The Prime Temporal Point

Re: The Prime Temporal Point to Tran001

Thanks for the compliment, I think :D.

Bytheway, it's odd, but I kinda feel that I know what you're talking about. Don't know why though /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif.

Probably having a New Age relapse. Lately I been thinking a lot about my youth in it, and the years I wasted. My resolve for retribution for all the wrong I did, is fighting my soul back with a vengeance.

A true test of my freewill I hope, and not something that is being expected that I do to align certain events that would result in more synchronization. Already a 4 year old dream has emerged to become a déjà vu experience, truly being what was intended that I be in precise timing on 9-18-02.

Its truly unsettling being aware of what I know. To experience the magnitude of let downs and realizations of the agenda's and plots of life (on a temporal level), I still see no justification for it. It's cheating, for those who see every move and know exactly what will happen next, and know that I am aware of it, makes the illusion of choosing my next move only a cruel and pathetic exercise. For whatever I choose, it was already perfectly determined that I choose the one that I was destined to choose. Synchronization, visions and the double digits stands only to confirm to indicate that being the case.



I hope this image comes through. In any case, the image shows the formation of the word M'Nun Z'Pok which are the last 5 letters of the Jewish Alphabet. There is generally no explanation why in antiquity that this combination of letters is of significance. If the image doesn't come through, basically picture an apple which has been cored. The sequence of letters forms a spiral from the top inner core and reaches around to meet itself again in the bottom inner core. It is a perfect representation of the infolding fire representing the fire of the burning bush--burning yet not consuming. This is but just the start of the intertwining combinations of Hebrew letters and words showing the cartesian coordinates of the celestial spheres. If the image doesn't come through, simply go to the web site. There is much information there.

When a point is match in tennis, then this is a understanding well diserved.

I don't look into anyone's life, unless they empenge a situation to me.

Notherwords, I'm not a neb-nose.

All I can say, is that you got Tran001 right square on the numbers, in sniffing out his hidden intentions.

"Absolutily the finest return serve, I have seen anywhere"!

Par excelience, the very best. :oops:

I feel any other future casting after this TTA, would be a,..."well how would you say, debating the return volly well served"?!

You keep calling them with that famous instinct of yours TTA, job very well done, I'm proud of you.

Keep right on doing what your doing!?

Best wishes, Dan
Re: The Prime Temporal Point, Darby and CAT.

Good morning Transient!

I thought your number analogy and conception of the Adam Kadmon prototype was FANTASTIC!

Destroyingangel does anyone really know the true purpose of the M'nunzpok? Maybe these are constituent letter properties in bonding like a glue to hold the other letters together, much like the invisible substance that hold the atom together?

Transient, this is what I have learned from the Sefer Yetzirah regarding creation. First let me apply what I have learned that science teaches first. Let me start out with the four bases: A,T,C and G spin out patters of chemical recipes for the creation of life!

The phosphates and sugars from the twisted frames of the stairs and the bases of the DNA Helix (A,T,C,G, compounds) from the steps. Each step is made up of two bases (two letters of the four letters, A,T,C, and G) and these two letters, (compounds) are joined in the middle. But it is not a random pairing. Adenine (A), is ALWAYS joined with Thymine (T), to form a step in the spiral ladder, or staircase. And Guanine (G) is always joined with Cytosine (C), but the steps may follow each other endlessly and in any order, such as: AT,GC,CG,TA,AT,GC,CG, etc. A single gene might be a chunk of DNA stairway perhaps 2,000 steps long and geneticists now think that it is the order of these steps, the arrangement of AT,TA,TA,AT,GC,CG,TA.

Now according to the Sefira Yetsira it tells us to weigh and transpose the Hebrew letters. Aleph with each one and each one with Aleph. Bet with each one and each one with Bet. They repeat in a cycle. Therefore, everything formed and everything spoken emenates in one name (YHVH) Yahovah. Symbolizing what science has discovered as the 4 bases A,T,C,G. SO LETS GIVE CREDIT TO A RELIGIOUS BOOK THAT WAS WRITTEN THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO. Its true origin unknown?

