Example posted as a mode


Epochal Historian
Multiple T localed frames:Where mass and time share locals around T-mass junctions, T multiple localed frames can be realized in parody.

The android model utilizes a T- localed expressed time door, where because of a particle stream enacting on time and space, multiple facets have expressed themselves.

The example is held in the said mythical Commander Data, of the United Federation Of Planets.

>This is where since in analogy, all robotic participants either in real-time, or in separate realities, have a tendency to rapidly communicate with one another, in oder to realize parody each machine's situation.

This is expressed as no circuit board placed components, however reacting is such a fashion, that their actions emulate train, placed upon any one circuit board.

The need for electrical parody, is expressed by these said realized machine parts, so the rapid realization of both space time and placements, entailing their collective situations is now in fourier mode.

The example sites, where the prime replicant nearing the T localed particle fountain knows it has been replicated, that machine must therefore look for another unit, which is held in optimum time authority decision making capability.

All eyes realize by expressive function, that the character who realizes that time and space is multipart and can rest with this decision to authoritative decision, is then elected.

These units have fifty times the reasoning capability of the most advanced centrally held CUPs, as a fully simulated artificial brain, has the ability of deductive reason.

So therefore the process of trigonoimic chance functions is elected and only one androbot, is allowed to close the time particle fountain.

>Rarely a cyborg would be able to do such a duty, as in some elements of his semi-manfuacting set, part of his frames may be in comparative dissociated states?

>In humans terms these ideals are defined:All times are like that time.
This said equals cultural or singular psychosis, however is not manifested as a true disease, however a similar relative function, utilized by said real, or supposed time travelers.

Any time one picks, is that time:
This is a device to where multiple phases of time are realized by humans, as being termed THAT TIME and no other time.

The selection of time, via a time traveler in mode only violates certain medical perceptions.

However if the user of time travel, knows their craft and realizes that an accepted level of time travel protocols is in effect, then there would not be a termed violation.

These said terms are secular to time travel usage.







Noted correction for historical purposes:

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif is not always globally constant.

Every fifth day, any two /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif can be mathematically and logistically replaced by the natural log function of Pi raised to the /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif.

Take note to not use this substitution incorrectly, for it can /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif and said result can not be :D

John Titor, you can delete this post when you read it on your return in 2012.

Note to this post:Differing stile of proposed androbots are indicated here, as use project for the now and future.

The first stile is a copy of Earthbased man.

This would entail the set of components, that are based on a human frame, have a good power source and that have the abilities of higher reason functions.

The second set is intimated as a smaller android frame, very highly detailed work; however the social patterns of these smaller humanoid frames, are meant to act within groups.
Notitie bij deze post: Afwijkende stijl van voorgestelde enrobots worden hier vermeld, als gebruiks project voor het heden en de toekomst.

De eerste stijl is een kopie van aardegebaseerde man.

Dit brengt een set van componenten met zich mee die gebaseerd zijn op een menselijk raamwerk, met een goede energiebron en die de mogelijkheid hebben van hogrere redeneringsfuncties.

De tweede set is is te kennen gegeven als een kleiner androïde raamwerk, heel gedetaileerd werk; echter de sociale patronen van deze kleinere humanoïde raamwerken, worden bedoeld binnen groepen.

Ah.. it all makes sense now.

A ha! Good idea, Roel! I think you may have found part of the clue:

Ich kann deutsches wenig sprechen, also lasse mich versuchen, Creedo zu ubersetzen. Achtung:

"Anmerkung zu den dieses post:Differing Arten der vorgeschlagenen androbots werden hier, wie Gebrauchprojekt fur jetzt und Zukunft angezeigt.

Die erste Art ist eine Kopie des Masse gegrundeten Mannes.

Dieses wurde den Satz der Bestandteile, den basieren auf einem menschlichen Rahmen zur Folge haben und haben wurde eine gute Energiequelle, die die Fahigkeiten der hoheren Grundfunktionen haben.

Der zweite Satz wird als kleinerer android Rahmen, sehr in hohem Grade Einzelheit angedeutet. Jedoch gestaltet die Sozialmuster von diesen kleineres humanoid, werden bedeutet, innerhalb der Gruppen zu fungieren."

I'm not sure I did a good job with selecting all the right words, but maybe this makes more sense than Creedo's original post? :D

This would entail the set of components, that are based on a human frame, have a good power source and that have the abilities of higher reason functions.
And are you going to build one, Creedo? If so, I'll give you a big clue to help you: I gave you the architecture required for such an "androbot", and its higher reasoning capabilities, in a post at another part of this forum.

Ever heard of a Golem, Creedo?

Kind Regards,