Greetings from 2039

The job of those who harass on these web sites, is to block the flow of information off, so as to calm you.
There is plain old "information", and then there is "validated information". It is a big difference. Invalid information causes unnecessary panic based on nothing more than heresay. REF: Sago mine tragedy where INVALID information gave people a false hope.

This is fine and good; however if you should survive to the future and this comenstance does occur, they wont be there to beat a new sort of zombie off of you, as its eating your loved ones, right in front of your eyes.
They would have to get by me, Smith, and Wesson!

In reality Creeds, you preach the same thing I do: Take care of YOURSELF, and don't expect the government to bail you out of everything. Problem is you worry about things that are based on heresay, which have absolutely NO objective evidence to support.

The job of those who harass on these web sites, is to block the flow of information off, so as to calm you.

Am I here to harass? No
To block information? No, In fact, I am a type of information aficionado.
Do I believe that Zombies will run aimlessly around the face of the earth, eating other people? No
Do I believe in Boomer? No
Am I here to discuss politics? No

In agreement with RMT, you cannot base your facts around gossip. Maybe we will have zombies eating other people in 15 years, I am not one to debate the future. Maybe the govt. will help if this is the case. Maybe we should look at this upcoming threat of Avian Flu that is ever present in the world today and see how our govt. reacts?

Due to the wealth of information provided by the internet, any typical browser can access information that is both very true and very false. Ex: Any information regarding Titor would be looked at as false by many people, especially on this forum. Therefore, the information he provided does not have any germane circumstances pertaining to the future. Thus concluding, your zombie idea is very "far fetched" and I pointed out that this idea reminded me of the movie/game, Resident Evil.

The background on Resident Evil was that this corporation (umbrella), fixated with making the perfect human, created a virus called The T-Virus. They injected this virus into sample people and also had it in a laboratory underground. The container holding the T-Virus fell to the ground and broke thus making the security system quaratine the area. To make a long story short, the cp system killed everyone and then they came back to life as zombies (because of the T-Virus in their system). A special force group had to go in and see what happened, yada yada yada, they got trapped and then escaped.

It just seems that you get a lot of your basic ideas from movies and I thought you would enjoy that I found relevance to your idea and Resident Evil. If you took that the wrong way, then I am sorry.

Have a good day!

No' the background for Resident Evil was not based on fiction, it is based on fact.

Look at past issues of FATE Magazine, in where in discussing zombies used in the old south, by plantation owners we have the report, they were real.

In short, a girl was told never to go near the men who seemed to be working with special handlers, at a certain grove on a southern plantation.

The girl disobeyed and walked right into the midst of these men, which she described as without any expressions on their face, and horrid.

Luckily the handler was right there, when the girl walked into their midst.

She was told outright, that if the handler had not been there, she would have been eaten.

There are stages of zombism, from medium to the point, where they cant reverse it.

Im sure, that the reports coming out of the old Russia, about attempts that the Russians tried to make super soldiers from the virus and it went awry, are true.

Nobody is going near this question. As a matter of fact, it making people like Rainman time, very uncomfortable.

The question still stands, in the John Titor monologs, which do have a good recon of what supposed time traveler zero said, what did he mean by the statement, (Don't go more than a mile near a hungry man).

This is before the new zombie hype.

Is this statement by Titror starting to make the underlings for this plan a little nervous, as they picture having to fight off unstoppable zombies, in the distant future?

Will the above ground post nuclear world, have become a very unsafe world?

>The past Titor monologs, warned of New Orleans.
Have you ever met any of the writers of these articles. The competition is fierce, and it is difficult to get a publisher to accept any material. A vast majority of these articles are pure fiction.

The more bizarre the writer can make his story, the better the chances of getting published. And remember, writers get paid by each piece they write. Freelance writers, anyway. Almost every story one reads in many of those type of magazines , are entirely made up, and the stories as written, never happened.

They use free lance writers that get paid to whip a darn good tale. There rarely is any factual material that supports the stories as the truth. The story could be based on a mere rumor or legend, but nothing more.

The only vampires I know of are misguided souls that choose to live that kind of lifestyle. You can rest easy, my friend, there are not any vampires lurking about, unless it is a wack job, that belongs in a straight jacket or jail.

Zombies, well, there are stories of these living dead in Voodoo circles, but that is a result of a chemical mix used by those knowledgeable in the Voodoo Arts, but then most of those stories surrounding these "zombies" are fictional as well.
FATE Magazine, was so worthless, that they got the CIA on-board, as told in a post by the editor.