In short, the text of the Sefer Yetzirah teaches me how the creator used the numbers 1-10 (the tree of knowledge) and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet to create the Universe and all the living things in it. The Hebrew letters are molded like bits of clay placed opposite each other and otherwise manipulated to create in a magical way of all that exists. He generated substance from which he formed letters out of which he combined words which became things. GDs speech was not sound but a modeling of units of clay.

The Sefer goes on to say, twenty two letters, engrave them, carve them, weight them, permute them, and transform them, and with them depict the soul of all that was formed and all that will be formed in the "future". There are twenty two Hebrew foundation letters. They are engraved with voice, carved with breath, AChHO, BVMP, GYKO, DTLNTh, ZSShRTz. These twenty two foundations letters. They are set in a circle as 231 gates. (ONG) Meaning there is no good higher than delight.

From substance out of chaos and make nonexistence into existence. Carve great pillars out of air that cannot be grasped. One foresees, transposes, and makes all creation and all words with one name, YHVH. And a sign of this: Twenty two objects (the complete Hebrew alphabet) in a single body!

In regards to the meditational aspects of the Kabalah this is what it teaches me. When the eye scans the shapes of the Hebrew letters, a resonance is created between the light and our souls. The same principle can be seen in a pair of tuning forks. When one fork is taped a resonance is created in the other and the sound is duplicated. The human soul and the forces contained within the Hebrew letters are both formed from the blazing light of the Creator. When the two are in proximity achieved by visually scanning, meditating, or reciting the letters, a resonance is created and the energy of the letters is duplicated in the soul. TRUE INTERNAL CHANGE "PHASING AS YOU CALL IT" IS CREATED THROUGH THE DNA POWER OF THE HEBREW LETTERS. And once again we are at the PTP...

Transient, you have really been an inspiration to me! and I know that you are also stirring the others on the forum. Some just watchers and observers, others interactors.


P.S. Creedo are you that jealous that you didn't have the pia to pass the test to get a key card? Poor Creed, you know you still have 2 more chances to study up and retake the test! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I can council you in private inbox if you'd like?
Re: The Prime Temporal Point, CAT. MOP:

I will vacate this thread as this was an apparent attempt to get at a secular point of view, rather than talk about the hourglass.

<<You keep calling them with that famous instinct of yours TTA, job very well done, I'm proud of you.
Keep right on doing what your doing!?>>

Thanks for the encouragement Dan, however wasn’t it you who was telling Tran001 this about me 3 days ago:

<<… is somehow clouding his judgement and this is why he is attacking you.>>
<<Please ignore this demenour of Mr. TTA>>
<<TTA, in a very odd>>

Kinda /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif cause it sounds to me like you didn’t believe what I was doing was right /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif. Now conveniently you do?

Sorry, but like you said, “keep right on doing what your doing” which is just that


Small point clairification, on last posting said.

Remember Tran001 came in here with accurate descriptions of a ship that really does exist?

That was his ticket in here, for legitamacy?

However once he got in, now everything has now gravitaited to a religious point of view.

TTA, where do you see the thread Hourglass, with talk about the prime temporal point and the ship?

Right, its way down the thread, as Transient001 had finnessed his way in here.

Any modification that they try to make, is now a mute point.This is now as the dye was cast over four years ago, when Martin Lockheed took billions of dollars into a space plane manufufacturing ploy and left Americans out in the cold.

We have no space plane, in order to start colonizing the moon.

Don't you think God has noticed this TTA?

Now tricky Tan001 comes in here and everyone is going to paint a picture of how tricky we can all be, if we read torraic values, just so.

I'm sorry TTA, but the dye has been cast and all the standing on the head and knowlege of the Torha, will not make any differnce in the world.

The genes we all posess, are more than likly what we are stuck with.

You might say Tran001 snuck his way into here and now everything points to a wonderfull attempt in covering it up, so trying to paint a wonderful picture of ourselves which simply is not there?

You were right, however I guess I get the repremanded for allowing this guy to come in here under false pretenses.

