I have info on John Titor

Greetings, welcome to TTI. Feel free to tell us as much as you can, and what kind of things you'd like to talk about.
Sounds interesting. So what's this JT like

Sounds interesting. So what's this JT like?
JT is like a professor in my opinion when ever I had any question he made sure I under stood it

Greetings, welcome to TTI. Feel free to tell us as much as you can, and what kind of things you'd like to talk about.
Alright I'll start by saying I'm one of john titor's son from another world line I've come back here in order to make sure this world line doesn't suffer the same as mine. Pls feel free to ask any questions if you wish.

Please let us know how you met. Where is he now?
He's now currently in 1975 the 1st time I met John Titor was in the battlefield of ww3 John Titor soon took me in to raise as a son. Although I can't say for sure this John Titor you know is the same from my world line. However their is still a John Titor in this world line l, currently 24 and lives in Florida

I don't know the exact reason but John Titor needed to have some business to deal with, and I'm guessing wanted to try out an experiment on time travel.
Yes from what I've read it sounds the same their were small differences like the like from who manufactured the time machine
You are a fraud. If John Titor is indeed real and what he told us back then is true then you in fact can not be here as he told us several times that it would be impossible for a time traveler using the same machine that he used to come back in time to this exact “Worldline.” So based off what you are saying that makes you a fraud or more importantly John Titor is now proven to be a fraud because what you are saying isn’t possible. Nice try

You are a fraud. If John Titor is indeed real and what he told us back then is true then you in fact can not be here as he told us several times that it would be impossible for a time traveler using the same machine that he used to come back in time to this exact “Worldline.” So based off what you are saying that makes you a fraud or more importantly John Titor is now proven to be a fraud because what you are saying isn’t possible. Nice try
Exactly and that's what I want to talk about, their has been some fake spreads of John titor and some literally look like the original but aren't.

Exactly as you can see certain messages of John titor don't match up meaning 3 reasons theirs 2 John titors, someone's pretending to be John titor, or Joseph Matheny was telling the truth