

Rift Surfer
Revelations in the Christian Bible were full of cryptic prophecies, but a few stand out.


And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:


And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.


Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

I may be grasping as straws, but the shot in the right arm could match. I know by experience (and we all have the ability) that psychic images in our heads aren't crystal clear. Besides, the Covid tyranny isn't even done, yet. Who knows if they will come up with a chip to put in our heads, or a bar code.

NOTE: The anti-christ has not been revealed.

Then, there are the 7 seals. We had peace during the Trump era.

"The Seven Seals, the Seven Trumpets, and the Seven Vials

One of the most distinguishing end time revelations that has been revealed to us through the Book of Revelation is that many different events will be occurring over a relatively short period of time. The Seven Seals described in Revelation is the longest story of the end times – a series of disastrous events occurring with major impact on the world stage. The text also helps to understand when the opening of the seals will happen in our time, with the Great Tribulation happening between the opening of the sixth and seventh seals.

The Seven Trumpets are sounded well into when the seals have been opened – but what many people do not realize is that five of the seven trumpets have already sounded. This is one of the biggest signs that the end time is upon us, especially with the Sixth Trumpet War (Revelation 9:13-21) that will soon take place in the Middle East where there is currently so much turmoil.

The Seven Vials take place over the shortest period of time, and cover a series of specific disasters that will befall the world. The opening of the seventh vial coincides with the breaking of the sixth seal and the sounding of the seventh trumpet – the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Revelation 11:15).

The Final Seven Years​

The end time revelations have one more crucial part that explains what the signs of the end times are, including when they will take place. The Final Seven Years will begin with a time of relative calm – three and a half years when we will see an interim of peace in the Middle East over the Temple Mount by the people of Israel and Palestine.

However, during the second half of this 84-month time period, Revelation explains that things will quickly get worse. The Antichrist will take his place as the leader of the world, ushering in the Great Tribulation (Revelation 12:12) and many of the disasters referenced by the Seven Seals. We are also given a warning about the Mark of the Beast and the Antichrist’s ploy in creating allegiance to a one-world government."


We had peace during the Trump era.
By that I'm assuming you mean when Trump was still recognized by the media as the President of the United States.

Right now, I think there's a dual presidency (as by the way was referenced in sources coming well before the current era). I don't believe Joe Biden has complete presidential power; he is merely the president of the dissolved corporation of the U.S., while Donald Trump is the president of the restored republic of the U.S.

Having said that, the Trump era is not completely finished yet.

By that I'm assuming you mean when Trump was still recognized by the media as the President of the United States.

Right now, I think there's a dual presidency (as by the way was referenced in sources coming well before the current era). I don't believe Joe Biden has complete presidential power; he is merely the president of the dissolved corporation of the U.S., while Donald Trump is the president of the restored republic of the U.S.

Having said that, the Trump era is not completely finished yet.
Yes, but right now I believe Obama and Hillary have a huge say in what is going on with this Biden presidency. Whenever I say "Biden", I'm including his whole entourage.

You do have a point. If Trump becomes president again, his era isn't over. We had peace when Trump was President.

Yes, but right now I believe Obama and Hillary have a huge say in what is going on with this Biden presidency. Whenever I say "Biden", I'm including his whole entourage.

You do have a point. If Trump becomes president again, his era isn't over. We had peace when Trump was President.
I don't think you get the point I'm trying to make. I'm saying that there's a dual presidency right now. Yes, Obama and Hillary do have a huge say within the Biden administration, but none of these three have supreme power over the U.S. military. The military still recognizes Trump as the Commander in Chief, so while Biden, etc. are in charge of some things, they're not in charge of every presidential power. We patriots still recognize Trump as President, and assuming you're a patriot, you should too.

True! There was a common belief that Nero would return to rule and/ or as the antichrist. I understand, though, that a futurist interpretation of Revelations would lead one to look for other explanations!
There was a theory I read that mentioned this... Something about we're living in post-tribulation times already. I can't find it just now (of course), but if that jogs your memory I'd be interested in hearing what you (and everyone else) thinks about it.