Well isn’t this a change of pace, your actually laying it all out, logically explaining your analysis. Funny though /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif you always hated it and disagreed when I would do it to you. But I get what your saying
keep it up.


Friends of TR125.0121

Check my first post it was done to clarify the relevant point of time travel in the year 2186. There I pointed out the basics for the Prime Temporal Point. About the Hourglass Time ship, yes I did mention something about it , but it was to the response of a fellow researcher who wanted to get help in order to build a timeship.
As you know I did tell one or two things about the Hourglass and its wonderful crew but nothing else. However I could not keep up with the exchange of informatin regarding the Hourglass because its secrecy is its best weapon.
Creedo I am sorry but I can not say anything more about the Hourglass, but it is quite accomodating on the inside, you should see its control panels, outstanding.
One other thing I think you stopped liking me when the info on the Hourglass ceased to come out, I am truly sorry.
One last thing, what we are now discussing is not religion but the actual science that helped the builders of the Hourglass get to where they are now.
Until later becomes now.


You sure have a lot more patience with these guys than I would. It's funny how enemies will join up and gang up on something they don't understand. I guess it's the old maxim that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. These guys have been at each other's throats for months and then all of a sudden they're bosom buddies and stroking each other. I for one don't care what you claim to be. The hypothesis you are discussing is a valid one and as you claim it is not about religion but about hard science. All these guys talk about is visions, double digits, psychics, wizards, aliens etc. etc. ad nauseum. After we've gone onto more relevant things, they'll be at each other's throats again. Keep the thread going. There are plenty of us out here who are interested in the subject of time travel and practical ways of conceptualizing it even though it may be beyond our abilities to understand some of it.

By the way, the site I mentioned was listed wrong. It is: It should work better this time. Have you looked into the Hebrew words yet? There is much more I'd like to share with you.

Friends of TR125.0121

I am still working on them, they seem to be a form of Hebrew much more ancient than what I expected from the beginning. It might even be Old Sumerian turned hebrew by the end of the 9th century B.C.
Anyhow if those words are what I expected them to be, there will be plenty more to discuss here in this forum. If my findings are correct those words might not even be words at all, but actually a long sequential of mathematical series that might lead to some vital information regarding not the actual constellation but the geometrical degree that they are in the celestial map. The thing is that I would need to see how are they being written in the original hebrew characters. This because grammatical hebrew according to its time period differentiated letters by the character, points around this character and sometimes the size of the character. And to all this they assigned values. The problem is that with different time periods the value of each letter changed.
So I ask if you could send me somehow the words in its original hebrew, I would really appreciate it.
I hope we keep sharing information, so far its been rewarding.
One final thing, DESTROYINGANGEL, never doubt about your own capacities, we are all equal and as equals we shall all understand the great secret that there is for us to understand. One of the persons that travel through the Prime Temporal Point the noble way taught me this once. We will all understand, we just have to have a lot of patience and perseverance.
Until later becomes now.


No body allied them selves with any body here, Creedo and the TTA still disagree on a lot of things. It’s only the obvious façade in the Trans001 character that the TTA and Creedo are agreeing on, nothing more. And that I’m afraid DestroyingAngel, is relevant to what the topic pertains to. For here you have someone claiming to have no secret agenda, but is obviously using what he knows to exploit the posters to buying into this sincere knowledgeable character, but with an m.o.

Just pointing out the obvious. No b.s. attached, just pure straight forward reality,
you know how that is


