravel emblem or group name?

Timetravel_0-I wear a standard civilian service uniform during instruction and training.
Its sort of a cross between an army uniform and overalls. We do have a
quarter master who distributes clothing appropriate to where
ever we are going. There is a patch. It is round and has a graphic of a
Kerr singularity (sort of looks like an eye with gravity waves around it)
with two spiral paths running through it's center. One path represents the
"safe" way and the other is the path to God. The bottom of the patch has my
unit number along with "Temporal Recon" printed on it. However, we remove
any identification and patches before we go anywhere.

Pamela:10.Can you tell us what you know about the famous Philadelphia experiment?

timetravel_0-I am aware of the basic story but I don't have any other information to
prove or disprove it.

Pamela:11. How long do we have to talk to you before you leave?

timetravel_0-I'll be around for a while yet.

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unregistered posted 22 November 2000 22:13
Leader of a troup of time traveling Irish Army ants:
If you see him
It ain't 'em, but "EM"

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TimeMaster 1a
Member posted 23 November 2000 06:10
I have been looking over your time displacement unit and find it interesting.
This is a list of the basic components as I see it.

1. Singularity drive houseing.
2. Singularity magnetic field coil.
3. Magnetic field generator / regulator.
4. Electron mass injection manifold.
5. Electron regulator.
6. Electron condenser.
7. Singularity ??? senser.
8. Singularity cooling housing.
9. Singularity cooling pump.
10. Singularity cooling supply.
11. Gravity senser unit.
12. Battery supply.

Can you verify these components?
What type of senser is number seven?
Why are the four atomic clocks not shown?

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unregistered posted 25 November 2000 09:10
(Can you verify these components?)
That looks correct. I must apologize for the poor quality of the information. There's a running inside joke about the technical issues. If the unit has a serious problem its not as if anyone can use those drawings to take the electron manifold off the singularity housing with a flat head screw driver.

(What type of senser is number seven?)

That sensor detects various parameters from the singularity.

(Why are the four atomic clocks not shown?)

There is another page that depicts the computer and clock systems. That technology is not new and not very interesting.

There is a cut-a-way drawing of the entire unit that I will probably post before I leave. I'll send it to Pamalea.

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unregistered posted 25 November 2000 13:57
To Shadow:
UFOs are as much as a mystery to me as they are to you. Would you be surprised to know that there are a great many people who don’t believe in time travel on my world line?

I do believe UFOs are a real mystery but I also know that chaos theory dictates that no matter what technology or knowledge we have, there are always unknowns.

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unregistered posted 25 November 2000 13:59
To: Curious
On my world line, it is known that the 5100 series is capable of reading all the IBM code written before the widespread use of APL and Basic. Unfortunately, there are none left that anyone can find on my world line.

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unregistered posted 25 November 2000 14:01
To: Dr. P.Light
It is quite difficult to get used to some of the communication patterns I have come across here. Confusing conversational conflict for anger seems to be a common and typical problem. Why does the expression of differing emotion seem to threaten so many people? I do not feel accused nor was I trying to accuse anyone. Your opinions are as valid as anyone’s and I do not suggest you change them because of anything I say. I never said I was here to start a war although I have strong opinions about what a war would do for you. I am not aggravated by words.

Imagine you are Jewish and you are able to travel back in time to Germany in 1935. All around you are the patterns of thinking and action that will lead to a great deal of harm, death and destruction in just a few years. You have the advantage of knowing what will come but no one will listen to you. In fact, they think you’re insane and the situations you describe could never happen.

What I feel is not anger, it is sadness that you can not see what I see.

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unregistered posted 25 November 2000 14:03
I appreciate your offer for help but I am quite alright. The responsibility for the “disaster” is your own but I do not consider it a disaster. Rebirth is often painful. My world line is not unified under a single government but I would say it is closer to a unified purpose. Isn’t that what you want anyway? No, I do not have the ability to make calculations that would effect world lines to my advantage. Besides the fact that manipulating people for personal gain is wrong, I am of the belief that it is best to make the world line you are on now better.

I like the incredible freedom you have on this world line but I see it as a trap and I fear the cost is the loss of your sense of connection with family and community. Yes, you can self actualize your ambitions but at what cost to the people around you…or yet to be born? The incredible availability of art, literature and limitless resources is hardly taken advantage of as I imagine the number of people sitting in front of their TVs.

No, I have not tried any fast food. Thinking about where the food came from, how it was shipped and treated absolutely terrifies me. I have tried to tell people about CJD disease and it seems to be “catching on” in Europe.

Technologies themselves are not lost but some of the older tools and techniques have been lost. I think there is more detailed information about the war posted earlier. The energy stored in the singularity is used to create the distortion fields. That energy is created in a particle accelerator. I’m not sure what you mean by “temporal turbulence”. What effect would that have that would need to be overcome?

When I leave, I will return to 2036. The computer I have is expected there. I am unaware of any “true” interdimensional device available on this world line now. I would image the effects of such a device would be hard to hide.

My “ship” is not broken. I am here by choice. Don’t you find current events interesting? Again, I’m not sure I understand your last question. Perhaps we should agree to the definitions of a few terms and basic physics before I try to answer that.

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Member posted 25 November 2000 17:08
I am unaware of any “true” interdimensional device available on this world line now. I would image the effects of such a device would be hard to hide.
TT_0 I recommend that you read the following archived posts. Although there are some interesting information about "Existing" portals that traverse the Space-Time continuumn, Time~Travel capability is just one ability that these devices are capable of, and the most interesting factor resides with the fact that they may even pre-date mankinds own history? (perhaps.)

"Utilizing The Earth's Energy Grid To Navigate Time Vortex's."

"Time Port Area in Marfa Texas."

"History of Uknown Origins & New Beginnings."

"Stargate in the Andes."

Questions, Comments, Concerns?

I would like your comments of this TT_O

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unregistered posted 25 November 2000 17:44
to TT_0 and the currious
The fact that better equipment is supposed to get the reverse-time traveler closer to their actual past indicates that there is an ACTUAL SPECIFIC past that he is aiming for. So if in practical application the traveler ends up 2% divergent upon arrival in the past and if he stays in that line he finds that it is not a line at all, but that going forward, divergence approches infinity. If this is so, the only way to get back to ones' original future is to have left some kind of specified object or condition there as a marker. Reverse time divergence is an artifact of the machine you use and not a built in natural law of physics.

In this idea the past is exactly behind you and the future is always and litterally "right around the corner", It also suggests that the self is fractionalized over several to many parallel time lines eventhough we may only *realize* one line at once. Organic psyche may be what LIMITS divergence (of time lines). Also if this theory is correct we may be 2% divergent from TT_0 but going forward in this time line he is 98% divergent from us. My logic is pretty good here, how's my facts?

BTW Someone just gave me a working IBM 5160. Should I save it or toss it?

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Member posted 26 November 2000 16:32
To the reader: feel fortunate you are reading this I had a hard time posting it hopefully it will appear this time. More questions from me to Timetravel_0 and his answers.
(can you tell us which of our foods are poison and why?)(What can we do to prepare ourselves for the coming war.)

I tried to consolidate your questions into a basic list. I hope this helps.

1. Do not eat or use products from any animal that is fed and eats parts of
its own dead.
2. Do not kiss or have intimate relations with anyone you do not know.
3. Learn basic sanitation and water purification.
4. Be comfortable around firearms. Learn to shoot and clean a gun.
5. Get a good first aid kit and learn to use it.
6. Find 5 people within 100 miles that you trust with your life and stay in
contact with them.
7. Get a copy of the US Constitution and read it.
8. Eat less.
9. Get a bicycle and two sets of spare tires. Ride it 10 miles a week.
10. Consider what you would bring with you if you had to leave your home in
10 min. and never return.

(Can you tell us exactly what event started the war? Is there any way we can
stop it?)

The war is a result of faulty politics and desparation from Western
leadership during the US civil war. Yes, I suppose you could stop it.

(Are some states or countries safer than others?)

Take a close look at the county by county voting map from the last

(Did they use biological and chemical weopons in the war besides nukes? Did
they use mind control weopons?)

Yes there were bio and chem weapons used. No mind control weapons but there
are new "non-leathal" weapon systems that turn out to be quite leathal.

( Have you discovered the cure for cancer or aids yet?)

Aids...no. Cancer...some progress.

(If our leaders of this world line were reading this posting and beleive who
you say you are........what would you say to them right now?)

Revel in your confidence today because you will not win tomorrow.

(What is the main message you want to convey to us at this time?)

Please, please wake up. Look at the sign posts around you now.

(Can you explain this further when you talked of your patch and the two
spirals one was the "safe" way and one was the way to God. Can you expound
on that I didnt quite understand it.)

The safe way is the one calculated to take you in time where you want to go,
the other path will take you to God (death). Both are equally accepted and
anticipated before each trip.

[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 26 November 2000).]

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Member posted 26 November 2000 17:51
ive been gone for 4 days and i get back and TT0 is leaving and there are people in doubt over his story??
I have been reading that around 2011 there is some new world order-type government in place...TT0,can u verify?

Also,a while back(page 2 of the posts) you said something was wrong with UNIX in your time...what is wrong?

Fast Out

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Member posted 26 November 2000 18:01
"--Perhaps I should let you all in on a little secret. No one likes you in the future. This time period is looked at as being full of lazy, self-centered, civicly ignorant sheep. Perhaps you should be less concerned about me and more concerned about that.


who's to say that in your own time-line's future,your not considered barbaric and immature in your own arrogance with the notion that 'yes we survived...we can handle another war...now lets use the technology that STARTED the bloody war and go back into someone else's time-line and start a war there too...perhaps then we will have parallel companions with the same motives?'

War is the darkest of all Arts.The Age which follows includes those who practice another of the darkest:arrogance.

