travelling keeping mass , intensity constant


Temporal Novice
ensteins equation of energy is not applicabable during time travel because mass does not play any role in time travel we can travel only after calculating the limiting central universe value which i can prove and i beleive in the wording that even one atom is enough to destroy the complete universe any one interested to know about this can invite me to converse with you
ensteins equation of energy is not applicabable during time travel because mass does not play any role in time travel we can travel only after calculating the limiting central universe value which i can prove and i beleive in the wording that even one atom is enough to destroy the complete universe any one interested to know about this can invite me to converse with you

I considered challenging some of your statements. But when I came to realize you lacked any use of punctuation, I also realized that this discussion would likely not be productive in the least. I would suggest you rethink/repost your introductory thesis, and this time not only make use of proper punctuation, but provide some supporting evidence for your wild claims. If you do so, some of us may engage you.

I considered challenging some of your statements. But when I came to realize you lacked any use of punctuation, I also realized that this discussion would likely not be productive in the least. I would suggest you rethink/repost your introductory thesis, and this time not only make use of proper punctuation, but provide some supporting evidence for your wild claims. If you do so, some of us may engage you.


The words delusional and schizophrenia came to mind as I read the post. Then I was thinking that if the thought continues into another post or two the Baez Crackpot Index would come into play.

Invitation? Pass.
ensteins equation of energy is not applicabable during time travel because mass does not play any role in time travel we can travel only after calculating the limiting central universe value which i can prove and i beleive in the wording that even one atom is enough to destroy the complete universe any one interested to know about this can invite me to converse with you

I received a copy of this post in PM a couple of weeks ago. As I said in my reply, I don't engage in forum discussions via PM. Ray had it correctly stated - because of the lack of punctuation, disjointed ideas and personal pseudo-scientific jargon we could not make heads or tails of the post. If you're still here (and it appears that you were two weeks ago), please restate your ideas just a bit more clearly so that there is something to which we can respond.

You could start with a clear explanation of your personal term "limiting central universe value." You next need to justify the statement "mass does not play any role in time travel" given that the basis of all time travel theory is General Relativity. General Relativity is a theory of gravity. Gravity, according to General Relativity (GR), is one part of the definition of mass. True, simple time dilation was originally referenced in Special Relativity but SR is a limiting case of GR.

You might also give a go at explaining why we encounter the effects of time dilation every day in our daily lives and depend on clocks being constantly corrected to adjust for the time dilation. The Internet, through which you have posted, depends in part on satellite communications. We have to know where those satellites are with great precision otherwise we miss "bouncing" signals off of them. We have to correct specific clocks to make sure that GPS gives precise coordinates. Those clocks desynch because of both relativistic velocity and gravitation effects. In colliders we have to adjust clocks to account for time dilation of particles accelerated to near the speed of light because they 1) don't arrive at the "correct" Newtonian physics calculated times and 2) they don't decay at the rest frame calculated rate. We experimentally validate Special and General Relativity every day.
Time Dilation: Time travels at different rates and different gravitational potentials.
The weaker the gravitational field, the slower time travels.
Time Dilation: Time travels at different rates and different gravitational potentials.
The weaker the gravitational field, the slower time travels.

I think you have that backwards. Time travels more slowly in a stronger gravitational field.

The GPS satellites in orbit experience time more quickly than we do here on earth. Of course there is the time dilation due to relative velocity. But the weaker gravitational field in orbit pulls time in a faster direction, which does outpace the slower direction caused by relative velocity.

This conversation is 4 months old.
Naresh never returned.
If you didn't prefer debate to discussion,
one of you would dare start a new thread.

This conversation is 4 months old.
Naresh never returned.
If you didn't prefer debate to discussion,
one of you would dare start a new thread.

I realize that the thread is 4 months old. But as I said in my post, he PM'ed me two weeks ago with a copy of his OP and asked me to respond via PM. He's still lurking.

And just an FYI: After being on the forum for 5 months its a bit cheeky to presume to advise Ray, Einstein and me to "dare start a new thread." We've been here for an aggregate of over 40 years. I think that we know when to hold them and when to fold them without your help. It's not our first rodeo.
Pardon me, I overlooked the "PM."

Insofar as mass is concerned,
there is an unknown force
at work in time travel to date.
That much I know, but cannot prove.
It's a dark area of physics--
something not yet understood,
such as is the case with dark matter and energy.
Pardon me, I overlooked the "PM."

Insofar as mass is concerned,
there is an unknown force
at work in time travel to date.
That much I know, but cannot prove.
It's a dark area of physics--
something not yet understood,
such as is the case with dark matter and energy.

As far as we know there are no unknown forces. They just don't appear to be necesary. Everything that we see and all of the interactions that we imagine (including the ones that we don't fully understand) rely on the four known forces of physics. Gravity arises from mass and is attractive. Electricity & magnetism arise from charged particles and is attractive or repulsive in accordance with Coulomb's Law. The Strong Nuclear Force binds neutrons and protons to form atoms and binds quarks to form neutrons and protons (plus other massive particles). The Weak Force is responsible for quark "color" and can cause quarks to change color (change a proton to a neutron or vice versa) which results in radioactive decay.