Yes, I have corresponded with a few of the people in FATE and know for a fact, that both zombies, vampires and werewolves, do exist.
FATE Magazine, was so worthless, that they got the CIA on-board, as told in a post by the editor.

The editor? Not trying to boost sales, eh ? As a publisher I would love to spread the idea that some governmental department was validating the material published.

Yes, I have corresponded with a few of the people in FATE and know for a fact, that both zombies, vampires and werewolves, do exist.

That they exist, maybe so, but not to the extent indicated. As I mentioned, some peolple choose to live as vampires as a lifestyle. Not because an evil entity bit them on the neck. Zombies, only few I have ever heard about are from Voodoo stuff, and even that is not absolutely confirmed nor as wide spread as you imagine.

Any published material that is on the fringe, depends on certain marketing strategies. Would any of the people involved in a magazine that counts on gullable people, deny the supporting facts behind any written material ?

By the way, I think you would be an excellent writer for stories of that type. You are a fascinating writer and I really do enjoy reading your posts. Have you ever submitted any material to a publisher ? There is a writers forum that you may want to check out....

Writers Write Forum
Nobody is going to touch what is being asked in this thread, as it means going to the garden of the future, you must carry a weapon.
Nobody is going to touch what is being asked in this thread, as it means going to the garden of the future, you must carry a weapon

why is that??
First of all, time is not linear. Time only happens sequentially because it has to to retain order. Any one who does travel back in time is only a visitor to that dimensiion of time. You cannot change your history by traveling back in time. Does anyone know what a zero time reference generator is? When you return you return to the exact moment you left as if you never left at all. the exception is if you are careless and are screwing up the "space-time Continum" than things get ugly. These Claims that "John Titor" Changed the future for you and thus creating all sorts of restrictions for you in the future as I gathered are bogus. Time travel is possible it cost approximately 1 billion dollars to build a time machine the size of a suitcase. There is no need for a "vessel"

There is also no tangible time past the year 2012.

Don't lie it discredits people that actually know what there talking about.

Good story though. Make a movie. People will like your story better as a movie.
First of all, time is not linear. Time only happens sequentially because it has to to retain order. Any one who does travel back in time is only a visitor to that dimensiion of time. You cannot change your history by traveling back in time. Does anyone know what a zero time reference generator is? When you return you return to the exact moment you left as if you never left at all. the exception is if you are careless and are screwing up the "space-time Continum" than things get ugly. These Claims that "John Titor" Changed the future for you and thus creating all sorts of restrictions for you in the future as I gathered are bogus. Time travel is possible it cost approximately 1 billion dollars to build a time machine the size of a suitcase. There is no need for a "vessel"

There is also no tangible time past the year 2012.

Don't lie it discredits people that actually know what there talking about.

Good story though. Make a movie. People will like your story better as a movie.

well how do you know if you can't change the History you never build a time travel machine before.
all of this time travel theory is just a theory so there is noting more and just a theroy..

also you can change the past if you know what you write back. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
First of all, time is not linear. Time only happens sequentially because it has to to retain order.

The exception is if you are careless and are screwing up the "space-time Continum" than things get ugly.

Time travel is possible it cost approximately 1 billion dollars to build a time machine the size of a suitcase. There is no need for a "vessel"

If time is not linear then why do you refer to a spacetime "continuum"?

Unless I failed math somewhere, a continuum is an infinite set of all points given by real numbers (though in General Relativity it could also include the set of imaginary numbers). A "continuum" is continuous...linear as it were.

I'm not arguing that one can't, in theory, construct a causal violating gadget, but I'm questioning your logic given your use of specific terms that have well defined meanings.

Why does time "have to" appear to run sequentially in order to maintain order? Cetainly you aren't suggesting that time is self-aware and makes certain decisions in order to maintain "order", are you?

Can you give us a cost estimate for the underlying infrastructures necessary to R&D such a gadget, the payroll to pay for it, the cost of the base research and then the cost of construction of the gadget itself?

Is this 1-billion USD in today's economy or some other economy? One billion dollars sounds a bit low to me (at least in today's dollars). For example, I believe that the F-22 Raptor R&D budget is about 20-billion USD - and it is based on technologies that are already researched and deployed to some degree.
First off, if you note the quotes around the "Space-time Continuum" (I do apologize for the original mis-spelling) I used the phrase in reference to the commonly thought of label for the idea. In any case, A continuum can reach out in any direction as long as it continue to continue, hence its name "Continuum" Base form "Continue". Linear has a dictionary definition of in, of, describing, described by, or related to a straight line. _______________________ is a line. It follows one path and straight along that path without any change in direction. Yes a line is a continuum, but a contimuun is not a line. So do not preach to me about logic.

