Time-travel Paradoxes!


Actually, I thought it was a pretty good story. I'd say your fiction skills are coming along quite nicely.


Bigger than your palm pilot, your laptop, your desktop and even bigger than an IBM 4300 series.

But not as big as my grandfather's old Buick Roadmaster.


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To Juanito,

My friend i know where your coming from...

I've had a ...erm...falling out with T-T-0 in the past as you have no doubt seen if you have read the past messages.

Let me say one thing, He knows what he's talking about.

More than everyone else on this board i might add, aside from perhaps the moderators!!

Or else why would people be asking him so many questions about theories and things wev'e only dreamed about. Perhaps your right, perhaps he is only trying to open our eyes. But do you act on the information he has given us or do you dismiss it as pure fantasy? Open your eyes and think about what he has to say! I did and so did everyone else who post or even read this board

A sidenote... Rgrunt, what happened to your blackhole contraption?


P. Light

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I can't say about the others, but your right. I asked him questions I already know the answers to. If he answers them correctly, then he is from the future.

He's not the only one in this board who claims to have Time Traveled =).

Hey you and me lets stick together on this. There seems to be alot of team play action going on here. Alot of people watching each others backs, if you know what I mean.

Someone needs to set them stright . Well talk to you all later.


Javier C.

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The government would have pulled those diagrams off of the web page they are on if they really believed timetraveler_0.

timetraveler_0 would have been traced and located, spied on and eventually his device stolen from the basement.

yep, happened to someone else I knew.

they even posed as the person for awhile.

you never know who you are talking to on the internet.he is right about that.

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Hi everyone,

Pamela, to respond to your previous post:

yes, we've had some snow over here, but it's raining cats and dogs again as usual.. ?

From our point of view, lets just say "this worldline", timetravel does not yet exist. To put it in other words: timetravel will (probably) exist in the future, but assuming time goes by in chronological order it does not exist yet.

If we take a "non-linear" approach to time, timetravel does indeed already exist. It all just depends on the way you look at things. I guess we're both right in this case.

As for Timetravel_0. I'm very sceptic about the story he has provided us with. But it remains an interesting story nonetheless. It doesn't matter whether we believe it or not. At least he's caused a 6 page thread and he made people think about certain aspects of modern society. It's only logical that someone from the future has no gain in proving that he really is a timetraveler.

So lets just stick to the subject of timetravel instead of proving or disproving the story of Timetravel_0.

As for Juanito and TimeTravelActivist. Listen very carefully, I shall only say this once ? Perhaps it's a good idea to start a new thread called "The Resistance" or something similar. That would be a great opportunity to discuss the "danger" of timetravel and recruit new members.

Greetings from rainy Amsterdam, it feels like I'm freezing yet the water that falls from the sky does not :-))

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The thing that I picked up from Mr. TT_0's recent post is that he seemed to be saying that time travel is not something you believe in or disbelieve. That is not how things work, you must discover and experiment not just take in what others may say. If people just sat around saying I believe it is possible to fly and never went out and tested it then we would never have made aviation possible. Likewise, we can neither definitively accept or deny TT_O's claim of being an actual time traveller until physical and hence experimental proof of time travel is obtained.

My past inquiries of TT_O were merely for my curiousity. I have never accepted or denied his claim. Although, I must admit the easiest and most uncomplicated solution would be that he is not. As far as that wave rider person, his statements on the fax are contrary to our historical line and hence I do not buy his story. I personally do not see how time travel could be possible just using the physical body and mind anyway.

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thats why you work FOR the government...

so they cant steal your work because it is funded by THEM..

there work is usually less fringe science and more proven stuff,and they dont allow errors(error is a kind and benevolent god of inventors..jk)


in the 2036,do they still publish books?

if so,do they still have those Cliff Notes books?the yellow ones,about things like physics and geometry and common time displacement theory and such?

hint hint...

is the government regulating the time machine you used to get here,or are you free to do as you choose?


why does everyone of your posts have to include something about IOTM??


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Roel van Houten,

You must be new here... Or else you would know.

I have started threads for the purpose of recruiting members into my campaign, how you mentioned I should. Some have gone to 7 pages as well... Might want to look them up.

In addition, to FastWalker2.

I only mentioned my website twice. What are you talking about me mentioning it every time I post? Count them...

Gotta go buy food for my cat , c-ya.


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So do you plan on keep avoid answering my questions? You been awfully quiet since I've returned... Time Traveling must keep you very busy huh.


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Dear Deviper,

No offence taken I appreciate the posting for it taught me a good lesson not to post something that I can not readily anylize with my own senses. I will look up the information and if I find anything that supports either side I will post it at a later date. I will not endorce it til I have done the experiments myself though to ensure accuracy. I also have a great deal of respect for you in that you seem to be a man that truely seeks for the truth and are carefull to accept only the truth. The bible does say that those who seek the truth shall find it so I wish you success in your endeavors to sift out the truth of things and hope you to have a happy new year.


