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glad your back leatherneck.
I do agree that time travel does
exist. There are those that are still trying to make a machine
to travel throug time. But there are also those who have found a
better way. They litarally become the machine.They have mstered the ability to release themeselves from thier bodies, physical that is. Once you are released you can go anywhere. they are traveling on energy. I know this exist because I have been out of my body and even tested this ability. I took a playing card and laid it face up on the table, without looking at it. Then I proceeded to leave my body and went to the table out of body and read the card. I got back in my body and new the card was a red 10 could not make out the suit. I went to the table and sure enough the card was a red 10 I was amazed. Since then I have learned to travel backward in order to retreive events that happend in my past that I could not remember. It is a very helpful tool to heal post traumatic stress disorder. ROBERT MONROE OF THE MONROE INSTITURE has studied this for years with a lot of good results. Yogis and shamans have been doing this for eons. Science and spirituality will soon merge and it will lead us to many new and helpful technologies. but first we have to create peace because in the wrong hands this technology could be very dangerous. The same goes for free energy. I know guys on this stream are very scientific and that is good but if you merged the scientific with spiritual science you would be quite amazed at the results. We have to sides to our brains ,one logical the other abstract, They must learn to work together Then you will have a world waiting your exploration. Those of us who have discovered spirituality will not be sitting around doing nothing as has been said. We will make great progress in healing those who are sick, teaching our children with out stiffling their creativity, cleaning up the planet, making earth more balanced and also having a lot of fun.We need science and we need balanced people. You guys are smart start using the abstract part of your brain. you can strengthen this by doing yoga , Thi chi meditation, and martial arts. This planet has been held in bondage for to long. It can't take much more abuse and neither can mankind. There is help out there but they won't do it for us.I know I'm rambling, Sorry but it breaks my heart to see such smart people harbor so much meaness to a fellow human being. When someone ask me what religion I am I say human. Humanity is my religion. So you guys get in touch with your heart center cause we need all the help we can get
Love clara

<<Sorry but it breaks my heart to see such smart people harbor so much meaness to a fellow human being.>>

Well you have. You wouldn't even respond to my posts or CATS.

<<When someone ask me what religion I am I say human. Humanity is my religion. So you guys get in touch with your heart center cause we need all the help we can get>>

Couldn’t keep away from posting could you? So what have you been doing since you called us uncivilized and unenlightened people to even be spoken to?

Reading some of my old posts, maybe?

Your first post back sounds very familiar to things I’ve said before.

Especially about Humanity being my religion and thing hurting me about people.

Just suspicious. Your saying things that you’ve never said before, until now. And especially now, when you said you wouldn’t post again.

Another one of your hypocritical moves?

That’s another thing I can’t stand. Hypocrites.

They say one thing, and do another. Especially those that claim spiritual superiority. Like you have Clara…

How many times have I proved you to be a hypocrite Clara
? Sorry but how dare you come here and preach all this New Age crap, and in the end fall short of remaining unconditional to your teachings.

Humanity is my religion too… I want what’s best for it too. However, going about it your way is not the answer.

I’ve seen the damage spirituality will inflict upon this world. Every shred of our humanity will be lost. Thus creating no more humanity, and what then will be your religion Clara?

I think your just trying to make your self more appealing, since no body liked your other persona. But how genuine are you? Humanity means having to put up with everything they have. I doubt you have the strength to put up with so much anger and pain.

Your more New Age spiritual then human Clara
, who you trying to fool.

You accept us being manipulated and exploited by “our brothers and sisters from the sky.” A true human believer will see that as wrong, and want to stop that. Your more of a sell out human if anything else human Clara.

Humanity being your religion, please… Give me a break.


P.S. Like I said before, if you plan to stay here, this is how things will be. I am the TimeTravelActivist. It’s my job to be a critic. Especially those that are full of shit.
What is odd about this board, is that only a short time ago, everyone had to be politically correct and had to be very careful as to what they had said.

