A warning from 2038

I've been staring at the screenshot posted, and the one Dizzie found. Do we think this is the same image, just doctored? Interesting extra layer of detail by taking a photo of the program on the screen.
I've been staring at the screenshot posted, and the one Dizzie found. Do we think this is the same image, just doctored? Interesting extra layer of detail by taking a photo of the program on the screen.
I'm inclined to think it's the same program, just running on a newer operating system since I think 8 years have passed since the screenshot I posted and the one from the OP. IIRC, there's a way on Win10 to have all your open programs line up in simulated 3D over the desktop screen.

I am a time traveler from the year 2038. I have been sent back in time to alert you of a coming war. In my time, the United States has been divided into two nation-states: One is a dictatorship controlled by the UN, which has banned all firearms. The other is a totalitarian regime that controls all aspects of citizens' lives. Both sides regularly launch propaganda campaigns to control the minds of their subjects. I am part of an underground effort working in the region of Cheyenne Mountain.

On October 29th, 2024, your leaders will pass a bill that will outlaw any weapon more powerful than a .22 caliber handgun and require registration of all guns in America. You must begin building an arsenal now if you want to survive.

On January 11th, 2025, at 9:45 AM, a woman named Paula Shriner will be arrested outside the White House in Washington D.C. for going on a hunger strike and refusing to leave until firearms are legalized in America again. Secret Service agents brutalize Paula, and video of her death will leak to the internet.

The video will go viral, and riots will ignite nationwide. This will be the tipping point. Martial law will be declared and a cold civil war will break out.

The war itself will last over three years and at least 600,000 Americans will lose their lives. Most of those will be caused by another bio-attack which we believe was introduced somewhere in North Carolina. I cannot be more specific here.

I am giving you this warning so that you can prepare yourself. You must begin acquiring the guns, ammunition and training now. Ultimately, federal and state law enforcement agencies are absorbed by the UN; you cannot rely on them for help. The best way to survive is to band together in groups of people who are willing to fight for your independence . Groups of two to five, max. This war is inevitable , but it can be weathered if you make the right decisions now. As for me, I volunteered to go back because I believe America deserves a second chance at freedom.

You must learn how to use guns now. Get trained up on how to shoot straight and defend your liberty from tyranny. If you wait until the uprising begins before trying to learn about guns, it'll already be too late. In my time, some of those people were my friends…

Plans exist to free America from her chains, but those plans can only be enacted by those who heed this message.

On March 30th, 2029, a law will go into effect outlawing ALL private ownership of firearms in America except for a single .22 caliber handgun per household which must be registered with your local UN branch office. Several standoffs occur, most streamed on the internet further radicalizing and sowing chaos. The government claims this measure will protect citizens from terrorists, but everyone knows its true purpose is to ensure a monopoly on violence.

Time travel is a real and understood technology even today, but it will be considered a hoax by the public for at least another 70 years. That is all I can tell you, and that's all I know.

To my friends from other times sowing your message, we wish you Godspeed in everything you do. We pray for your success.
Hello, what are the names of the two nation states?

Good questions

Hello, what are the names of the two nation states?
Good question. I'd also like to know. After the April 12th thing that didn't seem to happen or to come true at all, mind you April 12th is over for me in less than 3 hours — I'm not very convinced of any of this anymore. :/ *Sad face*

Good questions

Good question. I'd also like to know. After the April 12th thing that didn't seem to happen or to come true at all, mind you April 12th is over for me in less than 3 hours — I'm not very convinced of any of this anymore. :/ *Sad face*
No judgement either way, but if I'm reading your comment correctly, Noah, it seems that the unfulfilled prophecy is a bit of a let-down to you, perhaps? (as opposed to being a relief)

I am a time traveler from the year 2038. I have been sent back in time to alert you of a coming war. In my time, the United States has been divided into two nation-states: One is a dictatorship controlled by the UN, which has banned all firearms. The other is a totalitarian regime that controls all aspects of citizens' lives. Both sides regularly launch propaganda campaigns to control the minds of their subjects. I am part of an underground effort working in the region of Cheyenne Mountain.