Friends of TR125.0121

As far as I know this forum is dedicated for the exposition of temporal phenomenon and to the chronal sciences. It is no secret that TTA and Creedo had been alledging of some kind of misterious and hidden agenda on my behalf. Well Friends Creedo and TTA, so far I have not convince anyone to join some strange cult nor have I transgressed against any of the other fellows. Nor even claim to hold power over anything.
You say I have a hidden agenda, illumine us all and tell me what it is I am being accused of, if you want to counterdict our findings do so but with a reasonable argument. Do not say that it is wrong because I am an extraplanar alien, or possibly a new age memeber in formation, that wants to destroy Creedo's Alien alligence on Earth and take over half the galaxy. No, man be a scientist, use empirical knowledge and prove it.
However Friends TTA and Creedo there is a possibility that you would like me best If I agree that New Age was a complete waste of time for you, or that yes, time travel is a charade, or maybe if I reveal all the whereabouts of the Starship Hourglass, how about that Creedo, or agree that what most possibly seem to be hallucinogenic delusions are actually the latents power of developing psychic, or mayhaps attest to your self centered characterology and say that you are right and that everysingle being in all creations is wrong because you say so.?
Let us be for the last time.
We are actually conducting a serious exchange of ideas, where boundless amounts of insights are actually taking place in our minds. For the first time we are all understanding TOGETHER, you had been invited in the past to join us in our discussions, but you have also repeatedly refused to do so. If you do not want to take part in this great experiment, then please allow us to do so unhindered, because something wonderful is taking place right here on Earth and I do not want to miss it.
Until later becomes now.
Re: Yiddish group, info you had wanted:

Note the sun acts as a timeing device, which corolates human DNA on this planet.

The function of the sun is both its own and can be effected by certain sects of gods, in certain control factors.

No Earth peopson, unless they are genetically differnt, is allowed to enter the direct proximity of the sun astrially, if the sun does not want them to.

The danger you face here, is loss of the soul.

So the text of going into the sun, as was said in the paper offered to me by CAT, is impossable for most Earth humans.

Even if say a group of jewish amature scientist were to construct a small spaceship and escape to another system in order to live, they would have to readjust to that particular planet, or they would die.

The sun is a living entity, not as Earth humans realize this, but however, living.

So this entity can not be bartered into doing anyone's will, and if this would be the enforced case, the sun would simply kill that person.

God as he invest here on Earth, kinda has an office arrangment beneath the seas, in one particular area.

This was brought about by the writeings of Betty Andreasson Luca, as a result of her being taken there.

God, or whoever uses the judeo-christian block, or jew and gentile, have belief systems translaited from some aspect of this area, only multiversally translaited.

In the time to come, there is script saying, that God would place an Angel on or near the surface of the sun.

This is to prevent DNA modification, which could result in mass death and or loss of souls.

Some offworld groups want Earthlings like cattle to take elsewhere.This might, or might not be wrong depending on how the arrangement is setup?

I offer no solutions for anything of what I have put here.
I am very sure that everything I have placed here, is correct.

A modified human can enter the sun, however this human has to be hand picked and must only be approximatly half human.

There is still a danger if this person does not agree with the sun, of the sun throwing violent fits, which could cause gigantic solar flares and possably great disruption.

Although it seems fantastic, the sun knows everyone here on Earth by their DNA sigiture and will intercept you as you go near it out of body, if you come too close.

Ed Dames and the Navijho Spirit Walkers, only go so close to the sun, however have been told not to go any further, due to the dire danger of going into the sun, which is death and loss of soul.

If an only half person does go into the sun, is accepted by this sun and still has an element of human within them and really does enter the sun, then the results are a light case of radiation poisioning, darkening of the urine to red to deep red.

There is a bought of extreme tiredness, which a person will be too tired to move about freely, after this person goes into the sun.

Only one to two people, in the entire history of the Earth being here, have been allowed to go into the sun.

One did not make it back.

This is not a game and everything that I have said is true.

Note to CAT:My phone call with Eddie Sosa with with a group of beings known as the Elders, who are a non-same time field being, a notch below the Angels.

This call was sacred and within higher communion to the Angelics.

You had said that I lacked pia matter, do you think that you should appologise?
Friends of TR125.0121

So far this is what I have come up with regarding the constellation letter-matrix. I could be incorrect but according to my research it yields the 1,465 letter matrix. It is interesting for 1,400 = ThlTh RIShIN, which means The Capital Three. And 65 is actually the word value for ADNI which stands for The Lord. I believe that what the actual ancient sacred geometry is reffering to is to the Capital Three of the Lord. I translate this into the three capitals are IHV, this is 21 which is 7+7+7. The Lord can be turned into 1 because it is the first point. So now we have 21+1=22. I believe we are back to square one. That is why I need the original hebrew characters friends because I do think that there is more to this than a reference to the twenty two letters.
However if 1,465 is permuted it will yield a series of matrixes that number 24 in total. I will try an find out a correlation between this matrixes, mayhaps it is three of the 24 that we should use. If this is the case then those numbers should be plotted in the x,y and z plane to see the kind of integral that it will create. Maybe it is this integral the one we need to keep up with our temporal search.
Until later becomes now.
Re: To tran 001

Corrections:I would not want to take over the galixy as Tran001 had claimed.