I'm new here, hence the late comment. I wanted to recount a dream I had in late 2019, just a bit before Covid became a thing.

In my dream, I was in a tram, travelling down the busiest street in my city. The tram was full of people though few were standing. I was one of those few standing. In the section of the tram just in front of where I was standing, there was a large frog the size of a middle sized dog. It walked from in front of its owner toward me, turned to face the direction it came, stood up slightly on its haunches, made the sign of the horn with both "hands" while simultaneously shooting a kind of long brown "hair" from its skin, which covered everyone in the tram except me. After perhaps ten seconds of this, the "hairs" withdrew back into the skin of the toad and it walked calmly back to where it came. As it passed me, it looked at me out of the corner of its eye and said "Not you" and resumed its way back to sit at the feet of its owner.

I never caught Covid. I wore masks out of "consideration" for others (I think we all know they are worthless) but never took any other precautions whatsoever all those years. My daughter, who is works in a public-facing job, never caught it either. We were also never vaccinated. The rest of our family all had at least two shots and all got sick each time.

In Revelation 16:13, it speaks of frogs. "And I saw, coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs." In Revelations 16:14, it says "For they are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty."
@Torus - That's a very interesting story! I'm not sure what your dream has to do with Covid or the Bible, though that dream did sound weird. Indeed, most dreams are weird.

And I've got to tell you, it's great to hear that you and your daughter never got vaccinated! I caught Covid once (from who knows where), as did my mom and dad, but I'm proud to say that my dad and I never got vaccinated either! My mom did get vaccinated before she did her own research on Covid vaccines, but she certainly didn't get sick from her jab. In fact, we think my mom got a placebo effect.

I believe all of us here are interested in hearing more paranormal stories from individuals like you. I know I am! :)
@Classicalfan626 - Do you not see it? It was a large frog/toad kind of creature. It shot those hairs over everyone just prior to the Covid outbreak, the dream having taken place before there was any real idea of what was coming. Not me, meaning I personally wouldn't catch it. I didn't know what this was even about then but the pandemic came on really quickly after that.

I had another dream at some point in early-/mid-2020 where I was in some subterranean train station. There was a group of middle-aged Asian women (I'm not terribly good at identifying their nationality by sight but their mannerisms were Japanese) standing in a group. A young half-Asian, half-Caucasian man in a pale blue military uniform walked up to them and asked them to look at a magazine he was holding. As they looked, the words started disappearing from the page. The article was about Covid. What does that mean? Maybe let's consider how they have changed the story with everything about Covid from the outset and they're still doing that today. Remember when a vaccine was to prevent both infection and spreading of a contagion? That definition has been resumed now, as I see, but it had been amended during the pandemic to include changing dna to prevent infection. Now that it's clear that's not what the Covid vaccines did, they've eliminated that from the definition.

Edit to add that I am not a Bible thumper. I don't know the Bible nor do I belong to a church or adhere to any religion. I just want to make that clear. I found out about the frog thing when I searched for some sort of dream interpretation because that was such a strange dream that has stayed with me just as crystal clear today as when I was actively dreaming it.
@Classicalfan626 - Do you not see it? It was a large frog/toad kind of creature. It shot those hairs over everyone just prior to the Covid outbreak, the dream having taken place before there was any real idea of what was coming. Not me, meaning I personally wouldn't catch it. I didn't know what this was even about then but the pandemic came on really quickly after that.
Ohh, I'm sorry I missed that! I didn't make the connection between the frog/toad and the hairs, so that's my bad!

But I get it now. The frog/toad symbolizes Covid; the hairs it shot out to everyone else in the dream besides you symbolizes Covid spreading to many other people; and the fact that you didn't get the hair in the dream is symbolic of the fact that you didn't catch Covid! Thank you for pointing that out to me! :)
@Classicalfan626 - I mean, that's the way I read it. I don't know what else it can mean since the dream happened just weeks before Covid burst onto the scene. Where I live, the lockdown started on March 19th, 2020. In all these years, I haven't caught it, just like the frog creature said. I must say, I don't have many creature-types in my dreams. This is one is the first, if memory serves.