And second yes, Time is self-aware, and time does "have to" appear to run sequentially. Think about this.

Are you wearing pants?

When did you put the on?

How do you know?

Why would you have pants on if you hadn't already put them on?

You can't just have pants on and put them on later. Then you would be wearing two pairs of pants and wondering where the first pair came from.

Time doesn't quite look like 0>1>2>3>4>5>6>7>8>9.

It's more like.






(Where each # is an instance, an ifinite # of possibilities could happen at the 4th instance, the 4th instance has to happen, but what happens in that instance can differ in an infinite # of ways)
Can you dispute that?

You could think about Doc's explaination to Marty, in the movie Back to the future part 2, about the altered present created by Biff's stealing the time machine.
He explains:

The main timeline (Note: Not My Idea, this is from the movie. I am using it to illustrate my point) is the one they currently live in before there time escapades.
_______________________________Main Time line

After Biff steals the time machine he started a domino effect that created the new altered present.
_______________________________Main/Original Time line
>>>>\________________________Biff's Altered Time line

This explanation points out how time can be changed, but due to the grandfather paradox you would never be place in the new altered time line when you return without very bad outcomes, you would be in a time line where you don't belong and time would be on a constant mission to place you where you belong to restore order. In a time machine you must include a zero time reference generator. This device assures that you return at the exact point and place you left.

any more questions or contradictions?
just answer. If you have already made alterations by interaction, the world you return to won't know it anyway.


I will only answer "YES" or "NO" questions.

fine. will the first woman on mars name start with an "R"
Well my friends, I am sorry for putting you all through the YES/NO deal but it had to be done. Some of your questions were such that I could not answer them. If I had, I would have most certainly destroyed the very future I am preparing to return to.

If anyone was truly concerned, I have not failed my mission and as long as I am able to return to my worldline, then my mission will have been a success. I will miss SOME of the conversations we had, and probably not some others. But nevertheless, it was an amazing experience.

I hope that you have taken what I have said to heart and that you attempt to control what portions of your future you actually have control over.

Keep a close eye on what is happening with the U.N. and Iran. (You will be surprised to find out things about America's Past that Iran had a hand in) Oklahoma we just a precursor to what they can and will attempt with their capabilities. America is STRONG. It is even Stronger in 2039 and I do look forward to returning.

Yes it has been hard for me to see all of the McDonalds restaurants and not be able to have a BIG MAC but my body is accustomed to a more purified organic style of eating now. One bite and I'm history. (Literally)

But over all, it has been MY pleasure conversing with all of you.

I am off to return to 2039. I can't wait to see what has changed just from my involvement here in 2006 as I am now certain that my future will not be the way I remembered it.

May God Bless you all
Xavier Cage

(Long Live Nebraska!!!)

Anyone who comes after 1:30am 4/15/2006 CST claiming to be me is a LIAR
Keep a close eye on what is happening with the U.N. and Iran. (You will be surprised to find out things about America's Past that Iran had a hand in) Oklahoma we just a precursor to what they can and will attempt with their capabilities.
So it appears that "advanced people" like yourself, from our future, love to listen to Coast To Coast AM? Your hoax is so weak, so thin, and so easy to see through that it is silly. Yes, clearly you listened to C2C on THU night and heard Jayna Davis (a person distinctly from the present, not the future) explain her evidence. And now you come on here and post in your silly little hoax thread trying to make us believe that, because you are from the future, you know about this connection. Weak, dude, really weak.

Well my friends, I am sorry for putting you all through the YES/NO deal but it had to be done. Some of your questions were such that I could not answer them.
Well, that's only partially true... you could not answer them because they would further show you for the hoax you are.

Anyone who comes after 1:30am 4/15/2006 CST claiming to be me is a LIAR
No, sir, it is YOU who is the LIAR! And your lie is one of the most evil lies there can be, for you lie in such a way as to try to get people to believe that they do not have COMPLETE control over creating their future. This is why you, and all other hoaxers who attempt to portray themselves as "from the future" with "helpful information", are evil. The TRUTH and GOOD NEWS of our human condition as it relates to Time is that WE are in control...not some idiot claiming to be from our future. NOTHING you have told us will come to pass need EVER come to pass, if we do not Will it to be so.

Consider repenting for your evil ways...lest you find yourself "left behind".

XavierCage is the same person who is TimeTravelActivist.
Check the name at the bottom of his posts.

"Javier C."

thats quite a coincidence I would say.

Xavier you are such a bad liar it makes me sick.
My grandma lies better than you. you don't even cover your
tracks at all.

XavierCage is Javier Cortez

Its sort of blatantly obvious.