Hitching a Ride to 2038.

William J. Ozone

Temporal Novice
I am looking for a bona fide time traveler who can take me to the year 2038 before the Petroleum Wars (WWIII) begin in the fall of that year.

I left my timeline on March 13, 2039 and arrived in your timeline on March 13, 1989 - the same day my time machine was confiscated by the Bellingham Police Department in Washington State.

Please, jokers or hoaxsters need not respond. Thank you.

~William J. Ozone

You mean you've been here for 25 years? No one has been able to help you huh? What rotten luck. So why do you want to go up to 2038? Do you plan on stopping the war? If so, how?

You mean you've been here for 25 years? No one has been able to help you huh? What rotten luck. So why do you want to go up to 2038? Do you plan on stopping the war? If so, how?
My presence here for 25 1/2 years has more than likely averted the war. I'm just fed up with people in this time period. Too much ignorance and hatred. Not that ignorance and hatred doesn't exist in the late 2030's, but there's less of it.
Do you have any connections?

I am looking for a bona fide time traveler who can take me to the year 2038 before the Petroleum Wars (WWIII) begin in the fall of that year.I left my timeline on March 13, 2039 and arrived in your timeline on March 13, 1989 - the same day my time machine was confiscated by the Bellingham Police Department in Washington State.
Please, jokers or hoaxsters need not respond. Thank you.

~William J. Ozone
Well, hang tight Mr. Ozone. You happen to be in luck! John Titor is due back in November. Maybe you can hitch a ride back with him! (I'm not being sarcastic. Titor is due back.)

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My presence here for 25 1/2 years has more than likely averted the war. I'm just fed up with people in this time period. Too much ignorance and hatred. Not that ignorance and hatred doesn't exist in the late 2030's, but there's less of it.Do you have any connections?
I don't think there is a lot of hate in this world. If there was less hate in your world then why was there a WWIII? Right now most of the world isn't at war with eachother. A little war but no world war for sure. Ignorance is something that could be looked at in both ways. If you mean ignorance in Science and discoveries then probably yeah. But ignorance in everyday skills is something that is degenerating every day. Like being able to decide and make decisions yourself. Nowadays if you want to ask a question you don't drive to the library, you ask Google. In the future I expect this to get worse as we develop new technologies. It has been proven that as time goes on life gets easier and people in turn, get lazier. I am not trying to debunk you its just I take an offence to what you said. I hope for best that you get back to your time. If you want I might be able to help you. Send me a message.

My presence here for 25 1/2 years has more than likely averted the war. I'm just fed up with people in this time period. Too much ignorance and hatred.
That's because you got stuck in Bellingham WA. Contrary to the advertisements nowhere on the Left Coast is very tolerant, CA, WA, OR... theyre all the most oppressive, horrible, judgmental and just plain unaccepting people in my experience. The deeper you get into the "tolerant states" the more you realize just how intolerant they actually are.
On the flipside if you were to go to the "intolerant states" you'd find myriad scattered small communities of people who are genuinely polite and accepting albeit not much for putting up with BS. If and when you do get your Time-Ride (hitchhiker's guide to the multiverse?) stop by Montana in the 90's, maybe the Dakotas in the late 70's, New Mexico or Arizona in the 50's or Las Vegas about 1965. That'll be a great ride!

Stay out of the south in the mid 60's, avoid Texas in the 1800's, try not to get too close to Mass nearing the 1700's just to be on the safe side and never go to San Francisco or New York ever.

I hear the Atlantic East coast is a great place to be in 37 years from now. Beachfront property all the way to Tenn due to global warming and the Georgia/Florida Archipelagos are magnificent in the February to December summer.

Thank you for all of your comments and wishes. I know I'm 10 years late in replying, and I apologize. I never made it back to the year 2038, as I had hoped for. I'm now retired in Washington State.

World War III had nothing to do with ignorance and hatred among the general populace. It was a war over petroleum supplies, which was fought by, shall we say, The Powers That Be. As strange as it may seem, oil still powered most of the world in the 2030's, although it started to dwindle in supply that same decade.

You have gifted insight, Hatsune. I agree. There is not a lot of hatred today. Most of the hatred is being generated by multi billionaires and trillionaires - the people who wag the world. They are so incredibly wealthy that their lives have become so complicated. Never trusting anyone, because too many people want a piece of their wealth. Even family members. Since they bought virtually everything they wanted, the only thing left they want is power. Greed, and the desire for power create most of the world's problems. Once the oligarchies amass all the money and material assets they want, they become bored, and sometimes, believe it or not, grow jealous of your simple, average, everyday Joe out there. Because Joe's life is a hell of a lot less complicated. Joe is much happier strolling down the dirt road with a pole over his shoulder, ready to do some fishing at Fife Lake. So, the oligarchies start messing with Joe's life to make him unhappy. And the general populace's lives.

I meant ignorance as in religious beliefs, science and technology. The men and women were treating each other with more respect in the 2030's, and there was less prejudice among different races, too. And yes, people were even lazier in the 2030's due to AI and other technological advancements.