Fast Out

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Dr. Light
unregistered posted 27 November 2000 01:37
To: T-T-0
Just a quick question before i jet,

Does the events happening in the Middle east concerning the Arabs and Jews have anything to do with the coming war? I mean to say that since the jewish population seems to have quite considerable power now in 2000, would they mount a force against other countries or am i under the beief that the war will result from the U.S government election?(among other things).

On another previous note,

You must understand that we cannot just willingly give in our skeptisism just because a person comes onto a bulliten board and announces that he/she is from 2036?

Tell me T-T_0, when you first typed a message here announcing your arrival...did anyone believe you? We have had proven "false" time traelers here before as you may have heard. ut your considerable grasp of quantumn physics and distortion fields seems to justify you.

Seems like your the ..."real deal"

P.S--I KNEW that particle acceleraton technology would be part of time travel!!!
Makes sense doesnt it!

P.P.S-- Singularity cooling pump?
What do you cool the singularity with?

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Dr .P Light
unregistered posted 27 November 2000 04:01
To TT-0
Just an afterthought i forgot to add to my previous post..

How much more advanced are the computer hardware and software systems in the future?

Are we looking at 110Ghtz computers with stamped silicon system technology as opposed to 200 million microtransistor configurations?

Or do we have the usual "crawling along with hardware advances every 6 months?"

Please feel free to go into details.

Dr P.Light

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Member posted 27 November 2000 16:03
Member posted 08 April 2000 18:23
This is interesting: http://www.damanhur.org/time/html/kindred_spirit_s_article.htm
click on "interview with a timetraveller."
"tales of the unexpected" is his recall of his travels.
Do you remember this one Pamela? http://tectime.cjb.net

[This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 27 November 2000).]

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unregistered posted 27 November 2000 22:57
Dear Time0,
if one found a method to pryapart a magnetic field would this result in a containable release of energy. Would the energy channeled through the tear be in the form of a tachyon field with the forward edge of the tachyon field at a velocity of light. Would the internal tachyons within the tachyon field have a velocity greater then light even though existing in the present subluminal time frame?

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Member posted 28 November 2000 01:29
What can you tell us about
"Space Time Transposing" ?
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Member posted 28 November 2000 01:51
Originaly posted from the coast to coast forum by: Alan Troidl http://post.coasttocoastam.com/showthread.php?threadid=355
Time travel has been taking place for thousands of years.
The foremost device used was the pyramids around the world
used by ancient civilizations. This was for time travel and not so much as a burial site as commonly believed. The physics behind this is the sacred geometrics of the pyramid shape.

The geometric shape of the pyramid allows for the concentration of "White Light" as well as "Dark Light".
The dark light was conduited from the area in the pyramid know as the "well" which no one could understand its use as it is a hole that suddenly stops with no apparent purpose
or use.

Above the King's Chamber are huge layered stomes with air spaces. One side shiny and smooth and the other side dark and rough. This is a capacitance machine for the separate
collection of the 2 light sources.

These 2 light sources, one coming from the earth and the white light from the cosmos above criss crossed but did not intersect each other at the point of the sarcophagus. This technology allowed for time travel and the opening of the "third eye".

As well, the design of 2 pyramids intersecting base to base
to give you the design of the 6 point star, (or the star of david), is the sacred symbol and geometry to enter into zero point time or Christ Consciousness.

There are modern day devices that impliment these principals
for time travel.

By having your own brain operating at the same harmonic frequency as obtained through man made devices, can give you
the same ability to do conscious time travel.

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Member posted 28 November 2000 02:01
There is a fortelling of a significant Time Divergence that is believed to occur during the year 2012 according to the ancient Mayans, yet you claim to be from 2034, and posses a working Time Travel device...
What can you tell us would happen to you, or anyone els who were to use your device, or another one similar in capabilities to travel to the yr. 2012???-----------
(also I would like you to tell us what you know, or have been told what takes place in "2112")

incidently, since it is common knowledge that many events within our cosmos are cyclical, interesting enough the "Photon Belt" returns to our solar system every 26,000 yrs. and in the given Time frame since it's last presence in our solar system, that would place it's peak convergence upon us again at 2012 coincidence?

[This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 28 November 2000).]

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Member posted 29 November 2000 02:22
TT_0 so many questions, yet you seem to have more "Time" than most to address them, so while I await your replies to my other posts, here goes another....
I'ts no big secret among thos who are "In the Know" of our current worldline's attempts to control the weather i.e. HAARP & Chemtrails, so What can you tell us about the future of weather control such as the following...
bronze flying globes that float in the air over the earth, and are aligned in grid formations, and lasers joining them together in the air, churning out snow storms, rain, or whatever else they decide to induce,to be created in the given space provided???

------BTW; I traveled to the past, and grabbed an earlier comment you posted.
Does anyone remember this one?
unregistered posted 02 November 2000 01:00
I saw the posting requsting the basic systems for a gravity distortion system that will allow time travel. Here they are:
1. Magnetic housing units for dual microsignularities.
2. Electron injection manifold to alter mass and gravity of microsingularities.
3. Cooling and x-ray venting system
4. Gravity sensors (VGL system)
5. Main clocks (4 cesium units)
6. Main computer units (3)

[This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 29 November 2000).]

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unregistered posted 29 November 2000 09:29
I hate to sound sarcastic but didn't you some what gloss over the most critical piece of time-travel equipment? I don't see the $10,000,000+ dollars listed anywhere, that it would take to buy and fabricate all that other stuff.
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Member posted 30 November 2000 19:43
time 02112:
this web site from Nov. 1, 2000 at 10:00pm
till Nov. 30, 2000 at 7:38pm
has been accessed: 4026 times.
I was curious how many hits it got in about a month. well there it is... heheheh
if it continues it will be well over 48,312 a year.
I thought it was interesting. there seems to be a lot of people interested in time travel but few post.

[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 30 November 2000).]

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[email protected]
unregistered posted 01 December 2000 14:09
Perhaps it is better to understand if one understands that all fractional entities less then one is equal to zero spacially and less then zero temperally when measuring the temperal fractional entity in terms of spacial fractional entity known as a plancs length. Of course I could be misinterpriting the definition of a plancs length. Please feel free to correct me if I am incorrect in assuming that what I have gathered as the definition of a temperal zero, and a spacial zero; and the plancs temperal length, and a plancs spacial length as being the same conscept: is wrong. Otherwise the ofore mentioned point of view ought to be considered. (If there is any confusion as to what I am talking about please have a look see under rgrunts time travel posting in order to aquire the basic train of thought behind the above mentioned statement.)
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Member posted 01 December 2000 23:04
timetravel_0 said he would be back he is just a little busy right now.
patience is a virtue. time takes... time.

[This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 02 December 2000).]

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[email protected]
unregistered posted 04 December 2000 15:36
Thanks for the knowlege Pamela. I really think that the design or basic model that Time-o gave sounds legit but I think that if he could replace the particle accelerator with a an electromagnetic device that uses only one kind of particle-a magnetic photon- that the energy would be much more stable and easier to control. I also believe that such a replacement would require much less accuracy and would be at the minimum as efficient if not more efficient then the energy production that he is intent on using. A gravity generator would also be just as affective in extracting the necessary energy required to power the device. This will require alot more effort such as discovering how to make a gravitational generator.

Edwin G. Schasteen

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unregistered posted 06 December 2000 21:36
(What is the popular music like?)
Most of the same music you enjoy is available on archive. However the days of mega-stars playing multiple track studio produced music and lip synching on a huge stage are pretty much isolated to your time period. Like everything else, music is much less centralized. The general trend is away from “computer generated” music and more toward real people playing real instruments. Music is much more of a personal experience. More people know how to read music and play together in small groups.

(Are there any social prejudices)

Yes there are. However, as odd as it may sound, it serves a useful purpose in my time. First, you must realize that your experiences with “prejudice” and mine are different. I would characterize the intolerance you have here as a result of ignorance and fear. I have observed that people with unfounded and irrational fears about their fellow man in this time have the luxury of not having their beliefs tested.

After the war, much of the prejudice you have now was swept away by simple necessity. People had to work and fight together just to survive. This has a way of opening a person’s eyes as to the value of fellow human beings.

What difference does the color of a man’s skin make when you are both fighting against the same enemy to survive or find water or grow food? On my world line, if a man doesn’t pull his weight in the community, then we feel prejudice towards him as a burden to us. This feeling of shame he experiences then makes him realize his responsibilities.

(What is the health care system like)

You would probably not like it at all. I would compare it to what you see in Western movies. We do have hospitals but there are more family doctors and house calls as compared to what you are used to. There is no real organized health care. If you get a serious disease, you die. This however has had a tendency to strengthen the general genetic pool. Doctors are more concerned about things like broken legs, snake bites and delivering healthy babies.

(What is the entertainment industry like, movies, tv, radio, internet?)

Again, entertainment is less centralized. There are “movies” and “tv” but everything is distributed over the net and more people produce their own “shows”.

(How difficult is it for someone to start from nothing and get a job and make a living for themselves?)

Very easy. If you can work with your hands and get along with other people, you will always find work.

(If a group of people were to travel forward in time to avoid a situation, would they be still be able to live in relative peace? Or would they be looked down on for that? Should they just keep that a secret to make things easier?)

From a physical standpoint, I suppose that would work if you were trying to escape a natural disaster. But you must consider that trying to “escape” by time traveling has it’s own problems. I’m not exactly sure what you mean by being looked down on.

(I have been reading that around 2011 there is some new world order-type government in place...TT0,can u verify?)

On my world line in 2011, the United States is in the middle of a civil war that has dramatic effects on most of the other Western governments.

(Also,a while back(page 2 of the posts) you said something was wrong with UNIX in your time...what is wrong?)

Yes…and with your’s too. I have to believe there must be a UNIX expert out there someplace that can confirm that. I’m not exactly sure what the technical issue is but I believe some sort of UNIX system registry stops in 2038.