Art Bell's web site.Again.Everyone has to be careful of what they said and no infraction will be tolleraited.

Anomalies.net.Rick.Again everyone must be careful of what they say and no infraction will be tolleraited.

tec-time.org.Again everyone must be careful of what they say and no infraction will be tolleraited.

tap-ten was not a socal stance is is not included.

Fourier complete, give balance line to all principles.

One two three four are complete.

Principles for realingment complete.

Task done.
creedo, for the first time in history people can say what they want without being lynched. This computer gives us that ability.
I don't care if anyone reads my post and I don't have to read theirs. Freedom is a wonderfull thing.

This is actually shadow. I'm going to warn you right up front: this post might contain something you might disagree with...so don't read it.

You know I've seen six year olds put their fingers in their ears and shout blah-blah-blah in order to not hear what the the other person has to say. How is your attitude any different?
Public appology:

To the slaves that were used and had been depicted in the 1960s film, Atlantis The Lost Continent, as shown to be gentically tampered with, I creedo 299, as told earlier, do appologise to your lot and express my condolances at the depth of both your change and suffering at the hands of the old Atlantian Empire.

With the nature and bredth of the Sirian Star System beam shot into Earth's sun, in the early 1970s as told by author Barbra Marcinack in, Earth The Pleiadean Keys To The Living Library, we Earthlings are in some instances now aware of our past.

I also know of the past quarentine placed upon all Earthlings, due to the foolishness of Atlantis never being corrected.This is with the exception of a few alien races, who seem by tales, to hide amongst us.

To Time02112.I am not a pervert.
However had to take a very deep look a errocitca codeing, as it had been expressed both anciently as once a tool of high preist of the Mesopataimian erra.

This was till till errotica in held statuic effigeum, had changed from the late 1800s and 1900s to what it is today, as an industry.

I had to examine what portents of errotica change what portions of this society, in contrast to other both political and sociological changes.
As in some measure, the dictoms placed onwardly Sigmund Frued, did place sex and sexuality as a lubricant for other social means to occur.

As you public said that you are decendant from Atlantian royality.
Then you bear past karmic principles, inhearent in the changeing of humans to beast of burden, by inserting lower animal genetic matter, into said slaves, so that they could toil more intelligently for the past cuase of Atlanits.

The only beings that are left over, are an array of gill-men, who have been spotted as far inland as the Saint Larwence Seaway, on the shore walls of the lock system, as told in FATE Magazine as well as other encouters too numerous to mention.

These gillmen are what is left of the doing of the ancient high preist of Atlantis.This action in our time, would be equivilent to our modern day genetisist, in arranging human DNA molicules, and the heilex replication pattern thereforth.

I must cuation you without castigation to your cause brother'

The nature of time and space is such, that due to the principles of quantum particle intrusion, from gross flux bolace, there is always an inhearent chance, that anyone's time machine, may well enter a worm hole.

If this event were to occur, then one would litteraly find themselves thousands, if not millions of light years from Earth, as a false protocol of time travel.This said being a universal displacment.

At this point of disembarkation from your supposed time ship, if this were another world that host inteligent life.

Furthermore if this inteligent life is still aware of the quarentine aginst Earthlings, I ask brother, then how will you account for yourself, in the known past deeds of Atlantis?

You must ponder these possabiliters, please.

I do this post without malace and sit before the concept of Clara as an encourager to my actions here and an impartial judge.

Have you publically said your sorry?

I just have.

I never said I didn't like disagreement. but I can choose not to talk to people who have no respect for others and who don't act like name calling children. I'll respond only when someone speaks with respect.
About your suggestions that "Evil" forces function out there designed to hamper efforts with on-going technological pursuits and research concerning Time Travel, I've got my own belief about the matter..... Read on

Just finished both an interesting and enjoyable read over at a few web-sites, with special regard to David R. Francis, United States Ambassadore to Russia at the time of the Bolshevic Revolution and found it quite ironic, in light of America's own troubles in the here & now of year 2002, a statement made by Ambassadore Francis at the height of the revolt.

