
(Available from: http://www.detailshere.com/ufo4.htm)

1998 - the year of the wolf

Chris Stonor: October 2000

Ill-health stopped me from gallavanting around the paranormal landscape but it was the year when I began communicating with a man who stretched my consciousness to its present limit. A man who literally changed my perception of the paranormal landscape. It was the year I first began communicating with the now controversial scientist Dr. Michael Wolf-Kruvant via the phone about the UFO cover up and ET reality. A year I will never forget.

We formed a unique and special relationship. Here was a man who claimed he´d worked for the American satellite government during a 25 year period; had worked alongside various ETs in underground bases like Area 51 and Dulce; and was at the cutting edge of clandestine scientific discoveries a hundred years beyond the present mainstream. Please click on the major Dr Michael Wolf link if you wish to learn more. - Chris Stonor

"I sense you want to know the truth."

I´ll never forget those opening words. The voice deep and gravelly - the delivery slow and deliberate. I had just picked up my trilling phone. Then a pause. "I am Dr Michael Wolf. My publisher sent me your fax."

It was an October evening in 1998. A friend had told me of a book I should read called Catchers of Heaven and a little about the background of its author.

My journalistic instincts had taken over. I immediately contacted the American publisher Dorrance asking where I could buy this specialist book and whether it was possible to speak with the author.

The deep voice gravelled once more. "What do you want to know?"

So began a two year phone relationship. Over 30 hours of conversation; 10 audio tapes worth of recorded material; and a telephone bill to match. Perhaps, some of the most exciting and challenging months of my life.

I remember after the first 90 minute conversation, going to bed and being unable to sleep. I was too excited. Intuitively I knew this man to be genuine. Like any investigative journalist I´d dreamt of discovering my personal ´deep throat´. I sensed I had found him. I knew how Berstein and Woodward must have felt with their Watergate.

Trust and respect were the keys to developing our relationship. If he said, "I can´t talk about this area," I wouldn´t push. If he said, "Ask me the question again in a few months." I would leave it a while.

I warmed to the doctor and I felt he warmed to me. Simply put, we got on well together. He had several annoying traits including a strong tendency to repeat the same information over and over again. Michael also suffered from a rambling verbal diarrohea which would lurch back and forth between the environment, politics, an ET crash retrieval and TV soaps all in one operatic marathon sentence. Stopping him talking to ask the next question was often a feat in itself.

At first I phoned him twice a month - I didn´t wish to outstay my welcome - then each month and towards the end every three months. I recorded each phone conversation however banal and then typed the relevant information via a word processor.

The UFO information he gave me was challenging, mind-blowing and at times quite unbelievable. He forced me to expand my consciousness ever wider. I knew all about the cover up, so I thought, but never did I realise how deep and complex this deception went.

At times I refused to accept it. Not even a Hollywood hack could write such an extreme conspiratorial film plot. Self-doubt attacked me many times until I was able to assimilate the knowledge.

Fortunately, I had other journalists who were also regularly speaking with Michael. Primarily, an American, Dr Richard Boylan and an Italian lady called Paola Harris. I could compare notes.

I spoke with Paula various times on the phone. She had visited Michael at his home in Hartford, Connecticut on two occasions before ill-health had got the better of him; taken many photographs of the doctor; and seen some visual evidence including a photograph of him and Clinton standing together along with a signed letter from the President thanking him for all his work.

While I never spoke to Dr Boylan I regularly frequented his website where some of the information I had been told was also written up.

The Canadian UFO researcher, Stanton Friedman, had attempted to discredit Michael, which upset him greatly, but as the doctor explained, "He wanted me to be the smoking gun but I refused."

This comment summed up Michael´s attitude. He kept repeating, "I´ve signed the oath of secrecy. I don´t wish to commit treason. I can only say so much." One sensed a man torn between the loyalty for his superiors and country and the human desire to speak the truth. The frustration must have been intense.

For here was no tea-boy but a top manager within the satellite government - perhaps the highest ranking member to step forward to date. A man who held so much knowledge, so much information about the ET reality and UFO cover up that what is written in the article link is just the tip of a vast iceberg.

UFO researcher Linda Moulton-Howe once spoke to Michael about the 1964 Holloman Airforce base incident. He gave her such a detailed and explicit answer that Howe´s response was, ´You´re too good to be true!" The doctor never heard from her again.