(Does the events happening in the Middle east concerning the Arabs and Jews have anything to do with the coming war? )


(I mean to say that since the jewish population seems to have quite considerable power now in 2000…)

I’m not sure what power you are referring to.

(Tell me T-T_0, when you first typed a message here announcing your arrival...did anyone believe you?)

I don’t know if anyone believes me now. But you must realize that I don’t expect anyone to believe me or does it affect me one way or the other. I enjoy these conversations too. What would you expect a time traveler to say or do in your time?

(What do you cool the singularity with?)

Very highly technical, cooling stuff. [sorry, I don’t get much of a chance to be a wise guy ]

(How much more advanced are the computer hardware and software systems in the future? )

Good question! I would say the biggest difference is in the reliability of the hardware and software. It absolutely amazes me how willing people are here to accept computer and software failures on such a regular basis. I was very surprised to see how prolific it is. You can look forward to very stringent manufacturing parameters and programming discipline. Think back to the early days of the computer and how much work and cleverness it took to fit those programs into such small areas of memory. Has more and cheaper memory brought better programs or just more programs?

As far as technical specifics, I’m afraid I can not go into too much detail. However, I will tell you that processor speed and memory size take dramatic leaps forward.

(if one found a method to pryapart a magnetic field would this result in a containable release of energy. Would the energy channeled through the tear be in the form of a tachyon field with the forward edge of the tachyon field at a velocity of light. Would the internal tachyons within the tachyon field have a velocity greater then light even though existing in the present subluminal time frame?

Hmmm… I afraid my notebook on Maxwell’s equations isn’t with me and I must say again that I am not a physist. As far as tachyons goes, it’s my understanding that they can not exist at all unless they are created and “traveling” faster than light. As far as time travel goes, I’m afraid tachyons are mearly useful for describing various quirky effects of strange matter.

Time 02112 has asked me some questions that I must give further thought to. I will post again as soon as I get a chance.

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Member posted 08 December 2000 01:08
I thought people might be interested in seeing the drawing of the patch you sent me that you wear on your uniform. minus the unit number and the name TEMPORAL RECON.
I know you said you didnt care if i posted it or not. for anyone who would like to see it Doc has posted it on his site here:
then click on "timelords anonymous"
and it is after your other pictures on the
"anonymous gravity/time device pictures"

I tried to do a direct link but it didnt work.


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Time-travel Paradoxes! (Page 4)

Author Topic: Time-travel Paradoxes!
Member posted 09 December 2000 15:37
...and another one, (Cleaned & Enlarged) version here:> http://www.egroups.com/files/tapten/TAP-TEN/TT_0/T-T+Insignia.jpg
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unregistered posted 10 December 2000 12:07
I was just wondering who won the Super Bowl in the year 2001?
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Tiger Cohen
Junior Member posted 10 December 2000 09:24
Hello TT_O!
I have read some of the concourse up to the end of this topic’s dialogue. I find your answers to questions posed, quite … um, shall we say … creative. To say the least you are a very imaginative person.

I am not here debunking your travels or to discount your stated technology, but I do have just one question.

1. If your machine is capable of traveling back through time from future earth to now, I wonder how your vehicle landed on this earth at all? You obviously know that this earth and your earth do not occupy the same quadrant of space. Our earth is rotating along it’s axis at 1600kph and moving on an elliptical orbit around a sun in a solar system which itself is circling and expanding the galactic center of our galaxy which is itself ever-expanding outward. In truth your machine should (but doesn’t) also have some kind of ‘warp’ capability incorporated in it in order to go back in space to the point where we are now. It’s a wonder that your vehicle didn’t end up in deep space or caught in the gravity well of some other stellar mass. You would also need a life support system to sustain you until you were within earth’s atmosphere.

Oh, I know that you may claim to have access to galactic stellar cartography from this period of space and time, but how would you account for the earth’s rotational speed as well as the moon’s gravitation effect and lastly the avoidance of man made structures which are not totally mapped even by our geosynchronus comsats of this day?

I’m not worried about pieces of dirt within your temporal field or even the odd stray cat being dispersed by your resulting static electricity, but I am curious as to how you overcome all of these obstacles from the contoured seat of what you claim is just a time machine?

Pamela seemed concerned with the ‘go nowhere ripple effect’ that might occur when a time machine left and then returned, but I find even that logic flawed. I maintain that a time machine would imprint itself spatially upon a certain time period. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity would dictate that even if you left in such a machine for two minutes, this time would continue to advance and this world would still move through space and rotate. Therefore a time machine would NOT appear to stand still but rather would (depending upon the time interval) appear to suddenly defy gravity as it disappeared and then, free of the gravitational momentum, would reappear in near or far space. If you think my logic is faulty, then try jumping high in the air from the back of a flatbed truck while it moves along at freeway speeds.

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unregistered posted 10 December 2000 11:00
I will try to answer all of your questions however, I have noticed that there seems to be a difficulty in entering a conversation in the middle. Most of the following questions I have answered at length in previous posts. I understand how important it is to have these answers when new people read portions of the posting but I find it tiring to keep repeating myself. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
(I was just wondering who won the Super Bowl in the year 2001?)

I do not answer questions like this. Although I don’t really know the motivation for the question…I can guess. If a time traveler had knowledge of your future, and you could only ask one question, would this be it? Besides, can you tell me if it rained in New York on June 4th 1932? You are from their future so should you know that?

(I have read some of the concourse up to the end of this topic’s dialogue…. 1. If your machine is capable of traveling back through time from future earth to now, I wonder how your vehicle landed on this earth at all? You obviously know that this earth and your earth do not occupy the same quadrant of space…. You would also need a life support system to sustain you until you were within earth’s atmosphere… and lastly the avoidance of man made structures…)

This is actually a very good question that parts and pieces of the answer are scattered around in previous postings. I am often surprised that it is not the first one asked. You are correct, this problem is actually the most difficult part of time travel. Although some of your assumptions about matter displacement are a bit off, the problem is real. Inside the displacement unit are a series of very sensitive clocks and gravity sensors. This system is called the VGL (variable gravity lock). In simple terms, before the unit “leaves” a world line, it takes a base reading of the local gravity and adjusts the Tipler sinusoid to “lock” into that position. Although the tmporal physics of this statment are wrong, in effect, it holds you to the “Earth”. During travel, it periodically checks to see that the field has not varied. If it does, it stops and reverses course or drops out at that point. Buildings and other terrain features are avoided in the same way. Yes, we do bring oxygen in the vehicle with us but we do not lose atmospheric pressure.

(Pamela seemed concerned with the ‘go nowhere ripple effect’ that might occur when a time machine left and then returned, but I find even that logic flawed. I maintain that a time machine would imprint itself spatially upon a certain time period.)

I’m not sure what you mean by imprint?

(Einstein’s Theory of Relativity would dictate that even if you left in such a machine for two minutes, this time would continue to advance and this world would still move through space and rotate.)

Yes that is correct.

(Therefore a time machine would NOT appear to stand still but rather would (depending upon the time interval) appear to suddenly defy gravity as it disappeared and then, free of the gravitational momentum, would reappear in near or far space.)

Please see VGL system above. Also, please be aware that from the viewpoint of the time traveler, the displacement unit actually left and then returned. The viewer does not experience this. Think of it as a Gosub statement in a computer program.

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Member posted 10 December 2000 11:32
from an e-mail to timetraveler_0 and his answers. (TTO-If any of this is different from what you sent me please let me know.this is copied and pasted.)
>1. what type of money system do you have on your world line? meaning how
do you buy and sell things? Do you have the same type of money or do we have
a cashless society? such as smart cards, credit cards or ID biochips.

Its not very different than it is now. Yes, we have money and credit cards.
However, like everything else, the monetary system is decentralized.
Banking is based mostly around the community structure. There are no
multinational banking or computerized economic systems. There are also no
income taxes.

>2. do you still use radio transponders to ID your cattle and other farm

Some of the larger farm communities use electronic markers and fences. I am
not a farmer so I don't have very many details about that.

>3.Is the Global Positioning Satellite system still in place around the

Oh yes! In fact, the unit I have with me works here. I'm not sure why that
surprises me. There are also a great many communications and internet
satellite systems.

>4.Do you still have the American Flag as your flag? does it look different
or is there a new flag?

Yes, we still have the flag. There is a debate about changing it from 50
stars to 5.

>5.Is there some states or areas that have new names ? is there a NewDenver,
Kansas by any chance?

Not that I can think of... No major cities anyway. I am aware that some
smaller towns changed their names after the war and most universities have
the word "fort" before them on my world line.

>6. How many weeks of training is required before you timetravel? to what
extent does the training involve? Are you able to make basic emergency
repairs to the unit?

I started training on the recommendation of my PS officer when I got out of
school in 34. I graduated in March of 35. Actual hands on training started
soon after that and I left 2036 in April. No, there are not very many
repairs I can make to the unit. The unit is built very well but the
tolerances are very small. I could probably repair the electrical systems
and it will accept inputs from older computers.

>7.Are you able to fish or are the waters polluted from fallout from the

Yes, we can fish. There are some areas that are still too dangerous to
spend a lot of time in so we can't fish in those areas.

>8.Are you aware of any time travelers from our time or other world lines
that have entered your world line? Have you spoke to any of them?

No I am not aware. But I accept the possibility.

>9.What type of public transportation is used to get around in your cities?

A high speed train system connects the larger cities. Roads are still used
for cars and many people ride horses and bikes.

>10. What things do you think you will take back with you from this time?

Books! I'm also taking copies of family photos that were lost during the

>11. How many weeks have you been in this world line? when did you arrive?

That I must keep to myself right now.

>12. What kind of books do you like to read? What kind of music do you
like? do you play a musical instrument?

I read a great deal of history. I like piano classics and some older rock
and roll. (why did that type of music go so far down hill?) No, I don't play
any instruments myself.

>13.Are you concerned about our government investigating you or trying to
seize you or your device?

