The Key Of Time

Brother Ray,

I do !

I think we all have covered alot of ground in this thread. Many things have come from contemplation of what we put on the table. I believe we are on quite a journey, and our eyes are really beginning to open up.

Interesting that for all the different ways the "clues" are spread around us, they all become as ONE in the end.

Many paths, ONE destination, eh?

As a side note: I only presented a small fraction of what I have been reading, if you like what you have read in this thread, you might be amazed with what hasnt been posted .

All together now....

1. There existed no matter, only force

2. A movement

3. A vortex of vibration

4. In the beginning, there was eternal thought

5. For thought to be eternal, time must exist

6. INTO the thought grew the Law of Time

7. Time is movement that is in a state of fixation

8. Time is the FORCE that holds events separate

9. Time is not in motion

10. Your consciousness moves from one event to another

11. Eternal One Existence

13. Even though in Time you are separate, yet you are still One in all times existent.

14. Time moves through strange angles

15. Yet only by curves could I hope to attain the key that would give me access to the time-space

16. "Light" is the goal you seek to attain

17. Find at the source, the End of your goal.

18. Light ( Vibration ) is life.

19. Without Light ( vibration ) nothing can ever exist.

20. In All Formed Matter, The HEART of Light always exists.

21. Saying in tones that rang through the silence, words of power, mighty and potent

22. Chanted they the song of the cycles, the words that opened the path to beyond.

23. I saw the great path opened and looked for an instant into the beyond

24. Saw I the movements of the cycles, vast as the thought of the Source could convey.

25. The Cosmos is Order

26. A movement that extends to all space. , constantly moving

27. A part of an Order of Orders

28. The wheeling of cycles

29. All that has being is growing to meet yet other being in a far-off grouping of space and of


30. Words are power to open the planes that are hidden from man

31. In Words lies hidden the key that will open above and below



32. When you and all your brethren were formless, formed forth were WE from the order of ALL.

33. Not as men are WE ...

34. Out of the Great Void were WE formed forth in order by LAW .

35. For know you that which is formed,

....truly is formless, having form only to your eyes.

36. Forth were WE formed after our order:


38. Know you that these are the numbers of cycles

39. that WE descend from unto man.

40. Each of us, WE having here duty to fulfill;

41. each having here a force to control.

42. Yet, are we ONE with the SOUL of our cycle.

43. Yet are WE , too, seeking a goal.

44. Far beyond man's conception,

45. Infinity extends into a greater ALL .

46. There, in a time that is yet not a time,

47. we shall All become ONE

48. with a greater than ALL .

49. Time and space here are moving in circles.

50. Know you their law, and you too, shall be free.

51. Aye, free shall you be to move Through the cycles--

52. pass WE the guardians that dwell at the door.


Michael --- Key Holder of Heaven --- Michaels Quadrangle is EAST.

"Who is as God"

The greatest of angels, chief of the orders of virtues and archangels, prince of presents ( Hmmmm...reference to time ? ), repentance, rightousness, mercy, sanctification, conqueror of the Dragon, known as Sabbathiel. Key Holder of Heaven.

Gabriel --- He who presides over paradise --- Gabriels Quadrangle is WEST

"God is my strength"

He is the angel who stands to the left hand of God, the angel of resurrection, mercy, vengence, death, revelations. He presides over Paradise, the spirit of truth, angel of war.

Raphael ---Guardian of the Tree of Life; Angel of the "Sun" --- Raphael's quadrangle is SOUTH.

"God had healed"

Labbiel. One who watches, guide of the underworld, regent of the sun, governer of the south, guardian of the west, guardian of the tree of life, angel of healing, angel of the Sun.

Quote from "Book of Tobias"; ' After the healing of the elder Tobias, Azarias, made himself known as " the angel Raphael, one of the seven , who stand before the Lord.'

Uriel ---Flame of God--- Uriel's quadrangle is North.

The Flame of God, regent of the sun, archangel of salvation, watcher of thunder and terror, repentance, interpreter of prophecies and dreams, disclosure of the mysteries of the heavenly arcane. Angel of the constellations


4. And I saw, and behold, a tempest was coming from the north, a huge cloud and a flaming fire with a brightness around it; and from its midst, it was like the color of the chashmal from the midst of the fire.

5. And from its midst was the likeness of four living beings, and this is their appearance; they had the likeness of a man.

6. And [each] one had four faces, and [each] one had four wings.

7. And their legs were straight legs, and the soles of their feet were like a round foot, and they sparkled like the color of burnished copper.

8. And human hands were beneath their wings on their four sides, and their faces and their wings were [the same] to all four of them.

9. Their wings joined one to the other; they did not turn when they walked; each one would go toward the direction of his face.

10. And the likeness of their faces was the face of a man, and the face of a lion was on their right, to the four of them, and the face of an ox to their left, to the four of them, and the face of an eagle [was] to the four of them.

11. And so were their faces. And their wings were extended upward; each one had two wings joined to each other, and two covering their bodies.