One day a real X-Files incident occurred. One which helped me understand Michael´s general reticence.

Being head of MJ12s Alphacom Team, a research group set up to list, study and evaluate the different ET races in the universe, I was naturally curious to learn more.

One day I asked him about the race on Mars. Having read Courtney Brown´s book on his remote viewing experiences where these ETs are mentioned, I was interested to know if they actually existed. The response was immediate - the tone one of incredulity verging on anger. "I can´t tell you about them!"

"Why?" I asked, slightly hurt - a knee-jerk reaction - all respect briefly gone. Then I discovered the reason.

Every phone conversation he received was monitored by his superiors. I was on candid camera - being tested. If I asked a question which Michael was not allowed to answer a red light would flash. No light and he could proceed. Now I understood why he kept repeating himself. A smoke-screen to stop me from asking too many awkward questions. Mars was a definite no-no!

Michael was a willing puppet for the satellite government. Their mouth-piece to test the waters of the ´deceived´ world.

The doctor explained that he and his superiors would regularly chat about which information to leak and which was out of bounds. Concerning the Monolith (see article link) he said with a tinge of rebelliousness, "They chewed me out over that one. I wasn´t supposed to discuss it!"

One triumph came when he began talking about the Altaran race. Over a period of four months I had gently, gradually nudged him to offer me details. He had hinted at these ETs in the early phone-call days.

During the conversation he suddenly said in an elated tone, "I´m surprised I´m being allowed to tell you this information." Perhaps, the red light was stuck on green.

Out poured the knowledge he and his Alphacom Team had accumulated. There was a sense of relief, almost joy in his voice. Like a dog let loose from its lead. A tiny slither of frustration released.

Another time I asked him about an ET crash/retrieval incident. "Hold on -- I´ll find out," he replied. He put the phone down. Some minutes later the doctor returned. "I´ve just checked the list. No, it wasn´t that date. It occurred a year later." Michael explained that in his safe was the official satellite government crash/retrieval list going back to 1941.

His health was a constant factor. Some times he would be too ill to talk. On one occasion he sounded almost paranoid. "The Cabal - they´re trying to kill me!" he groaned. His GP had put him on a new drug and his body was reacting to it.

On other occasions he sounded alert and well. Excited to be able to discuss further revelations. Towards the end I was privy to his personal life. I chatted to Michael´s lovely fiancee and heard about their future plans for marriage. Wonderful that a terminally ill man was still planning ahead.

The last time I spoke to him was in late July. He sounded gravely ill and could only muster a few sentences. I sensed his time was near.

In August Michael was moved to a hospice. On September 18th he died.

The doctor was not afraid of death. The ETs he worked alongside in underground bases like Area 51 and Dulce told him that our bodies are merely containers for the soul. When people die their consciousness simply passes into another dimension.

The greatest lesson I learnt from him was to always keep an open mind. However extreme or absurd the information may sound. As Arthur C. Clarke once said, "The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible."

I feel privileged to have known Dr Wolf. A unique, courageous and extraordinary man. And I hope the seekers of truth will honour him with the respect and gratitude he so richly deserves.

Dr Michael Wolf-Kruvant: 1941-2000)


It took ´15 years of persuasion´ before his bosses finally allowed him to publish. But their conditions stated that this book must be fictionalised and to have three different denials at the beginning concerning its authenticity. They also reviewed ´Catchers of Heaven´ before publication. He commented, "I would like on my gravestone the words, ´He died of red tape´."

While some of Dr Wolf´s claims may sound pure science fiction, if genuine, then he is probably the highest ranking member of the satellite government to come forward so far - offering us an extraordinary insight - a tantalising glimpse - into the UFO cover up and ET reality.


The first US crash/retrieval of an ET craft occurred during 1941 in the ocean west of San Diego. Retrieved by the navy, dead Zeta Reticulans, alias the ´Greys´, were found inside. Craft and bodies were taken to the Foreign Technology Section at Wright-Patterson Airforce base in Dayton, Ohio, and studied by the Retfours Special Studies Group. After dismantling the craft parts were sent to S4 and Indian Springs in Nevada. This craft crashed due to the recently invented pulse radar being tested on the nearby Tinian island, located three miles south/south west of Saipan. The US navy has held a leadership position in UFO matters since.

