I am from the year 2522

"1.Who's going to be our next president? Bush or Kerry"

I haven't got a clue. that part is lost.

"2.You said traveling forward to the future is impossible. If so, how is it possible for you to go back (from our present to the future)"

I am going to be teleported back by people in the future.

"firstly you said that you weren't able to purchase anything (re:computer) in this timeline yet you mentoined earlier that 'the doctor' buys newspapers which you then send to the future"

yes I don't understand that myself. I think they are letting us because it is relevant to the mission.

"secondly , why are you wasting years or time and your governments money here? why don't you buy a copy of 'the history of the world in the 20th century' style book and send it into the future"

I am looking for information from this time (2004). the books of this time are biased.

" then you would be able to see your family , and the trip would take 1 week instead of 8 years"

seen as how I am leaving soon I will be seeing my family.

"what is with your signature , seems very ironic "You should only get one chance at your time and no chance at someone elses time" , hardly a time travellers motto"

it is not mine. chansy smith who was the leader of the time guards made it. it was during a speech that he made

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Als antwoord op:</font><hr />

"1.Who's going to be our next president? Bush or Kerry"

I haven't got a clue. that part is lost.

Who will be the first president on the point where your historyrecords are good?

answer my question chrono...k look im only 15 and i dont know alot about science either, but if this theory was discoverd it would be like e=mc2, everyone knows that so it should be a famous theory and so was the guy who figured it out. it would change everything pretty much.

well u havent heard of a Grand Unified Theory or a Theory of Everything, so that means it hasnt been discovered in the future? does anyone know what im talking about here?

I have a couple of questions for you,

1-You said Arabic is the most spoken language in your time, so this means the Arabs going to rule a big part of the world. How did that happen?

2-what do you guys think about the Pyramids in your time? any new discoveries?

Thank you,

"so this means the Arabs going to rule a big part of the world. How did that happen"

there is only 1 government so you can't say they rule a big part of the world. they either rule all of it or none of it.

arabs have the biggest population in the world.

"what do you guys think about the Pyramids in your time? any new discoveries"

already answered this a couple of times. an alien race called the transam built 3 of them to deflect or destroy asteroids that could destroy earth.

the transam are now dead

and so you can travel into the future...

because past and future are relative terms which exist only in the eyes/mind of the beholder. (that is: you). Happy hunting;