12. Now each one would go toward the direction of his face; wherever would be the will to go, they would go; they did not turn as they walked.

13. And the likeness of the living beings; their appearance was like fiery coals, burning like the appearance of firebrands; it was going among the living beings; and there was a brightness to the fire and from the fire came forth lightning.

14. And the living beings would run and return, like the appearance of the sparks.

15. And I saw the living beings, and behold, one wheel [was] on the ground beside the living beings for its four faces.

16. The appearance of the wheels and their work was like the appearance of crystal, and the four of them had one likeness, and their appearance and their workings were as a wheel would be within a wheel.

17. When they went, they went toward their four sides; they did not turn when they went.

18. And they had backs, and they were very high, and they were dreadful, and their eyebrows were full of eyes round about-[so it was] to the four of them.

19. And when the living beings would go, the wheels would go beside them; and when the living beings would lift themselves off the ground, the wheels would lift themselves.

20. Wherever there was the will to go, they would go; there was the will to go, and the wheels would lift themselves correspondingly to them, for the will of the living being was in the wheels.

21. When they [the living beings] would go, they [the wheels] would go, and when they would stand, they would stand, and when they would lift themselves up from the ground, the wheels would lift themselves correspondingly to them, for the will of the living being was in the wheels.

22. And there was a likeness over the heads of the living beings, of an expanse like the color of the severe frost extended over their heads above.

23. And beneath the expanse, their wings were straight, one [pointed] toward the other; this one had two that covered, to here, and that one had two that covered, to here, their bodies.

24. And I heard the sound of their wings, like the sound of many waters like the voice of the Almighty-when they went; the sound of stirring, like the sound of a camp; when they would stand, they would let down their wings.

25. And there was a voice above the expanse that was over their heads; when they stood still, they would let down their wings.

26. And above the expanse that was over their heads, like the appearance of a sapphire stone, was the likeness of a throne, and on the likeness of the throne, was a likeness like the appearance of a man upon it above.

27. And I saw like the color of chashmal like the appearance of fire within it round about, from the appearance of his loins and above; and from the appearance of his loins and below, I saw [a thing] like the appearance of fire, and there was a brightness round about it.

28. Like the appearance of the rainbow that is in the cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness round about; that was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord, and when I saw, I fell on my face, and I heard a voice speaking.


. Resonance

2. Rhythm

3. Melody

4. Harmony

5. Pitch

6. Timbre

7. Toning


Seven Holy Sacraments

1. Baptism

2. Confirmation

3. Communion

4. Penitence

5. Holy Orders

6. Matrimony

7. Unction with oil


The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit

1. Wisdom

2. Understanding

3. Counsel

4. Fortitude

5. Knowledge

6. Piety

7. Fear of God


The Seven Corporal Works of Mercy

1. To feed the hungry

2. To give drink to the thirsty

3. To clothes them without clothes

4. To harbor the harborless

5. To visit the sick

6. To visit the imprisoned

7. To bury the dead


The Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy

1. To admonish sinners

2. To instruct the ignorant

3. To counsel the doubtful

4. To pray for the salvation of thy neighbor

5. To comfort the sorrowful

6. To bear wrongs patiently

7. To forgive all injuries


The Seven Mortal Sins

1. Pride

2. Greed

3. Lewdness

4. Envy

5. Gluttony

6. Anger

7. Indolence ( Laziness )


In reply to:


(1) Measured by whom ? And who defines the "measurement" of Time ?

I don't think it is important.

(2) Really? Can you expand on this thought?

well, unfortunately I am not a physicist, but I know that matter is composed of atoms, and atoms particles. (correct me if I am wrong) and those particles are moving. and then everything is moving both on micro and macro level. therefore I said that if particles stop moving, there will be nothing to measure and there will no time. Einstein's twins paradox shows that as the speed of sth nears the light speed, time slows down because particles move slower. so it is possible for time to slow down. but ı find it difficult to get grips with the idea that time slows down as sth nears the light speed. why? what is the relation between speed and time? isn't time an absolute measure of movement regardless of speed?

(3) It may be possible, but in regards to our quest to understand the basics of time, and to possibly travel through time, this question shouldnt be given alot of

you may be right. :)


I don't think it is important.

I said that if particles stop moving, there will be nothing to measure and there will no time
I believe nothing will stop moving, so why spend time on questions that are not assisting you with building a strong foundation for progress? Don't get me wrong, it is good to ask all questions, and then decide which ones need no further thought, and then move on to the questions that DO apply to your journey......but then, assuming that everything did cease its motion, let me ask you this... when did they all stop moving ?

I am taking an esoteric route, one involving spiritual aspects. By gaining an insight into the very essences of creation. I am not necesssarily looking at time travel with scientific equations or needing mechanical devices to accomplish time travel.

Do you realize that you already have been free from the bondage of time and free from all the Laws of Physics?

Since I am peering into the essences of creation, the scientific realm will naturally enter into the picture, and science is discovering many things already known by many who have followed different routes of inquiry.

