Hello 2014....

Slow down, folks.

Ok, more explanations are required I take it? First of all - "Autocorrect" was a feature on smartphones and such in my day, but it wasn't termed 'Autocorrect', it was simply known as the automatic dictionary. Secondly, Text-speak is unfamiliar to me. I don't recall shortening words and phrases to make digital communication faster when I was younger - no one I knew did. Was that just my naivety? I don't know. There was a lot more to be concerned about in my 2014 than worrying at the time about digital grammar.

Yes - from the bits I've read about John Titor - our time displacement technology is the same. At least, it has the same designation. However, C204 Time Displacement Unit is the term given to it by General Electric. That's not the name that we gave it. There of course was a C201, C202, etc, and 4 is the latest version of the technology. This is what convinces me that Titor was a genuine article; how could he otherwise have known the displacement unit designation given to the device by GE?

Please be aware, I have not read everything this Titor fellow posted online. He put a lot of material up here, and I have only scanned the highlights. Being from where I am, and having seen what I have seen, Titor's story does not hold the same......fascination.....for me, as it does for you.

I'm not an American, and the average citizen has very little contact with people from abroad in my time. There is no international news service, no CNN, no official news coming into the general populace on the state of American affairs in 2037; everything I know about America from the mid 2020's onwards comes mostly from hearsay and what I've been told by those in Trading and who have contact with the council, who have spoken directly with American Traders and contacts. As such, I have never heard of a Temporal Recon unit. Do they exist in America in 2037? Perhaps. I'm sure what passes for Government in the USA is doing *something* with the Time Displacement Technology, but what exactly they do with it is a little outside of my purview.

I am employed most directly by the Natural History museum (Yes, it still exists) and specifically, I work under the Temporal Research Commission, funded by the Museum, which in turn is funded by the The Representative Council of of England and Wales. I do not live in the heart of the city, and wouldn't want to. Instead I commute from just outside of London. I did not become a historian until after the Economic Collapse, when many industries fell apart and many people were forced to look to other area's for paid work. Research positions became more prestigious with the advent of time displacement technology and time travel as a reality. Since I was already a graduate, it wasn't so difficult for me to get onto a new academic course and qualify as a historical researcher.

So much interest in my age! Forgive my 'ripe old age' comment ha ha! My wife is always telling me I play up my 'old age' too much. I can confirm for you, I am 55. Which admittedly, is not 'old' even by your 2014 standards. What doesn't help too much is the field I work in. There are many researchers, archeologists etc that I work alongside who are a great deal younger than me, and remember very little about this time period, those that were born. It constantly makes me feel a little older than I actually am.

Life expectancy - technologically - should be higher than it is in 2037. However, the technology to repair a vast range of illness's and injuries is not openly available to all. Like the displacement technology, it is limited, and has to be distributed based on priority. I am lucky in that my value as a researcher at a key institute has afforded me priority healthcare in recent years. But alas, there are still those who could be much healthier and happier if we had an abundance of resources to distribute to everyone equally. I am confident, however, that as we re-establish ties with the rest of Europe and trade becomes more plentiful, our economy will strengthen, and this will change.

Ronnie - please read my previous posts. I did not say that your worldline was exceedingly close to my own; quite the contrary, there's a4 to 5 % divergence between our worldlines. In a previous post, I outlined some events that occurred from 2008 - 2014 on my worldline that have not occurred on yours. I could certainly tell you some things that happened in my history between 2014 - 2020 etc, but they would have little bearing on what the next few years hold for you.

Which is the ultimate irony isn't it? Surely if I could accurately predict a number of key events for you, and you could sit back and watch them unfold exactly as I predicted, it would erase all doubt from your mind that I am who I say I am. And thus is the unfortunate nature of time travel. You cannot travel back along your own worldline. No matter how close another worldline may be to your own, it is NOT your Worldline, there will always be *some* divergence between the two, and so you can never predict exactly what is going to occur with 100% accuracy. Look at what this Titor fellow predicted for you? And yet, you have no American Civil war, no nuclear weapons have been launched, Your world ticks along in a similar fashion to the way it has for the past 15 years.; yet he is held in high regard as a potential 'time traveller'. I would surmise that Titor's Worldline was closer to yours than my own, but he could not tell you exactly what was going to happen in the coming years, because there was still a divergence between your world and his and he knew that.

All I can say for sure, is that our Worldlines clearly diverged in the early 2000's. Perhaps you are beginning to see the start of what is to come, and your world will follow a path similar to my own, just at a slower pace. There is major civil unrest in America, is there not? You Are in a Global recession, aren't you? Similar, but not the same. One thing that is marching along at a very similar pace is your scientific endeavours. CERN was constructed, they are conducting the exact same experiments here as they were in my 2014. But your governments are still warring with foreign nations, they are still pushing everything they have into defence and weapons development. I ask you, if CERN and the governments that fund the project had discovered the ability to control and create Microsingularities, right now, today, in 2014 - do you think they would make that public knowledge?