The Roswell Crash during July 1947 did happen and that the account in Colonel Corso´s book ´The Day after Roswell´ is accurate. Dr Wolf had, in his possession, the official satellite government ET crash/retrieval list and while others occurred between 1941 and ´47 he was not willing to offer examples.

Two craft crashed at Roswell after colliding with each other during an electrical storm. One contained ´Greys´ the other ´Orange´ ETs - both named due to the colour of their skin. The ´Orange´ types come from the Andromeda star system. The Santilli autopsy film is genuine - Dr Wolf had seen other similar footage - and is an autopsy of an ´Orange´ ET. There were two different autopsies being carried out on two different ET beings during the same period - hence the confusion.

The autopsy on the ´Orange´ ET revealed that it had a very large head; big dark eyes with no irises or whites; six digits on hands and feet; the brain has four lobes; is more developed and connected with no corpus callosum; different optic orbs and nerves; and a sponge like digestive system. Dr Wolf said he´d met one alive.

There are different types of ´Greys´. He worked alongside highly evolved ones which had, contrary to present opinion, personalities and even a sense of humour. Dr Wolf never met a ´Grey´ whom he disliked. To him they were family. These ´Greys´ enjoyed hugging and kissing humans. This upset some of his colleagues. One nicknamed them ´kissey facey´. Their smooth and soft bodies feel like dolphin skin to touch. He communicated with these ETs through telepathy. Dr Wolf became especially friendly with one called Kolta. A picture of this ´Grey´ is on the front cover of his book - an actual photograph taken by an admiral friend.

There is active trading between the ´Greys´ and ´Oranges´. Dr Wolf said, "Trading has a different meaning for ETs. They share knowledge like technology and philosophy and send their people to each other´s planet to learn the culture."

He had conversed with human looking ETs from the Pleiades and Altair star systems - nicknamed the Nordics and Semitics. Dr Wolf explained they are very spiritual people and act more as galactic counsellors. A photograph of a Pleiadian friend called Sa Ra adorns the back cover of his book.

On May 1st, 1975, a ´little misunderstanding´ occurred between the ´Greys´ and humans at S4. During a demonstration of a small anti-matter reactor the head ET asked the guards, Blue Beret soldiers, to remove their rifles and bullets from the room. A safety precaution so these weapons wouldn´t accidentally discharge during the energy emissions. The guards refused and in the ensuing commotion a Blue Beret opened fire and killed a ´Grey´. Two scientists and 41 military personnel were then terminated. One guard was allowed to live - testifying that the ´Greys´ used a form of directed mental energy at them in self defense.

A number of the scientists presently working for the satellite government were abducted when children by the ´Greys´ so their intelligence and general brain capacity could be increased in preparation for the work ahead. They are hybrids.

His first major assignment was working alongside Carl Sagan and other top scientists - their job to understand the intricacies of a huge ET beacon dubbed The Monolith - first discovered floating out in space by Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin and American Alan Shephard during 1961. It was eventually brought back for investigation in 1972. Dr Wolf described it as ´postcards from the rim´. The Monolith emits both light and tone signals along with a mathematical language. On closing your eyes, while tuned into these signals, "You see in your mind´s eye a 3D film of the Galaxy. But you are actually there as if part of this film. The images being seen today by the Hubble telescope are the same ones I saw 25 years ago." Dr Wolf said there are many Monoliths out in space and were devised by a group of ET races.

Carl Sagan consistently denied the ET reality because his superiors, "Threatened to cut off the funding to his department at Cornell University if he said otherwise."

He was involved in various genetic experiments - one being the Sentinel Project. After perfecting cloning techniques on animals, Dr Wolf and his associates successfully created an artificially-intelligent human named ´J-Type Omega´ - their superiors wanted a superbright, superpowerful soldier who would follow orders without fear or question. But Dr Wolf surreptitiously programmed ethics into its intelligence after realising that ´J Type´ had a soul. When the being refused to kill a harmless dog, his superiors ordered its termination. Instead, Dr Wolf set ´J Type Omega´ free. This ´intelligence´ is presently living somewhere in America.

MJ12 does exist and now has 36 members. He was reluctant to divulge names although confirmed that former American Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger and father of the hydrogen bomb, Edward Teller, are present members. MJ12 regularly meet at various secret locations including the Batelle Memorial Institute at Columbus, Ohio.

