Strange Dreams Last Night


Rift Surfer
I had 3 intense REM episodes last night. I woke up in a sweat each time and this morning I have brain zaps and head fog because of it.

Note: These are dreams. I like Trump but am not in love with him so please, no assumptions. I'm married. This will be long.....

Dream One - I worked in a huge company with Trump as boss. He and I started to become close, so people didn't want to sit next to me. I ended up with my own section of the office, so he gave me everything I wanted as well as a big sign with my name and I became important. He held me once and said he loved me. (What?!) Later, I was outside walking past journalists who were really spies and suddenly I was kidnapped (and the dream showed me that Trump was too). I was in a van traveling and I kept writing "911" on the steamed window in the hopes that someone would see it and save me. We eventually stopped and I was trying to figure out how to get out. Lots of stuff happened before I was kidnapped. I was at Don Jr's place for some's all a blur.

Dream Two - My friend in Wisconsin and I were single and young. I flew out there to see her, and she set me up with a guy that turned out to be gay. They did it as a hoax. Lots of weird stuff happened, and I wasn't mad but planned on doing the same thing back to her.

Dream Three - in the Dream, Ren lived in Texas (LOL!!!), and the world as we know it was...gone?...different? And I was trying to find a way to make it to Texas. I vaguely remember internet messages and having to hide from neighbors and other strangeness. (The more I am awake, the more I forget).

Every dream was intense even though they don't seem so bad typed out. And now I have a dream hangover.

Cause? Hormones and/or all the cough remedies I took at once last night - DM, Zarbee's, cough spray, and Vicks vapo rub. All of which didn't even work.

(I'm up all night coughing 3-4 times a night due to allergies).

Man, I feel weird. I hate brain zaps.

For dreams being notoriously hard to explain to someone else, you did pretty good! Did they seem nightmarish at all, or just intense dreams?

I've had dreams where the world is just "different" but I couldn't explain why either.

For dreams being notoriously hard to explain to someone else, you did pretty good! Did they seem nightmarish at all, or just intense dreams?

I've had dreams where the world is just "different" but I couldn't explain why either.
They were intense during the dreams. The Trump one was so busy and so bizarre.

I found this point insightful - "The discontinuities of dreaming — when things happen that do not correspond to normal waking life — can signal the emergence of metaphorical insights." Maybe I'll pay more attention to the fantastic in my dreams. They're all usually weird!

To the last point of the article:
