Greetings from a Parallel Earth *DELETED*

Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Yet more impossible variation in story.....

On the spiritual forum....

Our dimensional travel machine works (I was not a scientist on my planet, so the details are beyond my complete understanding) by transmuting the soul to a body in another dimension, and always a body that has requested such an exchange. the body transferred to has to REQUEST an exchange. How does this tie up with what he said here....

The crystalline machine by which I traveled here transferred my soul to this timeline via new birth. My physical body on my Earth ceased to exist at that time. It was something I volunteered for, so it does not sound nearly as harsh as it may seem. I was born in the southern United States, as a legal citizen of course. This was not a virginal birth, as in so many of this Earth's god-man stories, but was an "ensoulment" of the fetus created by my father's sperm and mother's egg on this Earth.

How the hell does a FOETUS request a soul exchange ???

What I find laughable is how it never occured to him that anyone from here might go check the other forum precisely to see if the story changes. Even our grand hoaxer Titor made sure there was some consistency in his story across forums. To alter fundamental ( and being 'born' here vs being 'ensouled' at 17 is pretty fundamental ) details of the story is a recipe for disaster !
Another OWETO right on que...

Gone from the forum on the day that I predicted and deleted all of his posts as he left.

Corcoran? Eyecare74? Do you get it now? These people are transparent. This one was a no brainer. They come here to post their personal political views. They are not here to talk about time travel.

"Oh, peace and love and the world has to change it's ways and my world is all about living together in a socialist One-World-Government harmony and ...frack you all as I leave and delete my posts just as any good troll would do." ~Quote from "The Essence of Churchhead"

BTW: This is precisely why on Anomalies we have the edit/delete function set to 20 minutes. After 20 minutes you cannot edit or delete your posts.
Corcoran? Eyecare74? Do you get it now? These people are transparent.

Oh I get it, I got it from the start. I stated I did not buy what he or she was selling. I just liked the fact he or she didn't go with the same "I'm from the future" crap. If they had not stated they were from an identical planet, universe..etc, they would have had vastly much more "wiggle room" so to speak. That and a bit more scientific knowledge.

You your self stated:

I'll give you that. I am stating the laws of physics in this universe. In theory the laws could be different in other universes should they actually exist.

This a very true statement, which was my premise from the very start, and why I stated the debunking methods used by your self and the others would not work on something like this. Of course it is not an argument you would more than likely accept because the would be claimant would have no proof to back such claim. It would be most difficult to prove something of such caliber because now they would be subject to our scientific laws, and not their own.

Just as if you some how were magically transferred to some other universe with different basic elemental laws, nobody would believe you either. So it's really a no win situation for the claimant, even if they were legitimate. Of course if it were me, I would keep my mouth shut, learn all I could learn, then get back home as soon as I
This a very true statement, which was my premise from the very start, and why I stated the debunking methods used by your self and the others would not work on something like this. Of course it is not an argument you would more than likely accept because the would be claimant would have no proof to back such claim. It would be most difficult to prove something of such caliber because now they would be subject to our scientific laws, and not their own.

The problems for the claimant are much, MUCH bigger than you insinuate. The biggest issue relates to how finely tuned the laws of physics appear to be for our universe. So much so that anyone claiming to be from a universe where the laws of physics are different... would stand no chance of being able to exist in THIS universe, much less be able to make any predictions or suggestions about how we should live. The laws of phyiscs, as we know them, are tightly coupled to one another. That means you can't make "minor tweaks here and there" amongst them and expect to have a universe that looks anything like ours, much less hold together in a coherent fashion.

Then there is the theory that sentience (and therefore the concept of souls and spirits) are properties that emerge from the basic "physical matrix" and therefore the basis of these metaphysical structures flows from the physics. If such a theory is even remotely true, it spells major problems for churchhead's "soul transferrence" idea if the physical laws are different.

All of this speaks to why no claimant here should be given the "benefit of the doubt" and why the scientific method mandates as much. This is why what Darby, Twighlight, myself, and others here do with regard to debunking is not only not problematic, it is highly appropriate. Any other argument against what we do is based in nothing but emotion, and not science. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Always. Any attempt to give a claimant a benefit of the doubtt, or even worse and say "you can't prove it's not true" is disingenuous and emotional.

BTW: This is precisely why on Anomalies we have the edit/delete function set to 20 minutes. After 20 minutes you cannot edit or delete your posts.

Yep. Unfortunately, I do not have control over those settings. Only Raul does. I will write him a note to see if we can at least cut down the edit time to something a bit more 1-2 days.

Until then, I suggest one of us should "capture and quote" each new claimant's initial post as soon as they start a thread. We kind of did it, piecemealwise, on this one as we progressed. I will try to remember to do it on the next one.

LOL.....he's now claiming that his posts here were by a 'disinformation agent'

I am aware of the posts by a "disinformation agent" at the other forum. Those kinds of occurrences exhibit the fact that my race is not perfect (something I would never claim). The one using the name "churchhead" was not myself, and has been retrieved by the Head Council.

Never mind alternate realities......this guy seems to have issues with the bog standard version.
All of this speaks to why no claimant here should be given the "benefit of the doubt" and why the scientific method mandates as much. This is why what Darby, Twighlight, myself, and others here do with regard to debunking is not only not problematic, it is highly appropriate. Any other argument against what we do is based in nothing but emotion, and not science. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Always. Any attempt to give a claimant a benefit of the doubtt, or even worse and say "you can't prove it's not true" is disingenuous and emotional.

Personally, I feel it has little to do with any 'benefit of the doubt'. There is always a chance that some whacky story MIGHT be true. Where the claimants TRULY fall over, no matter how much leeway one might give, is that they dig a hole for themselves and then fall in it.

