The Prime Temporal Point


I've just had a second thought about this Craft! ITS EZEKIELS TEMPLE!!!

According tothe great sages of Isreal, Israel is to rebuild the Holy Temple conforming to the dimensions, characteristics and attributes of the Second Temple.

These details and dimensions are clearly described in the Mishneh Torah of Tractate Middot (literally, "attributes" or "measures") of the Babylonian Talmud. This tractate also includes the dimensions and layout of the Holy Temple and the Mount!

Also of even more significance and greater importance is the BREASTPLATE WITH THE 12 STONES (once again symbolizing the Merkaba) within the Temple and to make if functional!


Destroyingangel and Transient, would either of you happen to know more about the Temple and its counterparts including the Breastplate and the 12 stones and their funtioning?


DESTROYINGANGEL this is what I a actually mean by sharing, you have given one of the most possible solutions for our mathemathical formula. I am still working on the 24 matrixes, but up to now think that we are definetley going somewhere and I do not think we will need a spacecraft. We will only need something that I will tell you about by personal mail.
>Until later becomes now.

In ancient jewish lore the 12 stoned breastplate served as a ritualistic tool to mark the passage of time and holy ceremonies, nontheless it was also employed as a measuring number,be it sainthood, discipline, the seasons or time.
However i have got something, there are two matrixes, the first one and the last one that are identical, the others are completely different. Although I do not know yet the simbolical value of the other matrixes I do hostely believe that this identical matrixes have something to do with timephasing, it even becomes more so when both of them correspond to the two columns on the Jewish temple built by Solomon, they were Joakin and Boaz. Friends I do believe that this two columns can be the firts step into the physical travel to the PTP. I explain my self, have you ever heard the thoery behind the Kassimir Effect. I believe this two columns work in the same way.
One final thing, if this is so we will have to add to our research the vibrational variable to our search, it could be either verbalized or technologically projected. At this moment I can not tell. My freinds who travel in the Honorable way will be out of touch for a while, so we are alone for now. But I still believe thet the power of insights are still with us.
If it were not for you guys mentioning the temple I would have never thought on the columns and the Kassimir Effect.
Until later becomes now.
First of all I spent the 2nd half of my day looking at star constellations after reading Destroyingangels post about pinning the PTP down to Orion! I looked like crazy and BANG there is was EVEN SOMETHING MORE MYSTERIOUS! A PERFECT STAR OF DAVID (MERKABA) starting at the three stars of Orions belt to *Sirius to *Regulus to *Arcturus to Vega to *Aquila to Pegasus to *Cetus to *Eridanus to Pleiades and lastly Aldebaran. (The 6 corners are *stared.) My mind is spinning at this point implying the obvious!

Secondly the greatest secret of King Solomon's temple is that it my have been constructed in the hidden form of a human body! Its architectural floor plan and arrangements are composed of a 3D perspective. Starting at (as you say Transient) 2 pillars of Jachin and Boaz which symbolize the legs. Than the Porch corresponds to the human pelvis/hips. Outside adjacent side by side are the 5 lavers (10 all together) symbolizing the 10 fingers connected to the priests cells (arms). The body consists of 7 flames portraying the Tree of Life and for the seven days of creation and also seventy nations of the world. Than the chest which is the goldplated Altar and finally the Holy of Holies the ark of the covenant. (I'm leaving some parts out, but that is the general idea.)

And now (I'm not sure) the breastplate with the 12 stones are significant for generating the rest of the body (machine) according to the arrangements of the stones to produce a specific wavelength that interpenetrates space and time and opens a door (wormhole).

A good friend of mine believes that the entire complex rests on grooves made in the sides of the building making it moveable!

The 12 stones are but the first steps in creating life. Some of the elements such as Beryl consists of silicate of beryllium and aluminum hydrogen and helium (this is the thought substance of a black hole). Lithium (part of the nuclear fission and fusion process). Sapphire consisting of aluminum oxide which is made of a binary compound of oxygen with an element. In the process of oxidizing the oxygen dehydrogenates and accelerates the removal of hydrogen from metabolites. Metabolites are the product of metabolism which is the sum of the process in the building up and destruction of protoplasm incidental to life, specifically the chemical changes in living cells by which energy is provided for vital processes and activities.

