I am from the year 2522

Poster: Kye

Subject: Re: can't always be like it was before becuase it

Dude, find help

no everyone need help not creedo299x9 I don't see problem for him. :D

Hi Warrior:

no everyone need help not creedo299x9 I don't see problem for him.
I guess that would imply that you speak Creedo. In that case, can we rely on you to translate his messages into normal English?And now, I will await your say-nothing retort of "If you don't understand what he is writing, then you are just not intelligent enough to be helped." Or some nonsense like that.


couldn't this old age lead to a danger of global overpopulation?

has humanity tapped into possibilities of the human mind, psychokinesis, ESP, even levitation?

couldn't matter transport lead to problems much like the senario in the movie The Fly?

i still don't think I believe you. But it's better than a movie and qwicker than a book (those things full of paper and words)

Light speed travel is achieved by a complicated "mixing" of water, hydrogen, francium and lunarium (lunarium hasn't been discovered yet). If one thing goes wrong in the process then the whole ship could be blown to pieces.

Why do you think that I am a hoax? do you have so little confidence in the human race that you think we still will be primitive in hundreds of years?

creedo299-what are you talking about?

The old age did lead to global overpopulation. When I come from there are 68 billion people on my planet but there are more humans living on the moon after we terraformed it. We have also terraformed mars and there are people living there too.

People at the theoretical labs are studying ESP but only a few people claim to have it.

I have never seen the movie The fly.

no everyone need help not creedo299x9 I don't see problem for him.
Creedo speaks like he is one of three things:

1) A person with issues that really need to be addressed.

2) A bot. A (failing) test in artificial intelligence.

3) Someone crying out for whatever attention they can get.

Have you seen the sticky at the top of this forum? The moderator states that the discussion on this board should be kept to the subject of Time Travel. Creedo's posts vary from the slightly off topic to KC and the Sunshine band who, as far as I'm aware, are yet to master the skill of time travel.

Normal people don't speak like that. What he writes makes absolutely no sense - and not because I'm not smart enough to understand, because it's totally random.

Creedo, this post isn't meant as a personal attack on you, sorry if that's how it comes across but you need to work on your communication skills.

I'm going to humour you.

I'm guessing we discover lunarium on the moon when we've established a moon base.

Francium: of the 33 isotopes of Francium the longest lived has a half life of 22 minutes. Surely not a good fuel source for those deep space flights....like I said, think about it before you hoax, I mean write it.

With 68 billion people on your Earth I'm guessing there's lot's of fighting. Nature must be suffering, how many species of plant and animal life have survived. I really don't think Earth is capable of sustaining that many people. It's struggling now at just under 6 billion. Do you realise how big a number 68 billion is?

Everybody has seen the Fly.

*coughhoaxcough* :D

see it from our pov, there are a lot of people who claim to be from the future. all of them are liars. what makes you different? but as I said, this is better than a movie and quicker than a book

well, how many elements do you have from your time.

in The Fly, a man created a machine that teleported matter from point A to point B. he sent himself through, and a fly was cought in the machine as well, the fly got molded into him at a genetic level and he started turning into a human fly. (flies are those little annoying bugs with wings that buzz around dead things, food, stagnant water, ect. not the ones that suck your blood).

so, what's the average lifespan for a human now, before buying that super gene you mentioned earlier.

you do still have movies from your time, right?

OK, here's a question:

Light speed travel is achieved by a complicated "mixing" of water, hydrogen, francium and lunarium (lunarium hasn't been discovered yet).
Interesting. Now please, no falling back on the "I'm just a historian" schtick. You obviously understand enough about this method of travel to answer the following question:Would you mind telling us the atomic number (or atomic weight, either would do) of this new element Lunarium?