Not really. In order to find me, they would have to believe time travel is

>14. are you videotaping or taking pictures of the events going on here to
bring back with you to your time?

Oh yes.

>15. what is your favorite food to eat? here and in your world line.

Its very hard for me to find food here. It all scares the Hell out of me.
I've found a couple of local farms where I am resonably sure the raw food is
safe and my mother started a garden for me.

>16.does the cure for cancer have any thing to do with genetics?

Again...I'm no expert. I believe there is a great deal of progress in
treating the cancer cells with modified viruses. So I guess the answer is

>17.Do you have an increase in tornados and earthquakes than what we have
now? is the average temperature in Florida in your time about the same as it
is here? or is it different?

That's one area I've decided not to talk about...sorry. The average
temperature worldwide is a bit cooler.

>18. are any of the other 7 time travelers with you in this world line or
are you by yourself?

No. They are off doing something else I'm sure.

>19. are there time travel web sites in the future? does this one still

Time travel is a major point of social discussion. I'll have to check when
I get back. Most of the larger servers that were in the major cities were
lost or destroyed. I'll try to bring a copy back with me. Perhaps you can
check that in your 2036.

>20.do you feel any connection at all to your other 2 year old self on this
world line? does it seem like you or someone totally different? who does he
think you are when you talk to him?

He calls me uncle. Yes, there is a connection. He fells like a younger
brother. Sometimes I get mixed emotions watching him and realize I'm
watching the origins of my personality. I tend to playfully criticize my
father about that.

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Member posted 10 December 2000 13:00
Time Travel_0, some more questions for you. What is the education system like? For children? For adults? Is there more home schooling then there is now. What are the class sizes like? Is there any emphasis on a subject or subjects that are don't exsist now?
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unregistered posted 10 December 2000 13:10
Are you going to take your family away with you to protect them from the coming events. Is this a temptation for you? Aren't you worried about somebody finding your ship?
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Member posted 11 December 2000 12:58
Reflecting upon the words timetravler_0 has shared with me personally and what I have posted of some of our conversations and watching the news everyday seeing what is happening now in Florida and the courts has made me think deeply upon the United States and the US constitution. What the US was founded on origionally.
I found a web site that has the US constitution and the bill of rights here:
for anybody interested in reading it.

I printed out the whole constitution including the bill of rights and then sat down and read the whole thing out loud to myself thinking deeply on the rights our founding fathers were trying to protect.
For those of you U.S. citizens who cant remember the constitution beyond the words,
"we the people." its probably time to take another look.
You never know what the future will be like.
or how it will change.
The future is up to us.....

At the beginning of the constitution the first three words "WE THE PEOPLE.." was written in large letters on purpose.


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Dr Light
unregistered posted 11 December 2000 05:27
Could you elaborate on my previous questions..


How and why do the arabs/jews become entangled in the civil war of the U.S.A?

Also, about my previous question.. If you would look around you may notice that jewish poeple seem to hold "considerable" power concering major political positions both in America and Israel. For instance the latest technology concerning "defensive" technology
which you might think is reserved only for the superpowers, somehow made its way into Israel's hands...

My point is that they seem to be an "underhand" world power that no-one seems to recognise,(or so it seems)

Also about the Arab side of affairs, they seem to be holding Biological weapons and thermonuclear weaponry. Do they end up launching these weapons against America or any other power?

I hope that cleared up my points somewhat.



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unregistered posted 12 December 2000 20:36
To TT-0
"Show me the money!" More impressive than the pix of your TT machine would be a clear photo of your post 2000 pocket change and paper currency.

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Member posted 12 December 2000 21:01
yes,im with shadow.show me the money
i remember reading somewhere online that somebody met their future self and got a dollar's worth of quarters from the future...
did they ever finish the 50 State Quarters,or did war break out and they halted it??

Fast Out

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Member posted 13 December 2000 03:15
Count me in on that on also (Good point)
while your at it, why not give us all a video, and provide us with a Link that would allow us to watch online, demonstrating your machine in use?
(perhaps as a parting gift.)
I still (patiently, patiently, PATIENTLY) await answers to several previous questions.

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unregistered posted 13 December 2000 08:17
TimeTravel_0 a few questions,
- Just wondering who actually wins the US election, it's fair question and im assuming they have Encyclopedia's in the year 2036 so you have no excuse for not knowing the history of your own country?

- Secondly, thanks to national pride I must ask what becomes of Australia during and after the war?

Thanks for your time.

P.S - Dr Light stop peppering the poor time traveler with monotonous questions about arabs and jews, we all know you guys are gunna take over the world one day so theres no need to rub it in

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unregistered posted 13 December 2000 12:44
Well…it looks like the election is almost over. I have been quite busy in the last few days and I appreciate everyone’s patience. I should be thanking you for listening and even if everything I have said before means nothing, I expect it has at least been entertaining. I went through the postings looking for questions I have not addressed yet. I hope I got to all of them. I get my email remotely through about three different systems and I use one of your hand-held computer units to write with. In a few days, I would like to send Pamela a list of questions of my own. As you know, one of my areas of expertise is in history and the information I have gathered has been invaluable. Although I am not leaving right away, I would like to include some of your thoughts in my report.
(Who's to say that someone that will read this board, will be the one to actually invent the means for the C204 (or other units) to be operational? The divergence factor is so low, everybody will forget about this in a short time. I wouldn't worry about it When Timetravel_0 goes back, this will be nothing but a memory...)

This statement is quite insightful. One of the reasons I have been communicating this way is so that others that do not post who I have directed here can see some of the information I have shared with you.

(You speak of 1 & 2 % "divergence" as being unimportant. I don't get it. Like for example if OUR IBM5100 is 1% different than the code you have to run on it, it ain't gonna work right. One percent in the FL vote count would be important. If I could see only 99% of the cars on the road it would be important to me. So, what exactly is X% divergent, and why is it not a major problem?)

The divergence measurement refers to the local gravitational field as compared to the point of origin. It is mearly an empirical indicator of overall change in a world line. Some things that are quite different on one world line have very little effect as time passes and the world lines appear to “converge” again and look very similar. World line changes are not exponential, they act more like chaotic attractors with varying effect depending on their size and location.

(Reading your posts I get conflicting ideas about what effect our timeline has on yours. Didn't you say that "another you" was here now as a two year old child? Is the 'Everret Many Worlds' interpretation of quantum mechanics it the correct one then? You seem to look at us as representative of your ACTUAL predecessors. There is something a bit unnerving about that. In fact the main reason why I think you might be genuine is that I have trouble thinking LIKE you do. I would expect this of an encounter with a "Chrono-alien".)

You are correct in your thinking. This world line is not mine but it looks very similar. It may be compared to reading two books that are the same. I can jump back and forth between them and still see the same story. I do not consider you true representatives of my world line but I do know something of how the story ends. In consideration of Everret-Wheeler, the reason we don’t know if Schrodinger’s cat is dead is because it might have had a time machine.

(Russia has "ALWAYS" been considered the first Country, to be suspect of a probable Nuclear Attack against the USA, and I, for one have NEVER relinquished the thought that inevitably, this will happen while I remain alive to witness this unfortunate tragedy come to fruition.)

You are also correct but I want to add a twist to your thinking. Russia’s enemy in the United States is not you, the average person. Russia’s enemy is the United States government.

(The fact that better equipment is supposed to get the reverse-time traveler closer to their actual past indicates that there is an ACTUAL SPECIFIC past that he is aiming for. So if in practical application the traveler ends up 2% divergent upon arrival in the past and if he stays in that line he finds that it is not a line at all, but that going forward, divergence approaches infinity.)

Yes, this is true. If I go forward on this world line, the future will not be my future. I get home by going back to 1975 before I arrived and then going forward to 2036.

(Also if this theory is correct we may be 2% divergent from TT_0 but going forward in this time line he is 98% divergent from us. My logic is pretty good here, how's my facts?)

Your deductions are quite accurate. (I’m not stating yet that I did… but) what if I told you I did go forward to “your” 2036 and it looks nothing like mine. It is quite possible.

(BTW Someone just gave me a working IBM 5160. Should I save it or toss it?)

Toss it. The 5100 is the interesting machine.

(Does the events happening in the Middle east concerning the Arabs and Jews have anything to do with the coming war? I mean to say that since the Jewish population seems to have quite considerable power now in 2000, would they mount a force against other countries or am I under the belief that the war will result from the U.S government election?(among other things).)

Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency. This becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops near the next presidential election. The Jewish population in Israel is not prepared for a true offensive war. They are prepared for the ultimate defense. Wavering western support for Israel is what gives Israel’s neighbors the confidence to attack. The last resort for a defensive Israel and it’s offensive Arab neighbors is to use weapons of mass destruction. In the grand scheme of things, the war in the middle-east is a part of what’s to come, not the cause.

(What can you tell us about
"Space Time Transposing" ?)

Perhaps you could describe what you mean? It appears to be space travel or the effect of similar atomic particles that seem to be related over great distances. Again, please forgive my ignorance, I am not a trained physist.

(There is a foretelling of a significant Time Divergence that is believed to occur during the year 2012 according to the ancient Mayans, yet you claim to be from 2034, and posses a working Time Travel device... What can you tell us would happen to you, or anyone else who were to use your device, or another one similar in capabilities to travel to the yr. 2012???----------also I would like you to tell us what you know, or have been told what takes place in "2112")

In my 2012, I was 14 years old spending most of my time living, running and hiding in the woods and rivers of central Florida. The civil war was in its 7th year and the world war was three years away. Yes, there are unusual events in 2012 but they do not cause the world to end. Unfortunately, I have decided not to discuss events that you or I can do anything about. It is important that they be a surprise. Perhaps you are familiar with the story of the Red Sea and the Egyptians?