The Sentinel Project involved a close association with the ´Greys´. The ETs´ vast knowledge on genetics being essential for its success. ´J Omega´ was grown in a water tank from an embryo. Part of the DNA used came from Dr Wolf. It took exactly one year before he was ready to be ´awoken´. Dr Wolf said, "When taken from the tank he looked around 20 years old."

When ´J´ awoke, "He was like a puppy dog - his mind a vacuum. He asked question after question. He wanted to know everything." Dr Wolf showed him film reels about Earth´s past wars and conflicts. "He cried when he saw these horrific images. In hindsight I showed him too much." He learnt several different languages and could use 50% of his brain - unlike the mere 10% harnessed by humans. "When his mental abilites were tested his IQ shot off the map." Their relationship was like father and son.

Harvesting of animal tissue, through the so-called ´Cattle Mutilations´, is to produce organelles - specialised parts of a cell that resemble and function like an organ - which can be placed into humans for filtering out pollutants from the air, water, food etc.. Present experimentation is being carried out on the hybrids - part Zeta/part human - or ´In-Betweens´ as Dr Wolf called them.

These organelles can also be used to alter the body´s hormones and for changing precursors in the brain from being toxic to non-toxic. "These cells are minute and a non-invasive procedure." Cattle genetics are very similar to humans.

When Dr Wolf´s superiors ordered ´J Omega´s´ termination, with the help of a general friend, he smuggled him out of Area 51. "To me it felt like a sin to create a being with emotions and a soul and then send him into battle." ´J´ is safe and well. Several organelles were placed in his body to keep him disease free. "He knows who he is and how he was created. ´J´ is almost identical to a human and would easily pass a medical examination." The Zetas were pleased with the result. " ´J´ told me he wished to become a teacher." Dr Wolf believed this was a one-off [one-of-a-kind] project. "I told him never to contact me. It´s too dangerous."

He briefed four different American presidents on the ET reality. Jimmy Carter was keen to end the UFO cover up but when told of the religious implications he backed down. "I attended this meeting. Carter had strong Christian beliefs. When told that religion is man-made and probably unique to this planet, he broke down in tears."

Both Ronald Reagan and George Bush are very knowledgeable on the ET reality - especially Bush, being former head of the CIA. Bill Clinton was the least aware. He knows of Area 51 but not S4. "Clinton has ´Above Top Secret´ and ´Need to Know´ clearances but does not have the ´Umbra Ultra Top Secret Clearance,´ which gives access to upper level MJ12 secrets and ´Keystone Clearance´ for information on ET research."

Many people in MI5, MI6 and the SAS are aware of the ET reality. While reluctant to give names of those he briefed at Downing Street, when staying in London he became good friends with former Conservative cabinet and defence minister Sir Malcom Rifkind. "Rifkind is very knowledgeable on the UFO subject - especially the flying triangular craft. He believes the cover up is correct. That people are not ready to be told yet."

The Queen has been superficially told of the ET reality - Margaret Thatcher was also briefed but knows just a small part of the story.

We unofficially landed on the moon before 1969 although he wouldn´t give a date. "Our astronauts were observed then communicated with by ETs while on the Moon. We were warned off the planet. That´s why the last Apollo mission was cancelled at the last second. The astronauts are dying to tell the truth but know it could be interpreted as treason."

NASA has played an integral role in the UFO cover up. They have been designated as one of the primary organisations to eventually tell the world about the ET reality.

Richard Hoagland is primarily correct concerning structures on Mars and confirms that we have bases on both this planet and the Moon. The recent Face on Mars photograph, which shows a very different image from the previous one, has been doctored by NASA. "They believe humanity is not ready for this knowledge."

In a chamber at Giza and another located between the paws of the Sphinx skeletons of 7 ft tall beings with large eyes have been discovered - their hands and legs chained together with silver. "For some reason early ET visitors could not break through silver."

A Stargate has been discovered in a Giza pyramid. Investigating scientists believe it to be a lens which creates wormholes to any part of the universe. It hasn´t been activated yet. "We need to know a lot more about this Galaxy and others before using it - where you want to go and how to prepare yourself. It´s about what you dial in. Co-ordinates have to be established. The problem is there are no traffic signs out in space." Dr Wolf felt this will be one of the last projects we´ll learn about through our association with the ETs.

