Who is Ellen Blair from the year 2036?


Temporal Navigator
On the night of June 9, 2007, I had been signed in on MSN messenger when suddenly, a user wanted to add me to my contact list. It was Agent, (Last Name), (First Name) with an email that read black ops. I accepted it and the avatar displayed something like the avatar I have for my profile on TTI. A U.S. DoD emblem with a black background. I searched Google for the person's name and it was someone who worked for Wright-Patterson AFB. I was 18 at the time, so I was silly and had a weird conversation with this supposed person when it could have been anyone posing as someone in the military...

Until... In mid 2008, he had contacted me again and Asaid, "You're being watched. I have left my organisation. I just want to warn you to be careful." I remember a strange thing happened. An unmarked white cargo van pulled up along the road shortly after the message, stopped, eventually drove off and lit up the place a few times and left.

The year prior, on June 9th, 2007...

"When somebody by the name of Ellen Blair contacts you, do not engage in any contact or conversation with her. This is imperitive as you are key to an event in the future along with a few others. DO NOT ENGAGE IN ANY FORM ON CONTACT WITH ELLEN. You may not understand now but when the time comes you will, remember my words. Just walk away from her when it happens. Goodbye."

"She is originally from the year 2036. She is part of a special operations unit. I cannot tell you more."

"C204, part of her unit, part of the equipment her and her team uses."

"Just walk away when she approaches you. OK?"

"It is an event in the future you are a part of. This is why we are interested in you." - Jun 9, 2007

"Ms. Blair observed you yesterday." - Jun 18, 2014

I live in Canada, SK, prairie lands... What does the U.S. DoD have to do here in a rural municipality, and with me?

My right hand on a Holy Bible, swearing the truth, this small community outside of city limits, has had continuous strange lights in the sky flying over rooftops 10-50 ft. from the ground to high altitude. My first 'important' UFO sighting was in the 2007-2008 winter... I think it was January '08. It was a large ball of fire that hovered over the ground just outside the community. It was about 5-10 ft. from the ground and moved very slowly northward. It was amber in color and seemed reflective and the body self-luminous.

It looked as though it had a slight melting effect, I'm not too sure... Anyway, I caught it just within a narrow window of time, through the font window... It was very strange because, there was some amber light hitting the living room wall, which prompted me to look... My mom at the time seen the UFO too... I wanted to run out and capture it on camera but, I felt like I shouldn't and just stare at the extraordinary object. I also felt a slight fear that if I pursued it, something bad might happen to me or it'd disappear by the time I find a camera and pursue it.

I've encountered a blue self-luminous sphere, basketball sized, that flew over me within 5-15 ft. Seen a white star-like object that appeared to be in the 100-200 ft. altitude range brighten gold/amber and returned to white. Mostly seen white star-like objects brighten and return to its original luminosity... Brighten and disappear... Fly in pairs... Seen a few black triangular objects in high altitude as they passed under the light of the stars/cosmos... I've had feelings that something was outside and there was a strange light in the sky when I checked... I've looked at specific spots in the skies a few times in my life and a light would brighten and disappear...

I've voluntarily checked myself and tested, I don't have schizophrenia... I do have mild Aspergers. That's nothing I'm ashamed of, being an Aspie has its perks. I'm an INTP personality-type, tested twice. I believe the agent's organization exists or has existed because, I had been followed for awhile and I quote, "We've studied you for several years."

All of this is just something I feel TTI, Titor, and time travel believers and such should have some knowledge about, that strangely, it's a very active topic in the real world somehow... I know about OETWO (correct acronym?) and some skeptics here but, if I could talk to you all personally, I'd do my best to tell the truth. Everything is not entirely fictional. The real-world is and can be, just as equally weird as what fiction is.

Who is Ellen Blair? Why do I see lights in the sky? Family... Friends... Acquaintances... Strangers... Have seen some of what I've been seeing in the skies. I've had some sightings captured on video. One time, a relatively large star-like UFO flew through Moose Jaw, SK, Canada between 4-5 AM at the brink of the skies lighting up from darkness. It was slowly hovering silently from off in the distance and came closer and continued off into the distance. It was about as bright as a welders arc (minus the sparks and noise). It was suppose to be on camera but, when I checked the file, the playback was black and there was some muffled sounds, like it had been handled. Weird.

"They usually target the subconscious, when the target sleeps." Could Ellen Blair be on a mission to investigate UFO activity? Could they, at some point in time, be reading this post? I'm still searching for the truth.

I will sometime create a video on YouTube of the location(s) these sightings and encounters have occurred and share the knowledge I have accumulated all these years to the best of my abilities. I was invited for an interview by Global News but, I wasn't ready and may not be for awhile but, a book and a video is something I will finish.

The public deserves to know what some of a 'black op' with UFOs is and involves. The public deserves to know that very strange real-world aerospace activities take place very close to home and that there are psychological-esque operations that continue to this day on unsuspecting citizens by the military, by the intelligence community. After all, the CIA's MK ULTRA was destroyed and prosecuted. What no one talks about is Canada's involvement. Time for me to go... I got a life to live.