All for now, I think I'll call it a night!

Re: The Prime Temporal Point, christain verses jew

Enlightened being
Doth make it's mark in smears of grey
In shadow play

In quiet times
You seek to quell
You might even shift as well

But mortal folk
who tease and taunt
Let then be foolish
Let them haunt

For it is always the toughened few
Who through time teach the insolent
What they might be about
What they may prevent

In light and shadow and play
The scoffing child will soon learn
His jokes are nonsense
And his lessons spurned

Follow the wide path
The earth speaken to you
In shallow troughs
You ferry accross


Unfortunately, most commentary on the 12 stones have usually been spiritualized and deal in the terms that you mentioned. However, when you look at it in the way it is SUPPOSED to be looked at, you will find a crystaline structure that is heirrachial from larger to smaller. If you look at it from the spiritualized point of view, it is the so-called Jacob's Ladder which is a climb and a battle through all the forces that make crystaline growth what it is. If you look at it from the PHYSICAL point of view, then it is a series of ever smaller matrices from the first stone which has a structure observable with the naked eye. The last stone has a structure so small that only an electron microscope could observe its matrix. It has been said that the very stones themselves flashed with light in the "language of angels" much like was shown in the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." The Urim and Thummin were simply the positive and negative, yes and no, Input and Output. The stones were the brain or the processor if you will. Combining that processing power with the ruby windows surrounding the temple structure, the ten words on the saphire tablets representing the ten commandments, the perfect reflection of the pure gold walls and floors, not to mention all the gold utensils, then you have much more than a spiritual representation but an actual computer that could blow the bible codes out of the water. Perhaps it is the very machine that the original developers of the bible code were said was necessary to fully develop the past and future accessibility that they are so desperately searching for to fully prove their model.

Another note that I would like to add here, is a further refinement of the constellation model of the matrix. I base it on the following quotation:

"Try reversal. Take single point. Have it implode. Rather than having a traversal from a point towards a sphere, have traversal be from the newly defined sphere towards its center, a point.

Now, any traversal from one place on sphere (original point) that goes through center (original location of point/sphere/singularity) will be exactly one half way to the other side of sphere => which is also the original point/singularity. Thus the destination of the traversal is the origination. This sounds like mathematics."

What this quote is saying to me is what I have believed from the beginning. The formation of the matrices was an implosion process and not an explosion. This complicates the matter somewhat but gives a lot more credibility to the possibility that folds in space/time could have occurred. If this is so, then we would have to give some credence to Tesla's point of view that Gravity is not a pull but a push. Further, that gravity does not come about as a consequence of matter interaction, but a much more sophisticated matter dealing with SPACE pushing on matter to give all the same outcomes of the differential equations. Then the Cassimir Effect would have an entirely different explanation and dark matter would be, in reality, space with some mighty peculiarities.

One more thing. As far as vibrational aspects are concerned, there is another great mystery in the temple structure that has no spiritual explanation. This is the existence of vibrating posts which sound like what a tuning fork would do and 2 leaved doors which allow something to enter as well as leave by the same door. It only stands to reason that an "machine" of this type would have to have outlets for all of the accumulating energy contained in the golden structure. If you want to get a better idea of what this structure looks like, look at a model of Noah's Ark. The temple structure has a very similar construction and the three stories of rooms correspond to the chambers that surround the temple complex and number 33 to each story. Extend that outwards to the surrounding complex on the other side of the court, and remove the court as commanded in the scripture, then you have more structures abutting the temple structure with even more chambers and more ruby windows. As CAT mentioned in her post, the entire structure is not fastened down in conventional fashion that you see with buildings. Everything is situated in a cradle that would allow the entire structure to move if a strong enough force could lift it. Then there is the matter of the ten crystaline foundations of the whole complex. This is not simply a house of worship though it does not detract from this function. This is, in effect, THE flying chariot of Ezekiel and is represented as the sea of glass or, more appropriately, sea of crystal.