He personally pioneered a mental expansion process called The Gateway treatment . An experiment to, "Open the brain up - a way to stimulate the neurons allowing billions of synapses to form and therefore use of a vastlincreased mind." One off-shoot is an ability to telepathically communicate with the ETs.

This mental expansion developed into a series of mind control experiments under the name MK ULTRA. Dr Wolf and colleagues learnt how to extract as well as repress human memories. The latter is called Mind Capping. "These techniques are not as effective as the ET methods." This also led to research on remote viewing and other psychic phenomena. "The end result of all these experiments may be an attempt by some at world mind control - a chilling thought."

There is a group of impotent, xenophobic and paranoid generals, charged with the protection of American skies, who fear and hate the ETs and are waging war against them. Called the Cabal, they use Star Wars weaponry including a neutral particle beam to shoot down ET craft and imprison survivors while attempting to extract information by force. "The very technology the ETs gave us is now being used against them." Despised by many within the satellite government, this Cabal also use aggressive methods against those who try to end the UFO cover up. A concern being that this aggression will intensify as the big announcement draws ever closer.

Leading UFO researchers and members of the satellite government who are presently helping to end the cover up may have been zapped by psychotronic directed energy devices owned by the Cabal. People like Dr Steven Greer and assistant Shari Adamiak (CSETI); Congressman Steve Schiff; USAF Col. Steven Wilson (former head of crash/retrieval unit Project Pounce); Dr Michael Wolf himself; his primary unnamed CIA superior; plus others have either recently died or are suffering from cancer related illness. Coincidence?

Through his genetic experiments he found that some humans, including himself, have ET gene markers. "Many people who are actively involved in the UFO field will probably have these genes."

Several different confederations of ETs are visiting us. They include The Alliance consisting of human looking beings from the Altair Aquila and Pleiades star systems; The Corporate made up of various ´Grey´ races from the Zeta Reticuli system; The Federation of Worlds which include an unspecified number of different ET groups from the universe; and the United Races of Orion which consist of various beings from that star system. These confederations are also inter-linked with each other.

In a treaty, signed by The Corporate, there´s an ´Above Top Secret´ United Nations ruling which states that no Zeta is allowed to walk amongst the public and be seen by them. Unfortunately, Dr Wolf´s friend, Kolta, strayed into a ´no go zone´ and was shot by a soldier. He found the wounded ´Grey´ hiding in his apartment. "I concealed Kolta in my bedroom closet minutes before members of the CIA appeared at my door. I managed to act innocent and sent them away." Dr Wolf called a doctor friend who knew about these ETs. "We managed to save Kolta´s life. Lead is toxic to Zetas. So he would have died of lead poisoning from the bullet rather than the actual wound."

Proposals for the announcement have been postponed three times - partly due to the S4 incident in 1975 which halted negotiations with the ´Greys´ and partly to the huge religious and world economy implications. The recent Life on Mars admission is the foundation for future revelations. Dr Wolf said that major disclosures will occur between 2001 and 2005.

The Vatican are especially worried over these forthcoming announcements. They have asked the American government to hold back, especially on the religious question, so there is more time for them to prepare. Dr Wolf said the Pope has changed the Roman Catholic view on God. "Their future line will be ´we are not in the image of God but our souls are´."

He had spoken at length to the ETs about God and death. "Our bodies are merely containers for the soul. When people die their consciousness simply moves into another dimension." On God Dr Wolf said, "Some ETs call God The Forever - the creator behind everything in the universe." On Jesus Christ , "He was of joint ET/human heritage - sent to Earth as an attempt to end human violence." Whether a Zeta, Pleiadian, Altaran, Human etc.. we share the same God - we are all family.

Dr Strecker´s published research report, identifying HIV/AIDS as caused by a man-made virus, is correct. The satellite government has discovered that viruses are crystalline in structure and using the correct frequency can destroy them.

The US had in their possession a ´Grey´, dubbed EBE (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity), as a prisoner/guest from 1948 until its death in 1953. Scientists initially used pictographs as a form of communication.

Albert Einstein had met and worked alongside the ´Greys´.

Some ETs occasionally eat vegetation, fruits or vegetables. Their digestive systems are far more efficient than ours absorbing and processing thoroughly. They mainly absorb energy from the air. Visits to the toilet are not required!

