FTL and time travel


Temporal Novice
Having read a number of papers on general and special relativity I still dont understand why some imply that faster than light speed, if it were achieved, would allow to travel back in time.

Surely whatever your speed going from point A to point B you still need to "spend" some amount of time to get there. For example to travel 3 Million Kilometers , light "spends" 10 of our seconds. "Something" travelling at 10 times the speed of light would cover the same distance in 1 second... but that still does not allow "it" to travel back in time, does it ?

Any comments ?
Time travel is more of a closed loop system. imagine going 10 times the speed of light but only for a nanosecond forward. Then only for a nanosecond in reverse. You probably wouldn't look like you went anywhere at all but every molecule of your body would be vibrating at a tremendous speed.

Perhaps we can catch rips in the fabric of space time and move through time that way. Perhaps there are multiple timelines and this is what allows us to move backwards in time. All I know is speed alone will not allow you to travel into the past.