On October 29th, 2024, your leaders will pass a bill that will outlaw any weapon more powerful than a .22 caliber handgun and require registration of all guns in America. You must begin building an arsenal now if you want to survive.

On January 11th, 2025, at 9:45 AM, a woman named Paula Shriner will be arrested outside the White House in Washington D.C. for going on a hunger strike and refusing to leave until firearms are legalized in America again. Secret Service agents brutalize Paula, and video of her death will leak to the internet.

The video will go viral, and riots will ignite nationwide. This will be the tipping point. Martial law will be declared and a cold civil war will break out.

The war itself will last over three years and at least 600,000 Americans will lose their lives. Most of those will be caused by another bio-attack which we believe was introduced somewhere in North Carolina. I cannot be more specific here.

I am giving you this warning so that you can prepare yourself. You must begin acquiring the guns, ammunition and training now. Ultimately, federal and state law enforcement agencies are absorbed by the UN; you cannot rely on them for help. The best way to survive is to band together in groups of people who are willing to fight for your independence . Groups of two to five, max. This war is inevitable , but it can be weathered if you make the right decisions now. As for me, I volunteered to go back because I believe America deserves a second chance at freedom.

You must learn how to use guns now. Get trained up on how to shoot straight and defend your liberty from tyranny. If you wait until the uprising begins before trying to learn about guns, it'll already be too late. In my time, some of those people were my friends…

Plans exist to free America from her chains, but those plans can only be enacted by those who heed this message.

On March 30th, 2029, a law will go into effect outlawing ALL private ownership of firearms in America except for a single .22 caliber handgun per household which must be registered with your local UN branch office. Several standoffs occur, most streamed on the internet further radicalizing and sowing chaos. The government claims this measure will protect citizens from terrorists, but everyone knows its true purpose is to ensure a monopoly on violence.

Time travel is a real and understood technology even today, but it will be considered a hoax by the public for at least another 70 years. That is all I can tell you, and that's all I know.

To my friends from other times sowing your message, we wish you Godspeed in everything you do. We pray for your success.
Actually, i have a bag of questions:

1-What are the names of the two nation states?

2-Do some states like Texas attempt to secede from the Union?

3-Which states are controled by U.N and the Totalitarian U.S.A? (can you give us a map of the country in that time period?)

4-What happened to the other Superpowers of the world? and how these countries reacted to the U.S.A falling into a civil war and being divided in two?

5-Did the U.N sent a Peacekeeping force to penetrate the U.S.A territory and seize power in the conquered territories? did politicians/leaders have passed the authority to U.N agents? or that nation state is simply a U.N puppet?

6-The Civil War would last between 2025-2028, is that correct?

7-What are the relations between Big Tech companies and the Civil War/post-Civil War U.S.A?

8-Is the Civil War a Multi-Sided (many sides in the conflict) Civil War? or a Two-Sided (two sides in the conflict) Civil War?

9-Are War Crimes commited in that war?

I am a time traveler from the year 2038. I have been sent back in time to alert you of a coming war. In my time, the United States has been divided into two nation-states: One is a dictatorship controlled by the UN, which has banned all firearms. The other is a totalitarian regime that controls all aspects of citizens' lives. Both sides regularly launch propaganda campaigns to control the minds of their subjects. I am part of an underground effort working in the region of Cheyenne Mountain.

On October 29th, 2024, your leaders will pass a bill that will outlaw any weapon more powerful than a .22 caliber handgun and require registration of all guns in America. You must begin building an arsenal now if you want to survive.

On January 11th, 2025, at 9:45 AM, a woman named Paula Shriner will be arrested outside the White House in Washington D.C. for going on a hunger strike and refusing to leave until firearms are legalized in America again. Secret Service agents brutalize Paula, and a video of her death will leak to the internet.

The video will go viral, and riots will ignite nationwide. This will be the tipping point. Martial law will be declared and a cold civil war will break out.

