TTI Music

You're welcome.

Genre: Rock
New to me is Thrice -
- Digital Sea [Official Video]

Dedicated, in thanks, to Itheblaze:
- Come All You Weary (lyrics)

- In Exile

- Circles
These might be good to listen to while Traveling in your Time Machine.

The short version.
Guess I just like the classics. My Grand kids like my playlist called "Old Guy Rock n Roll".
Thank you, GPA, for reminding about the first song.
Fitting time themes. A few songs by Chicago, I overplayed.
You previously only mentioned Steppenwolf. Your nostalgia
is understandable in view of the next song.

Genre: acoustic guitar
Bob Rylett - These Days Move They Move Apocalyptically
Thanks Syzygy. I could just see me in Wal-Mart, amongst the frozen peas when a huge disco ball lowers, lights dim and all the customers start getting their grove on. What a laugh. One of the prettiest videos I've seen in by an Irish Lass named Enya, 1988, Orinoco Flow.
Every time traveler should listen to this song at least once. It's the one hit wonder by Zager and Evans, 2525, it's quite prophetic.
Hi, Itheblaze. I'll give you a chance to embed an a-v with
the above song, or have it worked into a set later. Now,
another theme song for you:
Over The Rhine - Gonna Let My Soul Catch My Body

Song in progress now... Sk8er boi by avril lavigne guess it is time for me to move on and play the guitar. 5 years from now I could be famous. Rock on! Choose your fate...
Don't make fun but I'm 42 and this is my first lap-top comp. I don't know how to add a video. If you tell me how I'm willing to learn.
Two requests:
punk for Metrocity,

rock for Itheblaze,

Don't make fun but I'm 42 and this is my first lap-top comp. I don't know how to add a video. If you tell me how I'm willing to learn.
Please see the instructions that were formerly provided you
by me on Saturday via a private conversation/message (PM).
Your knowing how to "Cut and Paste" would be helpful, too.
At the bottom of the TTI homepage is a "Test Forum" wherein
you can practice cutting and pasting and embedding A-Vs.

Best wishes.
Had a great TIME along the Angeles Crest and in the Angeles National Forest with my 4x4 yesterday on a perfectly sunny SoCal afternoon. Dipped a lot into the old Stone Temple Pilots music on my ipod. One of my favorites, with his initial lyric relevant to TTI....

"And I feel, that time's a wasted go..."

There are just so many great STP songs from years past that it is really hard to pick an overall favorite. But if I was pressed to do so, this one would be it:

That city slicker stuff ain’t bad...
I can see cruisin’ to that there second tune.
Sometimes, tho', I like some action adventure
with my pickin’ and grinnin’.
For them times, there’s the guy on the buffalo--
now, now, some folks ‘round here might think
I’m partial to Native Americans,
but I can’t blame a guy for self-defense.
Guy On A Buffalo - Episode 1 of 4 (Bears, Indians & Such)

This here's really wild:
Guy On A Buffalo - Episode 2 of 4 (Orphans, Cougars & What Not)

Speakin’ of pickin’ an grinnin’...
Those Darlins - Snaggle Tooth Mama.
So much for my 'backwoods southerner' bit.
Concurrent in multiple threads today is a theme
conducive to my next selection. Therein the lyrics
a young woman in the distant past engages herself,
as an an old matron, in dialog via a looking glass:

"Jig of Life" could be combined with the celtic carol above for continuity.
Michael Janks just gave me an excuse to play a rock-a-billy song:
Hipbone Slim & The Knee Tremblers - I Hear An Echo.

The suggestive album cover might be preferable to the above image--
it's a close call.
I've always loved Kate Bush. Literally had a crush on her for a long time! :) Her vocal range is wonderful and her varied influences really show through. A couple of nice songs from Ms. Bush:

But this one would be my all time Kate Bush favorite:
