September 2024

m..........only two time size. Well, anyway I was not really thinking that much about Einstein's equation anyway.

What is the price of gasoline then there whenever you are (2024-6 I would have to look back)?

I was just thinking if the Universe was in a space smaller in size then it should be, and the background radiation is part of what happens when a volume is smaller holding something bigger (like the Universe) than it should be (?) Well, I guess that would take another type of experiment if something could be thought of to even begin thinking that. (Expansion of the Universe - trying to make the SpaceTime bigger because of some sort of pressure of being in too small a container type thinky thingy thing.
I've been following this thread for some time, and have a few questions for you. I know they may not seem scientific, or political...but i am totally intrested in how your current world is through means of enjoyment. Me being an Artist, and publisher of comicbooks...

1. Are there still comicbooks in your time, and if so have thier been any significant changes to say HEROES such as Superman...Spiderman etc.

2. Do Artists still use normal drawing tools...or is it mostly digital?

3. Are you aware of a TV show from our Era called LOST...and if so have you ever watched the series..i am sure it would be Vintage stuff for you in your time.

4. How do you relax on your days off?

5. What is the status of Diabetics? Have they found a cure?

We have not been cleared to return with any items. Although no larger units are planned, there are four more units (of the same type) being constructed.

Robots make up a larger majority of the manufacturing industry, but outside of that most jobs are still held by humans.

Nuclear is the primary energy source used, however wind power, solar power and biomass are also widely used. New energies in the form of different types of nuclear reactors have come into use.

I have described a number of advances in technology in previous posts; is there a certain area you wish to discuss?

I do not know what the future holds for me upon my return (as far as additional time traveling). Whether or not I choose to become a candidate for travel again is my decision of course. Returning travelers have not been kept in quarantine, but area required to give a standard debriefing as woudl be expected.

We have had only a single malfunction during a travel attempt. This was prior to the first successful attempt. With the malfunctioning occuring during the attempt (electrical failure), the jump simply did not occur. We are uncertain what the results would be if there was a malfunction when a travel was in progress.

The travel unit is partially self-contained. We do require an outside power source for the initial departure, however this is not required for the return. We have no direct contact with the ITI during a travel, but the unit itself is monitored.

There is plenty we still do not know about time travel. For example, our theories lead us to believe that we are able to travel to the future as well using the same technology we currently hold, however this is disputed by a number of those involved in the ITI. Therefore we are currently working on solidifying our assumptions before we conduct that type of mission.

If I had the ability to travel to any time I would like, I would say that I would like to travel to some point in the future. Perhaps, 2100 for example. I would like to know what the future holds for our world, as I am sure is common with most human beings.

Although the LHC does provide some interesting scientific data, there comes a time when CERN improves upon the original LHC that was constructed decades before. This is when more interesting and groundbreaking discoveries are made.

This forum was chosen because it generally consists of individuals interested in the subject of time travel and gives insight into what the public expects to come from it. It was also the same forum used during the previous (second) mission by that traveler.

L. Grummond

To be honest, I am not sure what the price of gasoline is at the current time. Gasoline is not widely used in the US or other developed countries. My apologies.

L. Grummond

Yes, there are comic books, however that is something I myself do not really follow, so I must apologize for my inability to update you on any possible changes to the characters.

Some artists do use computer tablets in their work, but a majority use their hands to create an original work of art. Nothing is more artistic than that human touch - wouldn't you say?

I do recall Lost. As a matter of fact, I used to watch it myself! Unfortunately I lost interest after the 5th season, but it did remain quite popular throughout its run I believe.

My definition of relaxation is family time.

Unfortunately there is no cure for diabetes, however there are new ways of managing it with "insulin implants".

L. Grummond
Hi L,

This is all very well but what surprises me is that it would seem most travellers (including yourself) appear on these forums for reasons of observation and 'limited interaction' yet none of you seem to ask anyone any questions regarding our time. Surely your mission (in part) is to understand events from your past through the eyes of people who actually lived it?
Why is it that you seem only interested in providing vague information about 'our future' when surely you must be more interseted in 'your past'?

If you do have any questions please ask.

Regards, M_T /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Hello Lyndzee_Grummond,

I have something that I would like to talk to you about, but if possible Id like to do it in private. Will you respond to my private message?

Will there be a pole shift
in our comming future.
Timeline 39 thinks so. So
what do you think? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Really whats is your Agenda, You know, when this timeline change...
and shure it will
maybe you don't find your timeworld home...
and also experiment the Planet X effect...
when you back here...

Remember to discount 1 year in the current get accurated...

Nibiru -Marduk Approaching...

recall 15:

The Ape Ancestral Split was several million years ago. Even if we were not human then (and made into humans from apes like some mutant humans from a UFO's Spacealien Race........whatever ?)

Planet X would have had to be near the Earth because there would have been around at least 2000 orbits of that planet since that time. Include all the orbits as long as the Earth has been around, or even a billion years (which is a very short time for the Solar System perhaps being more than 4.5 billion years old) and you would think that Planet X would have decimated this Planet several times over so far and there would be no life here at all.