The war itself will last over three years and at least 600,000 Americans will lose their lives. Most of those will be caused by another bio-attack which we believe was introduced somewhere in North Carolina. I cannot be more specific here.

I am giving you this warning so that you can prepare yourself. You must begin acquiring the guns, ammunition, and training now. Ultimately, federal and state law enforcement agencies are absorbed by the UN; you cannot rely on them for help. The best way to survive is to band together in groups of people who are willing to fight for your independence. Groups of two to five, max. This war is inevitable, but it can be weathered if you make the right decisions now. As for me, I volunteered to go back because I believe America deserves a second chance at freedom.

You must learn how to use guns now. Get trained up on how to shoot straight and defend your liberty from tyranny. If you wait until the uprising begins before trying to learn about guns, it'll already be too late. In my time, some of those people were my friends…

Plans exist to free America from her chains, but those plans can only be enacted by those who heed this message.

On March 30th, 2029, a law will go into effect outlawing ALL private ownership of firearms in America except for a single .22 caliber handgun per household which must be registered with your local UN branch office. Several standoffs occur, most streamed on the internet further radicalizing and sowing chaos. The government claims this measure will protect citizens from terrorists, but everyone knows its true purpose is to ensure a monopoly on violence.

Time travel is a real and understood technology even today, but it will be considered a hoax by the public for at least another 70 years. That is all I can tell you, and that's all I know.

To my friends from other times sowing your message, we wish you Godspeed in everything you do. We pray for your success.
share model/blueprint of your time machine. and all the information about it.

No judgement either way, but if I'm reading your comment correctly, Noah, it seems that the unfulfilled prophecy is a bit of a let-down to you, perhaps? (as opposed to being a relief)
The only reason I said what I said, indicating that it was a 'let-down', was because I would like proof of the existence of time traveling humans. :LOL: That's the only reason why it's a let-down.

This will be the tipping point. Martial law will be declared and a cold civil war will break out.

The war itself will last over three years and at least 600,000 Americans will lose their lives.
I don't get it. Is it a "cold" civil war or a "hot" civil war? 600,000 dead sounds rather warm doesn't it? Did you invent the term cold civil war? If so you might want to share your definition of the term.

Paula Shriner will be arrested outside the White House in Washington D.C. for going on a hunger strike and refusing to leave
Refusing to leave where? The sidewalk or the White House lawn? Yeah, the Secret Service might get involved if a snowflake decides to hold a sit-in on the White House lawn. The White House also has uniformed law enforcement on site who would most likely handle a squatter. She wouldn't be there long enough for anyone to know she was on a hunger strike - including herself. She's be gone in about 5 minutes. On the sidewalk? That's DC Police Department jurisdiction, not the Secret Service. People protest there every day.

And a hunger strike? What, she's a 1960's retro-hippie? Bobby Sands starved to death holding a hunger strike. Northern Ireland is still a part of the United Kingdom. No one in law enforcement is going to get worked up because some tart refuses to eat her breakfast.

Time travel is a real and understood technology even today
Actually, no. The physics of time travel isn't understood today. There are solutions to General Relativity that on the surface suggest time travel is possible. But General Relativity is a classical theory that does not incorporate quantum mechanics. If one considers the quantum world then the theory begins to have serious problems. Time travel technology is neither understood nor does it exist today. No one has a clue about how to build an actual time machine. That makes sense considering we don't understand the physic involved.

In my time, the United States has been divided into two nation-states: One is a dictatorship controlled by the UN
On March 30th, 2029, a law will go into effect outlawing ALL private ownership of firearms in America except for a single .22 caliber handgun per household which must be registered with your local UN branch office
You already said there is no "United States"; rather it is two countries "in your time." So which country has outlawed firearms? Or did you forget what you'd already posed in paragraph 1 by the time you wrote paragraph 9?