There are already very large cities based within this galixy alone.

From what I understand of offworld busniess, is that it is done in a cooperative way.

The superworld which was depicted in the next to the last Star Wars series, is far too big.

However some of the wolrds out there, have skies filled with all sorts of flying saucer craft, as well as offworld vehicles.

These bigger planets, have their own forms of currency.

I do not need such a position of power.

In some ways, I am similar to Pleiadeans, of the more quieter sects.

A position such as held by a bigger ambassador would not be to my taste, so ruleing the galixy, is not what I want.

The question that each of you should be asking yourselves, is in light of the book Beyond The Light Barrier.

This book by Elizabeth Klarier of South Africa, is why she was permitted to wed and offworlder and give birth to this man's child. Are we as Earthlings are not permitted to excercize this right and privilage if we want?

I have not worked out how many God stations per planet there are within this universe in probability, however there minght be quite a few.

I'm sure that there are a few large ships out there, that are just abandoned, for some lack of responsability.

I did get a return on the classification of an offworld spacecraft, by the name of Hourglass and this was a very big ship.

I have about four to five seconds of viewed motion.

This ship is elongaited.No external power nozils seen in back and the accelearation rates, are gradual, not fantastically sharp.

There is a kindof design which reslebles almost a burnished brass, bronz or gold to the outter hull appearance.

I would say a metered length of four times the length of the Queen Mary Ocean linner.

There is a big intake infront of her and she moves without makeing any sort of sounds at all.

The feedback on the trajectories, are as Tran001 had said, but almost at U shaped trajectories, somewhat like a pendulum.

There are flashes of brigth then dark, as she goes through her swings.I only got a glance of the crew and some are not all human.

The cost I am getting this now, is about fourty billion, somehow inflaited, but the economey of their world runs differnt, which would be in the many of trillions of dollars here.

This ship does not use fule, but a type of magnetic pressure and these increments of adjusted push exponetially building on each other, step by step, that why she looks like a derilect.

No outside lights, real funny looking, almost like a ghoast ship, from what I can see.

To Tran001, the real begining of the new age was in 1972.

This is when beings from Sirius B, shot a special type of beam into our sun.

This beam the sun could tolleratre without it being disrupted.

These particular beings, Sirus is a big place, wanted us before the change of this new erra.This was due to the capsulation of years now opening to a new one, to have some past life memories, so that our existances would not be in vaine.

The new age, as you call it, did not come into relaization till some time in the 1980s, however the date of the beam being shot into the sun, was year 1972.

They did do this and the results were pretty weird, "I must admit", with people such as A.Z. Kight comeing out about her past life expeierences.

This is enough for now.

Thank you

<<It is no secret that TTA and Creedo had been alledging of some kind of misterious and hidden agenda on my behalf.>>

A secret only to your self, for not only are you a whiner, your also paranoid. Read the threads, Creedo and I do not get along, and even if we did, I would most certainly not plot some hidden agenda against anyone here.

<<Creedo and TTA, so far I have not convince anyone to join some strange cult nor have I transgressed against any of the other fellows. Nor even claim to hold power over anything>>

It's obvious you really don't know who the TTA is. It's always best to experience it first hand then actually being told about it /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif, which you are I'm sure now finding out.

<<You say I have a hidden agenda, illumine us all and tell me what it is I am being accused of, if you want to counterdict our findings do so but with a reasonable argument.>>

Who's findings are you talking about, and when did they say you were a partner and that you could share the findings and speak in behalf of them /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif? Sorry Newbie, but you been here for what, less then a week? I doubt you've earned the right or trust to speak for anyone here yet.