Edwin G. Schasteen

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Dear P-Light,

I appologize for the delay. I am now teaching myself geometry and calculas for I did not have the opportunity to learn these forms of math in high school. I was lucky to get a chance to learn algebra. After I have finished teaching myself these subjects I believe that I will have the knowlege to convert the theory behind the black hole device into a mathematical statement using calculas. Graphic proofs are great but all of the physics journals I have read are written using calculas to represent mathematically whatever measurement is being discussed in that particular journal. As for the device itself in light of my lack of education I went ahead and contracted it's development to a research and development firm by the name of Davison and Associates. The device is to be a generator for sale. But the generator operates on the same theory in that increase in electrical current and voltage is obtained by constricting a parallel probagating e and h field to a smaller given space. I am not aware of whether compressing and electric field or an electric field will power output of a generator but I know that focusing a magnetic field to a smaller area increases the strength of the field in that area like sunlight focused through a convex lense. And I believe one way to increase the electrical output of a generator is to increase the field strength of the magnets being used to generate the electricity. So I cannot see why the device will no produce higher electrical voltages at higher amperage. (all parts are powered by dc current)If one tries to focus a magnetic field that is generated by an alternating current the field will decrease in amperage as the field is constricted on acount that the frequency of the field is increased as the field is twisted up. Imagine a spring, if you will, and let each revolution in the helixical spring determine the frequency. If you twist the sring in the one direction the distance between the spring crests and troughs will decrease as the spring is tightened thus increasing the frequency of the spring. As a ac current frequency increases the ac output decreases. I imagine that dc is different. I could be wrong in my interpritation of the ac theorum I just stated.


Edwin G. Schasteen

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n 2036, community life is a bit different. People are valued and judged based on their contribution and worth. Work is organized around the family and the value of that work is assessed inside of the community. Most communities range in size from 1000 to 4000 people. If a family wanted to move from one community to another or if a son or daughter wanted to move to another community, they must apply and be interviewed by the community leadership council. During this process, the family or individual is evaluated as to whether or not the work or skill they have is required or necessary to that individual community. Once accepted, the family or individual is expected to uphold their end of the work and support the community. If they don’t, the community stops supporting them and they are forced to change their attitude or move away from the community.

The family work we did was picking, sorting and shipping oranges by sailboat up and down the coast of Florida. We were expected to produce a certain amount for the community and a certain amount for other communities as agreed to by our CLC. In exchange, we received power, water, a certain amount of food and other necessities that were produced inside our community.

I see this message board as a small community and I have no other way to value the contributions of others on it other than what my past experiences tell me. I have tried to answer as many questions as I can without being annoying, repetitive or inappropriate… and for some of you entertaining. Under these conditions, I have decided to seek guidance from all of you, the other members of this community, as to whether or not my postings are of any value to the direction of these discussions. If they are getting distracting or repetitive, I will stop and continue to enjoy reading your thoughts and ideas.

((Who receives the Nobel Prize for inventing time travel? Surely, since there is a divergence from your time line such information would be of no consequence to divulge.))

There are a great many people involved with the discovery of time travel. Just as I will not give “stock tips”, I will not divulge their names as that may impact their lives now.

((Timetraveler_0 have you ever heard of the "Waveriders"?))

No, I can’t say that I have although I am in no position to say if it’s true or not.

((What could you surmise, as to what might happen, as a result if you provided us with copies of various news articles in relation to "Technology Reports" published a year in our future, or any "Time" after (Such as in your "Worldline" as you so describe?))

If I had any and I published them, I’m sure they may have a large impact. Unfortunately, I don’t have any with me. Even if I did, I’m sure they would be scrutinized also. Again we get back to the same question. If you were a time traveler, what would you do to establish your credibility?

((You said that there were 7 other time travellers that you knew of who were on various missions from 2036 on your timeline. I am curious have people in 2036 been visited by people from further in the future? One would think that once time travel was possible and widely known that visitors from other time frames would be more likely to be visible and willing to be upfront about their visitation to the period after time travel, A.T.T (after time travel)).

No, I am not aware of time travelers visiting my worldline in 2036. However, that does not mean it can’t or isn’t happening. Also, the possible number of worldlines a time traveler might arrive at would place the chances of them hitting any particular one at very long odds.

((However, there is one thing I would like to know. TimeTravel_0 if in fact you have been to the future, what happens to JCS- ME =)? Am I deeply involved in this Time Travel project as well? What of the resistance?))