Temp agent 1.

Greetings. Just to let you know where I stand. With respect, I do NOT believe you and have not believed any other "time-travelling" claimant that has graced this forum with their presence.

You, yourself, assert that there is minimal divergence between your alleged "World Line" and this World Line. This minimal divergence that you have declared, asserts that in your World Line there was no Princess Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, there was no ISIS, there was no campaign for Scottish independence YET you can convince your own family members of your validity by revealing to them events on this worldline (events that only YOUR family members from OUR worldline would know!). I won't even mention your scar. The way you conveniently use the notion of divergence in your tale, is very telling, to say the least.

Cosmo - one calculates divergence by speaking to a physicist or someone significantly smarter than myself! ha ha! Ok, we did attend lectures on this during training for the TRC (Temporal Research Commission). The computer units and gravity sensors on the displacement unit do record your trip, and can also be used when programming a trip to estimate the divergence of a programmed destination. This is based on the size of the gravitational field needed to conduct the trip, the amount of power needed to be generated by the electron-fusing of the microsingularities - it is referred to as the 'Diversion Field'. At the TRC, we keep a record of - sort of a scale - of diversion field destinations. Each field record is drawn up from a number of estimated World lines, in some range. For example, one field estimation chart contains world lines with the divergence from 1% to 10%, another has world lines from 10% to 20% and so on. Zero divergence, or "ZD" is believed to be technologically impossible, but it is possible to get close. We can't break that barrier, but we can achieve a displacement to a destination of 0.25 or .0.5%, in some cases.


There is no international news service,
What you're saying here is that their is no internet. No drudge, no news repeater sources... No conspiracy sites that like to rehash the news.... in essence no internet at all to discuss the daily world events.
NO more AP, No reuters either.

Zero divergence, or "ZD" is believed to be technologically impossible, but it is possible to get close.
Then how do you develop a divergence scale if you aren't using anything as a baseline ? Seems to me that if I was a time traveler, my point of origin in space and time, would be at " Zero Divergence ".

there's a4 to 5 % divergence between our worldlines

I could certainly tell you some things that happened in my history between 2014 - 2020 etc, but they would have little bearing on what the next few years hold for you.
Based on your stated divergence percentage, it would seem that an accuracy rate of an estimated 95-96% would have a huge bearing on what the next years hold. I would venture to say that it would be "earth-shattering" in comparison to any who have predicted major events throughout the course of recorded history.
Therefore, please indulge us with maybe a dozen events to occur in the coming few years. We'll only expect 11.4 of them to be accurate. :)

[time for the author to ambiguate "divergence"]

Greeting Mylo.

I thank-you for your input. It was a calculated risk to be sure. The divergence is significant enough that certain world events are different in significant area's, but certain aspects of my life are similar. Of course I had to make certain checks first. That the family in question lived in the same house, were both still alive, that the other 'Me' lived in the same place; Enough facts were similar for me to be reasonably sure that our lives when I was a child took similar paths. You must remember, our worlds didn't really diverge all that much until the early 2000's, I could be safely sure that before that time - i.e. - my childhood, my life and my counterparts on this worldline were similar enough to be almost identical; hence we had similar childhood experiences.

I must add - whether I am a time traveller or not, is that really what you care about? This is a website called the 'Time Travel Institute'. This is a forum called "Time Travel Claims". I have to ask myself who would frequent such a forum, if they were not in fact looking for 'claims of time travel'. Whether you believe me or not, is irrelevant, at least to me. I will find this discourse valuable in either instance. And when my assignment ends, I will return to my time, and my approximate worldline, and your belief or lack thereof in my identity will be so far from my mind as to have almost immediately vanished almost as soon as I return.

If you take anything from my writing here, and from the things I tell you - great. If you take nothing from it, then you haven't really lost anything, have you?


Greeting Mylo.I thank-you for your input. It was a calculated risk to be sure. The divergence is significant enough that certain world events are different in significant area's, but certain aspects of my life are similar. Of course I had to make certain checks first. That the family in question lived in the same house, were both still alive, that the other 'Me' lived in the same place; Enough facts were similar for me to be reasonably sure that our lives when I was a child took similar paths. You must remember, our worlds didn't really diverge all that much until the early 2000's, I could be safely sure that before that time - i.e. - my childhood, my life and my counterparts on this worldline were similar enough to be almost identical; hence we had similar childhood experiences.
I must add - whether I am a time traveller or not, is that really what you care about? This is a website called the 'Time Travel Institute'. This is a forum called "Time Travel Claims". I have to ask myself who would frequent such a forum, if they were not in fact looking for 'claims of time travel'. Whether you believe me or not, is irrelevant, at least to me. I will find this discourse valuable in either instance. And when my assignment ends, I will return to my time, and my approximate worldline, and your belief or lack thereof in my identity will be so far from my mind as to have almost immediately vanished almost as soon as I return.

