Time travellers (to past) I NEED YOUR HELP


Temporal Novice
I need a way to get back to past (not yearly of 1 March of 2017) or to send message to myself to past.

It's very important for me, because my daughter died on last Monday because of terrible sickness. If i would to know about this sickness i would save her.

So, please help me, i'm in great despair........

my mail is [email protected]

I'm sorry to hear this. I don't know any time travelers, but many of us believe in the multiple world line theory, and according to that theory, you wouldn't be able to make changes to THIS timeline. When you time travel, you are creating a brand new timeline.

Thanks for your reply.

Ok. I agree for the new timeline. What whould i do? How i can change the past in any timeline?

Is it possible?

Can anybody in past to give me a message from the future, or send me e-mail?

Or meet me in past???

Please help me!!!!!!!

I can't honestly give you an answer because nobody really knows the answer or at least they aren't telling us. However, I do have a theory that we can visit our past in this timeline because 0 divergence is mathematically possible. I just have no idea HOW to do it.

Ok, what about theory? How i can make some nessesary actions in the past for changing present? (in theory or in practice)?

I'm sorry, nobody here can help you. I can't imagine the devastation you feel and I wish there was a way we could help, but this is ultimately a hobby site for people interested in fringe science and nerdy distractions.

As much as it hurts, there's no going back. Only forward. I wish we could help you with what you're asking.

When you're up to it, you're welcome to join our community and take part in the interesting things that we talk about here. We'd love to have you :)

For now, though, I'm closing this thread. I don't think anything good is going to come from this, and anyone claiming they have an answer or method to unring that bell is lying to you and preying on your emotional state.

If you want to talk, feel free to reach out to me directly. I can't give you what you want, but I can listen to what you're going through and empathize. Every little bit helps.