At risk of setting off some kinf of cyber-space riot, I've enclosed the fine man's statement, alongside two other statements of which I feel relevant.

No offense, anybody..... simply stating facts
Leather Neck

God Bless America



David R. Francis, United States ambassador in Russia, warned in a January 1918 dispatch to Washington: "The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90 percent of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists and they are trying to start a worldwide social revolution."



The Netherlands' ambassador in Russia, Oudendyke, made much the same point a few months later: "Unless Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe and the whole world as it is organized and worked by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things."



The Jewish Plan for Genocide of USA Whites ISRAEL COHEN (1912)

"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause." Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957

Why are you so angry?

Did you miss your ride on Hale-Bop the first time?

I’m sure you’ll have your chance to reunite with your brothers and sisters from the sky, again in a few thousand years

But seriously, I respected you once, and even tried to have a truce with you. But you turned to be quite a hypocrite, and no longer love me (like I cared if you did anyways).

You don’t respond to my posts? Why? It’s not because they are childish, but because you know you’ll only incriminate your self even more if you do.

Yet all you continue to do is recite the same old cock-a-mamie story over and over again. With the attempt of converting people into your new age fellowship.

Get this straight sister, I am the TimeTravelActivist, I will not allow you to take any innocent souls as long as I am here. I will not allow you to enslave humanity. It does not belong to you… Your alien masters can coerce you all they can, but they will not succeed. For I have the same ability and power as you claim to have, only defected, and using it to serve humanity.

Not sell them out…

I do agree that there are forces bent on controlling everybody and everything. They do it through many means, victimization, group control, racial tension. The key is not to buy into all that. One more reason to claim your power. We are individuals but we are also one world. We can unit as one world and end all this or we can go on giving our fathers, husbands, and sons to wars. The brothers that I speak of do not want to control us but want to give us the tools necessary to move forward with our evolution and make a peacefull world. If they wanted to take us over they would have done so long ago. There are those who have been protecting our process of freedom all the while waiting for us to claim our on destiny. That has been the plan all along.
but we have to want freedom and learn to claim it in the right way. those of us who are learning our learning that control is not the way. we are learning about ourselves and how destructive man can become when he has not learned to control himself.This stream is a perfect example. There are those that would tell you they are protecting you from something evil. Hitler, Stalin, all dictators make their followers feel like they are protecting them when in actuality they are controlling them. You do not need to be controlled. you need to be respected and taught how to be in charge of your like . We are not victims

Leatherneck, some would say that America is being protected. I beleive America is being guided It always has been. America will lead and guide those other countries to become democracys also. any endeavor requires work and sacrifice. A few notes about Jewish politics. They don't seem to want peace anymore than the palestinians. Have you ever read a series of books by a man named ZACHARIAH SITCHEN.I think you would get a better picture of the root cause of all their fighting by reading his work. He is one of only 7 people in the world able to read sumerian text and has come to some very interesting conclusions about why this started in the first place. The forces that watch are revealing lots of information at this time but you want come across it unless you tap into that source . Ask and it shall be given. I to have read a lot about the Russian Revolution. the people of Russia never had a chance because it was a control issue . there leaders never wanted them to be free only wanted them to do what they said. We so called new age people as they call us would never allow such a thing because many of us have learned to see and feel energy. New agers would have never bought into a Hitler or a Stalin.The thing that scares me is that some Americans would. especialy those that claim they are victoms. Promise them what they want and you got followers. The forces who speak through me never promised me nothing in fact I had to give up alot especialy my control over others. It was hard but beleive me I gained my freedom and we all will one day. Clara
If your going to discuss freedom, at least manage to give a 2 sided view of the subjects you choose to speak of.

Here, I’ll help you out:

<<I do agree that there are forces bent on controlling everybody and everything.>>

This part you got right… Like your New Age group with Solara.