As I mentioned before, I can tell you how to travel through time, but it would require alot of effort and discipline on your part. Most people are not able to take such a journey, since the trip involves ripping away the veils that have prevented you from "seeing". To "see" requires sacrifices, and I must admit, I still need to sacrifice some things to ascend as I journey.

Einstein's twins paradox shows that as the speed of sth nears the light speed, time slows down because particles move slower. so it is possible for time to slow down. but ı---(I) find it difficult to get grips with the idea that time slows down as sth nears the light speed. why?

--- what is the relation between speed and time?

--- isn't time an absolute measure of movement regardless of speed?
Ray can answer those questions better than I can, my area of study doesnt really involve this route of inquiry.

well, then are you talking about a physical time travel or mental one? or are they intertwined like motion and time?

well, you seem to know how to travel in time. is it something which can be learnt? have you ever travelled in time? would you like to talk about that?

what do you mean by saying sacrifices? what kind of sacrifices?

Not wishing to speak for OvrLrd, but...

well, then are you talking about a physical time travel or mental one? or are they intertwined like motion and time?
The larger reality of our universe is that the integrated combination of Physical and Aphysical are inseparable. You can analyze each one separately, but in order to "remove the veil and see beyond it" you must treat the whole of Creation as a single, integrated entity. Thus Physical+Aphysical = ALL.This is what we are talking about. In another thread I am attempting to establish a firm foundation for the Physical side (using existing science with some minor extensions), and at the same time show how the Aphysical side follows the exact same architecture principles as the Physical side, not to mention being completely linked to the Physical by Action/Reaction (or some would call it Cause & Effect). ;) Think of it like this:

Physical = Hardware

Aphysical = Software

You need both for any complex, intelligent system to be able to Create and Perceive.



Excellent post. We are hitting both sides of the issue, you are addressing the "physical" facet's in your thread, I am addressing the "Aphysical" facet's in this thread.

They are different paths, but entwined together, pointed towards the same destination.

Your thoughts are always welcome and a crucial part of this thread. The same goes for almost every contributor to this endeavor.

(1)well, then are you talking about a physical time travel or mental one? or are they intertwined like motion and time?(2)well, you seem to know how to travel in time. is it something which can be learnt?

(3) have you ever travelled in time? would you like to talk about that?

(4) what do you mean by saying sacrifices? what kind of sacrifices?
(1) A spiritual one, with SOUL, Brother.(2) It is.

(3) Yes, No.

(4) There are veils that we create as we move through the journey of life, these veils block us from "seeing" the truth of ourselves and creation. The reality of existence masked by our ego's, personalities, beliefs, and other factors of this Earth accepted within your mind.

I wrote about harmonics and frequencies. If you re-read this thread and follow the links I provided in support of what I presented, you will discover how crucial "vibration" is to understanding time ( and all of creation ), you will also find that equilibrium and balance, are of primary importance.

Harmony is needed to obtain a balance required to "tune-in" to the vibrations of existence.


If I smoke, If I don't exercise, If I become burdened by sin, my balance and equilibrium will become twisted and tweaked.

Unless, I sacrifice the smoking

sacrifice the time used to "play" ( and use that time to exercise ),

sacrifice time to meditate,

sacrifice my reactions to others assaults,

sacrifice other sinful behavior,

only then will I be able to be free or capable of attaining any kind of balance.

Without that balance and equilibrium, the chances of success are unlikely. There are many factors that play into achieving the balance I speak of...

Sometimes we arent ready to "see" the truth about ourselves, and to do so without proper discipline, and to be caught unaware, could mean disaster.

Are you ready to see yourself as you truly are, your ego stripped bare, unmasked before ALL of CREATION ?


I used to meditate with the idea of wanting to be exactly like Jesus. To be just like Him, as He was when He walked the Earth fulfilling prophecy.

Within the 7th session of meditation, I felt myself seperate from the physical body, and I found myself standing within bright light.

A figure emerged from glare of the light and HE looked me in the eyes.

I "saw" and understood what it meant to be "just like Jesus".

Brother, I may as well have been hit on the head with a sledge hammer. The awareness that filled my being was just too much for me to bear. I turned away. I still am haunted by that, turning away, when I understood.


Imagine, As his Apostles slept on that fateful night, The Son of God , standing alone, as He waited for the Romans, knowing what had to take place to fulfill His destiny on Earth.

Hey OvrLord,

Lots of interesting clues here but I narrowed it down to a few that seem really pertinent.

"Time and space here are moving in circles."