If we know how gravity works, how electricity and magnetism work, how atomic nuclei are formed and how massive subatomic particles are formed and decay there's nothing left than can't be explained through these four forces. Of course we don't have all of these questions completely answered in detail. Dark matter and dark energy, what little we know of them, respond to the known forces. Dark matter responds to gravitation and the weak force. Its dark because it doesn't interact well with electromagnetic energy (photons). Dark energy is a name given to the situation where we can't account for the entire mass of the universe by simply counting the stars and adding up their mass. Most of the universe is a vast "empty" vacuum. Matter that makes up stars is a tiny bit of "pollution" in the vastness. Along comes quantum mechanics a century age and we have to rethink the situation. A vacuum can't, by definition, be empty. And that's precisely what experiment has proven. The vastness of outer space is filled with energy and virtual particles. In fine detail it is almost nil. But taken on the whole of the universe "nil" becomes a situation where the vacuum contains more mass-energy than all of the visible matter in the universe.
But taken on the whole of the universe "nil" becomes a situation where the vacuum contains more mass-energy than all of the visible matter in the universe.

The unanswered question relative to dark energy is this:

The vacuum state of the universe is expressed in Einstein's stress-tensor. In that equation there is a factor called the Cosmological Constant. The value of the constant is determined by the vacuum state. Is the vacuum state negative because the vacuum is negative (literally less than zero energy, which is absolutely possible) which causes the vacuum to repel matter and cause the universe to expand? Is the constant zero which causes neither expansion nor contraction of the universe? Is it positive which causes the universe to contract? Right now it appears to be slightly negative and is causing the universe to expand at an accelerating rate. Whatever the answer is it can be explained by the known four forces.

Everything isn't determined by the "four known forces of physics."

What you say, speaking strictly in terms of the physical world/universe/...&,
is mostly true. My belief in a higher being, unbound by our laws, convinces
me that, of the polarities that play upon men, one or the other shall claim a
man upon death. That is why I heed, as omens, my paranormal experiences
(not all are holy, so one's aim need be/remain true).

The fact is that what men do not understand they tend to define as dark (as
was the case with dark matter and dark energy). It is often due to fear. Yet,
as focus allows the archer to hit the bull's eye on a target, one's attention can
conquer fear. My sights are set on the sublime.

I elaborated because one man's nil is another man's nada--
nothingness engulfed Hemmingway in suicidal despair
after he replaced the title and nouns in the Our Father with "nada."

Peace be with you.

Thematic music.
Sorry, I don't have anything constructive to add right now: I just love the idea of the "Baez Crackpot Index". :) What might the units of measurement be for this index? Forum posts?
Sorry, I don't have anything constructive to add right now: I just love the idea of the "Baez Crackpot Index". :) What might the units of measurement be for this index? Forum posts?
Taken contextually, I laughed until I cried and laughed some more. Thanks.
The unanswered question relative to dark energy is this:

The vacuum state of the universe is expressed in Einstein's stress-tensor. In that equation there is a factor called the Cosmological Constant. The value of the constant is determined by the vacuum state. Is the vacuum state negative because the vacuum is negative (literally less than zero energy, which is absolutely possible) which causes the vacuum to repel matter and cause the universe to expand? Is the constant zero which causes neither expansion nor contraction of the universe? Is it positive which causes the universe to contract? Right now it appears to be slightly negative and is causing the universe to expand at an accelerating rate. Whatever the answer is it can be explained by the known four forces.

Would you agree, Darby, that "less than zero" means that numbers are involved here in the equation, we just don't know what they are? We have no reason to find those numbers because we don't know what we are looking for yet.

This expansion and contraction, ebb and flow, the beating heart, it all involves time. And time (progression and digression) is a result of gravitational forces.
Time is related to food, especially dinner. When you're hungry and want more, you ask for "seconds". But seconds are also how we measure time. So time traveling keeping mass (quantity of food) constant means you have no seconds, and therefore time stops. To go back in time, you must "un-eat" the seconds you already ate.
This expansion and contraction, ebb and flow, the beating heart, it all involves time. And time (progression and digression) is a result of gravitational forces.

I am not sure where you are getting that conclusion John? That time is a "result" of gravity?

How about this? Maybe time exists wherever a human mind is present to count and measure it? (In the sense that a brain/mind is constructed to work in a sequential linear fashion, or at least one side of it is)
Time is related to food, especially dinner. When you're hungry and want more, you ask for "seconds". But seconds are also how we measure time. So time traveling keeping mass (quantity of food) constant means you have no seconds, and therefore time stops. To go back in time, you must "un-eat" the seconds you already ate.

But GLaDOS, o_O I thought you had already proved that time was related to feet and shoes....wait.... does this imply a more complicated unified theory of feet and dinner?
But GLaDOS, o_O I thought you had already proved that time was related to feet and shoes....wait.... does this imply a more complicated unified theory of feet and dinner?
I think there is something peculiar about those people who step on grapes with their feet and consume the product with their food. Maybe they are time travelers.