...and what is this?




Blair has been mentioned here multiple times, and there are those that claim knowledge of her, but will not divulge any information. You and I posted about this before, I believe in one of the titor threads.

Who is Ellen Blair?

And my account isn't approved to read the link you posted...

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Blair has been mentioned here multiple times, and there are those that claim knowledge of her, but will not divulge any information. You and I posted about this before, I believe in one of the titor threads.Who is Ellen Blair?
And my account isn't approved to read the link you posted...
That's a link to the Discourse forum we were on for a while - Keeping it "alive" until I'm done moving posts off of it. I've updated the link so it should work now.

I was asked about this on another social media platform and watched a YouTube video to gather what we currently know.

You don't get tested for a mental illness on just one day.


Schizophrenia(split mind) is a spectrum mental disorder

People who exhibit at least 2 of these traits may have it.

1.) Delusions(false beliefs) of Grandeur(I am a black ops agent who flies a UFO triangle.)

2.) Delusions of Paranoia(Satanic aliens are working with a secret cell within the CIA watching my every move.)

3.) Disorganized Speech(flight of ideas(talking too fast), word salad(like Yoda but sometimes incomprehensible), making up too many words

4.) Hallucinations(hearing voices, seeing things)Not to be confused with Disassociation/Multiple Personalities as these hallucinated voices or things do not have names or background stories.

5.) Waxy Flexibility(strange posturing, ridged posturing, especially in the hands)

6.) Flat/Blunt Affect(no sympathy, no emotion, or expressing the wrong emotion at the wrong time)

A person with Schizophrenia may also be considered to be a genius by some.

Perhaps because of something called "Brain Pruning" the person naturally focuses on the areas of the brain that work well.

As you might guess, these behaviors can also be seen in other mental disorders and that is why it is on a spectrum.

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I'm not sure cubikdice said he did it in one day, more like that he was tested multiple times. And also, your list of symptoms is of no help to anyone. If your worried that your mental health is effecting your life negetivly, seek professional help (start with your family doctor if you feel comfortable). There is no shame in searching for a better life.

Now back to Blair? You mentioned a YT video but didn't add the link, or even discuss what you gained from it.

I was asked about this on another social media platform and watched a YouTube video to gather what we currently know.You don't get tested for a mental illness on just one day.

Schizophrenia(split mind) is a spectrum mental disorder

People who exhibit at least 2 of these traits may have it.

1.) Delusions(false beliefs) of Grandeur(I am a black ops agent who flies a UFO triangle.)

2.) Delusions of Paranoia(Satanic aliens are working with a secret cell within the CIA watching my every move.)

3.) Disorganized Speech(flight of ideas(talking too fast), word salad(like Yoda but sometimes incomprehensible), making up too many words

4.) Hallucinations(hearing voices, seeing things)Not to be confused with Disassociation/Multiple Personalities as these hallucinated voices or things do not have names or background stories.

5.) Waxy Flexibility(strange posturing, ridged posturing, especially in the hands)

6.) Flat/Blunt Affect(no sympathy, no emotion, or expressing the wrong emotion at the wrong time)

A person with Schizophrenia may also be considered to be a genius by some.

Perhaps because of something called "Brain Pruning" the person naturally focuses on the areas of the brain that work well.

As you might guess, these behaviors can also be seen in other mental disorders and that is why it is on a spectrum.
What has this got to do with the identity of Ellen Blair? Are you trying to say (in a long-winded way) that Ellen Blair is the figment of the imagination of a schizophrenic?

Let's not circle back round to this...

Cubikdice is not the only person with these claims, and as he said, has been analysed by what I'm assuming are professionals. So let's get on topic here.

JT2, what do you know? Are any of the people claiming to know answers still active here? Any TTI veterans hear anything about her during the Titor research?

What has this got to do with the identity of Ellen Blair? Are you trying to say (in a long-winded way) that Ellen Blair is the figment of the imagination of a schizophrenic?
He may be helping the poster and readers by supplying information about Schizophrenia because the poster stated he didn't have it.

@John Titor 2 Would you like to chime in? :D

Yes, that's correct...Once Every Two Weeks Or (so)
But it doesn't apply to you or your story. I made it up a decade or more ago when, about every two weeks, we'd have yet another story posted by a hit-and-run poster, i.e. post an outrageously silly story (usually involving Titor), reply to a couple of posters responses and then disappear never to be heard from again.

I have returned to TTI to answer anyone's questions with regards to my contact with the black ops organization and Ellen Blair to the best of my knowledge. However, I must restrict any personally identifiable information to the agent's identity. It was disclosed briefly before, but soon after redacted by RMT by my request, so as to not tarnish the agent's public record. However, I can detail some facts about the agent who had contacted me. He had worked for Wright-Patterson AFB and specialized in identification technologies. He's a very real person with a professional background and he was not acting alone.