Naturally, this was personal to me, not for world-wide consumption. But I wonder if I was the only one to have such a dream beforehand. I would imagine not.

We're having another outbreak here presently, along with two other viruses. All three are respiratory. It will be interesting to see if my daughter and I remain well during this one, too. The authorities here have said that this version is significantly different from the previous ones.
We're having another outbreak here presently, along with two other viruses. All three are respiratory. It will be interesting to see if my daughter and I remain well during this one, too. The authorities here have said that this version is significantly different from the previous ones.
If these viruses are not semi-hoaxes, I hope they don't go global!

As a side note, I think Covid was a semi-hoax, as I hear it was never proven to be merely a virus. I think Covid was a bio-weapon.
@Classicalfan626 - We've always known that this was man-made. There's nothing unintentional about it. When I was a kid, I read all the sci-fi, all the dystopian novels, along with so very much more but those were my favorites. They're like user manuals for what's going on today. I also feel like this is the passage to the world we really want; it's a trial by fire. We need to eliminate all the corruption and unfairness one act at a time so that we really understand the evil and ensure that we aren't duped again.

At least that's what I hope is happening. It wouldn't be the first time I was wrong though. heh
We need to eliminate all the corruption and unfairness one act at a time so that we really understand the evil and ensure that we aren't duped again.
Yeah, I believe that's what Donald Trump, the U.S. military, and the other predominantly good militaries of the world are trying to do. It's no secret to me and my parents that all the evil of the world is rooted in the cabal, or Deep State, run by families such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and ultimately, the reptilians, an evil ET (or alien) race; and that it's up to the good people of the world to rid their planet of a vast majority of the evil. I think it would be virtually impossible to get rid of literally all the evil.

P.S.: I believe all the militaries of the world are divided between good and evil. The actual percentages are unknown to myself and most other people, though I strongly believe that the U.S. military is very predominantly good.
@Classicalfan626 - Having grown up in the US military and having worked in defence diplomacy for another country's department of defence, I can tell you that there is no benevolent military, bar none. The myth that there was peace under Trump is a well-established truth. There was no such peace. Also, is it not true that one of the markers of the antichrist is that he's supposed to broker peace in the Middle East?
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@Classicalfan626 - Having grown up in the US military and having worked in defence diplomacy for another country's department of defence, I can tell you that there is no benevolent military, bar none.
If all the militaries of the world were predominantly evil, how come there hasn't been a nuclear Armageddon yet? If there is no predominantly good military in the world, I think something like that would've happened already. If not a nuclear Armageddon destroying life on the entire planet, I'm pretty sure at least all the good people of the world would've been already wiped out. What would be to stop the forces of evil from doing any of this if there were literally zero benevolent militaries, or not enough good in the world?

The myth that there was peace under Trump is a well-established truth.
I don't think that should be taken 100% literally. Of course there has never truly been peace on Earth, especially in recent times.

No offense, but I'm curious as to where you get your information from. Sources please?
@Classicalfan626 - I'm curious as to whether you're under the impression that presidents or leaders of nations overall just do as they please. Is that really what you think? They have to play ball with all the other big kid leaders on the international playground. This is how Putin was goaded into war with Ukraine by the US, primarily, but the UK as well, among others. He was shunned at their big kid meeting and the press did the rest of the work. No single leader calls the shots on the world stage.

Trump did not behave in a responsible manner when he pulled troops from Afghanistan and Iraq. He left those countries with no infrastructure. In particular Iraq, where the infrastructure was destroyed by the US, UK, and France above all others.

But this doesn't mean that the US had no troops abroad. Even when Trump was no longer president, there were still several thousand troops in Afghanistan.

Any war in the Middle East is almost assuredly bearing US fingerprints, whether there are larger numbers of troops or just instigators wreaking havoc, the US is never at rest and always getting up to no good out in the world.

Where do you read your news, if I may ask? Have you ever worked in government or the military? Most of all, do you believe that the military is out there protecting US interests? If so, what are those interests, in your view?