One more mystery. What would be the purpose of a pure river of liquid crystal traveling UNDER the doorpost and reaching all the way to the Ark of the testament? This is a stream of pure hydrogen(river of life?) Whatever this stream represents, it seems that it somehow travels through the twelve stones in an ever-decreasing order and then travels upwards in an arc through the porch which is the tallest part of the whole structure(120 cubits). The arc is the upward travel through the planes to the predefined PTP that we have mapped with the constellations, but on a microscopic path through the quantum foam which is nothing less than a mirror of the macroscopic matrix and is connected ala the latest experiments in the heisenberg uncertainty principle. There are many more mysteries to explore!!
Re: The Prime Temporal Point, christain verses jew


I just wanted to tell you how I liked your prose. If only those who are on the negative end of it could see and understand instead of replying to your post as though they think they are the ones on the positive side of it. It was very intuitive as to the shadow play. I enjoyed your other posts too. I have no desire to interact with with those who quell and destroy so I will not get personal here. For the most part, I would just rather share ideas and knowledge than get into personality attacks against the ones devoid of understanding. I wish I had the ability to express truth in so abstract a way so as not to antagonize others into a counterattack. This is a real gift.

I ask for forgiveness for having been out of touch for the past several days, I have been on some other errands that kept from getting in touch with you all. However when I first read what you have all tinkered I was pretty surprised, I have never thought what you are suggesting about the scriptures. And then It occured to me, the same thing happened in some other worlds, why not here?
The way to achieve the divine was a science turned into religion by those who could not conceptualize the main idea, after several centuries it turned into dogma. However I do believe you are on the right track, lets keep adding more to it.
Please Trans, don’t flatter your self. You’re not that important to be missed here for just a couple of days of not posting. The boards are not going to cease to exist just because a newbie who’s only been here 1 week, doesn’t post /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

Just be your self, there is no need for a façade or grandiose arrivals and exists, even regardless for what you claim to know of the future, or think you know. You will be treated just like everyone else, equal. Well I guess I can’t speak for everyone, there might be some Trans001 fanatics
that buy your futuristic approach.

Please tta(lower case just in case you think YOU'RE important), THERE IS NO NEED FOR YOUR GRANDIOSE APPEARANCES AND EXITS. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAN ANYONE NEEDS TO BE TREATED ANY WAY, LET ALONE AS WHAT YOU CALL AS EQUAL. If you have something to say on the subject, say it and let your words be regarded by others as to whether they have any value or not. You're capeless crusader routine is nothing but a big joke!! As far as I can see, your claim to fame is just as bad as what you claim transient to be. Why don't YOU be yourself, which, by the way is a sniffling, whining "I am having a bad day" and the universe is seeming to be going through a shift just because YOU ARE.

What makes you think that Transient was even talking to you. I, for one, missed him in the past few days. You must have missed him too, because you jumped on him as soon as he posted. You must have been bored with no one to attack with your senseless crap so you added another post to your own dead thread just to make yourself be known. Was it enlightening, informative, educational? NO. It was more of the self-important "it sucks to be at the top and knowing all the great things I know". Give us a break. This forum does not revolve around you and doesn't need a self-imposed shadow moderator to regulate things. It doesn't matter if you have 10,000 posts here, you will never be an OLD HAND. I shouldn't let a petty person like you get me ANGRY!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif, but what we have been discussing here is interesting and important to those who have been a PART of it. If you want to be a part of it, BE a part of it. If not, go add another post to your own thread and express your woes of the double-digit manipulators and your *sigh* never ending battle for truth, justice and the American way. Well I can't speak for everyone. There might be someone that buys into your . Yeah, that's right. There's just emptiness there. Are you feeling it Javier? Do you feel the conspiracy? Take a look at the clock. Is there a double digit there? Are you feeling the syncronicity? Oh, God. Maybe there's a triple digit. Things are really going to hit the fan NOW. Them #$%*&@! temporal manipulators are going to get it now. No? Well maybe you'll get philosophic on us and tell us all about how much you love humanity and are looking out for it's good because they are the sheep and the good shepherd will lead them back to the path that the great tta only-knows about.