Now, get a life!
I need not ask questions because I lived in 2008 and experienced what you are experiencing now.

L. Grummond

If you lived in this time, then is there something you can tell us that will take place within the next few weeks so we can believe you are who you say you are? After all, there are sure to be some memorable moments in the political campaigns that you could tell us about, or just some odd out of the ordinary occurance with someone or something famous. If you had been here a month ago, Sarah Pallin would be a good example. No one could have guessed that one. Surely there will be a controversial ad from a campaign you could tell us about, or how about what happened in the 5th season of 'Lost' although you will be gone by the time it airs.

Are you 28 in 2008? Where is the 'you' from our time? Will you look her up? Can you tell us your maiden name or your husbands name? How old are your children?


Although I did live through 2008, I cannot remember many specific details about the time, as I am sure you cannot rememeber specific details of years past. I have mentioned the 2008 election in a recent post and hope that is what you are looking for. If not, do you have a specific question that I may attempt to answer for you?

Yes, you are correct regarding my age. Technically I am able to contact or visit myself in this time, however that will definitely not happen. I cannot and will not provide personal information such as my maiden name or husband's name. This would provide the ability for either myself, my friends, or my family members to be contacted. In fact, Lyndzee Grummond is not my real name. One of those names is my own, however the other is a name chosen for me to use during my travel in order to protect my identity so that no attempts will be made to contact me or those associated with me in 2008. I am sure you understand why this is the way it must be.

My children are 7 and 9.

L. Grummond
My question is not specific as such, but you mentioned in one of your first posts that you were here for a "clear view of the election." If that is the case, surely you studied up on it before you came and there are some upcoming things you can tell us besides who won. There is, after all, a 50/50 chance that I could say who wins the election and I have not been to the future. Certainly there will be more surprises before the election takes place that you can tell us about before they do.

It's true, we don't remember lots of details from our past, but I would think you would have studied the months you were heading to with particular detail so you would be prepared to compare and process your information with what your history told you. I graduated in the 70's but if I were going to time travel there on a mission I would study dates, times, and people to know to be at Woodstock or whatever events I wanted to see. Dropping in blind would seem like you might miss some opportunities to study things that were important first hand. History books lie, after all, and our memory is "relative" to our situation at the time.

Saying you came for a "clear view" sounds like things might have been muddy at some point. This will be a history making election, after all. Either a black president, or a woman vice president. I would think your memory of it would be pretty good.
How big of a margin does McCain win by?
Does he stay healthy before and after his inauguration?
Does Pallin help or hurt his election?

In fact, Lyndzee Grummond is not my real name. One of those names is my own, however the other is a name chosen for me to use during my travel in order to protect my identity so that no attempts will be made to contact me or those associated with me in 2008. I am sure you understand why this is the way it must be.

Doncha think that someone will be able to figure it out? You're one of two Co-Directors of DARPA in the not-too-distant future in a time travel enabled society. Your consortium has decided to keep the technology to themselves and you've advertised that fact. Considering the nature of the technology the research would have to be going on - well - right now.

There are other countries who would want that technology first - and eventually will have it at some future date. They know who you are when you're the Co-Director. They'd know who you are today. As I said, they very well might want to have the technology first (before the USA, EU and Japan has it) and keep the technology to themselves similar to what you've done to them in your time. DARPA is a military function and the systems they develop are for the military. The other countries would have to assume that the technology is a threat to them forever. And as I also said above, they will eventually have the technology themselves. There's not a single technological advancement that's ever been made that hasn't eventually become available to competing interests.

Can they get any information from the "you" in 2008 if they want to compromise DARPA's efforts in the future? No. Can they compromise your situation in the future by taking aggressive action in 2008? Absolutely. For example, they can kidnap you in 2008 and deliver the ransom message in 2024. They can also take other less intrusive actions that compromise you in the future and gurantee that they obtain the technology first.

And they have "forever" to put this plan into action.

The lesson: There's a reason why secret projects are secret. There's a reason why people entrusted with a nation's secrets are told that they aren't to even hint at what they are involved in. And that's the reason why top administrators who have access to information concerning multiple secret projects, people like Directors and Deputy Directors, don't get involved in field operations. Once they are compromised - as you've been compromised here - all of their information is compromised. Further, to avoid the maverick situation where the Director decides to go off the reservation, there is a chain-of-command in DARPA that is short and ends with the Secretary of Defense who answers directly to the President...not to mention that the Air Force and Army have Colonels assigned to the Director as military liaison and over-site of the military programs.

I'll give you some credit for being a decent writer and crafting an above the rest TT story. But you've made the same mistakes that most of the others make. You don't understand how real information security works or how intelligence/counter-intelligence works. And you look at time travel's implications myopically. Virtually any disclosure that you're a time traveler works against your interests because there's no place to hide once the cat's out of the bag.