Interesting choice of words here. In my minds eye, I perceive it in much the same way I perceive how the geologic column is actually constructed. Of course, the backbone of evolutionary theory has a great deal to do with the geological column. This is prety much how science plays the movie backwards to get a (very) general idea about the eras that the earth has passed through. Core samples can give us a great deal of information, but it is almost treated as though the earth has stood still for eons for the sake of those who think that they can get "specific" information from the many layers of the earth that are in constant flux--especially those areas which totally disappear when tectonic plates grind against each other and eventually either rise up or get pushed deeper into the earth. It is "like" the layers of an onion if you can perceive the onion as not one layer upon another but a continuous slice that wraps around and around until you get to the very core. The early earth was an "accreting disc" just like everything else in universe was formed, and it is still in flux today--although at a much slower pace. This is also how I perceive time and space "moving in circles". This is not really difficult to comprehend for those who have had a conscious understanding that "what goes around, comes around". We seem to return to the exact spot over periods of time--with some differences, of course--until we get it right. The most prominent of these cycles just happen to be "crisis points" in our lives, i.e., 7 years old, 14 years old, 21 years old, 28 years old, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84, 91, 98, 105.

"Know you their law, and you too, shall be free."

We know some of these laws--such as the one above about ages--, and others too. Some of these laws, as you so aptly pointed out, are not "comprehension" problems, but conceptual problems. Science seems to be going "full-bore" to attack some of these conceptual problems--and everything seems to be on the table. Unfortunately, for many, just the mention of some of these conceptual problems give some the license to believe that this is actually the way it is. Many worlds hypotheses come to mind along with some very esoteric ideas that have a certain "romantic" appeal to them, but just don't add up to the "ancient" knowledge. Even the Bible foretells of a time when the "Euphrates shall be dried up" which means, to me, that eastern thought will make inroads into western thought which will, in turn, open us up to the "inward way" combined with the "outward way".

Aye, free shall you be to move Through the cycles--

This, to me, is what the promise is all about. There is some literature "out there" that has intimated at just what this may entail. We are not talking about astral travel here. We are talking about literal, physical travel between worlds where space and time is irrevelant. We are going to have to "invent" new ways of "telling time".

"pass WE the guardians that dwell at the door."

This, again to me, is why paradox is impossible in this "kingdom". We may look at these guardians as "angels", but they are much more than that. You might even say that they are US and we would certainly not want to adversely affect ourselves in any way that would preclude us from being a part of this kingdom. We have to think in the same terms that denizens of this "reality" think--that is; "before Abraham was, I AM." In other words, from OUR viewpoint here, we die, we get laid to rest, we are in our graves for an eternity. From "their" point of view, we are already there enjoying all the fruits of timelessness. This creates a "paradox" here that is severe enough to cause entirely different worldviews to clash with each other. An obvious example of this are those who believe that when you die, you go to heaven. Others believe that when you die, you sleep until the resurrection. Whole religions are built around just this one simple idea. From the worldview of eternity--both can fit quite nicely into the reality.

Forth were WE formed after our order:


I believe that we have addressed this to quite an extent (the sevenfold spirit, the seven notes of the scale, the seven thunders, the seven "orders" of creation, etc.) Again, to me, this is total fulfillment of all forms of communication--about that which cannot be communicated by any "normal" means. That which was nameless, formless, timeless--created a perfect way to address the definition of the "thing", giving it form, and placing "space" around it to give it an "apparent age" as though it has always existed.

"that WE descend from unto man.

----------------Hmmmm...Tree of Life come to mind ?"

Most definitely!! Again, more layers of the onion.

"Watcher of thunder...

Uriel's quadrangle is North.


Interesting to note that in Ezekeil, the tempest comes from the North, with thunder...Hmmmmm...and Uriel's Quadrangle is the North, and is considered to be the watcher of the thunder. Truly, more is contained behind the obvious we are reading in these texts."

You are absolutely right here. What clearly comes to mind is the Seven Thunders. Daniel was given specific instructions to NOT disclose the Seven Thunders. It was to be sealed until the end. Well, here we are AT the end. I believe that this is to be understood also, and I can see WHY it was not to be disclosed until now. There was to be millenia of martyrs blood--TO MAKE UP THE NUMBER!! The seven thunders are nothing more--and nothing less-- than the seven specific periods in the life of Christ that CEMEMTED the truth of His Being. Each of these periods were PROCLAIMED which is actually what thunder means. They were seven proclamations that made us aware of what was happening--namely that MESSIAH was here. At each of these junctures, Christ was proclaimed as Son of God. They are: His birth, His Baptism, His Incarnation, His Crucifiction, His Resurrection, His Ascension, and finally His appearance at Pentecost that was accompanied by great sound that was heard throughout Jerusalem and tongues of fire. Thus began the greatest evanglization the world has ever seen. Oh yeah, it definitely came from the North which is where Christ is seen to be "today" as High Priest and King in the Holy of Holies. Of course, "today" is from the foundation of the world and lasts until the "eternal day".


"I also noticed this...

Know you their law, and you too, shall be free .

It doesnt say "THE" law, but indicates persons..."their" law. Very important to know.

Far beyond man's conception,

Conception is an interesting choice of terminology here. Why wasnt the word "comprehension" used, or "understanding" ? Far beyond man's conception....

Any ideas as to the meaning of this sentence ?"