As for me, I volunteered to go back because I believe America deserves a second chance at freedom.
You volunteered to "go back" in the service of which "America"; the UN run dictatorship or the local run totalitarian country? Or did the local geek underground build a bathtub time machine? (I didn't realize that time machine physics and engineering was a simple DYI backyard project.)

Well lookie who showed up, yee haw! Thanks for the critical breakdown @Darby. I hope life as a tank gamer and physics guru is happy and healthy these days.

I pop in here every now and then. After 22 years I'm kind of stuck on the place. :) And than you for the kind thoughts. Life is good. I've taken a long break from WOT but still in the physics groove.
I pop in here every now and then. After 22 years I'm kind of stuck on the place. :) And than you for the kind thoughts. Life is good. I've taken a long break from WOT but still in the physics groove.
Pretty amazing to think of a web property and netizen that's been active for such a relatively lengthy time span in the web world. Glad to hear that life is good, Darby ?

So I was thinking about this thread since it was announced that a Paula shriner does exist with a mass cache of weapons. I'll get into that in a minute. The current president is trying to sign us completely over to the UN for any pandemic related responses. Their headquarters are already in new York. And it's not uncommon for people to post pictures of un military vehicles on us soil already. Let's break this down a little further. Anyone who is familiar with false flags knows they are planned out a long time in advance. The powers that be use these false flags and staged events whether real deaths happen or they just say it happened. (Me and my ex wife during Sandy hook saw the rip Facebook pages were made 3 days before the event. Then changed days later.) That's how they get laws and people to change opinions. Be the problem, have the solution. Never let a crisis go to waste etc. These has the hall marks of a planned event. I use to be a Mason, I cut all ties once I found some things out. It doesn't matter if you believe me or not on that it's irrelevant. But take her last name Shriner. Not every mason is a Shriner, but every Shriner is a mason. They always leaves clues in what operations they do on the world stage. The profile is already perfect the make her out to be a "right wing extreme terrorist with military grade weapons" as the Patriot act has classified all American citizens as terrorist. I wish I was joking. They have the authority in that act. to arrest you, never tell you or your family why you were arrested. Because it would be a threat to national security to tell them. And never let you see a lawyer or judge or notify anyone of where your being detained at indefinitely. From 09-13 I was in the Marines, the camps everyone has heard about. They have Marines in the guard towers.

I don't necessarily believe this maybe a time travel case, but it could be a future planned false flag to remove our guns. That someone came across and posted on a time travel website. That no one take seriously, society at large would just say we are a bunch of loons fantasy lovers Until after the events happened.

America is the final battle ground. Look at what they did to Australia during the bug. The openly built concentration camps and put people against their will in them because they wouldn't take a forced medical procedure. Australia was disarmed except the rural areas and they are limited in what they can have. What do you think would have happened here if we were disarmed. If we lose our guns the whole world falls. America was always going to be the final battle ground. If you notice with the lock downs and restrictions even to this day. It's the white countries that have been disarmed are the ones with the most extreme restrictions and forced medical jabs even as the rest of the world has basically gone back to normal. If we are disarmed theirs nothing stopping the government or un from coming in and throwing people openly into the camps. If a civil war breaks out you better believe the UN will come in, in force. All the white countries that have been disarmed since WW2 you can see exactly there plans over the last couple of years. Once disarmed your are completely enslaved to whatever they want to do to you. I know this went off on a few different subjects. Just my thoughts on it. I use to be on this site 20 so years ago when titor was making his original post And recently came back a few months ago.


the Patriot act has classified all American citizens as terrorist. I wish I was joking. They have the authority in that act. to arrest you, never tell you or your family why you were arrested. Because it would be a threat to national security to tell them. And never let you see a lawyer or judge or notify anyone of where your being detained at indefinitely.
OK Marine, I'll bite. Where in the Patriot Act do I find the above cited description of American citizens and a suspension of the 4th, 5th and 8th Amendments and Article I, Section 9, Clause 2 (Habeas Corpus) of the Constitution?

From 09-13 I was in the Marines
So this is how the Marines taught you to write a date, yes?