It is you that flatters yourself javier(again lower case). Take some of your own advice. GET A LIFE!!! From the sound of your posts about your personal life, you can't even get that straight, and yet you think you can moralize on this forum. You call that creedo guy an idiot for putting his own name in his profile and you do exactly the same thing. This is egotism in the extreme. You gotta take a break from this role-playing thing. Do you actually believe that you will have ANY effect on whether time travel will occur or not? You're just a twenty-something KID. Most of us probably don't even CARE whether someone comes on this forum and makes a claim to be from the future, past, the nth dimension, or toonville. It is the content of what they SAY that matters. Sometimes, their particular claims add drama and emphasis to the truth they are trying to articulate. This is called IMAGINATION. Writers have been getting rich on it for centuries and the readers usually can tell fact from fiction. Maybe none of this means anything to you and only serves to get you to lick your chops and rub your hands together to jump into the fray and save the day. Unfortunately, it's just boring, unimaginative tripe that turns people off and gets them angry. I can certainly understand why people like transient would want to continue this thread through private mail. I'm beginning to feel the same way, and it is sad because over 600 observervations have been made on this thread and they would be deprived of whatever conclusions are made. If we left it up to people like you, we would still think the world is flat. No matter. It will all come out anyway and there is NOTHING that you can say, do, or be to prevent it.
Friends of Tr125.0121

On to the task. The matrices are actually starting to look more like a numerical series, the end result could be summarized like but not limited to 3, 20, 4, 30, 5, 40...... I am still working on it, however if you make letters from this numerical series one would get the following array, GKD, KDL, HMV, this words could actually mean "to elevate high vessel hum". This long cypher could go on and on, but it attest to what we have been discussing here so far, there most be an elevation from this grounds in a vibrational way, phasing as we call it.
I read about the Templeship and its computer-like array, it sounds pretty amazing. You think that by reading the scriptures it could actually be build something as they presented us.
Cat I also read about you observing the night sky and finding the star of David over there, what do you think it could be, some more constellatory series or an actual diagram of how the temporal field should be arranged.
Well I think that it might be the way it should be arranged, for example the Star of David contains 6 triangles each with three sides to it, that makes 18 by the 6 sides of the hexagram inside it renders the number 108. This number in kabbalah is equal to ChQ=To measure from the inside and it is tied to the 113 which is ChQH=To measure from the outside, one and the same, the middle. By adding this two word values we get 221, which was the Summatory of (1-21) and the first phase of the latter 231 gates, we get the word ChQHD, which means look in the center. This diagram was proposed by Cornelius De Agrippa. He stated that it was intrinsically joined to a numerical series equivalent to 65, which we already know to be ADNI. So we should keep the Star of David as our surrounding and the ADNI on our center. I believe that there should be six other values to place on each of the triangles to power up our energy grid.
One final topic I would like you all to think about. A friend of mine told me some time ago that time was actually an ever accumulation of chronotrons. The more chronotronic lattices in a given reality the more time that reality has actually experienced. Now If one could actually match the arranged of chronotronic lattices in a given reality one would actually be phasing to that reality´s given time. One could achieve this with a temporal field in which chronotronic lattices are either added or substracted.
Until later becomes now.

Picky picky, you'll learn young one /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif. But since you insist, here I go:

<<Please tta(lower case just in case you think YOU'RE important),>>

TimeTravelActivist is my name. And TTA are my initials, as far as I know intials are in Caps


Well okay, your caps make you important /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif so you want to be treated that way? Sure, Drama Queen /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif I got your equality right here!

<<If you have something to say on the subject, say it and let your words be regarded by others as to whether they have any value or not.>>

I simply made my point clear, with no anger towards Trans001 and his explanation. However, I only saw it fair to mention to him the reality that he has only posted for less then 1 week consistently and to not set his hopes up to high /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

<<You're capeless crusader routine is nothing but a big joke!! As far as I can see, your claim to fame is just as bad as what you claim transient to be.>>

Yes that's right, I'm rich beyond my wildest dreams and I drive a BMW :D. Your funny.

