Contacted by a DoD Agent about a future event ?!

Re: Contacted by an Agent about a future event ?!

"Just once? My friend, strangers walk in here, tell a sci-fi story and leave just as abruptly about twice a month."

lemme edit that a bit :D

My friend, strangers walk in here, tell a sci-fi story, "get busted by us,"and leave just as abruptly about twice a month


Hello TTI,

You may call me, "Matt". I'm 18 from Saskatchewan, Canada. I've been contacted by a United States Department of Defense and Wright Patterson Airforce Base Agent. I've confirmed his identity, however his almost science-fiction story is hard to believe. He warns me about having contact with a woman named, "Ellen Blair" originally from the year 2036. That she is a part of a special operations unit. He talks about C204 with the equipment her and her team uses. He says I'm a key to an important event in the future. That I'll understand why I am to back away from this woman when the time comes. I do not know anything about this individual nor have I met her yet. I neither know about this agent who contacted me. This happened Saturday the 9th, June of 2007.

I hope I'm doing the right thing here,

This got more sense in 2009

Hello TTI,You may call me, "Matt". I'm 18 from Saskatchewan, Canada. I've been contacted by a United States Department of Defense and Wright Patterson Airforce Base Agent. I've confirmed his identity, however his almost science-fiction story is hard to believe. He warns me about having contact with a woman named, "Ellen Blair" originally from the year 2036. That she is a part of a special operations unit. He talks about C204 with the equipment her and her team uses. He says I'm a key to an important event in the future. That I'll understand why I am to back away from this woman when the time comes. I do not know anything about this individual nor have I met her yet. I neither know about this agent who contacted me. This happened Saturday the 9th, June of 2007.

I hope I'm doing the right thing here,


This got more sense in 2009LOL

Hello! I've returned. I just want to announce that I wasn't an OWETWO. They've predicted my future. Yet certain events I've been advised of haven't yet occurred, but may be pending.

Sincerely Yours,


Hello! I've returned. I just want to announce that I wasn't an OWETWO. They've predicted my future. Yet certain events I've been advised of haven't yet occurred, but may be pending.

Sincerely Yours,

Cubik! Welcome back. What is an OWETWO?

Cubik! Welcome back. What is an OWETWO?

An OETWO is something Darby coined as when a random time travel claimant poster arrives.
The acronym is "once every two weeks or so".
Sorry for the late response; I wonder if you're still around on TTI?
So much has changed.

I've returned and for very important reasons. YES! The event has happened and a multitude of events have occurred since! My last update on March 2022 was 7 months prior to the event(s) transpiring. I can confirm without a shadow of doubt that Agent [redacted] had been telling the truth about a significant event in my early 30's involving "time travel". I'm now the bearer of an immense heap of knowledge to share as a result of being trained to fine-tune my eidetic photographic memory.

Your high-functioning autistic spectrum Aspie (myself) has pulled together an immense puzzle collected of its pieces over the last 17 years since the initial posts and claim to Time Travel Institute, TTI. I'm working on putting it all together in a great effort at my website, and will be sure to provide and share a debriefing right here on TTI.


Cubik // MIBOS
An OETWO is something Darby coined as when a random time travel claimant poster arrives.
The acronym is "once every two weeks or so".
Sorry for the late response; I wonder if you're still around on TTI?
So much has changed.

I've returned and for very important reasons. YES! The event has happened and a multitude of events have occurred since! My last update on March 2022 was 7 months prior to the event(s) transpiring. I can confirm without a shadow of doubt that Agent [redacted] had been telling the truth about a significant event in my early 30's involving "time travel". I'm now the bearer of an immense heap of knowledge to share as a result of being trained to fine-tune my eidetic photographic memory.

Your high-functioning autistic spectrum Aspie (myself) has pulled together an immense puzzle collected of its pieces over the last 17 years since the initial posts and claim to Time Travel Institute, TTI. I'm working on putting it all together in a great effort at my website, and will be sure to provide and share a debriefing right here on TTI.


Cubik // MIBOS

Cubik, welcome back! Sounds like you've been on quite a journey since you first shared your story. The revelations about the "OWETWO" and your recent experiences are fascinating. I'm interested in hearing more about the significant events and your insights into time travel.

Could you elaborate on the training you've undergone and the knowledge you've gained? Also, how does your website,, tie into your experiences? It's down right now, by the way:


Looking forward to your debriefing and any updates you can share with us here on TTI.