Why haven’t you given people the website to it yet, to see where you are actually coming from?

Here, I’ll do it: http://www.nvisible.com/

It’s always important for people to consider the source, don’t you think?

<<<They do it through many means, victimization, group control, racial tension. The key is not to buy into all that.>>

No, but instead, they do it by having you succumb to an unseen power. Based only on a leap of faith, and devotion to a new age God.

And allowing it to take hold of your soul from beyond and guide us, is what is your saying…

<<One more reason to claim your power.>>

You mean become like you? A sell out human?

<<We are individuals but we are also one world. We can unit as one world and end all this or we can go on giving our fathers, husbands, and sons to wars.>>

Don’t be such a pacifist. What your suggesting, is that we bring our defenses down and allow others who don’t share the same perspective wipe us out.

Yeah, your way will really ensure our survival.

<<The brothers that I speak of do not want to control us but want to give us the tools necessary to move forward with our evolution and make a peacefull world.>>

So they told you the same bull s#%$? Oh please, your brainwashed Clara. Don’t you see that thousands are being manipulated and exploited for their own benefit?

Who here would agree to a Alien abduction?

I know many who didn’t, and got one anyways.

That Clara, is a violition of our basic human rights.

So I don’t know how you think they want to help us.

<<If they wanted to take us over they would have done so long ago. There are those who have been protecting our process of freedom all the while waiting for us to claim our on destiny. That has been the plan all along.>>

I’ll bet it has. So when do you cut the cord?

Mankind has to be able to make it’s own choices Clara, where do you get off thinking that cheating and accepting a hand out from these Aliens is ok? What, can’t you reach this state of being on your own? Then you don’t deserve it, if you can’t fight for it.

Survival of the fittest…

Not becoming wusses for the entire universe to look down as. But a strong race, resilient and capable of adapting against adversity.

If we become this pacifist society your wanting to convert us to, we would surely loose all our sense of the past. Our human principles would be a hypocrisy…

If we go about it your way that is.

<<but we have to want freedom and learn to claim it in the right way.>>

Which way is that Clara?

Accept and give up our freedom to your Alien Masters?

Accept TimeTravel, and forget about exploiting the past like a resource?

<<those of us who are learning our learning that control is not the way.>>

What control are you speaking about? Do you mean our control of not accepting what your saying and seeing it as unethical?Your wanting to give control? And you think that’s a good thing?

<<we are learning about ourselves and how destructive man can become when he has not learned to control himself.>>

It’s workable. But we don’t need to follow your masters to do it.

<<This stream is a perfect example. There are those that would tell you they are protecting you from something evil. Hitler, Stalin, all dictators make their followers feel like they are protecting them when in actuality they are controlling them. You do not need to be controlled. you need to be respected and taught how to be in charge of your like . We are not victims >>

Who here is under this kind of dictatorship? You may want to use an evergreen argument, for no one here is living under this kind of dictatorship, never have.

What humanity needs is to consider 2 sides of things, before sealing their fate. Are you teaching them to be critical Clara?

I guess you rather them be ignorant and not realize that accepting Time Travel is wrong.

More later…

I unlike you Clara, have a paying job that needs my attention.

Hey Shadow hows your luck doing these days? A day late and a dollar short! (still?)

Remember our little discussion about those Time Travelers and there control over us!

If you dont believe yet in the TimeTravelActivists double digits theoery this is a prime example to ponder about the events that befell and devastated us on September 11th

The date of the attack: 9/11...9+1+1=11
September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2+5+4=11
After September 11th there are 111 days left in the year
119 is the area code to Iraq/Iran: 1+1+9=11
Twin Towers standing side by side looks like the number 11
The first plane to hit the towers was flight 11
The state of New York was the 11th state added to the union.
New York City: 11 letters
Afghanistan: 11 letters
The Pentagon: 11 letters
Ramzi Yousef: 11 letters (convicted of orchestrating the attack on the WTC in 1993)
Flight 11: 92 passangers on board: 9+2=11
Flight 77: 65 passangers on board: 6+5=11

Either a sick and insane mind like Bin Laden could conjure something like this up or another piece of evidence that Time Travelers had there hand in.