Earth is one of the few planets which doesn´t control its weather. One reason why ET ships crash during extremes of climate - especially those using gravity propulsion. Dr Wolf says, "Their craft are no different to boats in a violent storm - bobbing up and down on large rolling gravity waves. To counteract these difficulties some ETs surround their ships with plasma energy or fly inter-dimensionally through a storm."

A planet is a living entity with its own consciousness. ETs commune with their planet to create a harmonious relationship. Dr Wolf says, "Some planets grow buildings of pure silicon for the inhabitants out of unconditional love. I have seen and held this silicon. I have also witnessed Zetas communicate with Earth."

ETs are astounded by how badly we treat Earth. They can´t understand why we wish to destroy it. How multi-nationals can continually rape this planet through greed and avarice. One of the Alphacom Team missions is to determine whether, "We can use the ETs technology to restore Earth to its former pristine state of natural balance."

Technology gained from the ETs include LEDs, superconductivity, computer chips, fibre optics, lasers, gene-splicing therapy, cloning, night-vision equipment, Stealth technology, particle beam devices, aerospace ceramics and gravity control flight.

ETs like many things about humans. Dr Wolf explained, "They especially love our great imagination and creativity along with the ability to have profound dreams. But they would like to speed up our spiritual evolution."

Many ETs who visit Earth are actual tourists. While we take holidays in other countries, more advanced beings visit other worlds. "Compared to most planets Earth is almost unique with its vast diversity of nature, culture and inhabitants. As primitive planets go we are a popular attraction."

Some ETS prefer living underground as they can control the environment to suit their needs. They also use electro-magnetic shielding where the molecules are so dense that nothing can get through. Dr Wolf hinted, "We still haven´t explored the deep oceans or the inner crusts of Earth."

Alphacom Team discovered that many human looking ETs are presently amongst us. He said, "They can breathe our air and on the street would look exactly like us." Around 1,000 Nordic types are living in Spain alone.

A Nordic has a perfect and very sensitive looking face with few lines; blue eyes; usually blond hair; around 6 ft tall; very clean; no body odour; and mainly communicates telepathically. But while on Earth uses a small implanted voice- box to converse with humans.

Their internal organs are fairly similar to ours although the digestive system is different. They don´t need to eat everyday. Their cells don´t die because the genetics are dissimilar.

They have a base on a French Polynesian island and walk freely amongst the inhabitants.

Nordics have powerful minds. Dr Wolf said, "They can open a dimensional portal just through a single thought and physically disappear. I have seen this done. They live on a much higher plane than us. Thoughts are an energy and Nordics use a device, either worn or placed in a pocket, that amplifies this energy. They also harness crystals for the same purpose."

During one afternoon in 1990 an ET craft, escorted by F-16 fighters, landed on Puerto Rico, in a busy tourist area. The ETs stepped out and walked amongst the populace. Dr Wolf said, "It was an exercise to test the public reaction." The Mayor of this island wrote a letter to Bush stating, ´At first we were amused by all of the sightings but then people became distressed. What do I tell them?´ The President passed this communication onto Dr Wolf. "It was stamped all over with the words T52-EXEMPT (E) which means this letter can never be declassified."

While studying at MIT for his PhD in physics he discovered a new theory of wave particle duality which later developed into a neutral particle beam. Dr Wolf commented, "I had hoped and envisioned that this technology would be used for treating cancer. Instead it was used as a weapon as part of the SDI Programme (Star Wars)."

The ETs told him, "All worlds in the Galaxy are connected. One Hiroshima atomic bomb can affect every different culture." They also explained, "Thought is energy. It can be received on other worlds. There is no galactic barrier."

Mossad, Israel´s intelligence organisation, "has very good relations with the ETs - especially the Semitics." There is a strong historical association with the country.

The top secret space plane, The Aurora, runs on liquid methane and has anti-gravity on board. It carries an electromagnetic pulse weapons´ system which can knock out tracking radar. This plane can also travel to the moon.

Some military pilots are experimenting with mind control to guide advanced planes. Dr Wolf said, "Some ET craft are living conveyances which are able to divide and reform. These craft are also responsive to thought commands."

