Could you love an android child?

I think if androids become popular, the institution of marriage may become obsolete. Cheating becomes a thing of the past. A woman may be free to choose multiple mating partners for the real thing for procreation. Androids can take on the responsibility of raising the young. The world would definitely be a different place.
I think, that this contradicts the female instincts. Women will dream for marriage, and for someone to love her. "multiple mating partners for the real thing for procreation" is not the female type of thinking, even though, that it may be evolutionary correct. They also will not want some one else to raise their children. They want to be with them and share the pleasures with them. If someone takes the child from a woman, it will be something like a torture for her.

I think, that this contradicts the female instincts. Women will dream for marriage, and for someone to love her. "multiple mating partners for the real thing for procreation" is not the female type of thinking, even though, that it may be evolutionary correct. They also will not want some one else to raise their children. They want to be with them and share the pleasures with them. If someone takes the child from a woman, it will be something like a torture for her.
But each woman would have her ideal partner at home. Her android mate. And the android wont mind if she takes on mating partners for procreation. I didn't say the android would exclusively raise the children. Of course mom will participate. But having a helper to raise the kids is definitely a plus for many fatherless families. Of course dad may want to participate as well. Think of it as having a full time nanny.

But each woman would have her ideal partner at home. Her android mate. And the android wont mind if she takes on mating partners for procreation. I didn't say the android would exclusively raise the children. Of course mom will participate. But having a helper to raise the kids is definitely a plus for many fatherless families. Of course dad may want to participate as well. Think of it as having a full time nanny.
Men would do the same with an android woman, minus the children, most likely.

Men would do the same with an android woman, minus the children, most likely.
Of course. But men and women still fall in love. The thing I see is that no child is ever raised without parental support. I think it's a win win situation for everyone involved.

Of course. But men and women still fall in love. The thing I see is that no child is ever raised without parental support. I think it's a win win situation for everyone involved.
Then it would turn into a Bladerunner type situation with the androids there to serve humanity.

Why not to think more combinativly? Take them both. The real and the android one. Taking the android, you are actually given for free a very complex electronic computig system. Maybe you will be able to watch youtube by connecting your android child to the television.... The android child will need only electricity to live, which elecricity may be taken from a solar battery. Thus it will not waste your resources for growing the real child. Thus you will be able to have them both. I also imagined how android children may coexist together, without causing the human race to die out - you will be allowed to have an android child, ONLY if you have a real child...
Even better!

That is always the fear, but you have to program limits and safeguards into them. The movies tend to show that someone corrupt gets a hold of them, though, and the limits and safeguards are removed. I suppose there is that type of potential, but if we are already creating walking robots, I'm sure people are going to try to build an Android just to prove they can.
We could all begin using them to live out our own live like in Surrogates!

I think if androids become popular, the institution of marriage may become obsolete. Cheating becomes a thing of the past. A woman may be free to choose multiple mating partners for the real thing for procreation. Androids can take on the responsibility of raising the young. The world would definitely be a different place.
Brave New World 2.0

Then it would turn into a Bladerunner type situation with the androids there to serve humanity.
Actually will become a situation in which the humanity will self - destruct - the men will not marry women; women will not marry men;very few and continuously decreasing number of real children, and when the adults die out and their children reach a critical number of incapability to self - recreate, they and their few children will die and the planet will be entirely depopulated.

Men and women are still attracted to each other. They will still fall in love. This usually results in offspring. I don't see that part changing. In fact it may cause a population explosion.

Androids will become concurrents to humans in all aspects. How about if a stupid woman falls in love with an android? She will not have a child. The women are stupid - very few will agree to sacrifice their "love" for the reason to have children. Men are more pragmatic, but if the women fallen in love in an android do not want them, they don't have what to do. If falling in love in androids become in a mass scale, the humanity is doomed.

I actually do think that one could love an android child. The question would be can the child love back? Humans have that ability to obsess over many things such as celebrities, in many cases they prefer a character the actor played which aren't actually real. For instance, Heath Ledger (R.I.P) or the Joker? I love the Joker but know very little about Heath Ledger. As humans, we have tendencies to grow emotional attachments to things that don't even have to exist, in fact it's better if they don't as it gives a sense of excitement or adventure almost. It's easier to love a fictional character than a real human. I vote that it's possible. :)

I actually do think that one could love an android child. The question would be can the child love back? Humans have that ability to obsess over many things such as celebrities, in many cases they prefer a character the actor played which aren't actually real. For instance, Heath Ledger (R.I.P) or the Joker? I love the Joker but know very little about Heath Ledger. As humans, we have tendencies to grow emotional attachments to things that don't even have to exist, in fact it's better if they don't as it gives a sense of excitement or adventure almost. It's easier to love a fictional character than a real human. I vote that it's possible. :)
An android child could probably learn to play out love actions and responses. We teach our real children how to do that by setting examples. We probably just don't accept that as a true emotional response in an android because so many hormones are involved with it in humans and animals.

Why would you want an android, not a real child? What the android child will give you better? Or more?
This question is very valid. Yes, there are people who are infertile, but there are real children that need to be adopted. In the United States, however, adoption is difficult. It costs thousands of dollars and you can't adopt if you have diabetes or any kind of medical condition. I understand they have to be careful, but I find the cost of the process is basically selling children. Someone is profiting. Anyway, an android child would cost even more, I'm sure. It would probably be in the millions, wouldn't you think?

I see in the future......Stepford Wives, for the men, and yes Stepford Hubbies for all you Lasses! Wheeeee! Now, let me ask this. Your two children, one your own flesh and blood, the other comes with a charger, are both drowning. You automatically, without thinking, are going to save the real child first. Then, after proper CPR and such, you'll tie a rope around the android's foot, at the bottom and drag, or vehicle tow him out. You'll take him back to the factory and get another just like he was. And just Luv, Luv, Luv that new baby.
Excellent hypothetical. Which one would you save first? Even more telling: If I were in a situation like that, I would save an animal's life before I would an android. I like to think a "wind-up thing" could never replace real lives.

Kinda like Dick Cheney.
HAHAHA! I have absolutely no problem with Dick Cheney, but THAT was quite unexpected, and funny! I guess we'll all be some part android someday, huh?

Androids will become concurrents to humans in all aspects. How about if a stupid woman falls in love with an android? She will not have a child. The women are stupid - very few will agree to sacrifice their "love" for the reason to have children. Men are more pragmatic, but if the women fallen in love in an android do not want them, they don't have what to do. If falling in love in androids become in a mass scale, the humanity is doomed.
Wait what about insemination? You know the process where a woman goes to a sperm bank and is inseminated to become pregnant. Yes, its not longer necessary for a woman who desires to be a mother to have to do it through the old conventional way. So lets say a woman falls in love with an android, and she wants to have child. Well, I guess she could also get an android child like outlined, but there is another option open to her. That option is insemination, so I don't think humanity is doomed.

I wrote "Androids will become concurrents to humans in all aspects" This includes, that the android children will be superior to the real ones. A stupid female will prefer artificial child no matter if she is married to a computer, or not. Females are dumb. They can trade their genetics for an advanced doll, as clearly be seen from this topic.

Females are dumb. They can trade their genetics for an advanced doll, as clearly be seen from this topic.
I hope this is something said in jest and that we're all a bit more open minded than this.