<<Why don't YOU be yourself, which, by the way is a sniffling, whining "I am having a bad day" and the universe is seeming to be going through a shift just because YOU ARE.>>

Well I can see your being you with no trouble

<<What makes you think that Transient was even talking to you. I, for one, missed him in the past few days. You must have missed him too, because you jumped on him as soon as he posted. You must have been bored with no one to attack with your senseless crap so you added another post to your own dead thread just to make yourself be known.>>

Serious, you missed him? Geesh man, get out of the house, why stay home and wait for your idol Trans001 to post? You must be one of those fanatics I was talking about /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif how does it feel to prove me right?

And as for jumping and posting as soon as Trans001 did, that's incorrect, look at the time. It was well over 2 hours later.

<<Was it enlightening, informative, educational? NO. It was more of the self-important "it sucks to be at the top and knowing all the great things I know".>>

Well that's naïve, you rather be lied to and deceived thinking that it's everything you had hoped for, then be told anything realistic.

<<Give us a break. This forum does not revolve around you and doesn't need a self-imposed shadow moderator to regulate things. It doesn't matter if you have 10,000 posts here, you will never be an OLD HAND. >>

Haha /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif shadow moderator, that's a good one. I am no moderator, I am the TTA, and it's my job.

<<I shouldn't let a petty person like you get me ANGRY!!!>>

2 words, Anger Management

<<If you want to be a part of it, BE a part of it. If not, go add another post to your own thread and express your woes of the double-digit manipulators and your *sigh* never ending battle for truth, justice and the American way.>>

Okay, I think I will /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif thanks for the support.

<<Are you feeling it Javier? Do you feel the conspiracy? Take a look at the clock. Is there a double digit there? Are you feeling the syncronicity? Oh, God. Maybe there's a triple digit. Things are really going to hit the fan NOW. Them #$%*&@! temporal manipulators are going to get it now. No? Well maybe you'll get philosophic on us and tell us all about how much you love humanity and are looking out for it's good because they are the sheep and the good shepherd will lead them back to the path that the great tta only-knows about.>>

Ouch /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif...

Not /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif haha. Had you going there for a sec, didn't I?

You can't hurt me by saying stuff like this.

Nice try though

<<It is you that flatters yourself javier(again lower case). Take some of your own advice. GET A LIFE!!! From the sound of your posts about your personal life, you can't even get that straight, and yet you think you can moralize on this forum.>>

Poor naïve DestroyingAngel, I understand that you have not yet considered all that life can consist of. Maybe in time when you grow into a man, then you can zoom in and see that
things aren't really as straight as you had thought they were. And begin to wonder.

<<You call that creedo guy an idiot for putting his own name in his profile and you do exactly the same thing. This is egotism in the extreme.>>

Actually, I said post, he wrote his real name on his posts months ago. I only said it was a mistake because his location could be determined. However my name cannot lead to my location

<<You gotta take a break from this role-playing thing. Do you actually believe that you will have ANY effect on whether time travel will occur or not?>>

I do what I have to do, because I have to. No role, just taking responsibility.

<<You're just a twenty-something KID. Most of us probably don't even CARE whether someone comes on this forum and makes a claim to be from the future, past, the nth dimension, or toonville. It is the content of what they SAY that matters>>

Well that's a shame. If a lot of my peer's spent less time doing immoral things, and thinking about how their actions will have consequences for the future, then maybe there wouldn't be a need for Time Travel, or the TimeTravelActivist.

<<Sometimes, their particular claims add drama and emphasis to the truth they are trying to articulate. This is called IMAGINATION. Writers have been getting rich on it for centuries and the readers usually can tell fact from fiction. Maybe none of this means anything to you and only serves to get you to lick your chops and rub your hands together to jump into the fray and save the day. Unfortunately, it's just boring, unimaginative tripe that turns people off and gets them angry.>>

Maybe, but then again it's also what turns people fanatical. I.e. You! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

<<I can certainly understand why people like transient would want to continue this thread through private mail. I'm beginning to feel the same way, and it is sad because over 600 observervations have been made on this thread and they would be deprived of whatever conclusions are made.>>

Then that's your problem. Your wussies /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif and need to learn to see that not everyone needs to agree with you, to read what you have to say.