Let me know your thoughts?

I also feel September 11th has a strong connection to advancing us spiritualy.

Another thought crossed my mind today that Time Travelers even have control over the weather. I live in Wisconsin and by far this has been the most mildest winter in history! And I thought what could this significance be? and it dawned on me! it could be either G-ds way or Time Travelers way of helping with the Twin Towers "clean up" in New York because the weather blows from the west coast to the east coast.

Thats another thought to ponder?

I have to correct you there TTA.

The fix is already in.

We were modified by alien species some millions of years ago.

This is said in Geo Andrews book, E.T. Freinds And Foes.

And for Clara, you arn't intimidating anyone are you?

I can read personalities on the net and in some ways you seem nice, so what the poop Clara?
Creedo 299

The “fix”?

What “fix”?

So according to what a book states, you believe it to be the gospel truth?

Unless you have had first hand experience and are witness to this being true. Prove it?

However, considering if this is true. Then it may be possible that Aliens have manipulated us genetically for some time in the past.

Nevertheless, that does not give them the privilege to play God with us any longer.

We are aware, strong and capable of choosing our own destiny.

We are enlightened enough to see that what they are doing is unethical.

These are the sins of the father; to keep repeating this endless loop. Always being a necessity of having to come full circle to the same conclusion…

I must help set things right. Am I all alone? Doesn’t anyone else see this as wrong?

It is time to gain back our freedom and independence. Not by giving it up, and to allow them to exploit us like this. What are we? Sissy’s?

These E.T. enthusiasts will rather sell us out then consider this. I.e. Clara.

Now moving onto:

Ambassador Clara, of the 12th moon off to the right of Uranus

Let me just jump in here:

<<We so called new age people as they call us would never allow such a thing because many of us have learned to see and feel energy.>>

So can I, and I will never allow these New Age wimps to sanction Time Travel and alien abductions. Who better, then one of your own, to defend against these attacks

<<New agers would have never bought into a Hitler or a Stalin.>>

Are you through trying to put a false spin on something you and everybody else can clearly see it’s a load of crap and a hypocrisy?
I mean, just look at your self for example. Your choosing to speak for your people, yet you fall short of what you preach… Give me a break.

Quit trying to make your case sound good…

If you claim that your people would never have brought a person like Hitler into being, what’s stopping you from finding Osma Bin Laden?

Here’s a perfect opportunity to prove your selves, and make an impact. By bringing in the most hated man in America, to justice.

I’m sure you’ll get a lot of people signing up for Solara’s desert retreat, and activation seminars. As they will want to see the true power of the New Age at work. And will want to be a GOD of their own someday

What better propaganda can you ask for? Then for you to pry on the situation, of people’s need of searching for the divine in times like these.

A place to dictate a New World Order of your own. Is that not, what New Age’rs believe anyways?

<<The thing that scares me is that some Americans would.>>

That scares me too. That Americans like you can really spoil it for the rest of us.

<<especialy those that claim they are victoms. Promise them what they want and you got followers.>>

Promise them a world of there own, an existence in transcendence, and a world of mindless new age drones, and it got you hooked, huh?

<<The forces who speak through me never promised me nothing in fact I had to give up alot especialy my control over others. It was hard but beleive me I gained my freedom and we all will one day.>>

Now that is scary… People becoming like you Clara, is something I hope I never have to live through. Nor accept.

The forces, who “speak through” you, are not what they seem. They are under a benevolent guise, that you are not willing to see. They can tell you pretty things and make you believe them, and you not be critical of them. Which is just perfect for them, for you to do their bidding.