This is the most important of all for it really embodies everything else. There are "laws" involved here that anyone who has actively involved themselves in an attempt to bring about concensus. EVERYONE has an agenda. Everyone has beliefs that are "set in stone". No matter how hard you try, the "ball" bounces back and forth and each tries to impress the others with their particular worldview. Each of those "seven" were the complete embodiment of their particular form of "communication". There was no higher understanding. They were "it". Yet, together, they were truly more than "all". It brings to my mind an experiment (reality experiment but experiment nonetheless), amongst twelve of us who endeavored to come to an understanding as to what "this" was all about. I'm not talking about twelve drifters here. I'm taling about twelve people who were about as strong as you can get (within humility) and who were firmly tethered to their specific viewpoints. The task was to bring all of us to a "center" which we could all agree to without compromising "mores" or unchanging beliefs. Needless to say, there was constant friction and endless attempts to divert the center to their particular view. It was only by "conscious" agreement to put "Christ" at the center did we make any headway. Eventually, over a period of months, we reached a point where nothing else mattered. This was the most important thing possible and UNITY was more than just a concept to be hoped for. It became a reality. We came to understandings about things that could not have happened otherwise. We have all gone our separate ways but not without the knowledge that any attempt to do this will meed with STIFF resistance from forces that are from without. This is a subject for another time, but there are definitely LAWS involved and if we can familiarize ourselves with these "natural" forces, the natural result is that we can "overcome" the "limits" that prevent us from reaching that which is seemingly unreachable--such as time!!

Thanks again for your imput. Very intuitive stuff!!


Biblical Trees: Of Life, Of Knowledge (good/evil)

OvLrdLegion & Zerubbabel:

Just felt it a good TIME to share these thoughts.

Genesis 2:9 - (The numbers are significant here! A pointer to a math model. 2 Trees. Nine nodes each.)

And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Emphasis mine)
The connection to the Qabalistic Tree Of Life here is obvious. If anyone has read several of my other posts here, they should be able to figure out this connection between the Bible and Science.In this post I'd like to focus on the other SPECIFIC tree that the Bible mentions as accompanying the Tree Of Life... the Tree Of Knowledge (with the add-on descriptor telling us "of Good and Evil").I think we can all agree, as humans, that KNOWLEDGE is a concept we align with our heads...specifically our brains. Right?

I think we can also all agree, as humans, that our heads are our most effective processors of INFORMATION... specifically our brains. Right?

If you accept this, then I would like to propose a statement of Truth about our Shared human condition and ask anyone/everyone to see if they either agree or disagree with this statement:

Fact: The human body, and specifically the human head, is a System that seeks to continually accrue and apply Knowledge through the operational (TIME-based) processing of Information.

Agree? Disagee? Discuss?

If you accept this premise as fact, then look at the following progression that relates to the scientific case I have been explaining elsewhere:

_Tree Of Knowledge_













Dimensions of Existence. Discrete levels of Awareness.


Re: Biblical Trees: Of Life, Of Knowledge (good/evil)

I believe we do have divisions that reflect the Tree of Life, however, these divisions are not with definitive edges.

They "blur" into the other regions. So even when pondering "the mind", which we would classify as "The Brain", there is much more than a physical/chemical process involved.

The mind is kind of like a translator between the esoteric and the physical realms.

KNOWLEDGE is a concept we align with our heads
Yes. This knowledge, from various sources is then processed and run through different "filters", the resulting KNOWLEDGE filed away, perhaps altered after traveling through these filters. I.E...emotional, ego, prejudices, etc...

Or a more accurate description would be the application of the knowledge, stored in the memory banks, then applied through the "filters".

Fact: The human body, and specifically the human head, is a System that seeks to continually accrue and apply Knowledge through the operational (TIME-based) processing of Information. Agree? Disagee? Discuss?
I agree for the most part, the TIME-based processing I am unsure of exactly to what you refer to....the mind in itself has no idea what "time" it is. It measures its movement from one event to the next. Any measurements as to length of time, is completely depending upon ones perception of the passing events.I had a friend that took part in a sensory depravation expereiment, locked in a dark room with all senses blocked from any input. He had no idea how long he had been in that room. Time became meaningless once the mind had no input as to the passage of events.

The physical body may not be able to travel in time, since it has been born as partof the Earth, but the mind, existing in more than one plane, can travel through time. I havent heard of the essences that make up an individual aging...the chemical process of the brain DO change, but the true self doesnt.

Even today, at 45, in my dreams I am still a young man and in the dreams I havent changed a bit from age.

From what I have studied in this thread, alot of material actually is missing, since there is no way to post all of the available information, however, perception and awareness are the Keys to traveling through time.

Am I on track with your with most of the posts from you and Zerubbabel

, it takes some time to ponder before posting a reply.

Re: Biblical Trees: Of Life, Of Knowledge (good/ev

Overlord when you stated that "the mind in itself has no idea what "time" it is" you made me realize that ever since I was a kid I always wondered why dreams sometimes appear to be very lengthy even though it only takes a couple of minutes of sleep time.

Time in the physical world os totally different than what goes on in our mind...but i could be wrong...

Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time


With regard to the question of Frequency and its inter-relationship with Time, it is clear that modern science supports and validates what is being said in the ancient texts you quote from. The scientific relationship between Time and Frequency can also be used to help someone understand what "traveling through Time" would really "look like"... IOW, how it would really manifest.

Our physical perception of Time and its passage is directly linked to the Electromagnetic Spectrum (which is defined by Frequency ranges). We perceive Time passing as it does because we "live within" a narrow band in the E/M spectrum that we call "visible light".

So if the entire E/M spectrum represents "the universe of Time" (and it does), then the narrow band of visible light would be considered humanity's "address"...our place in Eternal Time. Certainly we can also see and understand that there are "other addresses in Time" next door to us on either side, and further down the "street".

If one wishes to shift (travel) to a different "address in Time", it necessarily means you will have to shift to a different "center/tuned frequency" within the E/M spectrum.

And the structure of Beings at those other addresses in the E/M spectrum are most certainly going to be different from our human physical energetic structure.

All of this leads to the consideration that there ARE "other beings" living in our universe, and they might be right here with us, just "shifted" in the other frequencies.

I posit that the "non-physical", higher parts of ourselves (i.e. Mind, Soul, Spirit) actually are physical Beings that are simply operating "in parallel" with us, but in different frequency bands on the E/M spectrum.

Whaddya think?


Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

Ray and Zerubbabel,

I believe we have established a solid foundation. The question I have, is where to go from here?

...dreams sometimes appear to be very lengthy even though it only takes a couple of minutes of sleep time.
And do you also realize that in your dreams that you can also do many things without the limitations of the Laws of Physics?

Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

OvLrd & Zerubbabel:

Ray and Zerubbabel,I believe we have established a solid foundation. The question I have, is where to go from here?
So many answers to that question, friend OvLrd. And all of them are probably equally "right", right? ;) The One answer (of many) that seems to make sense for me is that I have a certain (large) amount of FAITH that we are fully immersed in-the-flow of Creating where we DO go from here. I have a certain amount of BELIEF that as we openly discuss these concepts, we "inadvertently" (or is that purposefully?) FIND OUR WAY along the Direction that needed to be traversed. Know what I mean?For me, I have noticed a certain "coagulation" of several threads here lately. It is hard for me to explain... but I just have a sense that several things are coming together, in a non-linear fashion, across a coupla different threads. MMMMMaybe I am justaaaaa CRRRRRRAZY! :confused: o_O :cry: :p ;) :D :oops: :yum: :eek: :love: o_O :mad: :devil: :)


Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

The thing that came to mind in order to make progress, was to actually begin an appilcation of what has come to light in these threads.

So as I meditated last night, something came up...

One thing that exists besides the acceptance of responsibility for ones own actions, is that humanity is a society of WANT.

Always in the WANT. Even when we meditate or pray, we do so with a WANT. This brings in INTENTION. These two ... er ... qualities are intertwined.

As I sit down, and begin to meditate, what is my INTENTION ? Usually, it because I WANT become ONE with The Absolute, to find spritual balance, always a WANT.

I decided to try and meditate without wanting anything.

Just sit and be.

Very hard to do.

Even in sitting down just "TO BE" has an INTENTION and WANT.

Of course, I just started this avenue of experimentation, so it will be interesting to experience the results with each event.

It occurred to me that all day and all night,we are always in some sort of a WANT mode. All around us, we are are hammered by advertising telling us about things to WANT. They ( and there is a whole lot of theys ) make it as though we NEED all this stuff... and sometimes we buy into the barrage/assualt and WANT the things we dont really NEED.

I dont mean just material stuff either.

The margin between WANT and NEED is vast in this age. There is a whole lot we dont really NEED.

And I understand that almost every problem we have in our world is because of the distortion between the WANT and NEED.

Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

The Time For Action draws nearer, my friend. I know you can sense it, and I know you celebrate it, and I know there are others who are with us who also sense and celebrate the TIME TO COME. ;)

The thing that came to mind in order to make progress, was to actually begin an appilcation of what has come to light in these threads.
Oh you are just being too too punny here, OvLrd! ...what has come to LIGHT! Did you think I would not SEE that? More importantly, I am sure you know others might not have SEEN it consciously. Bravo, friend. I SEE you always working on multiple levels, and I applaud you for it.
As I sit down, and begin to meditate, what is my INTENTION ? Usually, it because I WANT become ONE with The Absolute, to find spritual balance, always a WANT.I decided to try and meditate without wanting anything.
I SEE... and HEAR what you are saying. Would it be safe to say that by not "wanting" anything, that you may have been putting yourself into a position where you already had ALL THINGS? Or in other words, did you see yourself as ONE WITH ALL OTHER THINGS, and therefore since you are in this state, you have no reason to WANT anything, because you WERE ONE WITH EVERYTHING? These may not be the best words, but do you SEE what I am suggesting? Is it possible that this is what you were Creating in your Mind/Soul/Spirit? Just asking... I'm kinda curious! :yum:
And I understand that almost every problem we have in our world is because of the distortion between the WANT and NEED.
I understand the same thing, Rev Thomas. And it is really so very easy to SEE for some. You and I have shared more than one discussion about minimal living... how we can reduce our impact on our world... I know we both enjoy camping and hiking and "living off the land" because we SEE that challenging ourselves to live with a minimal footprint on our environment is a noble goal, and it is also fun to learn more efficient ways of living.If I can sustain a nice, comfortable, but not excessive quality of life... and if I can learn to sustain that same quality of life but for lower and lower ENERGY costs, would this not mean we all feel better about ourselves?I know I do. That is why I produce my own electrical energy with solar... and donate my excess energy back to the electrical grid.