<<If we left it up to people like you, we would still think the world is flat. No matter. It will all come out anyway and there is NOTHING that you can say, do, or be to prevent it.>>

Same here /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif. The truth will be revealed in the end. Good-luck to you.

Friend TimeTravelActivist of TR125.0121

I regret two things, one that when I noticed that there was one more post on the PTP subject I saw that it was one of your ignorant games of repeat-what ever some one is saying, just like a little child. The second was how extensive was your nonsense, next time be brief and if possible keep your unchallenging thoughts and lack of ideas to yourself, remember this is a forum for the development of time travel, not the House of Representatives. Time travel topics from you are very much welcomed, but so far I have seen none. All you do is to quote others and tell them how wrong they are and you are not. Let us see your true brilliance, show us your theories, share with us your visions of the future, or are you afraid I might refute them and then let you know how wrong you have been all this time, and then in an instant realize that your visions are not such thing but the result of a paranoid and infirm mind.
I sense that your are pretty lonely, angered at something I don not even want to fathom and very, very , very disappointed at yourself.
This will be my last rebuke to your ignorance and lack of creativity. From now on I shall pray for you and the sanity of your mind and soul. I really hope you get to cope with your lack of orientation and that the detrimentality of your being does not get you into too deep a trouble.
Until later becomes now.
Trans, Pay no attention to TTA! He has lost the friendship of TWO PEOPLE GUIDED BY GD and as the saying goes: Its not good to mess with mother nature! He is desperately trying to maintain his personal elevated stature!

<<Cat I also read about you observing the night sky and finding the star of David over there, what do you think it could be, some more constellatory series or an actual diagram of how the temporal field should be arranged.>>

Once again great number and letter analogy! You seem to really have a instinct at decoding!

By what means or meditational techniques do you use to achieve phasing and PTP?

Is this by the use of the cymetic sound frequencies and aligning and matching yourself with earths resonance? Each planet also puts off its own frequency, for that matter the whole sky full of stars sings a song...When all the stars are aligned in such a way as to form the Merkaba this plays the Shema! The Bible tells us this happened at the time of Christ birth! Here is a web link to make a connection as to what I'm talking about. You will see the Merkaba (Star of David) in its perfect formity. Each star took its place in the celestial heaven for this coming! With such an alignment this made a straight golden mean spiral straight down towards the earth as a directional wormhole...And if this term is appropriate to say, that GD delivered his own son by his mighty hand into the world! So when you ask me about what I think how the constellatory temporal field should be arranged. I think that this example of what I just explained should answer that question. By this alignment a wormhole/star gate, passage is present.

When I mentioned earths resonance frequency. The Bible tells us that there is a 10th Shira song that has not been sung yet! But will be sung in the New Temple and the return of the Messiah. I have searched the Bible code for this song trying to find out what it is? But it is sealed in mystery. This song is special because it will have the cymatic resonance frequencies that also have something to do with the service ritual in the New Temple.

<<One final topic I would like you all to think about. A friend of mine told me some time ago that time was actually an ever accumulation of chronotrons. The more chronotronic lattices in a given reality the more time that reality has actually experienced. Now If one could actually match the arranged of chronotronic lattices in a given reality one would actually be phasing to that reality´s given time. One could achieve this with a temporal field in which chronotronic lattices are either added or subtracted.
Until later becomes now.>>

Yes trans this is the going thought about the Casimir theory supposing, the accumulation of chronotrons as applied to a spaceship able to move at almost the speed of light in empty space and we equip this spaceship with a
special generator that causes the density of virtual particles (chronotrons) surrounding the spaceship to decrease. The "natural" speed of light in the vicinity of the spaceship will go UP! The more we can reduce the virtual particle density, the faster the speed of light, local to the spaceship!