If you take anything from my writing here, and from the things I tell you - great. If you take nothing from it, then you haven't really lost anything, have you?

Whether they will implicitly say it or not, the main reason people come to this forum, is for proof of time travel, of which you have provided little to very little questionable evidence.

Oh dear. That's not how it works, Dizzy. That's a gross misunderstanding of the process. Look, if you want to discuss future events of my worldline, or the theory or philosophy behind time travel, then that's ok. But really - you're just proving my point as to why actual people who may arrive on this worldline from another avoid discourse with you. This isn't supposed to be an interrogation, and I really have nothing to prove. Say I do convince you, all of you, of my identity. What have I gained from the process? This doesn't benefit me. I'm happy to indulge in polite conversation or idle speculation, but abrupt or rude messages? Why come on here to be insulted? I know who I am. Surely that should be all that matters to *me*, no?

Still.... Temp agent you seemed to of just repeated the lies about Rife Frequency therapy... And you know nothing about insightec or novocure.

Both frequency based medicines with FDA approval. And the whole no international news thing... Do you have nothing to say about the death of the internet and centuries old news media producers like AP and ruters? The daily globe? London times? Nothing?

And grey hair and deep set wrinkles at 55? Really?

Lastly their is only one place on earth that can make a singularity. Thats Cern. Their is no american version . The singularities are produced at cern and housed in magnetic bottles. I can conceive the idea to the point of understanding the theory . So when you say you don't know how the americans would do it.... It would not be an american thing. It would be an international thing. Titor did not come here for the USA... He came here to retrieve an object needed for his whole humanity ... to maintain their Internet... and from how he posted he did not seem thrilled about doing it and lamented about their having to be a better way.

Object retrival is about the only useful thing of worldline travel. What happened to us did not happen to you so studying our divergent world line is pointless ESPECIALLY when you choose to interact with us furthering the potential divergence.

So you know.... Their be some questionable things about your questions and answers[DOUBLEPOST=1411501972][/DOUBLEPOST]

This isn't supposed to be an interrogation,
You choose to post here making the claims. You choose to respond to our questions. You are under no force to comply. So whining is unbecoming.

Oh dear. That's not how it works, Dizzy. That's a gross misunderstanding of the process. Look, if you want to discuss future events of my worldline, or the theory or philosophy behind time travel, then that's ok. But really - you're just proving my point as to why actual people who may arrive on this worldline from another avoid discourse with you. This isn't supposed to be an interrogation, and I really have nothing to prove. Say I do convince you, all of you, of my identity. What have I gained from the process? This doesn't benefit me. I'm happy to indulge in polite conversation or idle speculation, but abrupt or rude messages? Why come on here to be insulted? I know who I am. Surely that should be all that matters to *me*, no?
Apologies, Temp-Agent1! Please take no offense from my tongue-in-cheek remarks. I've enjoyed your story very much. Surely, you can understand that an anonymous interaction such as this is a two-way street of conversation that includes questions and answers, and that a vetting process must occur in order to filter out the noise that represents most all of what is posted in a forum like this. The more credence you can give yourself here, the more interest and insight you will be likely to receive, no?
Anyway, please explain the processes that I seem to be misunderstanding (if you so desire). Looking forward to your future posts.


This is a website called the 'Time Travel Institute'. This is a forum called "Time Travel Claims". I have to ask myself who would frequent such a forum, if they were not in fact looking for 'claims of time travel'.TA1
I have an interest in time-travel fiction. Really enjoyed the film looper, sound of my voice, 12 monkeys. Really enjoyed the Audrey Niffenegger time-travel novel and movie adaptation. I am occasionally entertained by some of the time-travel claims, almost as much as reading a time-travel novel. I mean you no offence, maybe it's just me, but there seems to be something rather lacking about your claim, compared to others (like the infamous Zeshua and Grummond).

"ZD" is believed to be technologically impossible, but it is possible to get close. We can't break that barrier, but we can achieve a displacement to a destination of 0.25 or .0.5%, in
But it is not mathematically impossible, so I am confident the technology to reach zero divergence on your home timeline would be created sooner or later, IMHO.

Alas, I shall have to work harder to make my Time Travel fiction more believable! :)
Sounds like a confession of a hoaxter to me.
But a total lack of any originality was pointing in that direction anyway.

I don't think anyone blindly accepts any claim made in a forum category specifically made for people to claim they've traveled through time.

...At least I hope not.

Threads like these are more like thought experiments (and should be treated as such). The OP makes a claim, then we all navigate through the items presented to us and try to out-logic one another. It'd be unreasonable to expect that the only people who ever make threads here are bonafide Marty McFlys with proof of hoverboards and flying DeLoreans.

Often times the claims are stupid and obvious. Sometimes we get something interesting to think about, and once in a blue moon we get something that keeps us up at night. Those last two are the reasons I've been participating in forums like this for as long as I can remember having the internet.