You need to consider your self as still being flawed and doing the same mistakes as everyone else. For your actions and words speak for them selves. You still don’t get it. Why don’t you just consider the possibility that maybe your still wrong?

I’d hate for you to be really disappointed when reality kicks in.

(Now to the Millions):

Having to come to the choice of making a decision, is something I’ve been warning people here since day one, 3 years ago. I just hope I have done a good enough job if any, in informing people of the other unspoken side of Time Travel and spirituality.

It will not be my decision to make, it will be yours. It will be your call to make, what would it be? I can only hope you will choose the responsible ethical decision and band Time Travel, and keep spirituality away from technology. At all costs!

They will exploit it. Trust me.

I have seen the damage they have caused and are capable of. If I could project my psychic visions through a screen for all to see, you’d all be shocked of the conspiracy that lies right under our noses.

Well I see I wrote a lot. I hope no one is bored yet… I gotta get my 6 hour astral trip in, or else I’m cranky in the morning


P.S. Bytheway, I had this really freaky dream 3 nights ago, of being in New York around the year 2030, and being able to slide through portals at will. There was a brown/red haired white female, I was befriended by. If this rings a bell to anyone, please e-mail me to: [email protected] thanks.

It better have not been you Clara
Gosh can't anybody be nice anymore. do we all have to be ugly just cause somebody doesn't argree with us. Like I said I will not stoop to name calling its just not my way. Why do you think I would be imitating anyone. I will tell you that I have telepathic abilities. Sometimes my friends do step in to talk ,but only when I give my permission. they are very wise you know because they have been there done that. But they will never tell you what to do. They respect my free will which is something some of these earthly humans could use some lessos in. Get an easy teacher and end up with a dumn student. Get a wise teacher and you can accomplish anything.
Stop bragging. I have telepathic abilities too, you don't see me mentioning them.

Is it so difficult for you to conceive of the idea, that maybe they lied to you? They lie to everyone in the beginning of this phenomena's activation.

I know how it feels, it makes you feel that your special and that your worth something to a higher order.

But that's not true, your not. We are just sheep or cattle to them, and they keep us locked in our pins. Constantly teasing us with delusions of freedom and free-thought.

How can you prove that your the exception? How do you know, what they told you is the truth?

Open your eyes Clara, look at the signs that show them interfering with us. Prove it to your self...

Read CAT's first post for 1-23-02. Notice how when she is writing about the 9-11 incident, how it also is counterintuitive to what the time was when she posted.

No-Manipulation, on Time Travelers part there, huh?

They love people like you Clara, who accept them without a doubt in their minds. You are especially receptive to listen to them, and go along with it, because you feel it's something good.

Their way of teaching, is justified in you, as being just and appropriate. You do realize however, that "The end justifies the means" to your friends from the sky? And you don’t seem to mind, as long as it gets the job done, and your happy?

Do you really think they are disclosing on all possible information to you?

If you believe that, you've jumped into this whole New Age spirituality crap, very naively.

Why would they tell you everything? Keeping you ignorant, is the only way they can get people like you to believe in them.

If they told you exactly what their agenda was, that would be contrary to their purpose. Which is to have people believe in a faith, that is misleading and exploits people from the past, for spiritual gain in the future.

How many defectors would your New Age society see, if they were miraculously told of this plot?

So far, just 1
The TimeTravelActivist.

Why not get into 6 years of Martial Arts like I have, learn some critical thinking, and learn what principles really are. Then maybe you’ll understand what spirituality really means to humanity.

I’ll give you a hint: It’s slavery, control, and Manipulation. Everything you claim to be opposed of, are a hypocrite to -if you believe and follow New Age doctrine.

More later...

Hi Shadow,

You must have not missed or not seen my post above dated on the 23rd for you.

Check it out.


Thanks for exemplifying my reference on this site which is posted above on the 23rd (for everyone to see) on the double digit theory.

How could one not see a connection to this deception?
This is proof and a prime example that time manipulation is occuring.