The underground base at Area 51 is a sprawling city, the size of Rhode Island, which continues to grow and has a sister base called S4, some 12 miles away, and another named Indian Springs. It employs hundreds of civilian and military and has at least 8 different on-going black programmes along with an annual $2 billion budget. There´s intense security outside with martial law inside and is patrolled by elite guards. Some scientists live at the base for 6 months at a time. While their bedrooms are basic the ETs live in their own magnificently designed apartments. There are also shopping malls, military style shops and leisure areas including swimming pools, gymnasiums and basketball courts. The food is excellent.

Satellite government scientists have successfully created zero point energy and cold fusion. "There needs to be a smooth transition into these new sciences. Otherwise the world economy could be wrecked."

Dr Michael Wolf´s book has presently sold around 10,000 copies. Catchers of Heaven can be bought in the UK from Nexus Magazine - price £22 including p&p. Tel: 01342 322854 or directly from the American publishers Dorrance Publishing - price $24 + p&p. Tel: 001 412 288 4543. All royalties go to the ´Daniel Wolf Memorial Foundation for Children´ - a non profit organisation in memory of his son. As Dr Wolf said, "The children are our cosmic future."

Thanks to: Richard J. Boylan (www.ufonetwork.com/boylan/): James Courant (audio tape ´In conversation with Dr Wolf´): Paola Harris (utenti.tripod.it/paolaharris/): and British Telecom (30 hours of transatlantic phone calls).

This article had been read and approved by Dr Wolf before his death.
eh , sum of it is believeable i guess but if jesus was a hybrid thenm why did he die for our sins , and
he was the son of God (God in human form). doesnt sound like a hybrid

in a religous sense if this thing is true i means the christain religon is proved to be true and an after life is proven. maybe the other planets where so peaceful they didnt need a jesus to die for them and alow them to go to heaven
"Our astronauts were observed then communicated with by ETs while on the Moon. We were warned off the planet

I love you like a brother Creedo, and I know you didnt write material you posted, but I just couldnt pass this up.

The moon is their planet ? I didnt know Earth was orbited by a planet. Learn something new every day.
good post creed. I'd missed this one.

At first i doubted this, but now i'm quite open to the information within. It seems consistant with what others have said.

The stuff about the moon, is similar to what Al beleik has said. Also that many parts of the Moon are 'no go areas'. Apparently the whole thing is man made - according to him anyway.
I hope Creedo understands I am just kidding around. I enjoyed Creedo's post as well. There may be some truth behind the "moon" situation.

It does become somewhat a puzzler when people notice unusual items in the photos taken by NASA themselves.

Related Topic link
On March 8th, 2000, Journalist and International Correspondent Paola Leopizzi Harris conducted this interview with Dr. Michael Wolf on behalf of the UFO Disclosure Group.

Paola: Michael, there is a growing consensus that the public is being gradually conditioned for eventual disclosure of UFOs and Extra-Terrestrials. Do you think this is an accurate perception? Is the public ready for disclosure?

Michael: This will be true because the group that I am still advising is using
the Learning Channel and the Discovery Channel to get people acclimated to the idea that "we are not alone". The Learning Channel and the Discovery Channel does not produce fiction. This is an accurate perception. It is all factual.

Paola: Is the public ready for it, in your opinion?

Michael: Some are. Some are not. The people who believe that they are the center of the Universe are never going to change their minds till one lands in their back yard, then they'll say that might be a Disney thing. The same people who don't believe in UFOs don't believe that man ever went to the moon.

Paola: Are the lawsuits by Peter Gersten of CAUS having an impact in the intelligence community?

Michael: Pardon me? No. They are not considered an important problem.

Paola: There have been increasing numbers of sightings of extremely large triangular craft, including Belgium, Phoenix and the recent reports from Illinois Police. What can you tell us about the origins of this triangular craft - what is its agenda, who is flying it?

Michael: Well, the very large ones are not being flown by humans. Maybe there are some triangular experimental craft, but they are not completely silent and we are miles..not miles away, but years away from recreating anti-gravity vehicles, to my knowledge. We are years away from duplicating UFOs, as far as I know. Some triangular vehicles...some of them are said to be like three football fields in length and width, and there is nothing to keep them up there. They are defying gravity.

Paola: What about Illinois? Have you heard about this?

Michael: They are coming from all over. The Phoenix lights were huge and that was a blatant cover-up. They said "Oh yes. We were putting up flares." Flares fall. These Phoenix lights do not fall. They put flares up to try to confuse people.