<<Do not say that it is wrong because I am an extraplanar alien, or possibly a new age memeber in formation, that wants to destroy Creedo's Alien alligence on Earth and take over half the galaxy. No, man be a scientist, use empirical knowledge and prove it.>>

So you want me to prove that you have a hidden agenda by following your criteria and playing by your own rules, huh? I didn't expose all those other guys by handing them down some mathematical formula that blew the top of their heads wide open.

Nope, I did it by common sense. Yet they thought they were quite suave knowing what they knew, and that they couldn't be exposed.

However, matters of the mind and of principle dictated other wise. Think of that as scientific evidence to prove my case. As how I know how sensitive you are to it, and ask that any critical inquiry of who you are be stopped.

<<However Friends TTA and Creedo there is a possibility that you would like me best If I agree that New Age was a complete waste of time for you, or that yes, time travel is a charade, or maybe if I reveal all the whereabouts of the Starship Hourglass, how about that Creedo, or agree that what most possibly seem to be hallucinogenic delusions are actually the latents power of developing psychic, or mayhaps attest to your self centered characterology and say that you are right and that everysingle being in all creations is wrong because you say so.?>>

Clever, but that wouldn't change anything for the TTA
for It Doesn't Matter who's side your with, I treat everyone equally, and tell'em how it is.

<<We are actually conducting a serious exchange of ideas, where boundless amounts of insights are actually taking place in our minds. For the first time we are all understanding TOGETHER, you had been invited in the past to join us in our discussions, but you have also repeatedly refused to do so. If you do not want to take part in this great experiment, then please allow us to do so unhindered, because something wonderful is taking place right here on Earth and I do not want to miss it.>>

We, us, ours, together, refused to join, great experiment? Yeah, Now I know your New Age. And your asking for proof /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif, please...

Hey Trans001, I gotta be fair and warn you buddy, the last New Ager that was here and tried this similar b.s. left doubting it and coming back on and off seeing 2 sides.

Time to test your New Age faith, and with my help you may actually get to see something you might have over looked. I look forward to many more discussions with you

Friends of TR125.0121

>>>So far this is what I have come up with regarding the constellation letter-matrix. I could be incorrect but according to my research it yields the 1,465 letter matrix. It is interesting for 1,400 = ThlTh RIShIN, which means The Capital Three. And 65 is actually the word value for ADNI which stands for The Lord. I believe that what the actual ancient sacred geometry is reffering to is to the Capital Three of the Lord. I translate this into the three capitals are IHV, this is 21 which is 7+7+7. The Lord can be turned into 1 because it is the first point. So now we have 21+1=22. I believe we are back to square one. That is why I need the original hebrew characters friends because I do think that there is more to this than a reference to the twenty two letters.
However if 1,465 is permuted it will yield a series of matrixes that number 24 in total. I will try an find out a correlation between this matrixes, mayhaps it is three of the 24 that we should use. If this is the case then those numbers should be plotted in the x,y and z plane to see the kind of integral that it will create. Maybe it is this integral the one we need to keep up with our temporal search.
Until later becomes now.<<<


Let's see if we can extrapolate this a bit further. Now M'Nun Z'Pok would be our starting place. With an arbitrary figure of a 1465 letter matrix, taking into account the primal point of ADNI =Th|Th RIShIN=IVH=21=7+7+7=1, we now have 1465-65 =1400 =280 words; assuming the 5 letter combinations for words, we can say that there are 280 constellations involved in a single matrix. Taking into consideration that each of these reside in x,y,z space, and are all part of one dimension, the other-dimensional matrices totaling 16 would be contained within this particular matrix. To better conceptualize this, rather than the reflective representations of the sacred geometry which is only a single x,y,z REFLECTION of a reality that in fact interconnected not on the surface but imtimately within each other's stupendous forces creating folds in space-time. Science has recently discovered, for example, that our solar system actually EXTENDS to the systems bordering ours; thereby making it of continuous differential connection instead of being island systems. I can now conceive of the vortexes created by the 280 different processes as represented by the M'Nun Z' Pok key to point out the specific formation of a single system, pointing out the way to connect all the other words through the infolding fire of each core or primary vortex.