(It’s no big secret among those who are "In the Know" of our current world line’s attempts to control the weather i.e. HAARP & Chemtrails, so What can you tell us about the future of weather control such as the following...
bronze flying globes that float in the air over the earth, and are aligned in grid formations, and lasers joining them together in the air, churning out snow storms, rain, or whatever else they decide to induce, to be created in the given space provided???)

I must admit I am unfamiliar with most of what you have asked here. I am aware of the Harp system but I don’t know how they would control weather with it.

(What is the education system like? For children? For adults? Is there more home schooling then there is now. What are the class sizes like? Is there any emphasis on a subject or subjects that are don't exist now?)

The education system has been through many changes. School in 2036 is no longer a political indoctrination system and students “learn how to learn”. Since community activity varies from place to place, the emphasis on basic reading, math and language is augmented with skills particular to the community. One school may emphasis farming while another teaches woodworking. Having children is a bit different and less common in 2036. A typical school day involves a setting very much like it was 100 years ago with smaller classes and few administrators to teachers. Other areas of study that are less common now are history, citizenship and personal economics.

(Are you going to take your family away with you to protect them from the coming events. Is this a temptation for you? Aren't you worried about somebody finding your ship?)

No I am not taking them with me but I am trying to prepare them for the future as a promise to my Grandfather in 1975. I am not really that concerned about the “time machine”. It is quite safe.

(How and why do the Arabs Jews become entangled in the civil war of the U.S.A?)

They are not directly involved but political situations are dependant on Western stability, which collapses in 2005.

(Also about the Arab side of affairs, they seem to be holding Biological weapons and thermonuclear weaponry. Do they end up launching these weapons against America or any other power? )

Not against America but they are used against each other.

("Show me the money!" More impressive than the pix of your TT machine would be a clear photo of your post 2000 pocket change and paper currency.)

I am disappointed that you feel I am trying to impress you. Why would I bring money from 2036 with me? Besides, isn’t that something that could easily be faked? Now if I told you I was your cousin’s brother and I knew about that scare on your left leg…that would convince you.

(while your at it, why not give us all a video, and provide us with a Link that would allow us to watch online, demonstrating your machine in use?
(perhaps as a parting gift.)

That is an interesting idea. I will look into how to do that.

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Member posted 13 December 2000 18:12
While your at it TT_0, don't forget to place a v-cam inside with you, so we can observe the video images that appear through your eyes as you travel, as well as another observing yourself, and a third one outside of the field, observing you depart, and return.
I'm talking 3 V-Cams, to give us these different observations with, which means you have to leave & return to us, to deliver the images.

This would be more valuable than giving us picture of future money, also it would really be way cool, if you could send us video images of the earth below, while observing from an aircraft, what this future landscape of yours looks like, after this great flood of the East & Western U.S. coastal areas that is supposed to take place.

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Member posted 13 December 2000 18:19
BTW TT_0, whatever you can arrange would be appreciated, if you cannot get access to an aircraft, you "DO" have access to remote Sattalight imagery, so either way, you must be capable of this permitting you have the free will to leave & return as you wish.
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unregistered posted 13 December 2000 19:03
TT_O, an easy example (or proof) would be to video tape the jump to 1975 and give the video recorder and tape to your self (the you that has already been there/just arrived). That way you don't have to jump back and fourth. The video tape and recorder would then be availible to you now. you could send the tape to someone (when you leave, we don't need any more time-loops).That way there is no danger of divergance in this time-line. Just a thought.
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[email protected]
unregistered posted 13 December 2000 22:07
Dear timetravel-0,
Do you believe in the lord Jesus Christ as your personal saviour? Would it be safe to assume that the substance of time itself might be classified as the sum of two equal opposite forces acting in direct canscelation? If the person or persons responcible for the development of time travel technologies were posting on this sight would you let them know that they were or are responsible. If so would you do so directly or would you hint it only. Or would you use a third option that is to be careful not to say anything that would point out the person or persons responsible neither to the persons responsible themselves nor to the other persons that are on this forum? In short will you say something a coded message that the person or persons responsible only will be able to pick up on or recognize to know that they are the ones responsible for the development of the technologies. It can be anything that the person or persons will recognize as indisputable evidence not as your being valid but as them being the ones responcible for the development? If you are not willing to answer this please just be straight forward about this and answer that you are unwilling to let the persons no who they are. If you have any questions as to my identity ask pamela for she knows who I am and is free to oblige you the information. If you wish to answer this privately even if the answer is no fill free to e-mail me at [email protected] . I believe that is all the questions I have for know please have a good trip back and thanks for visiting our time line it has been an honor. On behalf of us all I welcome you to return any time you wish. Goodluck and Godspeed. Live long and live well.

Lcpl Edwin Gary Schasteen U.S.M.C. Active

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Member posted 13 December 2000 23:52
(Here are Timetraveler_0's questions to everyone on the forum that he sent to me. )
Sure thing, here are your questions. my answers follow.

Dear Pamela,

In my last posting, I said I would come up with questions of my own and send
them to you to post. I would appreciate it if you would do that and answer
them yourself. I would like to include the opinions of the people I have met
in my report when I return home.

Thanks for the help.

1. According to the Constitution, who do you think has the final word on
choosing a President and why?

2. Do you think the Electoral College should be continued?

3. Why do you think the Bill of Rights was written?

4. What is your opinion of the second amendment to the Bill of Rights?

5. Does anyone know what industry is the largest US political contributor?

6. Does anyone know who owns the majority of the solar power research and
development companies?

7. Imagine you have all the money and power you desire. What do you see
yourself doing?

8. What is the longest distance you ever ran and/or walked at one time
without stopping?

9. What is the longest period of time you went without food?

10. Do you know what Cholera is and how to avoid getting it?

To tell you the truth politics never really interested me that much...until now. As I can see now how the curruption of it can ruin an entire nation.
So I don't really have a lot of info in that area. My interests were more in
Medical research and other areas of science. Infact I only became interested in timetravel and quantum physics because of the many experiences I started having as I have shared some of those with you. But I will answer the best I can.(good thing I printed out the constitution and the bill of rights! )

(1. According to the Constitution, who do you think has the final word on
choosing a President and why?
2. Do you think the Electoral College should be continued?)

I think the people should have the final word on who should become president.
whover has the most votes should win.
(I had to go back and add this...I think every last vote should count. absolutely none thrown out.a system should be in place to eliminate ballots that cannot be read such as if the chad is not fully pierced you should see a light blink and maybe a small beeping sound heard to redo it. I think a whole new voting system is needed.)

(3. Why do you think the Bill of Rights was written?)

To protect the rights of the people and to keep them free.

(4. What is your opinion of the second amendment to the Bill of Rights?)

I beleive it is to keep the government from becoming corrupt and taking over and enslaving the people under tyranny.

(5. Does anyone know what industry is the largest US political contributor?
6. Does anyone know who owns the majority of the solar power research and
development companies?)

sorry, I dont know the answer to these two questions.

(7. Imagine you have all the money and power you desire. What do you see
yourself doing?)

Hmmm, Im not really a power, money hungry person. but if I had more money my heart will still be in helping other people. The greatest joy is knowing you've made a difference in someone elses life. That you played a part in creating a ripple of good that ripples out from generation to generation. every time you help someone you not only help them but every person they touch from that moment on. I'd probably be more free to do more research. and make new and exciting discoveries. Id spend more time doing things that mattered for eternity and not just to pay bills and taxes. Id also be more free to learn,explore and grow. as well as helping others do so.
one thing I would get though...I would DEFINETELY get a new computer!! (HEEEHEE) mines a piece of crap! I could stay on longer before it crashed or freezed up on me with an error message!

(8. What is the longest distance you ever ran and/or walked at one time
without stopping?)

hmmm without stopping at ALL? I dont know.
I walked a 20 mile walkathon once. (I think for cerebral palsy, or muscular dystrophy)
I dont think we stopped much but we stop at the little boothes they had set up along the way to get water to drink.

(9. What is the longest period of time you went without food?)

4 days.

(10. Do you know what Cholera is and how to avoid getting it?)

Cholera is an acute bacterial infection of the small intestine.
The disease is caused by water and food that have been contaminated by feces
of persons previously infected. The symptoms are caused by toxic substances
produced by the infecting organism which mostly causes watery diarrhea and depletes the body of fluids and minerals.
How to avoid getting it? There is currently a cholera vaccine available for people traveling to areas where the infection is endemic.
Other preventive measures you could take would include drinking only boiled
or bottled water and eating only cooked foods.
Treatment includes administration of antibiotics to destroy the infecting bacteria and to restore the fluids and electrolytes with intravenous solutions.


[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 14 December 2000).]

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unregistered posted 14 December 2000 10:01
If an advertisement is a snow job then public education is a fullblown blizzard. We are for example tought in high school that there are *THREE* branches of government. There are *FOUR* branches of government in the US. The fourth being "We the People*. To say that that fact gets "glossed over" would be quite the understatement. Every citizen of the US is an official part of the the Official Government. HOWEVER we get to vote only once every two years and it seems that even then our overlings have a bit too much trouble "counting" the votes.
What was the catch word last election? "Disenfranchised". Don't they friggen wish. The People will be heard from.....sooner or later.
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TimeMaster 1a
Member posted 14 December 2000 10:54
There is an article in Discover magazine that express physicist Julian Barbour theorizes of time. Anyone searching for an understanding of the true nature of time would do well to read this article. Barbour is a theoretical physics that has devoted nearly 40 years to the study of time. There are also links to his home page at discover.com, look under current issue.
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unregistered posted 14 December 2000 21:13
Question #7 What would I do with plenty of money & power? First I build a bomb shelter, then think about it.
Oh yeah, TT-0, just supposing I do have a scar on my left leg, *exactly* where would it be located? And wouldn't my cousins' brother just be another cousin?

You got me on the pocket change. If one were not trying to prove anything I guess they would have left their wallet in the future. But doesn't that mean that you would have to bring some antique money back here with you? Like when I go to France I can buy Franks when I get there. But if one were to exchange 2036 dollars for 2000 dollars ..... well lets just say they wouldn't be going anywhere for a while.

