The topic of conversation here is...

thank you for your opinion theoristjoey,

now, here is how your wrong:

Time IS infinite in both directions, that is it has no begining or end. however, it does not take the form of a loop, it is linear. and yes, you could use a time machine to travel back to 1820. you would simply need to set it to take you back 134 years, and viola, you would be in 1820. however, making a trip back through time 134 years in a single leap would result in you ending up in an alternate world line with such a divergence from your own, you might not recognize it as being 1820. you would be better off making the trip in a series of smaller jumps.
however, it does not take the form of a loop, it is linear.

People used to say the world was flat, rather than round (spherical). There are people today who say spacetime is flat. Could they be wrong?

If time is linear, then why does its passage slow non-linearly as the observer approaches the speed of light? The vibratory frequency that we live within and that our senses respond to tell us that time appears to be linear. Yet Einstein's equations tell us otherwise as v-->c.

I'd give you that time is piecewise linear in our segment of reality, but not that it is universally linear.

ah.. special realativity huh? well, I dont see how that has anything to do with wheather or not time is linear. it jsut means that from the point of view of a person traveling close to c time seems to slow down. it's still linear, just slower.