Paola: There is a division in the field of Ufology as to the alleged benevolence or hostile nature of ETs, which include implications that many violent abductions are staged Black Ops meant to propagate fear and suspicion against aliens. Do you concur regarding these violent abductions, and what is your opinion on the benevolent/hostile issue?

Michael: There are minimal negative abductions. John Mack's new book (Passport to the Cosmos) which I just received from him does point to a transformation of most abductees...as to multiple abductions by aliens alone.

And yes, there has been somewhat sloppy abductions by humans parading as aliens or "human-form aliens" wearing human uniforms; and yes, there is part of anti-alien forces that are trying to confuse people about abductions. Military abductions are not as widespread as a lot of people think.

Paola: Ok Now how would they do that? Are they cloned aliens or are they like holographic images?

Michael: They are more like holographic images. As a matter of fact, I know of several cases when they were able to put their arms and fingers through these so- called aliens and which weren't aliens and then occasionally they would see a uniform and a human. They made errors in the holographic program.

Paola: Mr. Colaw is asking your opinion on the benevolent /hostile issue.

Michael: Most are benevolent. Occasionally some get through the alien barrier, but they don't generally come back. They don't come back here once they are spotted and identified. Once they have hidden agendas, once they are identified they are barred from coming here

Paola: Who does this? Do we do this? Do the benevolent aliens...?

Michael: Benevolent, (laugh)...they are not goodie, goodie.

But they don't want negative interference, for the most part. They (Negative ETs) might get through occasionally , and that is what anti-alien ufologists point out. But those are out of a myriad (meaning "many") races and they are few and far between, and I think John Mack is possibly one of the best experts on this subject.

I completely go along with him and he has read my book and he does agree completely with me. He is telling it the way it is. He does not interpret data. He collects massive amounts data. He says that these so-called "negative abductions" are 1/10th of one percent of all the rest of them. It 's ones who misinterpret deliberately who have anti-alien agendas and (and we all know who they are) write in their books that they are robotic, and no gray is robotic, unless it is a holographic projection by HUMANS. Next!

Paola: Can you expand on the dual nature of man, and how you see it relating to the Hopi prophecies regarding the fate of our planet for the year 2012?

Michael: I don't think we have anything to worry about. Gradually the whole world is going to know that we are not alone. There are two cable channels: The Discovery Channel and The Learning Channel, which never produce fiction. Discovery ..to discover the truth, and The Learning Channel to learn about it. They have been producing positive evidence of "alien intervention in human affairs to try to keep us away from such prophesies. Prophesies are not written in stone, they can be changed by man.

Paola: They can be changed by man?

Michael: Why do you think God gave "free will" rather than making us subjects of "one" reality. All the goodness has already been planted like trees and is sprouting...read the book (The Catchers of Heaven) and read the truth in it?

Paola: What about going into the "fifth world" as Native Americans believe...going from the "fourth world to the fifth". Is that just a world of enlightenment then?

Michael: It is more figurative..not literally a fifth world, I mean..we don't know even the fourth dimension. We can do the fourth dimension in math and physics. There are many dimension...at least eleven.

Paola: Are you still planning an appearance at the Star Knowledge conference in Atlanta, Georgia this May 5th? If so - what will be the theme of your presentation there?

Michael: No. I am going to be very busy working on "enlightenment programs" to let people know that most of the civilizations are just passing through like tourists, and those who are interested, I'd say the majority of those who are interested have plans for us that are "good" plans. They don't want us destroying ourselves. I'm working on "The Bright White Light Quartet". I am also ill.

Paola: We have heard that you are suffering from numerous maladies and complications. Do you have any requests for prayer and light in that regards for those who support you?

Michael: I've already receiving it and I am very grateful Don't forget for 48 years from the age of ten, I have been exposed to toxic substances. That was part of my work and just like those who, that group in area 51, wants a class action law suit who have suffered working on "black programs " and so did I.

Paola: Well. That's pretty clear.

Michael: That's as clear as you're going to get.
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Creedo is intrested in the Windows XP version of Windows, a Microsoft Product.

He finds the Windows XP system a dull venture, but informative, however the entire Windows XP venture, could have been introduced on an hour and a half long CD, which would have let other users, more utilize the Win XP format, rather than a selected few.

Creedo is up on most forms of electronics and physics at this time.

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