Ok, so gold is gold and that would solve the exchange problem.

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Junior Member posted 15 December 2000 02:26
TT 0
Time - I don't believe it actually exists. Or rather, it exists as a series of "now moments" for eternity (that's a paradox if i ever saw one).
My question is; SHOULD we try to avoid this pending calamity (ww3) in our future? It seems that to bring about true change, some growing pains are needed to be experienced.

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Dr Light
unregistered posted 16 December 2000 02:48
To- Trintius
.....Damn straight...!!!


Operation Domination is in action!!

P.S----To any American posting here...

Exactly how many Americans voted for the president out of the entire U.S.A?

Thanks for your...(ahem)..."time"


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Member posted 16 December 2000 03:56
Hey! Hows come nobody but me has taken the time to answer timetraveler_0's questions?
Do you really think that is fair?
He has tried to answer all of our questions.
he only asked ten. we have asked him alot.
shadow answered one.

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Member posted 16 December 2000 17:08
Some answers for TT_0:
1. According to the Constitution, who do you think has the final word on choosing a President and why?

I would say that the senate could use article 1 section 3 and appoint a president pro tem. or they can use the 20th amendment section 3. this could have been used in the recent case and a run off election could have been done.

2. Do you think the Electoral College should be continued?

Yes, it can disagree with the popular vote. I thought the popular vote was more democratic.

3. Why do you think the Bill of Rights was written?

To preserve order and protect the people and to give them a sense of participation in the formation of policy in government.

4. What is your opinion of the second amendment to the Bill of Rights?

It seems as though I suffer from being myopic as well, the right to bear arms is all I ever heard. I think it has been taken out of context as an excuse to have a gun and do anything you want with it. I think there should be some sort of responsibility amendment.

5. Does anyone know what industry is the largest US political contributor?

I thought it was the tobacco industry.

6. Does anyone know who owns the majority of the solar power research and development companies?

Other major power companies, P.G.+E, Con Edison. Dow Chemical also is in there.

7. Imagine you have all the money and power you desire. What do you see yourself doing?

Two things. Manufacturing electric cars - the right way. Research in my own lab.

8. What is the longest distance you ever ran and/or walked at one time without stopping?

Along time ago, 15 miles - a walk-a-thon for muscular dystrophy. More recently, 1 mile to and from work. I like to see the stars in the early morning while going to work.

9. What is the longest period of time you went without food?

7 days, just to see if I could. 24 hours no water no food, 168 hours no sleep. Not in that order and not all at once :-)

10. Do you know what Cholera is and how to avoid getting it?

Not sure on this one. I think it has something to do with un-purified water. You would need to boil the water or add a purifying agent to it.

Hows that Pam? :-))

[This message has been edited by djayr42 (edited 16 December 2000).]

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Member posted 16 December 2000 21:04
Ok,.. I feel a little better now. )
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unregistered posted 16 December 2000 23:10

Originally posted by Dr Light
Exactly how many Americans voted for the president out of the entire U.S.A?

Shouldn't be 'how many Americans voted for the correct president

Amazing country though, they've proved -

- They can't design ballot papers
- They can't read ballot papers
- They can't use ballot papers
- They can't count
- They don't want to count
- They file law suits against each other because they can't count
- It takes them 2 months to elect a head of state
- Their head of state can't read ballot papers or count
- etc etc etc

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Member posted 17 December 2000 17:21
What ever happened to "Exentuate The Positive" ??
Frankly, I've heard enough negativity as to what we "Cannot" do, or what others have "Failed" to do. Why not discuss what we "Can" do, or what we can attempt to do that may lead to success in spite of all these failures?

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Member posted 17 December 2000 20:24
America may have some problems ,as all countries do, but its still a great country.
its a beautiful country.
I always liked this popular song:

"I am proud to be an American
where atleast I know Im free
and I honor those that fought
to give that right to me.

And I'd gladly stand up next to them
and defend her still today,
There aint no country like it,
God bless the USA!"

Its unethical to down someone elses country infront of them. Almost everybody is proud of their own countries. no matter what has happened in the past.Iam sure you are proud of Australia. Changes may need to be made here but I still love America.
I agree with you Time02112 I would much rather think on the positive.


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unregistered posted 17 December 2000 20:40
I think you know very well the answers to the questions you have asked. You just want to guage the quality of our replies, or just remind us that we SHOULD be up to speed on our constitutional rights and responsibilities.

A young person should want to survive and live for better days ahead. At some point, however, an older person will realize, especially in the face of disaster, that better days are NOT on the horizon.......ever. What you are forcasting for 95% of the present population is 20 years of hell followed by survivors in the rubble. I've already put in my 40 year shift of work and worry. Why should we fret over politics on our way to slaughter? Isn't that like telling the Captain of the Titanic, that all he has to do to save the ship is to back up really fast after the collision?

It was obvious 5 to 10 YEARS ago that we've been SOLD OUT. For us, the game is over. I should offer an excuse for apathy? It should do for a reason at least. Actually TT-O, maybe in you we can see that eventually SOMEBODY finds their friggin guts and puts an end to the madness.

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Member posted 17 December 2000 23:38
Don't give up shadow. even in the midst of caos there is always hope. our end doesnt have to be like his end.
there are some people even as we speak that are actively making a time machine.
If this outcome for us would actually be true we have time on are side now.
the outcome of this time is UNKNOWN.
If there is one timetraveler.. there are many.
we can change the future, Shadow.
next comes the brave souls that are willing to try.
as he said when he uses his machine that going to another time line or dieing is both equally accepted.
How brave are we? I am not afraid of dieing.
I have done it before.
When the time comes....I will go.
I will be willing to go and make it right.
[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 18 December 2000).]

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Dr Light
unregistered posted 18 December 2000 01:23
To Trintius,
You do not realise how long i laughed after reading that post but let me assure you I found it.... mildly ammusing.

Thank you.

I will be back with more questions for T-T0 later in the week


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Member posted 19 December 2000 09:53
for all we know,it was TT-0 who indirectly started the war.perhaps the TT-0 who traveled to HIS timeline was captured and they assimilated his General Electric Time Machine which spurred the war?
when did he say the war started,btw.

Fast Out

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unregistered posted 19 December 2000 11:28
Thanks for the encouraging words. I do lean to the dark side. It comes from hours, days, and years of "partial successes".

I'm sorry to hear that you keep dieing all over the place. Fortunately I haven't had a lot of practice at it lately. But do keep up the good work, you are the heart & soul of this board. I rank no higher than jestser and deservidly so.

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Member posted 19 December 2000 15:12
I know you are much more than that! I have read your postings on this forum. They are very intelligent and insightful.
I don't keep dying over and over but I have had a near death experience. And it has erased my fear of death. I know there is much more to this world than what we can see.
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Member posted 20 December 2000 01:24
I think it was interesting as I was reading my NEWSWEEK I received today on page 55. in the article "36 days:The Fallout"
were these words in a box amongst all the
little boxes of pictures.
"After this story,
what could come
next to keep the
spoiled media
beast interested?
civil war? "
just had to share that with you.

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Member posted 20 December 2000 19:50
last night i felt terrible,and had a fever.i fell asleep at 9PM and slept until 2PM this afternoon.
during my sleep,i had a dream of me,in my English Class.my english teacher brought her child to school.her child had been a government experiment gone wrong.they had tried to combine oranges and a baby to make an orange baby.her baby had orange hair with a blue stripe down the middle,and had orange skin and orange-blue spiral eyes.my grandmother was also in the dream and she said we had all came from potatos anyway.my mother was there too and she said 'why are there still potatos here if we came from them,and why would we be eating them?'
then i woke up...
is it possible to have acid flashbacks while your asleep??

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mokrie dela
Member posted 21 December 2000 01:44
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unregistered posted 21 December 2000 04:00
"Paradox", as an English word, has it's origins in Latin and Greek.
But alas, it is still just a word in any language, regardless of how it is spoken, ancient or modern. And thus a verbal utterance that represents the conveyance of a concept. As all words are.

Generally, it refers to the "idea" of the existence of a problem that has no solution.

But again alas, this is nothing but an invention of the mind of man. Nothing that actually occurs in the Universe.

There are no paradoxes in the Universe.

The so called "grandfather" paradox has not, does not, and cannot ever occur simply because the situation that defines it is not possible in the first place. There is no past where/when your "grandfather" is "alive" for you to ever encounter. Any more than there is a future where your "grandson" travels back from to encounter you.

If there is "Time Travel", it requires much more sophisticated concepts than this simple non-existant "problem".


The so called "twins" paradox is actually not a paradox at all once one understands the idiosyncrasies of Relativity. Many think they do, but few actually do. Those who consider the "twins" paradox to actually BE a paradox, are among those who don't.

Hint: Think about what constitutes a "year", as opposed to watching the hands of your wristwatch move. Remember, "year" is again a word that conveys the concept of a single revolution of the Earth around the Sun.

Both "twins, the Earthbound one AND the travelling one will still have lived in a Universe where the Earth went around the Sun the SAME number of times.

The traveler's BIOLOGICAL clock would run slower, as do physical clocks under the circumstances, but the Earth will have orbited the Sun the SAME number of times from BOTH of their points of view! Even while the traveler's watch ran slower.

Time dilation, as a proven effect of differing relative velocities may be an unusual idiosyncracy inherent in the properties of relativity, but...

There is no paradox here.

And it most certainly does not constitute Time travel in and of itself.

There is no paradox ANYWHERE in the Universe for that matter.

How could there be?

The very concept is itself absurd. A mind game. A modernist mythology. Right up there with Jupiter governing the Universe from Mt. Olympus, or Noah's Ark.

