I am from the year 2522

Why do you use the internet? When did you learn how to use the internet. The internet can not possibly have any relavant significance to what it does or does not have in your time. I doubt you had even seen a keyboard in your time. How do you understand our concept of email, hypertext transfer, and why do you have a type of written communication that is so similar to us if you are hundreds of years advanced from us. I could understand John Titor as he is only 30 years from our time. But you claiming to be hundreds of years ahead of us can not possibly communicate in such a similar way to the way I do.

When you come back in time through your matter transportation system, how do you coordinate ending up where you do. The earth cannot possibly be in the same place of space it is where you exist. What are your 3-coordinates (X,Y,Z) before you leave? What difference do you have to measure to make sure you end up where you do. For instance. Tempe, Arizona could be (if existant in 2395) at (20,10,20) in your time and maybe (30,500,60) in ours. How do you compensate? Or does your transfer gadget have no calculations necesary and you end up in the same coordinates on Earth, not space.

For instance, everyone on Earth is in Space but not everyone in Space is on Earth.

And why have you only made yourself exist on the internet? Have you left postings in physical places, or just on a popular message board?

"Why do you use the internet"

there are lots of news sites.

"When did you learn how to use the internet"

Brick came and showed the class.

"why do you have a type of written communication that is so similar to us if you are hundreds of years advanced from us"

I have already answered this. your language was downloaded into my brain.

"When you come back in time through your matter transportation system, how do you coordinate ending up where you do. The earth cannot possibly be in the same place of space it is where you exist. What are your 3-coordinates (X,Y,Z) before you leave"

I don't know. I am not the one who teleported me here.

"And why have you only made yourself exist on the internet? Have you left postings in physical places, or just on a popular message board"

I have only come here

Let's hope your next made-up character brings news of 'Brick' - hopefully that his pretty head was atomised by a lizard man! Bets that your new incarnation is EXACTLY the same as 'Brick' and 'Kevin' that you've pretended to be so far?

I'm sure that the MOP will agree with me, when the question is asked for validities stance, what would any of the Chronohistroians look like, while play golf naked in India?

I'm sure that the MOP will agree with me, when the question is asked for validities stance, what would any of the Chronohistroians look like, while playing golf naked in India?

Hi all.

I am the replacement for that other guy. I am also the cousin of Brick. My name is James.

I am sure you want to know what happened to Brick.

Just 1 week after he was drafted he was taken prisoner by the skaarans.

He was doing routine patrols in the scout fighter that he was told to do because there was quite a large battle in that sector just a couple of days before that to get a planet that they took from us. Both sides took heavy casualties. Brick was told to scout to see if there was anymore skaarans left in the area or if there was any earth survivors who were still in escape pods.

The two skaaran ships were between the two moons which is why sensors couldn't detect them.

They ordered him to surrender but he tried to make a dash for earth protected systems while firing on the two vessels but his engines were destroyed and he only did light damage to the enemy.

Brick called for assistance but it was too late. The nearest assistance was 30 minutes away and they were in a battle. The skaarans took his shielding down. Brick fired the Blackbox recorder into earth controlled areas and was teleported off the ship before they destroyed it.

There is good and more bad news though.

Skaarans have allied with a race called Miflank. We do not know what they look like but we have seen their ships.

Also our intelligence found that the skaarans wanted universal domination and was prepared to attack others after earth which brought the lizarans into the conflict 3 days ago.

Estimated casualties so far:


4 million service men KIA

700,000 service men seriously injured and currently recovering

400,000 service men MIA

3 Colonies taken by skaaran alliance

1 colony destroyed

17 battleships destroyed

2 battleships surrendered and taken

3 battleships crippled. 1 hospital ship crippled


10,000 servicemen KIA

2000 service men seriously injured and currently recovering

30,000 service men MIA

1 battleship destroyed

2 battleships surrendered and taken

1 battleship crippled


Unknown number KIA and seriously injured

800,000 taken prisoner

5 colonies taken

10 battleships destroyed

5 battleships surrendered


Unknown number KIA and seriously injured

0 taken prisoner

27 battleships destroyed

Hmmm, more care taken typing this time, equally appalling imagination - 'Miflank'? God's death and you go on about me having an invented future language and vague accusations of 'trying too hard' and whats with this namsat 'cake' signature?

Oh yes - 'James' the cousin of 'Brick' - shouldn't you be called 'breezeblock' or 'cement' in keeping with the primitive building tools that people from 'your future' are named after? I say 'your future' in the broad sweeping term implied by 'that of a 12 year old named Bobby inventing stuff on the internet'.

If only Brick was a real person I fervently wish he'd been atomised by the Lizard Men of Planet Dullsville in your imaginary future war, Jim.

Chronohistorian, hi.

I have a question please.

You know that the current president of Egypt right now is Mohamed Hosny Moubarak.

so i would like to who will be the next president after Moubarak and when will be elected as a president?

thank u.


creedo299-Its not a battle. Its a war. We are hoping the zkanam will also help us because we haven't been able to get to the trading post in andromeda and the zkanam have been attempting to trade with us at earth but about 80-85% of their trade ships are attacked making them retreat back to zkanam controlled areas or get destroyed. The zkanam are getting angry about this and have ordered them to stop. The skaaran alliance thinks anyone who helps us should be destroyed because they are assisting the enemy. You can't blame the skaaran alliance for doing that though. Afterall they are selling us weapons.

Hadeka-I can't remember but I know I learned something about egypt and the name Hawass sounds important to me.

This web site is a mixture of certain items, some fact, some theory, some fiction.

When a woman wants to have sexual relations with a man of your time, do they ask?

Also is there a quality mating assurance board, that these people have to go through?

Yes women and men generally just come out and ask about that but there is a law saying you can't ask infront of a child that is younger than 10.

There is no quality mating assurance board.