WELL, if the spaceship can travel at almost the speed of light, then we are
talking about the speed of light in the locality surrounding the spaceship! Think of the spaceship as being surrounded by a "bubble" of space in which Nature's Speed Limit has been raised! This would be kind of like obtaining legal permission from the Federal Government to attach an Official Speed Limit sign of 90mph to your car! All around your car, everyone else still has to go 55 or 65.

A similar idea, except that it doesn't require a raising of the speed limit. The ship stands still and the bubble moves! NOW ISN'T THAT SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT?


Six other values huh. That brings to my mind 6 other names that are not that well known. The tetragrammon is common so that would be one. The others are as follows: Elohim, Jehovah-rophe, Jehovah-nissi, tsdenku, Jehovah-Shammah. That would cover all six points and the center which is Adonai. Considering that Elohim is the plural, perhaps El Shaddai would be more appropriate since it is the singular as the others are. Each is a separate personality trait representing the self-revealing God throughout Man's history. We might say that the Elohim created all things and then proceeded to reveal himself to each proceeding generation ending with his final revelation of himself as Jehovah-shammah which means "God is there" which alludes to His final entrance into the rebuilt temple that he so painstakingly mapped out to Ezekiel. The star of David then becomes the full revelation of God's nature throughout history. This could very well be the 7 thunders that was shown to Daniel but told not to disclose at that time. It definitely has connections to the 7 "proclamations" of God as outlined in the New Testament. At each significant point in Jesus' life (incarnation, birth, baptism, transfiguration, crucifiction, resurrection, ascension), God declared as thunder that "this is my son". Only once did he declare it through a man(the centurion) during the thunder and earthquake. There is one other very interesting point. This would probably shake a few Christians up but when you view the fact that God resides in the PTP, it is not difficult to imagine that the incarnation of Christ coincides with creation itself. In other words, when the glory of God overshadowed Mary and conceived the Christ, this may also be the point at which Christ was begotten of the Father. This is the true center point of all creation. In the single act of the incarnation, all time both past and future was created and all the worlds came into being. This can only be possible from the PTP since there is no time/all time. This is not to say that he predestined anything. He simply knows the end from the beginning.

One final point. There is little doubt that God has a mobile throne. That mobile throne is surrounded by clouds. The cloud evidently vibrated in many instances, the most notable one being when it shook Mount Sinai. Many witnesses mentioned being affected by the vibration. Let's look at the cloud. The word cloud means the same as the covering angels overshadowing the mercy seat of the ark of the covenant. It is a "great" cloud, meaning that it is stretched and twisted in such a way as to affect time and space. By the use of sound (vibration), the breastplate was a machine(strong's definition-not mine) to manipulate time and space by concussion to peel away the shells of the matrix and navigate the interstices (space between the shells) without having to travel the distance. Sounds a lot like what happens when a particle changes orbit in an energy transfer within the atom. The only way I can conceive of actual time travel in this manner without having to worry about the location of your destination is to go outward and then back to at least the same general system, taking into consideration its relative movement in relation to the galactic plane. I just recently read of instances where God's people with one voice and a simultaneous blast of shofar, cymbals, lyres and harps were able to somehow affect the workings of the temple structure. I have been unable to find the site again to find the exact scriptures that they were voicing. It mysteriously disappeared overnight! Till next time.
<<I regret two things, one that when I noticed that there was one more post on the PTP subject I saw that it was one of your ignorant games of repeat-what ever some one is saying, just like a little child>>

Repeat? Game? What are you talking about? I all I did was tell the truth. Why wasn't it true

<<The second was how extensive was your nonsense, next time be brief and if possible keep your unchallenging thoughts and lack of ideas to yourself, remember this is a forum for the development of time travel, not the House of Representatives>>

Big words from someone who's only been here 1 week, and enters discussions with a cloak of mystery that is suppose to awe and amaze us.

<<Time travel topics from you are very much welcomed, but so far I have seen none>>

Ohh goody, I am being permitted to discuss Time Travel by Trans001, the newbie is allowing me permission /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif how cute.

