Time Travelers From The Past

I feel that way everytime I look at the vast amount of stars in the sky, but then again I know it is just a feeling, produced by my body.

But there's a tendency to seperate ourselves from 'the universe' and forget that everything we experience and think is a part of it. So even to just think 'meaning' is to give it existence within the universe.

I have a suspicion that the wave/particle duality extends to the universe as a whole. That it is neither meaningless or meaningfull...but somehow both.

In the west we tend to seperate our gods and demons into 'good' and 'bad' distinct entities. But I think the eastern religions have it right.....we are under the grip of the mad god Kali ( whose literal interpretation of name comes from 'kala'.....meaning 'time' ).

She is depicted creating with one hand and destroying with the other. And even though Kali is not the supreme god she is often depicted standing on the seemingly 'dead' body of her husband, the supreme god Shiva ( the 'lord of the dance' )..who is depicted as somehow indifferent ( though it is an illusory indifference and Shiva is really deep in thought ). Add to that the fact that in the Vedic literature they are not really seperate entities but two forms of the same thing.........and somehow I think eastern thinkers got a 'theory of everything' way before string theory.

To me it's clear that long before Einstein, the eastern thinkers understood that energy and time ( Kali ) and matter ( the inert Shiva ) are just two different forms of the same thing. The seeming 'indifference' of the supreme god is a dualistic necessity as Shiva submits to his partner.
Very cool, Twighlight:

I have a suspicion that the wave/particle duality extends to the universe as a whole. That it is neither meaningless or meaningfull...but somehow both.

Indeed. That which is meaningful and useful flows from a continuous dance of extremes. The extremes are not "real" nor meaningful in and of themselves (false prophets?). Rather, it is the creation between them that has purpose (i.e. function).

She is depicted creating with one hand and destroying with the other. And even though Kali is not the supreme god she is often depicted standing on the seemingly 'dead' body of her husband, the supreme god Shiva ( the 'lord of the dance' )..who is depicted as somehow indifferent ( though it is an illusory indifference and Shiva is really deep in thought ). Add to that the fact that in the Vedic literature they are not really seperate entities but two forms of the same thing.........and somehow I think eastern thinkers got a 'theory of everything' way before string theory.

Me too. And I have convinced myself that the Hermetic Traditions borrowed and adapted from the Vedics, simply making their stories fit their social and cultural points of view. I have studied the Hermetic Traditions and arrived at various parallels between what they teach and actual science.

Kali = MOTION. It is motion that creates and destroys by operating on matter.
Shiva = MATTER. It is matter that provides form from which a purpose can be served by placing it into motion.

And everything in our physical universe is described by MATTER in MOTION, yes? In fact, when you look at the basic formulations of energy (1/2*m*v^2 and m*g*h) you see a mixture of MATTER and MOTION.

To me it's clear that long before Einstein, the eastern thinkers understood that energy and time ( Kali ) and matter ( the inert Shiva ) are just two different forms of the same thing. The seeming 'indifference' of the supreme god is a dualistic necessity as Shiva submits to his partner.

Again, agreed. And the "secrets" of the various Hermetic Traditions (freemasonry, etc.) are, in fact, these basic truths. I have even aligned them with systems theory with respect to how we describe, define, and develop any system to serve a purpose. There are three domains within which you can describe a system:

Operational Domain - How I use a system (for what purposes/objectives). Metrics are Time & Frequency that define operational sequences and durations.
Functional Domain - What a system does (action verbs). Metrics are all forms of Motion (velocity, acceleration, et. al).
Physical Domain - What a system is (nouns). Metrics are all forms of Matter.

It is through the interplay of a functional and physical design instantiation that some operational objective is pursued and achieved. From form and function stems purpose.

The Time Traveler's Wife

The Time Machine ok but in the TTW did they ever explain what "part" of him was traveling in time? I think the tv show Quantum Leap and TTW are in a special class. They're act you like can send whatever controls the mind/soul back in time and that it's just a natural easy thing for the universe to handle, far easier than sending back a bunch of matter.

Reality is like a WORM drive. Write once, read _many_