No matter how much science may not yet know, there is one thing one can state with absolute irrevocable certainy.....and that is that any story such as Churchheads MUST be logically self-consistent. So one does not really even have to 'scientifically disprove' a story......all one actually need do is look for internal contradictions and logical fallacies. Once you have found KNOW the story is not true !!

Churchhead's story is full to the brim with contradictions, alterations to the story, and logical fallacies. I do not NEED to know what the physics is like in some other universe to KNOW that the story is a load of bullshit.

This is in fact the very first step of the scientific method....before any 'science proper' is even applied. Churchhead falls at the first hurdle......into a pit of his own making.
LOL.....he's now claiming that his posts here were by a 'disinformation agent'

Indeed, and I suppose it is just a "coincidence" that he shows up and registers at that forum and makes his first post on the exact same day that he cleans-out and deletes his posts here?

Someone just enjoys lying...
Corcoran? Eyecare74? Do you get it now? These people are transparent. This one was a no brainer. They come here to post their personal political views. They are not here to talk about time travel.

Yes, I understand. I don't personally believe that churchhead was actually from another world, but I was interested in his spiritual beliefs. I still think a religion/spirituality forum would be a good idea, so I'm going to suggest it in the appropriate forum.

Churchhead is posting at the forum I directed him to (at which I am also a member,, under the username Tap Canfield) so hopefully he will settle in there. Is he a he, actually?
Indeed, and I suppose it is just a "coincidence" that he shows up and registers at that forum and makes his first post on the exact same day that he cleans-out and deletes his posts here?

Well, he's fallen into his own I point out in the spiritual forum. I mean, how does anyone now know whether the NEW 'Churchhead' is also a 'disinformation agent' or not ?

I got a message from the High Council only this morning ( they are now contacting me too ) saying that Churchhead is a dangerous renegade wanted for falsely impersonating their religious leadeer.
I got a message from the High Council only this morning ( they are now contacting me too ) saying that Churchhead is a dangerous renegade wanted for falsely impersonating their religious leadeer.

Certainly just as plausible as any of his own statements, sans validation!!

I also notice he has decided not to try the "solar power tractor" sales job in his new story on the spiritual forums. Perhaps he did, at least, learn something from us backward humans on this backwards planet! :D

Churchhead Post-Mortem:

1. Churchhead initially claimed to be the head of the "one true" religion on a parallel earth, sent to this earth in order to enlighten the populace.

2. He went on to make the following claims:

- Fossil fuels were not and had never been used on his earth. They had a large reliance on solar power
- He had zero knowledge of the technology used to send him to this earth.
- Enlightened aliens provided his people with the knowledge they needed to survive.
- Our major religious figures had analogues on his earth, but none of them ever claimed divinity.
- People from his earth performed the work they were "called" to do. Scrutiny of this revealed increasingly outlandish means by which no one had to do the "crap jobs".

3. Upon weakening of his story, Churchhead restated that he was in fact born on this earth, as the reincarnated "soul" (for lack of a better word) of the original person he claimed to be. No further reference to the previous "inter-dimensional travel" was made by Churchhead.

At this point, I was unable to monitor the thread, until this morning, when Churchhead had gone through and deleted all his posts. Would a kind soul care to complete this post-mortem?
Would a kind soul care to complete this post-mortem?

What else can one say, other than that ChurchHead is an outright liar and we have proof of it.

He fled to a 'spritual' forum to peddle his lies.....and there presented a story with fundamental differences to the one he told here.

When challenged on that at the other forum....he now claims that the 'ChurchHead' who posted here was not actually him at all, but a 'disinformation agent' !

Well, that is the point at which everyone without exception can see that the guy is just full of bovine excrement.

Ultimately, the guy is just an attention seeking troll......probably suffering from a much deserved inferiority complex.
In theory the laws could be different in other universes should they actually exist.

Yes, I did state that. But for some reason you left out the rest. If the laws of physics are different in one universe than another the matter from that universe would have a very "difficult" time enjoying its existence in the other universe where the laws of physics are different.
Yes, I understand. I don't personally believe that churchhead was actually from another world, but I was interested in his spiritual beliefs

What spiritual beliefs were they? Other than bumper-sticker one liner "philosophy" the only verified morality or ethic that was evident was that of a troll. Post a preposterous story, get responses and then delete the posts. Not much of a spiritual philosophy is it. It's not the first time and probably won't be the last time that the same crap has been pulled here and elsewhere by a self-rightous Kuhscheisser.
But for some reason you left out the rest

Sorry about that, I was not trying to misquote you. I was just referencing, that even you accept that it may be "possible", no matter how very remote, that our laws may not apply somewhere else in an alternate universe, if they actually exist, as you say.

The problems for the claimant are much, MUCH bigger than you insinuate. The biggest issue relates to how finely tuned the laws of physics appear to be for our universe. So much so that anyone claiming to be from a universe where the laws of physics are different... would stand no chance of being able to exist in THIS universe, much less be able to make any predictions or suggestions about how we should live. The laws of phyiscs, as we know them, are tightly coupled to one another. That means you can't make "minor tweaks here and there" amongst them and expect to have a universe that looks anything like ours, much less hold together in a coherent fashion.

I agree 100%. I know you guys are the detail people, I'm more of a general terms guy. As long as one gets the point I'm happy unless I'm actually trying to teach or fully explain something, then I'll go into details. Kind of like if my friend asks what’s wrong with my car, I'd respond that it broke down, where as you would probably go into full detail about how and where ..etc. Now if I went to the mechanic, that's where I'd go into detail. This world would be boring if everyone were the same