Haber brothers created John Titor?


Temporal Novice
They seem pretty suspicious, an investigator named Mike Lynch who investigated this situation believes that Larry Haber and John Rick Haber created the John Titor character. John Rick Haber is a computers expert and Larry Haber is the attorney and general manager.

Larry Haber has said that his son much like Titor went to a university in Florida. Haber also said his son is a computer geek and spends alot of time on the net.

So theres three other possibilities aside from Titor actually being a time traveler and thats either these two brothers created him, Larrys son created him, or all 3 of them were in on it for financial purposes which they obviously would have succeeded in because the book is certainly selling.

The son, Brandon, is a bit more than a computer geek. I think that he graduates this year. During his undergrad studies he's been a department assistant in the CS/EE department. He's also had a stint as an intern with NASA. I've occassional email contacts with him over the years and he's denied any involvement with the Titor Saga. He was only 12-13 yrs old when Titor first posted here and was 9-10 yrs old when Titor sent the faxes to Art Bell in 1998. He's also said that his father hasn't divilged any particulars to him about his client (Momma "Kay Titor") citing attorney-client privilege. Brandon has also said that he isn't unconvinced that Larry might be Titor.

Other than Brother John, consider cousin Dr. Carl Haber, Senior Research Scientist (Physicist), at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories (LBNL). He's done some time at Stanford's SLAC collider - something that Titor mentioned (his friends at SLAC quipping that a Volkswagon could pop out of the reactions). He could be the physics source, though I doubt that he would have knowingly played an active part in the hoax.

I emailed Carl once asking him about the Titor Saga. When I didn't get a reply I let it drop. I thought better of sending emails to a scientist at LBNL about a kookie Internet time travel/domestic terrorist story. Having DHLS knocking on my door over Titor wasn't something that I thought was in my best interest.

Titor was a bit of a tough nut to crack. He set the standard for evasive answers from would-be TT's. But he was a bit of an egotist. I was able to use that once to elicit some information. I posted that he was probably a college drop-out who "didn't play well with others", couldn't hold down a job and his parents probably had no more than high school educations. It was somewhat successful. He answered that they all have college educations. To that extent it fits the Haber family (though it fits a lot of families).

It is what it is: not much. But you take what you can get in an interrogation of an anonymous personality on the Internet who has no particular reason to respond at all.