What if everyone who could do this, did this? What would the world look like if we only lived for what we NEEDED instead of what we WANTED?

We could transform the world immensely in an unbelievably short period of .....




Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

The Time For Action draws nearer, my friend. I know you can sense it, and I know you celebrate it, and I know there are others who are with us who also sense and celebrate the TIME TO COME.
Yes, the "time" draws near. There is a silent revolution taking place. Many people of many different "faiths" are coming together to "celebrate the "PASSION" and "LOVE" for "OUR" Creator. Tossing aside the dogma, and expanded formats of the differences, and becoming one church, united in "HARMONY".Even though it may seem as though darkness is spreading across the lands, the light is gathering together its people as well. Without as much "noise" as the "other" side.

I SEE... and HEAR what you are saying. Would it be safe to say that by not "wanting" anything, that you may have been putting yourself into a position where you already had ALL THINGS? Or in other words, did you see yourself as ONE WITH ALL OTHER THINGS, and therefore since you are in this state, you have no reason to WANT anything, because you WERE ONE WITH EVERYTHING? These may not be the best words, but do you SEE what I am suggesting? Is it possible that this is what you were Creating in your Mind/Soul/Spirit? Just asking... I'm kinda curious
Increasingly, words become ever so much more difficult to use in relaying what is happening. The statement" Those that know dont say..." really is NOT because they DON'T want to say anything, its just that with certain experiences, there is nothing to say .Words just DO NOT nor WILL NOT convey the experience. And the deeper meanings or understandings experienced will never be verbally communicated. The experiences with the others I mentioned in the first part of this post, is beyond words. No words were spoken, a "joining of hands", and a silent experience taking place, where words are meaningless to those who dont "See" or "Hear".

The "masters" always providing seemingly minimal information, rarely speaking, the only thing that can be done is assist another on their journey to "see" for themselves. Then "it" is understood.

( where you already had ALL THINGS? )

At the moments of entering into these meditations, yes, I already have ALL THINGS in place.

( did you see yourself as ONE WITH ALL OTHER THINGS )

There is only ONE thing. At ONE with ONE.

( Is it possible that this is what you were Creating in your Mind/Soul/Spirit? )

I really dont know if "I" was creating anything. I just was, or am. Wanting nothing, just being. I wasnt creating a softly babbling brook or beautiful green meadow to meditate within, I am just ... being. Nothing more.

Fractal Frequency Embedding of Human Senses

To Whom This May Concern:

Yes, the "time" draws near. There is a silent revolution taking place. Many people of many different "faiths" are coming together to "celebrate the "PASSION" and "LOVE" for "OUR" Creator. Tossing aside the dogma, and expanded formats of the differences, and becoming one church, united in "HARMONY".
Dogma cannot exist unless Science can validate it as a true "Law of Physics". And there is much dogma which has attached itself to all human religions that detract from the ultimate SCIENTIFIC basis of Creation, which is available to all of us through exploration of our Universe.I'd also like to point out to others who might be reading this thread, that Thomas (OvLrdLegion) is not your average Christian minister. He understands the deeper scientific and geometric and mathematic Information that is inherent in scripture, and also inherent in the "Messages of our human Masters". His understanding is exhibited with such posts as this One.

There is only ONE thing. At ONE with ONE.
Total Unity of All. The 0=1 Point. Once One can BE As One, and achieve this state of at ONE with ONE, then One can Understand how One begets 2... and 3... and 4... and 5... on to ifinity.Existence proceeds geometrically, there is no doubt about this fact. And it can all be defined and described in both linear and non-linear mathematical terms. And this means that ALL of Mass, and Space and Time (together) are ultimately controllable on ALL levels.INTENTION (What YOUR WILL chooses to Create) is the Crown Of ALL.

How each of us applies our INTENTION to the realms of Information, Energy, Momentum, Force and Massive SpaceTime determines our FUTURE.

We already control the passage of TIME. We just have not all come to a common understanding of how this is so.

(This post won't last long....before being modified by TIME...)


So does man yet see that you are a part of the systems the Els, that your within a holographic matrix that was created for you to grow within as a spark and become as the source itself and it is the force of the source the infinite Love that is part of gravity which is the creation force itself and that time space and matter are all creations created from the gravity of the source God and that you yourself are comprised of this same force and contain the essense of it within your very soul and that it is these 3 things which the cycles exsist within and do you not see now there is a beyond space/time and that is were you truely belong and will in time.