Now, if we are to believe that this model holds some credibility, this would mean a series of matrices numbering 24 to interact with each other in a kind of inverse relationship with the 280 systems. Going the other way, the 24 minus the Th|Th RIShIN or Capital 3 (IVH) reduces it to 21 comprising the 7+7+7 down to the 1 which would be PTP. I would then assume that the PTP would then interact with the 16 other PTPs providing a super PTP, if you will, forming an x,y,z coordinate extending to 16 different planes; maybe identical or maybe even containing added or subtracted dimensions of their own peculiar construction. Thus, from this particular point, contrary to the others, all particular folds would be accessible extending outward to at least the 280 constellations in the matrix. We have it all in one bottle: space travel, time travel, interdimensional travel. I'd like to see someone remote view that maelstrom of no time/all time. I would imagine that traveling down that corridor would have to be a very quick one to keep from going insane with sensory overload.

Next major subject: How do we get there? I don't see a problem with the mapping provided we can nail down M'Nun Z'Pok to the constellation Orion which seems to be the starting point. The problem is getting to Orion in the first place and finding the local access to it. That might not be a big problem either if we can map the local constellations into the Orion pathway. It may even be possible to track their movement by something as innocuous as the local weather pattern of vortexes on the planet. Extrapolating backward might give us a more precise differential location. An example of this can be seen in the underground devices to show the passage of cosmic rays, for example. They create a vortex of gasses to show their passage. It might not be too extreme to imagine that the chronotons entering and exiting from these portals might not be detected if we knew generally where to look. It's all facinating speculation at this point but may very well be the science of the future.

We can also make another startling conclusion if this model can be made plausible. Someone out there has invited us to come visit!! We don't need to wait for SETI to receive a signal or an indication that someone is out there. It will be shown that we have already been contacted in a way that was so "magical in its in its superscience that it has become a religion or maybe intended to be a religion to show us the way to a science that is beyond imagining that will show us the way far more stranger than fiction could ever be able to express. Even now, the experiments in fusion showing their inability to contain the implosion for any appreciable time, might be solved by taking this science into consideration in its makeup to find ways to contain the many forces involved on the microscopic level of the matrices which make negative inverse relationships. In that case the question might be asked: How many angels can you get on the tip of a pin? The answer? ALL OF THEM. How do they relate to the macroscopic? The concept of quantum foam comes the closest to matching the matrix. Decisions, decisions. Which way do we go, down or up?

Next, maybe we can discuss the actual design the craft we would use to circumnavigate the pathways in the seas.

You post quit literally blew me out of the water! Do you have enough Binah to go around?

I was still working on the Mnunzpok, how on earth did you even conceptualize to nail down the Nnunzpok to the constellation Orion as a PT starting point?

Just literely Brilliant!!! :eek:

When I think about a craft, would it be plausable to think that a single atom could be encapsulated? Thus locating the abutment (PTP) and abridge the interstice?


P.S. Trans, did you miss my posting on the Genome dated 9-19-02 at 8:29am. This forum/threads/dates can throw you off if your not paying attention.
Re: Yiddish group, info you had wanted:


You posted:

<<So the text of going into the sun, as was said in the papaer offered to me by CAT, is
impossable for most Earth humans.>>

The light that I am talking about, is a DIFFERENT LIGHT! not the light of the sun. The light that I
am referring about is a blazing fire from the inner midst burning, YET NOT CONSUMING!
The manifestation of the spirit itself! the Eternal, Absolute, Self existent! (Exodus 3:2).

<<the sun knows everyone here on Earth by their DNA sigiture and will intercept you as you

This I have to agree holds some truth. The sun can alter our DNA through crop growth
and food, vitamin deficiencies of C, Magnesium, Phosphorus and other minerals, which can
affect the immune system and cause severe depression. Controls atmospheric radiation,
barometric pressure, change in weather, not to mention photosynthesis from the Oceans
plankton creating almost 90 percent of our oxygen on earth etc...