If one thing goes wrong in the process then the whole ship could be blown to pieces.
Well, that statement pretty much convinces me you are a hoaxster, and not a very good one at that. What you describe here, in the vernacular of high tech (and high risk) transport vehicles, is known as a "single point failure". Design protocols for hazard analysis, and avoidance through design are quite mature, even here in our "stone age" (compared to when you come from). I would find it unconscionable that we would RELAX such design protocols in the future, as that is not advancement. In any event: Whenever there are critically severe hazards associated with any vehicle intended to transport humans, there is ALWAYS a safety requirement levied on any final design. The requirement is usually worded as "No single point failure shall result in loss of the vehicle or loss of the crew." That requirement drives both large design margins and, more importantly, it drives the need for redundant, self-checking control systems.So if you could, please answer my Lunarium question and try to explain why we would depart from solid safety design practices in the future.
Kind Regards,


Yes we discover lunarium deep inside the moon.

No theres not a lot of fighting because we have cities in the sky too so people tale up less room on the planet.

You aren't very imaginitive are you? in my time we can easily increase the "life span" of an element.

Nature is not suffering, it is doing better than it is now. Most of the amazon jungle is gone but that is gone for housing.

we have 10 more elements than you do.

135 is the average lifespan if you don't use the gene.

we have lots of movies but they hardly get watched because most people use the "life simulator" for entertainment.

I think the atomic weight for lunarium is 288 but I aren't positive.

we still have safety protocols (we have shields around the engines where the reaction takes place) but if the shields go down and we get shot at then we are in trouble

Nature is not suffering, it is doing better than it is now. Most of the amazon jungle is gone but that is gone for housing.
Isn't that a contradiction? Most of the Amazon rainforest is gone but nature is not suffering?
I have a better idea for this discussion. Why don't you tell us everything you can about your future then we will ask questions based on that information? Rather than us guessing at what little information you have already given us. Tell us more about your social structure. Government. Economy.

Since you have accomplished intergalactic travel have you encountered any extraterrestrial life? Intelligent or otherwise.


Main floor retranslation due to threat reduction:

To nature of questions asked.

From the era of the 1960s, to the present two books were either ignored or not understood that were critical.

One was The Greening of America, where principles of biology as opposed to the post industrial revolution, were not understood.

The second and most critical violation not understood, was Alvin Toffelair's book, Future Shock, where the nature of what man would go through, was again not fully understood.

These two text were paramount in understanding what could go wrong with mankind's environment.

The violation in command was ands verbatim as per phone contact, this transgression ,next line

I am in the bushes and I see the gem robots going towards this man.

They stun him and are now taking him back to the sphere ship

They are dragging him and he begins to cry as his legs drag on the ground.

The one gem robot turns to the other and says, (this should not be, he should go joyfully)

>>Protocols computerized in crystal lattus fourier modes analysis, product next line

Output>We've got the wrong man!!Let him go.

Bots return to ship.

Consolidation of thought>>There can be no error in Angelic hierarchy order from extradimensionals to gems and or subhelpers.

The nature of this order transgression, must have been allowed, if the nature of GOD is out of time

Further output, this issue accident reflects back to man not heeding two key critical text

man is not on moon.

Therefore the golden era, would only be used as a guide.

Landings at trout Lake do not constitute a proper e.t. landing, these are supraliminal and do not measure associations within man in the proper needed phase right now.

It is not contradictory because the air is clean and other forests are good. No one hunts anymore.

Well our social structure is just the same as it is now. The rich are rich and the poor are poor. The rich tend to live in the sky cities though.

Our government controls the world. We have president and a council of representatives from each province.

Our currency is the Earth mark and the biggest part of the economy that is growing is the entertainment and holiday industry.

We have encountered extraterrestrial life. There are hundreds of planets that support life but most are primitive. There are only 3 species that have space travel as fast or faster than us within 1 week's travelling distance. With most we have trade agreements.

And now, I will await your say-nothing retort of "If you don't understand what he is writing, then you are just not intelligent enough to be helped." Or some nonsense like that.
Hehe, apparently you're just waiting for hïm to say nothing, which is the other way out for Warrior ;)


To Chronohistorian:

You are either in error, have accidentally taken the wrong timeline back to the past, or are not human.

Your information and opinions, are not correct.

You should extract yourself from this situation, immediately.

>Right to vote myself,edit

rest of copy santized, privacy laws

you've seen what these et's look like, why not draw some for us? you can draw, we aren't expecting Monet here. just use a bitmap or something. Im sure we can find some place to host pictures.