You believe in the "Great Flood" perhaps. Gee, where did all the water come from? (Descended from nowhere out of space?) Where did it go? (Evaporated back into nothingness into space?) Do you have any idea how much water it would take to cover the Earth up to the top of Mt. Everest and beyond? Or how thick the cloud cover would have to be that contained the water that constituted the rain that had to have fallen to make a flood THAT big?

About as much as it takes to drown the idea that "paradoxes" actually exist, from my calculation.


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Got light? Make matter.

[email protected]

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Member # 15

posted December 25, 2002 16:11
Time-travel Paradoxes! (Page 5)

Author Topic: Time-travel Paradoxes!
unregistered posted 21 December 2000 10:59
Very interesting argument but I have a couple of questions. You described the word paradox as, “…it refers to the "idea" of the existence of a problem that has no solution.” Actually, the #1 definition I read in the American Heritage Dictionary is “…a seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true”,

Also, what exactly is your definition of “time travel”? I was taught that time travel is strictly a local observation that can only be measured by the experience of an individual or single particle. Under that definition, the “twin paradox” (time dilation due to acceleration or gravity) and even sleeping can be considered time travel. You appear to be arguing against dematerialization and/or spacelike trips under the limits of special relativity in a single worldline.

I do agree that the “grandfather paradox” is not possible simply because the classic problem is presented as an observer’s issue magnified to a universal issue. Your statements about observation are correct when you isolate the experiences to a single worldline. However, the reason there are no paradoxes is because the universe doesn’t care how we react to its handy-work. In a Universe made up of infinite worldliness (superuniverse), everything is possible and has a 100% probability, therefore…no paradoxes.

“You believe in the "Great Flood" perhaps. Gee, where did all the water come from?”

I believe the explanation for the “great flood” stories originate with the changes that occurred near the Mediterranean at the end of the last ice age. Even on this worldline, there is a great deal of evidence to support the fact that sea levels did change radically in isolated areas worldwide. I also heard someplace that if the ice mass on Antarctica melted today, sea level worldwide would rise about 100 feet. I’m not exactly sure that’s true but still… Mt. Everest might be a bit of a stretch.

I do however agree with you that there are no physical paradoxes but for the opposite reasoning.

Peace to you also.

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mokrie dela
Member posted 21 December 2000 18:42
Also flooding could easily occur with monsoon rains lasting anywhere past 5 days in a region of low ground. And don't forget in those days, "the world" was defined as that small region only. These people had never been to Switzerland! (Hi Time, missed you you ole rattle snake.)
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Member posted 22 December 2000 12:06
Anyone ever heard of "Pangia"
it referrs to when the earth, or "Gia" was once pne singl large body of land.
when I find more info on this latter, I will edit this post, and include the links. meanwile if anyone else wishes to make any additional comments about pangia, and how the water vovered the remaining 3/4 of the land mass around the geosphere, please by all means, share with us what you have to offer.

What do you suppose would happen during the next "Great Flood" now that the former Pangia is broken into the current continetal land structures of today's earth?
~just a thought~


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mokrie dela
Member posted 22 December 2000 15:28
That's right Time, I also heard that origionally the continent of Africa was connected to America by a connecting land mass. I believe that's part of the Atlantis theory, that it was the connecting land. I know there are some incredible things underwater off of Biminy. (can't spell it or find it) There are huge greek collums with huge hands at the top holding some sort of ball. Also what looks like roads made of hand cut flat stones that would break a fork lift. What I would'nt give to time travel to before that sunk and see it it all it's glory. It's must have been beautiful beyond comprehension.
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unregistered posted 22 December 2000 21:16
I had a flashback once, not too long ago, just a few seconds ago in fact. It had to be a flashback. I saw a former Governor of Texas, Bush I believe, saying "I wish I were a dictator but this is not a dictatorship!" Also he mentioned something to the effect of "You are aware of the fact that any resession that may come along next year or so, is Bill's fault, really." FWEEEEET! Hey pal, can I intrest you in a little tax cut? Very popular in this election year you know. (Hey babe you wanna count some ballots? Your dimples are soooo cute." "Chad, I think I might be pregnant.") If I'm laid off do I still get my multimillion dollar tax cut, huh Gorge? Huh Huh? George? GEORGE!!??........".just wait your turn sir, the President Elect is busy playing with his yo-yo right now." This only thing missing out of national politics righ now is a Ryder rental truck full of whoopie cushions.
Yes, speaking of The Flood. The real flood can't hold a candle to the flood of bull**** that is commin down the pike these days. Are they TRYING to whizz us off, or do they deserve an Oscar for acting as thought they were. There are other possible explainations. Like Terminal Stupidity. Or the desire for population reduction (you). Or how about creepy aliens, time traveling spooks, or maybe even that half spoiled turkey sandwich you had for lunch.

Of coarse the screamingly hysterical part of it is that they act like we ain't supposed to notice. Right. "Waiter, check please!"

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mokrie dela
Member posted 22 December 2000 21:35
It's ok, we can wait while you extract that wild hair from your butt.
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Member posted 22 December 2000 22:59
Just because you cannot figuere out where the water came from for the Great Flood
is not a good enough reason to conclude that it never took place.
In the ancient lore and legend of every culture you will find a story of a disasterous flood. These accounts vary but in distant parts of the world these stories agree on one point. far back in history there was a catacylmsmic flood which wiped out all but a handful of people.
From the indians of north and south america to the Islanders of the Pacific and from the chinese to atleast 40 aborigional races we find the elements of a great flood described.
Geologists of today all over the Earth find a layer of sediment which gives evidence of a worldwide flood.

There are several different theories of where the water might have come from.
Here is the one I have heard:
The Earth had quite a different climate before and after the flood.
for in Geneisis 2:5-6 it states that the lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth...but there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground.
They argued that Genesis 1:6 described God seperating the waters on the earth from the waters above the Earth. which could describe a canopy of water vapor.Our Earth could have been in effect a giant canopy enclosed garden watered by gentle mists which came out of the ground from the reservoirs of water below the surface.
If the Earth before the flood had been surrounded by a canopy of water vapor above the Troposphere it would have compressed the air beneath and raised the average atmospheric pressure, just how much would depend on how much water the canopy contained.
This increased pressure could have resulted in a greater oxidation rate, a much more efficient metabolism and stronger, healthier people.
The sheilding of water vapor canopy could have eliminated almost all genetic mutation from the harmful solar radiation.
there would be benefits of living under increased atmospheric pressure. During the aquanaut program it was discovered a cut on a aquanauts hand healed completely in 24 hours while submerged in a diving bell.

back then the current land mass was joined together in a hugh continent.
The Earth before the flood was a single land mass riding on a blanket of superheated steam and with an overhead curtain of water vapor protecting it from harmful solar rays.

After the flod the vapor canopy was gone the Earths climate was changed.
Atmospheric pressure dropped to what it is today.
without the water vapor canopy the Earth received more radiation from the sun and genetic mutations occured. mans lifespan was greatly reduced. and they obviosly didnot live as long after the flood.

the other theory that goes with it sometimes is "the fountains of the deep" were also let lose.Gen 7:11 Which combined with the collapse of the water vapor canopy. produced a great amount of water.the ripping apart of the crust would have triggered tsunamis of unparalleled magnitude, sweeping the Earth with walls of water from the existing oceans.
The initial rupture of the earths crust would have spewed a tremendous jet of super heated steam high above the earths ionosphere. the vapor blanket resting on the air above the Earth would have been overwhelmed by the intensity and heat of this supersonic blast and would have collapsed as sheets of worldwide rain.
The jet of water which gushed high above the earths atmosphere would have encountered frigid temperatures converting the water almost instantly to ice crystals.
When the water vapor canopy which covered the Earth up to that point collapsed in rain, ending the green house effect, the temperatures on earth would have been reduced to much the same as they are today. immediately after the flood, the ice crystals formed high above the earths stratosphere would have fallen, dumping immense quantities of ice on the earths polar regions and northern latiitudes. This would explain an enigma which has long perplexed the discovery of animals which had been quick frozen in siberia and alaska some still with undigested food in their stomaches and mouths.
there had to be an abrupt and extremely sudden change in temperature, from near tropical to extreme cold within a matter of minutes.
I kept this in my mind. and a couple of years ago i saw an article in the newspaper where scientists had found a couple miles long of watervapor in the upper atmosphere that was forming over a specific area and they didnt know what it was doing up there. If i find the article i will post it I did cut it out and save it.
nobody knows for sure where the water came from and can only theorize but there was plenty of evidence that it took place. I have read several scientific theories of the water vapor canopy. I could go on and on but i just dont have time. I have several books that mention it. I just pulled a few things out of the books for you to think on.This is just one of several theories I have heard.


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mokrie dela
Member posted 23 December 2000 12:31
Wow, what can be added to that! I do recall reading that "radiolaria", a fossilized form of tiny sea life has been found in layers of dirt at high elevations in the darndest places around the earth. I know nothing of bibical things but when you find petrofied itty bitty fishies in mountain ranges, something incredible happened involving a whole lot of water.
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Junior Member posted 23 December 2000 12:49
Thanks for that Pamela.
Has anyone read "An Ascension Handbook," channeled material from Serapis, by Tony Stubbs ? Lots of interesting ideas in there.


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Member posted 23 December 2000 19:02
Well ,I found the article but unfortunately I didnot cut out the date with it.
It was in the Repository Newspaper . the author is Randolph E. Schmid
associate press writer. here it is word for word:
WASHINGTON- Massive rivers of vapor, some carrying as much water as the Amazon, have been discovered in the lower atmosphere.
Reginald E. Newell, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said thursday he was surprised to find the flows while analyzing satellite data.
His findings are reported in Geophysical Research Letters, published by the American Geophysical Union.

A half-dozen vapor rivers carry water from the equator toward the poles in relatively narrow streams, Newell explained in a telephone interview.

"I expected to see things following air masses, which usually have much larger horizontal widths. The fact that it's concentrated was a surprise to us. " said Newell. The flows "look like a river," he said.
The newly discovered rivers do follow these general principles, but move the moisture in narrow streams rather than having it spread out over a large air mass.

