I am a time traveler. Questions will be answered to my abillity

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Could you tell us a few generalized timeline facts that have probably occurred in most of the future of Earth?

Can you buy time travel for me in the future?

I have done things in the past that I regret.

I want to travel to my past and prevent myself from doing those things.

And meet famous people who are or have.

Been dead for sometime now and want to meet ancient people and learn their wisdom. As well as the advice they give me.

I want to go back before my dad started.

Drinking diet coke and to also prevent.

His parkinson’s and to prevent my.

Grandma from getting cancer and.

Prevent my aunt from getting brain cancer.

And to stop myself from saying one thing.

To my cat who was diabetic and had cancer.

I want to prevent him from becoming diabetic. As well as his mom she was diabetic. when will time travel be released to the public? will the time travel be free when it’s released to the public? where do we go to get the time travel? please thank you

I am a time traveler from the year 2054. I am stopping here to help with my understanding of 2001. I am being dispatched there to get Windows XP. The government has decided to use XP for secure communication as it is so old no one is trying to breach it. Feel free to ask me questions as I will be here for a while. I thought it best people know the truth.
I have a question and that is how do you transport a copy of windows xp and your self to the year 2054? Also I would like to know how you are able to time travel?

'Guest Joan Stainback]Well we ain't got a reason to lie to you today said:
"We ain't got a reason.."

"Ain't" used in 2054, and just like any other local illiterate?  No.

His writing style is much too modern and current to be from 2054!

"Just saying...." Is a recent and current phrase which denotes a "rude statement with an "escape clause!" Its "rude and crude and stupid" according to NPR! Highly inappropriate to be written by someone from 2054!

Fraudulent claim with absolute certainty! "Just saying!

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