Hello I'm from the year 2046

Today's your lucky day, Lucy. For you and you only, I've disabled moderation in this forum category. Feel free to write all the lengthy answers and explanations you like.
Nope, read my P.M to you @Cosmo1598825723 you snivelling little weasel, please carry out your threat and remove my account and posts, pronto. The attempted hacking of my computer via this forum is absolutely tiresome, as I've said before this forum is the internet equivalent of a wild west saloon. Everytime I make the mistake of visiting this forum I feel the need to don a stetson.

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Out here in the Wild West that is TTI, we try to give people the wide open spaces they need to set up their claims, then enough lasso to hang themselves when it completely falls apart.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is a shining example of how NOT to claim to be a time traveler. For those of you playing at home, here's a few hints on how not to fail so completely that you effectively end up banning yourself:

  1. Use correct grammar and punctuation. It's 2016, we have the internet and there are a wealth of tools to both get your point across articulately AND help disguise your writing style. Grammarly is a great one.
  2. Be polite. Follow the rules of the forum and be respectful towards the community and its staff. If you're the one being pleasant, open and kind, guess what happens to the people trying to deconstruct your claims in anything less than a civil manner? That's right, they get moderated, probably warned, and sometimes even removed from the conversation.
  3. Post something compelling and attention-grabbing with your first post. Short, rapid-fire and nonsensical posts about how established science is wrong and you're carrying a micro-singularity around in a little box with caution tape poorly applied to the side just doesn't cut it anymore. Get creative.
  4. If you're going to take the risk in posting photos, at least make sure they're big enough to warrant a second look. Stripping the EXIF data from your photos is all well and good, but when your photos become smaller than the avatars here, it's time to re-evaluate what it is you're providing as proof. Also, don't make your second photo one that looks like it was the result of 3 minutes spent pushing a bunch of low-watt desk lamps together.
  5. When corresponding privately with the staff because you can't figure out how to upload images from behind your proxy that inexplicably routes through Pakistan, don't resort to name-calling and insane, unreadable accusations when the webmaster tries to find out what browser and OS you're using in order to try help troubleshoot the problem.
  6. Don't stalk the staff members. Sure, they might be friendly and want to discuss things with you here and on other forums, but taking steps to invade their private lives is a big no-no and just makes you look like a creeper.
  7. Be positive. The doom and gloom claimants are a dime a dozen. Have something enlightening and thought provoking to say.

You started out poorly, stuck around long enough to get noticed but then took a big ol' nosedive right off the credibility cliff. Guess that's just the way it goes here in the Wild Wild West.

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