I have no idea what happens to you in your future. There was a resistance on my worldline but their goal was to maintain power and control over other people. We killed most of them by 2020.

(Does anyone know how big an IBM 5100 is??)

I would say its about 20” long, 10” high and 30” long.

((I've had a ...erm...falling out with T-T-0 in the past as you have no doubt seen if you have read the past messages.))

I’m not aware we had a falling out. I apologize if you think that’s the case.

((in the 2036,do they still publish books?

if so,do they still have those Cliff Notes books? the yellow ones,about things like physics and geometry and common time displacement theory and such?

hint hint... ))

Yes, books are still published. If I had any cliff notes with me I would let you decide if they should be posted or not.

((is the government regulating the time machine you used to get here, or are you free to do as you choose?))

The displacement machine is not mine but I am free to make certain decisions based on the experiences and information I gather from each worldline. I am expected back but from their perspective, I will only have been gone for a split second.

((So do you plan on keep avoid answering my questions? You been awfully quiet since I've returned... Time Traveling must keep you very busy huh.))

I’m not sure what questions you are referring to. You did ask one question about yourself, right below the link to your website. I am confused why you would think I would know anything about you.

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Thank you rgrunt. Peace and success to you likewise.


Well said.

I think sometimes poeple confuse "open minded" with "gullible".

Open minded is when you are ready (open) to recieve any information that can be enlightening or even just plain subjective to you. In this, all things are possible.


Being gullible. This is when you unquestioningly accept something just because someone else says so. One has to do one's own homework to get to real truth.

Gullibility then deteriorates into the worse condition of all. Self imposed ignorance. This is where one accepts as true, that which has ALREADY BEEN PROVEN to not be so. Or continues to believe that something is NOT so when it has been proven to be true. Those who still believe the world is flat fall into this last category. And they are STILL out there.

Maybe TT_O IS a Time Traveller. But his reluctance to offer any proof of such damages his credibility. Saying he "doesn't care" whether he is believed or not is really nothing more than a cop out. And allows him to side-step the issue of proof.

I cannot say for sure whether Time Travel is, or ever WILL be possible. I simply don't know. But I have a certain amount of confidence that TT_O is NOT one.

His story IS creative. But the physics just don't add up.

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Well that was a pretty interesting picture of the future you painted for us TimeTravel_0. Although, that is just 1 version of events. And your complete disregard of your Time Line will cease to exist now. Telling us this, will without a doubt change all that you described.

If in fact it's true hehe.

Personally, I know already that life will turn into one big collective in the future. Hence my resistance...

Individuality as people in the way we lead our lives, is no longer our choice. Then you know that my resistance will fight for the freedom to destroy oppression.

Further more, my identity in the future would most likely be changed ... Nevertheless, if you have been to the future, you know who I am.

No doubt about that...


[This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 05 January 2001).]

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we enjoy reading your posts very much.please continue. we enjoy your contributions. You are obviously a very important part of this small "internet community".

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I belive you, i dont know why but i belive you, but i think the other guys need a real clue for belive you, so, i think you can take a photo of your clothes and post it, or your credencial, because if you work for the goberment, you need to had a credential of the gob in the future, and of curse you need to have clothes from the future, or you travel nude?

And what about the social system in the future, its so like socialism, only there one thing wrong, on socialism theres no religion, so please tell me, in the future the church stop to steal money, and manipulate people, or how works the structure of the church in the future?

I had just another question, what happen in the future whit mexico and the latinamericans.

Atte: a fan of you, TT_1.

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There is an expression that is used here in this "time".

Shit or get off the pot.

Just start naming historical figures in your "time" or stop saying that you are a time traveler

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Well, what do we have here ? There seems to be some Latino homiez in da house here... I'm part Hispanic too bro's.

Hey, listen up... As a Time Traveler to the future my self, I have seen the uniforms. I have even put one on. Therefore, if TimeTraveler_0 can offer us a picture of his uniform as proof, I will verify it's legitimacy with the one I wore.

However, I wouldn't count on you actually telling us the truth... I know people, and I can sense when they are telling the truth, and when they are lying.

Isn't that right people? (Those of you who know me, when have I ever been wrong about people?). I told you so, so many times .

Anyway's, if you can get this picture and I know you can't. I would like to establish a real-time chat. We will invite 3 or 5 members to represent each side.

Your side, claiming to have Time Traveled and making a big public notice about it. And me, who will set the record straight and who will verify your story. Let me just let you know right now; this won't be an easy chat for you. There will be no more posts where you can think of what to say and take your time with.

You will be caught in lies either by me, or my side of members.

So, are you up to the challenge? Answer A.S.A.P. by Go or No-Go. However, if your answer is No-Go, please supply a statement saying why.

Got to go for now.


[This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 06 January 2001).]

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