They seem to generally trend toward the poles, Newell explained, though he has found a couple of cases in which the stream encounters a typhoon,"gets entangled in itself and goes back equatorwards."

The rivers also display waves in their movement, he said, though why this should occur is not clear.

The researchers calculated the length of some of these rivers of vapor at as much as 4,800 miles with a width of 420 to 480 miles.

What does this mean to the world's weather and climate? Newell and his associates are trying to figure that out.
"We haven't solved the relation between these rivers and fronts, highs and lows and the rest of the synoptic (weather) pattern," Newell said.

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unregistered posted 23 December 2000 20:08
Hair extracted. I'm much better now. Thank you.

Hear no evil. see no evil, speak no evil. WHEN will I EVER learn?

WE do digress from time travel don't we. The earth is going to fall over any minute now........scratch that.........any TIME now.

My theory on Earth Changes was dismissed because it "rested on shakey ground". I too will wait for a time.

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mokrie dela
Member posted 24 December 2000 12:14
Shadow, Don't feel bad, I live on shakey ground myself. As they used to say, you threw a hissy fit. HAHA We take turns on this board. Your always interesting with or without hairs; and your opinion in always important wether provable or not. Heck, I never shut up and I can't prove anything myself.
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Member posted 24 December 2000 15:12
Well as far as I can tell, it seems that only two of us here are willing to answer TT_0's questions. (Three - Shadow answered at least one question.) What's wrong? Are you afraid of being judged in some way? Most of the people who post here on this forum seem to enjoy playing around (and sometimes bickering and putting each other down). So what is the problem? It seems as though when you find out someone is observing you and says so, you clam up. Yes I know that implies that you believe his claims or you don't think he is worth responding to. Yet most of you will take the time to bicker. You could just tell him that you don't want to answer any of his questions. You can't even do that instead you will ignore those questions and write a lengthy reply to someone else just to get your point of view across. Well that is what TT_0 is asking for. Why do you find so hard to answer him? It implies that you believe him more then your willing to admit. And you don't like the idea of being classified by an observer from a future time. I think he is right, on the whole, "sheep" - bickering sheep. Ok, you can blast me by being honest in answering TT_0 questions. (That is the only basting that is acceptable.)

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Member posted 24 December 2000 16:52
Hi djayr42!
Actually there was another man who answered all of the questions and sent them to me to forward to timetravler_0 in private.
which I did.
wether you beleived he was real or not,
I think it was only common curtesy to answer the questions after he answered ours. and that had to take a lot of his time to answer all of our questions and debating on how much he wanted to share. when every word you say can have consequences.
Its no big deal ,he was just curious about how we feel about things as we are about him.
Maybe people are just too paranoid.
It is kind of interesting though...is this how we would treat a person from another world if we ever met one?
Well anyway..hope everyone has a great Christmas!!!!!!

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unregistered posted 25 December 2000 21:27
I'm surprised that they haven't cought you yet. I'd give dollars-to-donuts that the US military is into time travel already....since the mid sixties I'd guess. Not that its any of my business, nor do I want it to be. Maybe they don't care. Maybe there is already intertime treaties of noninterference.
If it doesn't make it less convient for the rich to ripp-off the masses it could well remain a non-issue.

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unregistered posted 26 December 2000 03:00
I think we're probably closer than you think here. I'll certainly buy your explanation of time travel as purely relative to the observer. I'm also not sure we're that far apart on the reason there are no paradoxes. (Your Dictionary definition is of course the correct one, I was merely making a simplification of it for my own purposes.)

As to the possibility of multiple universes, well, it gets used a lot to try to explain things that can't be explained but to me it's a cop out due to lack of evidence and the very fact that it GETS used so much as a way to explain that which is otherwise currently un-explainable. I need more evidence. The existence of multiple universes leads me to believe that if there is more than one of them, there must therefore be an infinite number of them. If there are an infinite number of them, then everything that can happen, has already. I dislike this theory for two reasons. 1. It destroys the necessity for free will thereby making all descisions made by choice inherently moot. 2. It goes against "Occam's Razor". The principle that the simplest explaination is probably the best one. I really don't see the Universe needing to be so complicated as to require infinite universes just to solve the concept of paradoxes.


I thought it interesting that my little "Flood" analogy sparked such conversation.

By all means many cultures refer to "Great Floods" in their history. And Local phenomenea ARE the reason these persist in mythology.

Pamela, you've been reading the propaganda of the "Young Earth Creationists" I see. Their web sites are all over the place. Unfortunately, these theories they propound are not only NOT POSSIBLE, but have long since proven to be so.

Unfortunately many of these, like the so-called "Dr." Kent Hovind have fabricated their own "degrees" in higher education. Hovind for instance, started a "University" in his living room, awarded himself a "Doctorate" in Theology, and uses this to tout his self professed "expertise" in geological and biologocal matters.

The "Vapor Cloud" myth is a fairly old one trotted out to answer the "Where did the water come from?" question. But YOUR explainations are right out of the Creationists handbook 101. And equally mythological as they are without foundation or acceptance by the Scientific Community at large.

Think about it. If it never rained before the flood, what did plants live on? As to the Vapor Cloud it self, it's already been calculated that to produce the water necessary for world wide full deluge, the cloud would be so thick as to block out the sun entirely. Meaning it MUST have been dark always before the so called "Great Flood". Preposterous. Every Creationists argument on this issue is totally debunk-able. Not just because it isn't so, but because it can be PROVEN to be not so.

May I suggest you do some browsing around the various Talk Origins websites where the real scientists hang out and you'll begin to see how truly silly some of these Literal Scripture interpretations really are.

Not that I'm arguing against (or for) the existence of God, just that if you want to view the Bible as an informative and inspirational document, may I suggest that you at least study the differences where metaphor is used instead of an intended depiction of reality.

Genesis has TWO depictions or accounts of Creation. The Creationsts won't tell you about the second one because it is contradictory to THEIR view. And supports the concept of Evolution. It's called selective intepretation. And they engage in it all the time.

Or as the old song goes,

"Some Things That You Libel,
To Read In The Bible,
It Ain't necessarily So."

Good luck, and


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Member posted 26 December 2000 11:01
I thought I already answered the questions you posed on this particular theory to me in my last posting. I apologize I didnt have more time to post more info on it. It was only one theory out of many that I have heard. I mentioned this one because of the article I read two years ago in the city newspaper.
The book the info came from was "A scientific approach to biblical mysteries."by Robert W. Faid.I have another book called "Beyond Star Wars."which I cannot locate at this moment. which is a scientifically based book discussing the many theories of ancient mysteries around the world. and it also mentions the water vapor canopy. both of them mention the rain falling for forty days and nights from the canopy and the rest of the water coming from the fountains of the earth being broken up.
I have never heard of the "young earth creationists." what is their web site? I would like to check out their theories.
One thing is certain though, DaViper, there was a flood for the evidence was left in the Earth. How it happened rests now in theories because noone knows for sure.
You know when it comes to Ancient Events most of the time all you ever have are theories because none of us were there at the time. and many things are not in existance at this time that were there in their time.Theories are formed and based on evidence found at the time and from piecing together writings or anything else found from the time period.or things found in the Earth.
someday we shall all know the truth. Maybe someday somebody will go back and "check it out" and see for themself. I am not afraid to study anything or research any theory. I piece it all together as I go keeping everything in mind. I see things from many different angles. and eventually the truth will be known.
Peace to you always.
(Robert W. Faid-a nuclear scientist and consultant to the nuclear power industry, has developed patented processes which have been used to protect nuclear power plants around the world against earthquakes and flooding.)

[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 26 December 2000).]

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unregistered posted 27 December 2000 15:01
Hey Pamela if you want to believe in mythology as opposed to science and fact it's OK with me. To each his/her own so to speak.
I prefer knowledge however over the fabricated ideas of those who adjust theory to suit ther particulat religous beliefs.

Sure there have been floods. There's probably one going on right now somewhere. But...

AY NO TIME was there ever a flood that covered the entire Earth. There isn't enough water for there to ever have been. And no hocus pocus "vapor cloud" that could ever contain the amount of water needed to produce a rainfall of that proportion has EVER covered the earth.

But if you choose to believe this, fine. All the belief in the world cannot make it so.

The whole comment was an analogy in the first place.

I thought we were discussing time travel paradoxes. That's the title of the board anyway.


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[email protected]
unregistered posted 27 December 2000 17:00
Sorry I have been out for a while. Does anyone no whether the forces exerted by a universal flooding could produce the force needed to seperate all the continents in in a period of a couple of months. Given the amount of water on the earth now if the land masses were but one land mass and there was one huge earth quake that cause all the land masses to spread at a constant velocity to their present location in a period of three months or so would the kenetic force mediated through the water cause universal flooding by generating huge waves of water covering the land. How fast would a land mass have to travel accross the earth for there in order to cause the ocean in the direction of travel flow up and over the entire continent of the united states from east coast to west coast? How hi would the wall of water be? Does the needed velocity match the biblical time period for the flood? If the continents were to have traveled at the nessecary velocity to cause the water to wave over from the pacific ocean to the atlantic ocean for period of time that Noah's flood was stated to have lasted in the bible could the continents have reached their present location from the pangea in that period of time at the calculated velocity. If not how far could the continents have traveled. How much heat would have been generated by the friction of the water over the continents surface if the water flowed over the earth. Would it have been enough to produce steem at the calculated pressure? If all the above proves true then is it possible find evidence in the soil for such events? If anyone is motivated enough to run a computer simulation and plug in all the variables in order to calculate the above hypothesis I would appreciate it. I donnot have enough computer knowlege to run the simulation. Whoever comes up with the answers to the questions above has the write to the discovery naturally so have at it.
God bless you all and Peace,
Edwin G. Schasteen

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