TTI Merchandise


Epochal Historian
Hey Rauel' that's really nice!

The price is not bad and I think you've got a customer.

C'mon everybody, buy some of these fine T-shirts, and or a seats, to help TTI out.

Really, not a bad deal!?
There's some excellent additional options (including, YES!, black t-shirts) in the "Premium Shop", but that requires a monthly fee and I'm not sure it's a viable option right now. I'm not sure anyone's going to buy anything at all. So why pay for the Premium Shop when I can't even sell anything in the Basic Shop? See, it's a catch 22. If only I could travel into the future and predict the success of the Premium Shop!

Right now, I can't even use any product more than once. So if I wanted to make two different t-shirts, I couldn't! And I have some great ideas. Different t-shirts. Different colors. Bumper stickers. The works! Ah, well.

I bought one of the shirts. Nice! Good fit and comfortable. The quality seems to be very good as well. It certainly brings in the questions wilst wearing it. Cafe also shipped it out quickly. Wow, when my wife says I can, I am going to buy more stuff!
Hi i will like to know some or any step to travell to the future
I was doin some experiment using diferent emails address asn evereday send email back and for to my selft but it havent work yet

Can you share some ideas with me..!


Now that we've relaunched, we're probably going to be looking at making some new branded merchandise with the new logo. Then, one day, we'll go all retro and bring back the old logo on some merchandise, but we'll be all ironic about it and "Whatever, I don't care" and flip our hair and stuff.
I have a shirt and love it. =) Can't wait to see what you come up with next and then I'll purchase something again.
Ok im new. Im here to tell you i think know how to use golden ratio for travel in space.

Perhaps you should start a new thread then? And if you are talking about space travel, and not time travel, you might put this new thread under a forum other than this one. Sound good?