This last decade, my research and investigation into the agent's organization, "black ops", has garnered a significant amount of interesting data to the case. However, despite gathering "breadcrumbs" about black ops in search for the truth, it still leads to more questions rather than solid answers.

Weeks after I had my 18th birthday in 2007, I was contacted by an agent through MSN messenger. It was disclosed that I had been studied for several years. I was informed I had suffered from a mild form of Asperger's syndrome and some other mild illness. I did not know a whole lot about these illnesses at the time and began checking what they meant. A year or so later, I decided to go and get professionally checked, because events had transpired with regards to UFO phenomenon, months after their contact with me. It was confirmed that I did not likely suffer from the other illness at the time, but did indeed have Asperger's syndrome. The diagnosis confirmed without a shadow of a doubt, that this organization was studying me, obviously psychologically for some time prior to them making contact with me.

Their emails to me has always been very cryptic and rarely an occurrence, happening maybe once or twice a year at a time. He had initially stressed that he had to continually change his encryption and proxies and that making any direct contact with him through his work email cannot be trusted.

How does Time Travel tie into any of this today?


1. UFO's

2. Predictions by Black Ops


It has long been postulated that UFO's exhibit some form of anti-gravity propulsion system. Theoretically, if something has stronger gravity than its surrounding, time becomes displaced from where it's affected. In other words, if you were to get closer to a black hole, time would appear to slow down from you as opposed to who's observing from afar. But, time proceeds normally from where you are present. Therefore, the observer would appear to be speeding up. My explanation into this is not exactly perfect, but the reason I'm explaining this is because I've had innumerable sightings and close encounters with UFO's this past decade. The reason why I got checked for Asperger's is because he was with the U.S. Air Force and may have something to do with these sightings and encounters I had been having. I needed some kind of concrete validation that I wasn't being trolled and that there may be some link with the air force and these objects in the sky.

Predictions by Black Ops

A cryptic message I received from their email read along the lines of, "Something happens to you in your early 30's. You become isolated, even more so than now."

Today, having gone through most of my 30th year in life, I have very much lost a great deal of social freedom than I had prior. Weeks before my 30th birthday last year, my best friend, with whom I loved very much, died in a fatal car accident. There are two different stories from the crash... The police and the press reported that he had hit an oncoming car head on, but my friend's car displayed a very different story... His vehicle was severely rear ended in a city zone, rather than the highway. The rear end of his vehicle was plowed in towards the front driver's and passenger's area. The lady who had hit him has been pressing to charge his family for damaging her vehicle and supposedly whiplash. She's also been pressing to have his cross removed from the scene.

When I was 18, I had no friends and for years was very much living my life on the computer up until I turned 25. It was then I decided to live life and see what partying was all about, because my teenage years were devoid of friends and anything to do with socializing in the real world. From the age of 25 up until the first week of May, 2019, I gained many friend's and experienced the party life. I then found work as a contractor, as a remote satellite internet installer and LTE technician from 2018 to June 2019. Life was looking promising as I was raking in lots of money and had a new vehicle... Until my friend's fatal accident, I couldn't handle myself emotionally under the pressure of work and bills after a month grueling through 40-60 hours a week. My grieving was very hard.

I was unable to cope with his passing and work at the same time. There suddenly was mechanical issues with my work vehicle. The turbo had failed and the exhaust was coming out in white plumes of smoke... My employer stressed to me greatly, to get it fixed or find another vehicle to get back to work - pronto! I was forced to go and get the vehicle, that was leased, exchanged for another vehicle or lose my job that I had very much enjoyed doing.

As soon as another vehicle was approved, oddly, it had taken over a week to become approved, the monthly payments doubled and so too was the price of the newer vehicle... I worked for about another month or so and couldn't take it anymore with the grieving process. Ultimately, the vehicle and my job was lost. However, because I had taken pride in my work, they couldn't fault me enough to take my technical license away. I had just lost a subcontracting position, but up until today, I've been left without any vehicle and any work as a result... I had been driving freely since my teens and had a huge social life upturn after my mid-twenties. Now, I've just been living in my own place, alone since December and for the first time in my life... Isolated and depressed more than ever.

If there's anything more that black ops was right about, it is that I have indeed become isolated more so than at the time he had predicted it.

As for Ellen Blair. The agent had warned me that I'd be key to an event in the future along with a few others... That she and her special operations unit from the year 2036 would show up. That I should just walk away from her when it happens, with regards to the event. I have no idea what the event is. The agent had said that I'd understand when the time comes. Whatever that means.

Honestly, there's so much more to detail here, but it's 5 AM in the morning and I need to get some shut eye. I'll return later on to continue outlining what I've gathered about black ops and everything in relation to UFO's, time travel, and Ellen.

Cubikdice AKA Matt reporting from March 3rd, 2020.

Edit: Apologies to Darby's post, I missed the tidbit that he wasn't referring to me or my story as an OETWO.

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