<<All you do is to quote others and tell them how wrong they are and you are not>>

Please, bring an example to the table... For my job as the TTA is to be critical of any information that passes my way. Not openly accept it all blindly, like you would have your fanatics do

<<Let us see your true brilliance, show us your theories, share with us your visions of the future, or are you afraid I might refute them and then let you know how wrong you have been all this time, and then in an instant realize that your visions are not such thing but the result of a paranoid and infirm mind.>>

Slow down high speed :D, your forgetting I have been here for 3 years. My theories and explanations lay in the archives of these threads. I am not about to re-create every last bit of information just per your request. You want to refute everything I say and prove me paranoid, go right on ahead; I won't get in your way.

<<I sense that your are pretty lonely, angered at something I don not even want to fathom and very, very , very disappointed at yourself>>

I beg your pardon /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif? Me lonely? I would have you know I have a very beautiful girlfriend who knows how to keep my mind sharp, and who never stops to surprise me
. Far from being lonely and disappointed I'm afraid.

<<This will be my last rebuke to your ignorance and lack of creativity. From now on I shall pray for you and the sanity of your mind and soul. I really hope you get to cope with your lack of orientation and that the detrimentality of your being does not get you into too deep a trouble.>>

Huh? I had you up until orientation, but then it was all just a big fly by /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif. Well nevertheless, I don't worry about my lack of creativity; for I make it up for it in other departments. As for the sanity of my mind and soul, I thank you for your prayers. But don't forget to also pray for the sanity of others who truly suffer from lack of rest and peace. They are the ones who really need our attention.

Good night,

P.S. CAT, you said: <<Trans, Pay no attention to TTA! He has lost the friendship of TWO PEOPLE GUIDED BY GD and as the saying goes: Its not good to mess with mother nature! He is desperately trying to maintain his personal elevated stature!>>

Ouch CAT, that hurts /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif, I don't think anyone who is being guided by God would condone those acts. Where is your sense of love, compassion and forgiveness, is that not what your "GD" is all about?

Didnt you just imply this about me last week?

<<Re: "Childhood's End" : NOT an Option For Humanity [re: Persephone] 09/21/02 08:09 PM. Persephone, What hinders their drive and lack of motivation to some of who don't see a reason to love and care, but be mean heartless bitches?>>

Your a spineless fraction of a man! afraid CATs got your tounge!
I'm sorry CAT, I certainly did not mean you. Your far from being a heartless bitch. The thing was, I was in a rush to write that post and forgot to mention: @$$holes and sleazes bags.

I'm definitely not singling out women. I think men can be just as big as jerks and A-holes as females can jump to paranoid conclusions and speak out of anger.

But no need to worry, because I know your not that type. You know how to deal with it and take responsibility for your actions, and forgive when someone say's he's sorry /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif.


The old saying goes: Do you know how to tell when a Lawyer is lieing? His lips are moving!

Destroyingangel, concerning the Shofar and its purpose! I have just looked into this and see that of all things the Shofar itself is shaped like the Golden Mean Spiral! This leads me to believe that any vibrating sound that comes out of it would be an exact duplication of its actual shape. The Bible teaches that there are 3 different way in which to sound the Shofar and each sounding rythium means something different. This is even more evidance. I am finding out more knowledge and information as I read up on it.

I would really like to find some good pictures that show the actual frequency sound waves and patterns because basically I think this is going full circle around again and back to the Merkabas structure (Star of David.) What I'm also thinking is that these sound frequencies are keys to the ignition of the New Temple! (wouldnt that be something to find out?)

I'm still looking myself, but if you guys can find any pictures or graphs this would be even more exciting!

Hmmm...Back to Time Travel and what Transient was talking about in his posting. A few posts up he was saying there was some connection to numbers...

How about a time signature, like in music, a particular language of music making a particular "vibration". Thus enabling, through this frequency, a process to occur?

I do no think it is a small feat of mankind that we have blossumed into creatures that are drawn to create specific sounds and rythmns, for no purpose other than what we put to it. Might not this be some ancient, native wisdom in our genetics? Might this someday be some key to open future, unimagineable doors?

Each step I take speaks my soul's wrath and glory.