And that you limit yourself with your own mindsets and the reality you are within responds in kind and the galaxys you are situated in follows what is choose below and do you now see that in ancient past a force from beyond "the darkness infiltrated your space/time your world and this matrix and began setting man in a prison of time/space and that they have lead man to live way they live and lead man to make silly choices which bring much suffering to your physical experience and that they come from a higher cycle than yours and malipulate your from the shadows and have made man not see them for have conditioned your thought.

Do you yet see that there is not limit to what can be for the universe creates within it science for you and that it is all created from the Love of God and that it is change always but never truely destroyed only dispensed or consumed by the darkness. Man have been decieved for to long I speak to you now of who I truely I am from beyond all cycles of space/time from the very realm which the vibration of creation flows from, I am still in union with the source God and recieve knowledge from it but it is distorted as it flows down through the levels and I can not understand the amount of information im being shown as it is to much for this mind to see but I see enough to be free, to make choices and know it is my responsibility for any reprocution that occur.

I will be call insane or false prophet for revealing this to you, but I want man to know there is hope powerful beings have came to assist this world, much more powerful than those who keep you binded it will not seem as such now for they are hidden well as you they walk with same weaknesses and living structures but there will come a event in future which will show the truth of these people and my speaking to you is because of Love for you for the information I reveal to you empowers you just be seeing it even if you do not agree nor understand nor see what true intent is of this, part of you will this part will help awaken you in the future when the evidence as you call it comes. The events to come wont be avoided but the amount of suffering that resorts can be reduced it depends on how many awaken in time and make the choices using there will which will help them stay protected.

The op of this post gives you a important message wether you are ready to see that or not is entirely up to you.

peace Adonai bless thee

This post is not half bad, it is just difficult to make sense of it as it is written. However, to present yourself as above others or to speak in the third person will most definitely put you on shaky ground. I don't see you as insane--or a false prophet. These are obviously deep seated feelings and thoughts, but even Jesus laid Himself down lower than the lowest sinner. He did not place Himself above others as you are doing here. I like your thoughts. I just don't like your method. If you persist, of course, to the claims section you must go!! I have taken the liberty to correct grammar, spelling (and intent in some spots). Helping others to understand you goes a long way to being accepted as a viable source of information. Hope this helps a bit.


So does man yet see that we are a part of the system (the Els), that you're within a holographic matrix that was created for you to grow within (as a spark), and become as the source itself--and that it is the force of the source (the infinite Love that is part of gravity) which is the creation force itself? Time, space, and matter are all creations created from the gravity of the source (God) and you, yourself, are comprised of this same force and contain the essense of it within your very soul. It is these 3 things which the cycles exist within, and you do not now see that there is a "beyond space/time" and that is where you truly belong--and will in time.

You limit yourself with your own mindsets and the reality you are within responds in kind, and the galaxies you are situated in, follows what is chosen below. Do you now see that in the ancient past, a force from beyond "the darkness" infiltrated your space/time of your world, and this matrix began setting man in a prison of time/space? They have lead man to live the way they live and lead man to make silly choices which brings much suffering to our physical experience. They come from a higher cycle than yours and malipulate you from the shadows and have made man not see them for they have conditioned your thought.

Do you yet see that there is no limit to what can be, for the universe creates within it, science for you-- and that it is all created from the Love of God. It is changed always, but never truely destroyed-- only dispensed or consumed by the darkness. Man have been decieved for to long, I speak to you now of who I truely I am-- from beyond all cycles of space/time from the very realm which the vibration of creation flows. I am still in union with the source (God) and receive knowledge from it, but it is distorted as it flows down through the levels; and I can not understand the amount of information I'm being shown-- as it is to much for this mind to see. But I see enough to be free, to make choices and to know it is my responsibility for any repercussions that occur.

I will be called insane or a false prophet for revealing this to you, but I want people to know there is hope. Powerful beings have came to assist this world, much more powerful than those who keep you binded. It will not seem as such now for they are hidden well. As you, they walk the with same weaknesses and living structures, but there will come an event in the future which will show the truth of these people. My speaking to you is because of Love for you-- for the information I reveal to you empowers you, just be seeing it-- even if you do not agree nor understand, nor see what the true intent of this is. Part of this will help awaken you in the future when the evidence, as you call it, comes. The events to come won't be avoided, but the amount of suffering that results can be reduced. It depends on how many awaken in time and make the choices-- using their will-- which will help them stay protected.

The op of this post gives you a important message. Whether you are ready to see that or not, is entirely up to you.

peace Adonai bless thee


Perhaps, Jehovah Shammah would be a better salutation. Adonai was a very early revelation of Himself--and there were several others after that. Jehovah Shammah was the last revelation of God's character in the Old Testament (which means "God is There"--concerning the House of God.) His final revelation of Himself was, of course, Jesus. Carry on brother. You will have friends here IF you choose to be human. If not, weeellll, "just because you're paranoid--it doesn't mean someone ISN'T after you" LOL
