Im Am from the year 2100.


Why do these "time travelers" always mention a certain disaster that corresponds to what is happening now. When Hurricane's Katrina and Rita hit, they started talking about more devastation hurricanes hitting us. Then when that tsunami that hit Thailand, people all of the sudden started talking about a great big tsunami is going to hit here or here. Same thing for other natural disasters that strike. Now it's about the immigration debate. Oh, now the war is going to be about immigration, is it?

What a load of horse crap!! And you say, "ask me anything" but you could only tell us about the years 2010 and on. Why not this year and in a couple of days? Why do you guys come on these boards and start up threads like these. You know you're going to be debunked and make yourselves look stupid. And I can't believe people still believe in John Titor! It's a publicity stunt to raise money for a FREAKING movie!!

Do you have actual proof you're a time traveler?
Re: Please!


Welcome to earth etc...can you tell me more about the civil war?

*sniggers under breath*

No, really - Don't!!

still aint answered my question
what do u plan on making your time machine out of. u must have a massive understanding of how a time machine works which im sure other people on this forum would be happy to discuss with you. however, your talkin out ur arse, so chances are you know nothing about making a time machine

I don't think that this particular "time traveler" has any intention of answering your questions. Here's the quote from the bio in his profile:

I am from the year 2100 All the other info is top secret about how i got here

Its all hush-hush, you know.

Makes one wonder why some future society would even bother to build a time gadget, tell their chrononut to go into the past just yak it up on the Internet if its all so very top secret. Maybe he's a silly Frrranch Ka-Nigget.
Obviously the first thing you would do after being sent back in time at great expense is to play around chatting on the internet !!!
Re: Please!

yeah do you have proof? cuase if you are a real time traveler can you tell me the hit songs from the future so i can "invent" them now or get like junior senior to sing it then get mega rich then give u some cash so u can build your time machine and go back to "your" time line cuase this might be another univerese............the way i see timetravel you cant go back to the orignal time line you go the univerese that the present is your past like in the legend of zelda ocarina of time ending zelda sends link back in time so he can have a childhood so UNIVERSE 1# LINK'S original universe he left and now that universe doesn't have a link UNIVERSE# 2 he goes back in time to when he first met zelda years ago.
Re: Please!


Unfortunately you're posting to a "time traveler" who traveled away 13 months ago. I don't think that you're going to get a response.
Re: Please!

So what??? Am I the only person here that likes the Babylon Five show so much I get to be the first person to point out what show the prop belongs too...?

Babylon Five has awsome...and I must admit I didn't think scarecrow could do scifi but damn,,many more good seasons after him...I miss that show.
Oh, come on

Hello, I will answer your question. We have psyclanders in our computers that are thought activated
I don't have a picture because your internet isn't strong enough to carry it. Psyclanders are super massive black hole generators. Oh, and there's no such thing as a paradox they have proved that theory wrong. So ask me anything.
What do you want to study from our year?
tell me,what will happen in 2012?
what 2100 looks like?
can you time travel everywhere you want?
can we also time travel?